only god

Chapter 263 The witch in the forest

Chapter 263 The witch in the forest
This was the golden age when the gods walked the earth.

Every inch of land in the world is a place where gods walk.

Soramus left the coastal city-state. Standing in the sunlight that shone on the earth, she looked at the scattered human kingdoms and city-states on the land, and chose her next destination.

Not long after, her eyes fell on a small kingdom situated on a forested plain.

That small country is just a vassal of the big country. While offering loyalty to the monarch of the big country, he also offers all kinds of wealth. The big country abides by the ancient contract made by the ancestors and provides the small country with due protection. And canonize its monarch.

The citizens of this small country lead an orderly life even though they are not rich.

The word "Guotai Minan" is not particularly suitable for this small country, but Solamus can't find any other words.

Solamus stood in the mid-air, and through the dense and countless golden threads, he seemed to see the distant future, chasing the tide to the direction of fate.

Soramus finally nodded, turned into a stream of light, and landed outside a village in this small country.

She was in the middle of the dense forest, looking at the quiet and peaceful village in front of her through the gaps in the forest. This small country has not had a war for a long time, and the territory is small and the people are few, so there are few slaves.

Solamus walked into the dense forest. She knew that she would meet several gods in this small country. Now, she was going to write a new story here and wait quietly in the long river of time. Waiting for the arrival of those gods.

Solamus is the vanguard of the kingdom of heaven, and she will blow the trumpet of advent. She came to the earth to reveal what God told her to reveal.

This revelation is not only to the people of the world, but also to the gods of the celestial kingdom.

Soramus looked back at the quiet village in the distance, and then he found a flat and open space deep in the dense forest.

In this open space, there is a century-old tree.


Soramus murmured the ancient words.

The surrounding trees seemed to have received some order suddenly. Soramus raised his hand, and the trees grew and moved slowly following her gesture, with their roots extending outward.

Immediately afterwards, the heart of the huge century-old tree in the open space slowly opened up, and the flesh of the ancient tree slowly receded and turned into a wall. Solamus created a tree hole as his future residence .

Solamus raised his other hand and whispered another old saying.

In the direction of the other hand, the land slowly began to be pushed downward by an invisible force, and then a clear spring gushed out from the ground, and an underground river flowed through the land here.

Thus a well was built.

The leaves in the dense forest are dense and lush. Solamus waved his hand lightly and chanted ancient sayings. A stream of light passed by, and the branches began to extend, intertwining and weaving like woolen yarns. After a while, they turned into fences.

Solamus looked at the dense forest, looking for something, and then she noticed something, turned around and walked over at once, and plucked a bunch of tiny vines from the tree.

That's vines.

On the first day when he came here, after Solamus planted a grape field, he broke off all kinds of long and short branches from the trees, recited ancient sayings one by one, and turned them into daily-use furniture.

As night fell and the sun set, Solamus decided to rest for a while and resume his work tomorrow.


On the second day, the sun slowly rose from the horizon, and the sky showed fish-belly. Soramus opened her eyes. She stood in the clearing of the dense forest, looked at the hut in the forest that had already taken shape, and nodded with satisfaction.

After that, Soramus looked around, looking at the plants in the dense forest.

Then, she took a step forward, and in an instant, she came to those exotic flowers and plants, picking them off one by one, no matter those ordinary flowers and plants growing under the roots of trees, or those growing on cliffs. None of the precious medicinal materials that are difficult to obtain above can escape the palm of Soramus.

Before Solamus returned to the hut in the forest, she plowed a medicine field on the left side of the hut, and threw the plants in her hands into the field one by one.

Those rare plants that originally lived in the difficult and dangerous terrain, miraculously took root like ordinary plants, and grew up in an instant.

In this way, a field of medicine was formed under the old saying of Solamus.

"It's really a great creation of God."

Even though she already knew the ancient sayings very well, she couldn't help marveling at the power of the ancient sayings at this moment.

The reason why I was able to make these plants grow up in an instant was all because I used the old saying about the forest god.

In the next few days, Solamus continued to enrich his settlement in the forest, kept picking some more rare and rare herbs, and opened up more living buildings, such as beehives, ponds, salt water, etc. column.

A few days later, Solamus finally finished all the work, and the sparrow in the forest before him was small, but it had all internal organs.

At this moment, Soramus looked towards the distant village.

She knew that she would have her first visitor in the near future.

And in this story, she will play a witch in the forest who is almost isolated from the world. In the ordinary days, she sits and watches the wind and clouds rise and fall, and the kingdom rises and falls.

Solamus changed completely. Although she maintained the appearance of a blond woman, she noticed a significant change in her attire. She no longer wore a pure white priest's robe, but sewn a witch-like dress out of deerskin and linen. and she broke off a twig and used it as her staff.

Since it is a witch, how can there be no potion?

In no time Solamus brought out an iron pot from the rich man's house and left enough gold coins in his house.

The dying angel picked all kinds of medicinal materials from the medicine field, set up an iron pot, lit the fire, and began to brew the potion

Perhaps, except the everlasting God,
No one knows what Solamus' potion will bring to this small country.

(End of this chapter)

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