only god

Chapter 615 The sea of ​​souls is broken

Chapter 615 The sea of ​​souls is broken
A chill ran down Eden's spine.

He hoped that what Father George said were lies and that the priest was deceiving himself.

However, Eden could see through Father George's soul that he was not a man who was willing to lie.

Are those really the true believers I know?
Eden trembled slightly.

Before, he saw in that city that true believers gathered together for mass despite persecution, but after changing the future, such a tragedy happened in this city.

"Hard to believe, isn't it?"

Father George said:
“But that’s the fact.

Father Eden, do the true believers you meet, especially the common people, respect you and obey you?Are they humble and honest?

Yes, he is such a person. During the massacre, the group of civilians were more crazy than the knights or nobles. Some knights and nobles would be unbearable and take the initiative to protect the old, weak, women and children, but they were different. Although they were ordinary They always say that they are willing to be poor and that they have accumulated good deeds, but they are the most greedy. They not only steal money, but also kill people, and they also rape women. They are the most cruel to the old, weak, women and children, even if a certain earl takes away his family flag They were given to a group of pagan women and children, but the civilians still did not let them go.

After the massacre was temporarily stopped, there were still many pagans in the city. Did these pagans survive naturally?No, they were asked to choose between conversion and exile.

At that time, I sheltered many heretics in the church and punished some murderers, but...the civilian true believers were too loud. They kept saying "God's will" and even wanted to attack the church with weapons. They are the most pious and least pious people! "

As Father George spoke, he held his head, as if he was stuck in a mire of painful memories and couldn't extricate himself for a long time.

“These people are shouting an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, shouting to avenge the true believers who were persecuted to death, and killing the old, weak, women and children, but they don’t know that God wants people to love each other!
Do they really not know?No, they deliberately ignored that they endorsed themselves with more high-sounding reasons.

At that time, as a priest, I tried my best to dissuade them and warned them about hell and sin, but only a few people listened to my words, and more people fell into the whirlpool of madness. The massacre on the surface was stopped, but privately The looting and rape never stopped, and those noble lords deliberately condoned it all. "

When he said this, Father George let out a deep breath.

Eden looked at Father George, his hands shaking.

For the first time, he doubted what he was doing.

Why did I change the future this time? Isn't it just so that those true believers would not be persecuted?
But now, the true believers are persecuting the heretics. How much blood is being shed in this city behind the bright and beautiful decoration of the true religion.

"Don't they understand the instructions taught by the prophets?"

Eden asked tremblingly.

He felt angry and miserable.

They treat the pagans as the pagans treat them. What is the difference between the true believers and the pagans who denounce them as stupid people? They changed the future and saved one group of people, but allowed another group of people to be massacred. What's the benefit of changing the future by yourself?

Eden frowned. He recalled those expectant eyes during that mass. It was really unimaginable that people with such eyes would commit similar atrocities and crimes.

"Orders? Commandments? These are of no use to them. They will only obey them when there is peace, unless they are afraid. Do you know how the massacre stopped in the end?"

Father George paused and added:
"It was I who joined several priests to go to a duke and asked him to execute all the soldiers who led the massacre. In this way, the massacre finally stopped."


Eden heard it, the utility of fear.

Fear, this innate emotion in the world, seems to be easier to change a person than enlightenment, emotion, the instructions and precepts of the prophets, or even the sacrifice of God.

Eden gasped, and the words that once made him angry flooded into his mind.

["Persecution! Yes, persecution!

These pagans who believe in our King are always persecuting the true believers.

But how could you know?
Didn’t the true believers ever persecute the pagans?
Are there not pagans who are martyrs for their faith in the cities of the true religion? ! ”]

["I tell you, there is no difference between the two!
There were also pagans who were hanged by true believers while shouting slogans such as justice and gods.

There are also pagans who are willing to help true believers, liberate them, and forgive them.

Don't you understand yet?The good among us is equally good, and the despicable among us is equally despicable! 】

Those words came into his mind, and Eden still remembered how much he didn't agree with those words at that time, but now, he couldn't deny that these words were not groundless.

Just as pagans will persecute true believers, true believers will also persecute pagans. No matter what instructions or commandments are stated in the scriptures, people can never restrain their desires.

"Let's stop here. The reason why I tell you so much is, firstly, because not many people can understand me, and secondly, because I think you have never encountered such a thing in Deschanel, the capital of the empire. "

Father George said softly,

"Far away from here, far away from this center of hatred, I know that there, the pagan lecture halls are allowed to exist, and the relationship between the true believers and the group of pagans can be harmonious without talking about faith."

Eden slowly recovered, his heart tightening, and after a while, he thanked:

"Thank you, Father George."

"It's getting late. Do you want to stay here? Or..."

"I want to get to the hotel."

"Well, may you be blessed."

"May you be blessed too."

After saying that, the two stood up. Father George led Eden out of the church through the side door, and finally watched Eden leave.

Eden walked in the direction of the hotel, looking back at the church further and further away from time to time. After all, it had been a whole day, and he had not yet seen the church hall.

However, there is no need to read it, maybe it is no different from my time.

Eden took a deep breath and frowned in the surrounding streets.

Either the pagans massacre the true believers, or the true believers massacre the pagans...

How can I change this future?

"...fear...the utility of fear."

Eden muttered.Of course, he thought about fear, and... the power to bring fear to people.


Eden stroked the teeth of Oronisaurus.

He had rented a room at a local hotel and was wondering what to do next.

