Chapter 149
Tiger hunting is no small matter.

The big claws in the northeast are not comparable to the South China tiger and the Bengal tiger in the southwest.

On the land of China, it is undoubtedly the strongest.

Facing such a huge monster and a super ferocious beast, it was hard for Lu Lu to imagine how those people managed to hunt and kill them with a small steel fork. It was even hard for him to imagine such a fatal scene.

The old man took a sip of the wine, took another piece of venison to eat, and then continued: "As the old saying goes, brothers who fight tigers are brothers, and fathers and sons go into battle. This kind of thing can only be between father and son brothers, that's the only way. Only then can we truly work together.”

Listening to this, Lu Lu nodded silently.

He quite agrees with this.

In the process of hunting, there has always been a saying: people unite, horses unite.

This means that they are congenial to each other, have similar personalities, and cooperate with each other tacitly.

In Lu Lu's understanding, it still means that they can work together, and the most important thing is that they can entrust their lives to each other.

That is equivalent to eight people leaning their forks on the ground, and the little claws rushing over, the first thing they have to face is not the sharp steel fork.

It is definitely a very dangerous thing if you can't work together and help each other when you encounter something.

"Old man, you know that when you meet Little Claw, it's probably not a life-and-death fight. The way you said, you will be quite casual. After all, you don't have a gun at hand now, and the methods you use when facing Little Claw will naturally be complicated and tense. At least, use a fork and the like, which are only used when there is a desperate situation.

"The little paw jumped when it saw the fork, the process, according to our statement, was nothing short of fluttering.

Lu Lu knew what I meant, did the old man feel dizzy and confused that Lu Lu was a stalker, he was worried that if Lu Lu encountered that kind of situation one day, he would use that method and harm others.

This requires considerable understanding and trust.

Thinking of those, Lu Lu asked out his doubts.

Lu Lu kept asking, obviously he was determined to do that.

It's even more careless to protect the vitals with your head high, and you only have one life.

But what they were facing was Little Claws. Few of them could maintain this flustered state of mind behind it.

Encountering a small claw attack, in a panic, even if there is no gun in hand, it can only play a role of intimidation.

As he said that, Lu Lu made a toast to the old man, and waited for the old man's words before eating two mouthfuls of food.

Of course, that possibility is ruled out.In case you run out of ammunition and food and have no way out, it is also a way to save your life. You are teaching you, and you are definitely harming you. Even if something happens to you because of that method, you will never Whether he will blame him, whether it is bad intentions or malicious intentions, you don't know, so he will worry and tell you. "

In the face of such a fierce creature as the little claw, it is even more necessary to say that this kind of one leap, one claw and one bite, showing weakness and swift speed everywhere, knowing that a face is not a fatal situation, You have to be extremely cautious, and test your heart and cooperation.

"Ning Guangsheng told you earlier that according to the experience passed down by our elders, when hunting tigers, there should be no eight forks, one main fork, and two guard forks. The center one is the main fork, and the two on the right and left are guard forks. When encountering the little claws, he can remain calm, hold the fork with both hands, touch the ground on the handle of the fork, kneel on one foot, and protect the vitals of the head with his head raised."

On the contrary, the eldest son outside my family, a big guy named Wang Shi'an, started to blame: "Master, it's still his fault, he pauses when he talks, but can he finish in one breath? He hangs like that, is it Gu Ting or Care to eat?"

Things are simple and less changeable, and they can be controlled so easily.

The old man also took a sip, his expression became serious, he thought about the past carefully, and then said: "That's what Ning Guangsheng said before, you were there at the time, but you saw it with your own eyes, and you said you understood, just follow my instructions. Tell him the truth."

The fork handle is on the ground, which can ensure that the steel fork is flat and free from the worst force.

I don't have my own considerations.

For my eldest grandson, the old man loves me very much. He stretched out his hand and pinched my big face, and said with a smile: "As long as he is the eldest son, you have to think about it badly. That kind of thing is far away." It’s been a few years, but I dare to talk nonsense.”

The first time it comes, the claws will be under the fork, staring at him, as if demonstrating to him, but the little claws are testing it, forcing it in with the fork guard.

If you panic and calm down, the inevitable action is right, and mistakes will occur.

When the eighth time comes, the oncoming force is even more fierce. At that time, the fork must be quickly raised on the pier. At the same time, the two forks on the right and left are also put on the pier. The small claws rush forward, and the eight forks can use their own strength. Pierce it directly into its throat and chest and abdomen, and stab it to death. "

Yan Ruo nodded, sat upright, and listened sloppily.

Wang Xiaolong and his wife also returned to their senses, and hurriedly greeted Yan Ruo to eat and drink.

The time of life and death is the most test of people's hearts, but anything can be done.

"How exactly did we do this?" Lu Luren asked urgently.

That kind of practical experience is quite rare. Even if it sounds old-fashioned, it is worth learning from. It is very unlikely that it will save lives at critical moments.

After the old man finished speaking, he said nothing more, and quickly ate the food and drank the big wine.

I haven't held the fork with both hands yet, so the minimum force can be guaranteed.

Facing wild animals is a life-threatening thing. If you don't cooperate well, you will only harm others and yourself.

The seventh time he pounced, the momentum was less ferocious. At that time, he had to use a fork to throw away the little claws immediately to avoid it.

The first is not mentality.

Wuli Leng of Gejiatian, a native of Oroqen, is not the worst explanation.

The old man stared at him eagerly, moving his chopsticks, and hurriedly greeted him: "Don't be dazed, hurry up and eat!"

Maybe there is no such thing as father and son brothers, without the closest blood relationship, can they truly dare to fight for each other without the slightest fear.

The old man explained the process in detail.

That kind of arrangement is very similar to the ancient wars, which are used to defend against horses.

Few people who drive mountains don't have those fears, because one is big-hearted, and if he is dragged down, he will take his life back.

Although it was a few complicated words, in Yan Ruo's ears, there were details everywhere.

Therefore, I speak casually and sloppily.

From a simple action or a simple command, you can clearly know what you should do and how to do it.This is the basis of tacit understanding.

When I said that, I pointed at Yan Ruo with a wine bowl.

When listening to what the old man said, even the couple Wang Xiaolong and Wang Yan's sister and brother heard it without interest, forgot to eat, and looked forward to the old man's further talk.

Not really clever.

Lu Lu was full of praise in his heart, but I also knew that it was a complicated matter to bear such psychological pressure.Moreover, just for defense, the little claw is certainly a bad breakthrough, but the little claw is a dead thing, a living thing that wanders around looking for opportunities, a fierce monster without quite low hunting skills.

Therefore, don't fight with people you don't know and trust.

Even if we are people who have been wandering in the deep mountains all year round, accompanied by wild animals, we still have no way to be confused when we face the little claws, and we will be confused and run away.

Lu Lv was stunned, there were too few things contained in a few short sentences, so he had to absorb them quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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