Chapter 487
"It's Xiong Qitai!" At this moment, Ma Jing could not be hiding it for others, so he said truthfully: "Xiong Qitai ordered me to do it! I was the eyeliner he sent to Liu Canzheng, and Liu Kong was also ordered by him to drag me into the water .”

"What kind of hatred does Xiong Qitai have against Liu Lian? Do we have to kill him?" Lao Liu said angrily, "Even if Liu Lian has different political views from him, he opposes the Yellow Book and Li Jia, we are just fooling around. Eat, as for killing someone?!"

"Yeah, what about it..." Ma Cheng experienced a stinky lament: "Years ago, although the two were in conflict, it was just a political dispute. Xiong Qitai only asked me to pay attention to reporting Liu Lian's movements and collect him. It’s quite pleasant to eat, drink, whore and gamble outside.”

"Then why did he suddenly want to kill?" Lao Liu asked sullenly.

"It is estimated that from the beginning of the year, Pang Yi, the filing officer of our department, asked Liu Canzheng to meet outside and gave him a burden. Let's start." Ma experienced:
"Liu Canzheng was very careful when meeting him. He only brought Liu Kong with him, but he didn't know that Liu Kong already owed a lot of gambling debts, so he had to sell him to pay off the debt. So, I found out about it soon, and then reported it to Xiong Qitai. After one night, Xiong Qitai summoned me and told me that the thing was very important, and asked me to get it back quickly, or find a way to burn it with fire!"

"However, from that day on, Liu Lian stayed in the study room, and his two guards guarded him day and night. I couldn't find a chance to do anything, and I could only learn a little information through Liu Kong." Ma Jing continued:
"Liu Kong told me that Liu Lian took that thing very seriously. Even he and Liu Meng were not allowed to enter the study. They could only leave the food at the door and let him take it himself."

"Then thirty nights later, when Liu Lian called two guards in, Liu Kong overheard from outside the door. Liu Shenzheng wanted to let the two guards take the thing back to Beijing during the New Year's Day holiday, and hand it over to His Royal Highness the King of Chu." Experienced Ma And said:

"I hurriedly reported to Xiong Qitai. After hearing this, he walked around the hall for a few times, and then ordered the things to be intercepted with a dark face. In order to prevent future troubles, he even planned it himself. And Liu Kong killed Liu Lian."

"He told you to kill you?" Lao Liu asked coldly.

"This man Shunchang perishes, he is ruthless, and the whole family of the villain is in his hands, so I dare not refuse." Ma Jing argued with a bitter face.

"He said he was afraid to kill your whole family? Didn't you know that killing the imperial envoy was to copy the nine clans?" The sixth child wanted to kick him twice, but seeing his face covered in feces, he couldn't do it.

"The villain was lucky and thought that he would not be discovered." Ma Jing quickly explained: "Besides, Liu Shenzheng is not an imperial envoy."

"I said he is what he is!" Lao Liu growled.

"Yes, yes, yes." Ma Jing said in his heart who you are, but of course he didn't dare to say this.Quickly, based on the principle of selling it thoroughly, I took the initiative to confess:
"And then what happened on the first day of the first day of the new year. In addition, Vice Envoy Feng is also a member of Xiong Qitai... In fact, the officials of the third department were all separated from the original provincial yamen, so many of them are Xiong Qitai's subordinates."

"Alright, San Siben's family," Zhu Zhen rubbed his fists and said, "A family should be neat and tidy."

Ma Jing didn't understand what Lao Liu meant, so he didn't dare to ask...

"The last question, what about my two guards? Have they both been murdered by the surname Xiong?" Zhu Zhen asked again in a deep voice.

I understand the dismounting experience, but it's a little strange, what did I call you two guards?Are you the king of Chu?so funny...

He didn't dare to be critical, so he answered honestly: "Xiong Qitai asked his Ganjiang Gang, which specializes in wet work, to intercept and kill the two guards."

Then he said in disbelief: "I heard that more than 200 masters of the Ganjiang Gang were dispatched, and they attacked them on their own boats. As a result, more than 30 of them were hacked to death by those two people, and only one of them was killed.

"The other one was seriously injured and jumped into the river with his burden on his back. Because it was midnight, his body was not found, but he was probably dead. But Xiong Qitai ordered that he must see people alive and corpses when he was dead. At the same time, he had to take the burden get back.

"So the Ganjiang gang, as well as the black and white gangs in Nanchang City, were looking for him, but they found nothing."

"Is there someone who is still alive?" Zhu Zhen had a hint of surprise on his face, this was the first time he had a good look after he came here.

"Your Majesty, don't report any hope. I heard that the man was stabbed several times and shot an arrow in the back. Even if he survived the drowning by chance, such a serious injury will kill him." Ma Jing said:

"In addition, all pharmacies and clinics in Nanchang City have been ordered by the chief secretary. Anyone who comes to buy medicine for sores, or asks a doctor to treat a knife wound, must report to the official as soon as possible... There is no news so far. The person must be dead. .”

Zhu Zhen didn't say anything, but Mr. Luo adjusted his glasses and said coldly to Ma Ji:

"You'd better hope for him to live. If there is no proof for death, our king can only let it go. At that time, all the black and white in Nanchang City will have to be buried with him."

"Great King..." Ma Jing was dumbfounded, he couldn't figure out what kind of mountain king this was, why did he speak so loudly?
Can't help but secretly complain, the last one who said that was Chen Youliang...

Seeing that there was nothing else to ask, Zhu Zhen asked Hu Quan and Luo Guanzhong to interrogate each other again.

Nama's confession was not bad every time he experienced it, so he shouldn't have lied.

He asked someone to send it to Qingshan Lake outside the city... Hu Bo and Deng Duo led two teams of guards, hiding in the small island on the lake, waiting for dispatch at any time.

As for Li Shenyi and Lu Dushi who were affected by Chiyu, they can only go to Qingshan Lake with him to be company first.

On the way back, Zhu Zhen remained silent.

After arriving at the inn, he washed it briefly, then came to the kitchen of the small courtyard, and said to Liu Li who was busy inside:
"Don't be too busy, let me tell you something."

"It's fine for little uncle to say so, I want to watch the pot." Liu Li said a little embarrassedly: "I'm not yet skilled in cooking, so I have to keep staring at the fire."

"Okay." Zhu Zhen sighed softly, "Your father didn't fall into the well drunk."

"I know." Liu Li nodded slightly. "Didn't my little uncle just say that day that someone killed my father?"

"It was just our speculation before, but today I have confirmed it." Zhu Zhen said seriously: "It is because he knew the secrets of those corrupt officials that they colluded with Liu Kong and killed them."

"Liu Kong?" Liu Li was shocked.

"Yes, that's him. As soon as Eldest Brother arrived in Nanchang, someone put a spy around him, and they dragged the people around him into the water with all their might. If it wasn't for the betrayal of the people around him, it would be impossible for Elder Brother to know everything, let alone Killed..."

"..." Liu Li finally couldn't help but lowered his head and began to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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