only god

Chapter 618 6 Holy Servants

Chapter 618 Sixteen Holy Servants
In the dark night, Eden fell to the ground, breathing heavily, unable to recover from the scene not long ago.

The ceremonial circle carved under the feet has dimmed and lost its effectiveness. This promotion ceremony has undoubtedly failed.

Eden tried to stand up from the ground, but his legs were shaking so much that he couldn't stand up. Fear seemed to be holding his throat, preventing him from escaping.

As a priest, he had read a lot of books since he was a child, and he understood the magic of time, but he could never have imagined that the sea of ​​souls would encounter such devastating changes, and the gods of the celestial kingdom had all disappeared. The Kingdom of the Gods also collapsed completely, and the entire starry sky fell under the rule of the beast that devoured the gods.

And just one look, one look from one of the thousands of eyes, almost killed him.

There seemed to be a constant cold wind blowing outside the house, and Eden shivered non-stop.

"I...I can...I can change everything..."

Eden murmured shakily.

The words blurted out, but they were full of fear. Yes, how could he alone, even if he had the stone pendant, change such a terrible future?

That is the beast that devours the gods.

Eden trembled, and he suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. Even the gods were devoured by that terrifying beast, so what could he do? In the final analysis, he was just a mortal.

He kept breathing heavily, and finally stood up from the ground slowly.

Calming his mind, Eden said to himself:
"We can only... we can only take one step at a time."

According to the record of the goblin survivor, the beast prostrates itself at the feet of the King of Kings and obeys his commands. In this case, there must be no shortage of descriptions of it in paganism.

Regardless of whether this future can be changed, he must collect more information.

This is my only advantage.

Eden took a deep breath and silently prayed to God.



Scriptures or books about paganism are banned in this city, and there are very few pagans. Most of them are lay believers who are illiterate. Eden wants to collect more information. If so, we can no longer stay here, but have to go to a pagan city.

Although the idea of ​​going to a pagan city is simple, it is not easy to implement. First of all, you need pagan clothes. Secondly, you are not familiar with the place. Eden does not know which direction the pagan city is. Finally, there is the issue of safety on the road. , it's okay to encounter a small group of bandits, but it's hard to say if you encounter a patrolling army of heretics.

After much thought, Eden decided to go to Father George for help.

He came to the door after noon prayers. He did not enter through the main entrance hall of the church, but through the side door. After informing the monks, Father George went out to greet him.

"You want to go to a pagan city?"

Father George frowned.

Eden nodded.

"Father Eden... why do you want to go to a pagan city? True believers are not welcome there."

After speaking, Father George sighed,
"Did my words yesterday make you think that since we true believers are so cruel, those pagans are completely different from us?

No, no, the pagans will also massacre us. In their cities, the true believers are also oppressed. I often wonder whether we have an undying relationship with them.They are also cruel. For example, in many pagan villages and towns, those pagans charge higher taxes than we do. Many pagan villages and towns are even more willing to submit to the rule of true Christian lords, and even pay taxes for this. Take the initiative to fund the construction of a church.

Not to mention those pagan merchants, because we offer higher prices and cannot be blackmailed in the name of faith, they are always more willing to sell us water or food. "

After hearing this, Eden shook his head and said:
"No, I don't think so.

I just wanted to visit the pagan cities and help the children of the Lord there. "

After hearing this, Father George relaxed his brows and gave up his doubts.
"Since you are doing things for the sake of your sacred conscience, then... I can't just sit idly by. If you need any help, just ask."

This was exactly what Eden wanted, and it was for this reason that he came to see Father George.

The two discussed for about half a day, and finally came to a relatively good result and plan. Father George would help contact a pagan caravan, and Eden would blend into the caravan to enter the pagan city. .

Eden was very satisfied with the result. He thanked Father George and gave him his blessing.


Two days later, Eden was on his way to the pagan city.

With the help of Father George, a pagan caravan accepted Eden, assigned him an identity, and taught him some pagan scriptures and blessings.

Bringing a dull person who is hostile to one's own faith into a pagan city is undoubtedly an evil act of apostasy at the most serious level. At the most minor level, it is also an offense to the faith. However, when faith is related to How many people can flawlessly adhere to their beliefs when faced with interests?Soft bread is close at hand, and happiness after death is far away. Everyone wants to have both, but when the two conflict, far more people choose the former than the latter. These pagan businessmen No exception.

More than half a month later, the caravan crossed the true religion's sphere of influence. With the help and cover of the pagan merchants, Iden successfully blended into the pagan city.

The pagan style of the city in front of him was much stronger than what he had seen before, and correspondingly, there were very few traces of true religion. Eden could only capture the remnants of past faith from the abandoned and dilapidated churches.

Eden didn't come here just for emotion. He quickly put away his thoughts and set his sights on the city's market.

Not long after, a foreigner appeared in the market purchasing scriptures in large quantities.

Purchasing a large amount of scriptures and theology-related books in a short period of time is a very rare thing anywhere. The pagan booksellers in this city were amazed by it, but no one doubted his identity. After all, who To think that a dull priest would be so interested in pagan books.

The pagan booksellers regarded this stranger as a bachelor from another place.

The so-called bachelor is actually a general term, which refers to some clergymen who study theology all year round in unknown seminaries. They often live in solitary circles and are respected by people as wise men or sages.

"Bachelor... did you know? In a few days, that Oranto will come to give a lecture."

A pagan bookseller said diligently.

"That Olanto?"

Eden noticed that the pagan bookseller mentioned the name with a hint of reverence.

It seems that Olanto is not an ordinary person.

"Yes, that's Priest Olanto among the Sixteen Holy Servants."

(End of this chapter)

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