i'm really only human

Chapter 190 Human's Hope

Chapter 190 Human's Hope


Suddenly, the phone vibrated in the evening wind.

Xia Chuan stopped, and answered the phone while Fujiwara Suiji watched from behind.

"it's me……"

Kagamiru's hoarse voice sounded.

"Are you alone now?"

"What's the matter?" Xia Chuan continued to avoid the crowd, and could vaguely hear the trembling fear in Kaga Milu's voice, which was completely different from the appearance that the director of the Metropolitan Police Department should have.

"There is not much time left. I have to tell you something about the conspiracy of the protozoa... Hehe, the recent investigation has aroused their vigilance.

In the dark room, Kagamilu looked left and right with an old face, and carefully opened the curtains to look downstairs, like a mouse living in the sewer.

"35 years of patience, obedience to them, everything is for the two of you, unexpectedly something went wrong, those bastards took action ahead of time!"

As if talking to himself, Kagamiru's face twisted in pain, almost growling.

"At the end of the day, you are the only one who can save the world. No matter what, I must hand over the future of mankind to you. As long as you go back to 35 years ago and crack the back door of the armor and steel buckets, you can completely save the world!"

After taking a breath, Kaga Miru carefully held the ZECT suitcase tightly in her hand.

"Listen, there is only one chance, meet at Shiba Park tomorrow morning."


After the phone hung up, there were bursts of busy tones, and Xia Chuan couldn't even get in a word.

"save the world……"

It's this set again.

He seems to have collided with the end of the world and salvation.

It's been like this for the last few copies.

Does simply going back 35 years really solve the problem?
He didn't want to come to the third copy again.

There are too many uncontrollable factors, and it is possible to truly destroy this dungeon time and space.

Xia Chuan put away his mobile phone and looked at the meteorite necklace among the people passing by on the road.

Not only his fandom team, but also some of the knights in this world wore necklaces, and more than one.

"Bronze bucket?"

After a short memory, Xia Chuan remembered the man who met the knight from this world opposite.

The vice-captain of Fujiwara's first team participated in the exploration alone this time, and he didn't seem to be very social, and it was the first time he showed up after entering the instance.

These knights...

Xia Chuan frowned darkly.

Before becoming a level 5 knight and being fed back by the knight system, the physique of a knight in this world is not much different from that of ordinary people. Showa knights are different from ordinary people because most of them involve physical transformation.

However, his physique, which was almost weird, absorbed more meteorite energy, and one of the Showa knights had begun to protozoa vaguely, and there was no possibility of reversal.

Xia Chuan roughly scanned the crowd.

In addition to the copper bucket, there are 3 people wearing the meteorite necklace. The two Showa knights are about to become Zergs, and the remaining one is quite normal. It seems to have noticed something, and hastily removed the necklace after discovering the phantom movement .

This group of exploration teams can be said to have lost nearly half of them.

Not to mention the few knights who became protozoa, it seems that two knights died at the hands of the zerg.

One is to enter the dungeon and start being killed, and the other is to be replaced by zerg, which is very likely to be more than auspicious.

If it weren't for the anti-mimetic projectiles, I don't know what the Zerg are doing among the knights in this world.


Walking on the street facing the evening wind, I walked outside the working restaurant again unknowingly.

The restaurant has already proofread, but the female store manager and Kusakabe Xu are still busy.


"Da da!"

"Wait, stop..."

In the middle of the night, footsteps sounded in the port area, and two identical long-haired men ran into the warehouse street in a panic. However, within a few steps, they were stabbed into the back by tentacles, and they collapsed on the ground with stiff expressions. Gray zerg body.


The gray zerg twisted back into Fujiwara Daiichi, stood silently for a while, and turned his gaze to the chaos caused by the zerg detector in the distance.

The strongest Zerg is eliminated, and the other Zerg will not be successful at all. This dungeon has finally reached the final stage.

It's a pity that this purple zerg seems to have been killed once.

Although it helped him in disguise, it also cost him an important opportunity.

If he can absorb and obtain the time-stop ability of last time, he will be completely invincible in this world, even RX is not to be feared.

But how on earth did the purple zerg, which sometimes stops power, lose?

Even he found some flaws through the Haipa insect instrument.


The next day.

After Xia Chuan completely handed over Miying to Fujiwara Saiji, he went to Shiba Park Square to attend the appointment alone.

After waiting for a long time without seeing anyone, I learned unexpected news from the news broadcast on the advertising screen.

"Dear citizens, Kaga Miru, who is in charge of ZECT, has been determined to be a Zerg traitor, and I will take over as the supreme leader next."

Masato Mishima appeared in the camera with a cold face, and behind him was the office that originally belonged to Kaga Miru.

"It won't be long before we can completely wipe out the zerg. Please get the detection necklace in time and continue to assist ZECT. People who don't wear the necklace are likely to be judged as zerg..."

"It seems that something happened."

Xia Chuan turned his eyes away from the news, watched the crowd snapping up the necklaces at the distribution site, and found that there was a team of ant soldiers approaching, so he dodged and left the square.

After 35 years of keeping a low profile, the protozoa finally bared its fangs as the zerg threat eased.

In just a few days, the situation seemed to have become corrupt and unmanageable.

35 years is enough time for protozoa to do too many things.

At least the government has completely become a decoration. After the Zerg information was released, ZECT seemed to rule the world all at once.

"Bang bang bang!"

At the ZECT headquarters, when a car was driving out of the underground garage, it was suddenly attacked by a rain of bullets. The explosion-proof body was covered with pits by special bullets, and finally it rushed a certain distance and rolled over on the side of the road.

"Come out."

Masato Mishima left the ant soldier, walked to the front of the car coldly, and looked down at the old boss who was battered and bleeding.

"Give me the things, and I can consider saving your life."

"You actually made it this far!"

Kaga Miru shivered and got out of the broken car window, staring at Masato Mishima with an ugly expression.

"At the beginning, you were promoted for the future of mankind, but you actually..."

"What's wrong with being a protozoa?" Masato Mishima's phantom of a protozoa appeared all over him, "I'm still me, but I have more protozoa cores than humans!"

"You have been completely corrupted!"

Kagamiri hugged the suitcase tightly, turned around and ran away while cursing in a low voice.

Surprisingly, there was no one chasing him, and Masato Mishima showed even more disdain.

A bad feeling came over me.

"Could it be..."

"Haha," Masato Mishima smiled and looked at Kagamiru who stopped in his tracks, "You don't think you're hiding something deep, do you? I've seen your actions all these years.
In order to unlock the back door of the knight system, prepare a second Hypa insect instrument in private... Your plan has long been exposed! "


Kaga Miru stared at Mishima taking out the remote control, thought of something the next moment, opened the suitcase to check and threw it out in shock.


It was almost at the same time that Kaga Miru fell down with her head in her arms, the suitcase was torn into pieces by the explosion flames amidst the loud noise, and the replica of the hypa worm inside was also exploded and destroyed.

"The last hope..."

Although his ears were filled with the buzzing caused by the explosion, Kaga Miru didn't notice it, as if all his strength had been drained, and he faced the ZECT ant soldiers who had turned into protozoa in despair.

(End of this chapter)

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