All pagan books in this city have been banned, and the few remaining pagans here have also suffered discrimination and persecution. It is really difficult for me to find other pagan scriptures here.

"I can't just sit here. Maybe I have to go to other pagan cities?"

According to the experience of the previous two times, the time I will stay in the future will be extended each time. The first time is less than half a day, the second time is about seven days, and this time, it will never be shorter than seven days, but it should not be shorter. to one month.

This time is enough time for me to go to the pagan city. According to what I learned from Father George, this place is not far from other pagan cities or pagan villages.

"However, now that we have obtained all the most troublesome Oronis dragon teeth, it may be time to conduct a promotion ceremony."

Iden tossed the Oronis dragon tooth in his hand.

Although I still don't know the ancient sayings of the third-level choir, but with so many Oronis dragon teeth, I can try it first to accumulate experience for the upgrade after returning.

Anyway, you will gain if you succeed, and you will not lose if you fail. According to what I know, even if the second-level to third-level promotion ceremony fails, the side effects will not be big.

Eden took out the carving knife and drew a ceremonial circle on the floor. Then he processed all the upgrading materials according to the ritual requirements. He ground the Oronis dragon teeth into powder, mixed it with the clover near the church, and then mixed the Zhizhi. Robin feathers are placed around the ceremonial circle.

Since there is no seawater in the area where narwhals live, Iden took consecrated clean water instead, poured the clean water into the teeth and clover powder, mixed it into a potion, stood in the center of the ceremonial circle, and swallowed it on the spot. Then enter a spiritual state.

Eden knew that the arrangement of this promotion ceremony was very simple and the probability of success was also very low, so he didn't have much hope and just had the attitude of giving it a try.

The soul seemed to be slowly withdrawing from the body, the ritual circle under the feet began to glow with luster, and the limbs became sluggish and numb, as if they no longer belonged to themselves. This was a manifestation of the soul leaving the body.

His consciousness slowly rose, and then he followed the wind of the spiritual world and entered somewhere. For some reason, Eden suddenly felt that the wind of the spiritual world was much more violent than what he had felt before.

Slowly entering an ethereal state, his mind gradually became blank, with nothing in it. When Eden opened his eyes, he was surrounded by the vast stars, and the endless starlight was twinkling. The brilliance was completely different from the past. , they twist, spin, intertwine, and are lifeless.

Eden raised his eyes and looked up, and he found that although the light of those stars was colorful, as the light shone outward, it faded into a strange pale color.

He has never seen this kind of situation before after entering the Celestial Realm many times.

The pale color made him feel a little shuddering, as if it aroused the fear in his life instinct.

The soul kept floating up, and when Eden stood firm somewhere, he immediately looked around.

Immediately afterwards, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

"here is…"

Logically speaking, he should reach the Sea of ​​Souls where fairies gather.

It is a vast sea of ​​clouds floating in the celestial kingdom. Legend has it that it is the place most similar to the Kingdom of Heaven...

The clouds and mist underfoot are broken, not continuous, but tattered, like scattered islands in the sea. A strange putrid smell that does not belong here floats. Half-collapsed fairy buildings, rubble and rubble are all over the ground, burning The ashes of the past are floating, and it seems that this place has been baptized by destruction. There are tiny ink spots floating in the air. If you look closer, it seems to be the remains of goblins one after another.

Eden was stunned by what he saw.

His hands were trembling and he felt horrified. At this moment, he could clearly see the scene of the Sea of ​​Souls. However, in the distant past, no matter which time he entered the Sea of ​​Souls, everything he saw was extremely hazy.

"What... happened here?!"

Eden trembled.

He raised his feet and tried to move forward on the sea of ​​souls.

The sea of ​​broken souls and the sight of coming destruction all gave Eden a huge impact. A large amount of information washed his mind, but he could not find the answers to the doubts and could only keep moving forward.

There was dilapidation everywhere.

The buildings are strangely shaped, and the clouds and mist underfoot are not connected together. Eden is drifting forward here, like a scholar excavating an ancient tomb, looking at the horrifying scene here.

All the objects are messy and floating. I don’t know how many things are lost in the vast universe. The closer you get to the depths, the stronger the putrid smell that penetrates into the soul becomes. In the putrid smell, permeated A hateful smell of rain.

Eden kept moving forward, feeling waves of fear.

"What's going on here..."

The sound of self-talk floated in this vast starry universe, and no one responded to him.

Eden raised his head and saw a tall, half-collapsed building in the center.

"Is that... the goblins' great library?"

Eden has heard some anecdotes. In the Sea of ​​Souls, the goblins have a large library, where most of the knowledge in the world is gathered, whether it is astronomy, geography, or humanities and ethics, which also covers unimaginable topics. The secret place is also one of the places where the Fairy Queen spends most of her time.

He speeded up and headed towards the great library.

When Eden came to the Great Library, he looked around and realized that this Great Library was already the most complete building in the entire Sea of ​​Souls.

A black mark was reflected on the dark door. When Eden took a closer look, he saw that it was not his own shadow, but the remains of a goblin, like ashes that had been burned by fire. It was strange and terrifying.

Eden pushed open the door, and there was a creaking sound, as if the wood was breaking. As soon as he walked in, there was an eerie silence in the entire large library. This silence was not absolute silence, like in extreme darkness. There were piles of worms gnawing at the putrid corpses.

Countless books are floating in the air.

Eden desperately wanted to know what was going on here.

He hurriedly moved deeper into the library.

And in the darkness, right where he had just walked.

There was a pair of strange blue eyes, staring in the direction he left.

(End of this chapter)

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