only god

Chapter 464 The Godfather

Chapter 464 The Godfather
Herris finally came to his senses at this moment, and he looked at Nakbet in disbelief.

"What? What did you say?"

Nakbet repeated again:
"Our father... is going to change the world.

Both things originate from our Father.Apart from changing the world, I can't think of any other possibility. "

Harris frowned,

"But... why would our Father do this?"

Nakbet shook his head,

"I have no idea,
I only know that the gods are panicking, and Laren, the god of dreams, is fanning the flames,

And if our Father wants to change the world, there are more than two simple things. "

Herris took a deep breath and couldn't help muttering:

"Then my dwarves and giants..."

Seeing this, Nakbet expressed relief:

"Don't panic, Herris, you know our father, no matter what he does, he will not harm the mortals on that earth."

Herris came back to his senses, pondered for a moment, and whispered:
"I just worry, is my race ready for change..."

Hearing this, Nakbet smiled bitterly and said:

"No one is really ready,
Just like when the kingdom of heaven came, who is really ready? "

Herris nodded, he felt that Nakbet was right.

"So, what do the gods want to do next?"

After a while, the god of mountains and craftsmen asked.

"Are you afraid that they will do stupid things, just like the Six Gods?"

Nakbet asked back.

Harris didn't deny it, he was just worried.

"Frankly, I don't know, Herris, even if we are gods, our minds are like human hearts, and human hearts are always moved by the wind."

Nakbetter paused, then turned around and said:
"But now, many gods want to stop this.

They hoped that our Father would take back that great power. "



Wildo has been following this order for a long time.

As time went by, the dwarf youth was gradually fully accepted by the order, he was baptized again, and recognized the old believer as his godfather.

Generally speaking, true believers will only be baptized once in a lifetime, but different regions, different races, and different religious groups have different etiquette customs, and the religious group that Wildo belongs to must be baptized three times.

Once at birth or first conviction, once at adulthood or conviction, and the last at death or at a funeral.

And Wildo was baptized for the second time. After being baptized, he had to recognize an old believer in the religious order as the godfather. Most people would recognize someone who was close to him, such as the priest of the religious order, and Wildo In order to steal money, he brazenly recognized the old believer as godfather.

In the entire order, he is the only godson of the old believers.

Over the years that the order has been running around, the true believers of the order have seen that the dwarf kingdom is now slowly ushering in earth-shaking changes.

The steam hydraulic forging machine began to slowly spread to all parts of the country. Whenever the true believers were shocked by the rumbling sound and marveled at the holy relic of Heris, they would never have imagined that Wildo would be the first to discover "Mechanical The Book of People.

The true believers only know the Mushi clan, that originally unknown clan rose up in one day and became the hottest upstart in the royal city.

Whenever he thinks of these things, Wildo is always in pain and full of hatred, but he can't tell anyone. He can only curse the Wood and Stone clan every night before going to bed, hoping that all those people will die suddenly within one night.

But this seems impossible, the Mushi clan enjoys all the glory and wealth now.

During this period of time, the only thing that Virdo deserves to be thankful for is that his relationship with that old believer has finally gotten closer.

This is probably due to the relationship between the godfather and the son.

Although the old believer still seems to be full of defenses against himself, as if he has seen that he has evil intentions, he has become more willing to speak than before. Wildo learned from him the reason why the old believer converted to the true religion.

It turned out that the old believer's wife and children were all true believers, and his son died in an accident decades ago, and his wife was also depressed because of this, and she also passed away not long after.

"The accident... I will never forget the accident,

Because of my negligence, my Beru died just like that. "

The old believer's voice is faint, his eyes are cloudy,
"I took out the charcoal, but forgot it for a while, and dropped it on the ground.
I thought it went out, but unexpectedly it set the whole house on fire.

At first, we all escaped, but my Beru died in there trying to rush in and get back our family's savings. "

The death of a wife and children is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for an old believer who is in his prime.

After the death of his wife and children, the old believer who had a mental breakdown began to wander, became a wanderer, and began to wander around, living a life of stealing and begging. He lived in a daze until he met a priest.

The priest gave him some money, introduced him to this order, and told him to pray piously and live a good life, and then became his godfather.

Since then, the two parted ways and never saw each other again.

The old believer converted to the true religion, on the one hand, because he was worried that he would not see his wife and children after death, and on the other hand, because the priest's kind deeds touched his soul.

"My wife and children are dead,"

The old believer said briefly:

"No one will ever forgive me but God."

From those words, Wildo heard the endless regrets of the old believers.

At first he felt a little sympathy, but after a while, the malice in his heart began to rise.

Why don't I respect him like a son and make up for his regrets, in exchange for his trust, and thus empty the church's money.

This idea, even Wildo himself felt vicious.

But so what?

He is a wanderer.

He was full of hatred in his heart, and even reciting scriptures day and night could not alleviate it.

Wildo hated his biological father, hated his former clan and the Wood and Stone clan, hated his own incompetence, and even hated the whole world.

He seemed to represent all the haters in the world.

As long as there is still a trace of hatred in this world, he will remain vicious forever.

Who made it happen that he encountered such misfortune?

Lord, you really did choose the wrong person!

You really should choose a kind and honest person to bully, arrange endless setbacks for him, let him not complain no matter what, and finally elevate him to the kingdom of heaven to show your kindness.

But you made me suffer and lost my dignity. Don't you know that I can't bear it, and my heart is full of revenge?

In the silent prayer, Wildo vented his anger viciously.

 Almost forgot to update (tears)

(End of this chapter)

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