only god

Chapter 247 The real mission!

Chapter 247 The real mission!
When the dawn just came up, Xi Lan was awakened by the noise.

He stood up abruptly, and saw that the New Law Garden was full of true believers, panic and uneasiness permeated the place instantly.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Xi Lan hurried out and asked.

"Priest, His Majesty the King wants to expel us!"

A low-level noble came up and said in a trembling voice.

Xi Lan was stunned for a moment, and only recovered after a while.

"What... what's going on?

Daniel!Daniel! "

He subconsciously called his disciple, but got no response.

Before Xi Lan could react, he saw a familiar figure squeeze past the true believers and walk in front of Xi Lan, sweating profusely.


Xi Lan was taken aback.

"Xilan! Go! Take the people and go!"

Casas hurriedly advised:
"The king wants to arrest those rebellious stone slaves and drive you out.

you go!You are their leader, the king will not let you go so easily! "

Xi Lan stepped forward and asked quickly:

"What's going on?"

Casas took a deep breath, and then quickly explained what happened in the palace.

The initial confusion in Xi Lan's heart gradually turned into fear and astonishment.

He turned his head, looked at the new law garden in front of him, and realized in a daze that the new law garden left by the prophet in front of him wanted to say goodbye to them completely.

"Xilan...Daniel, Daniel has been arrested!"

Before Sealand could fully react, Casas said so.

"What, what?!"

Xi Lan looked at Casas in disbelief as if struck by a thunderbolt.

Casas said slowly:

"After my father told me what happened in the palace, I immediately sent people to inquire everywhere, but finally heard the news that Daniel was arrested..."

Xi Lan's face slowly lost its color, and his head stopped. The successive fatal blows broke his mental dam in an instant.

And shortly after,
When he heard from Daniel again...

Daniel was already executed.



Sealand stands in the flustered New Law Garden.

He froze... the terrified voices surrounded him, but he couldn't move.

It was as if he was squeezed in the deep sea, the sea water squeezed him everywhere, surrounded him, and when he wanted to open his mouth to breathe, the sea water poured in, blocking any sound from him.

Zealand could do nothing.

Once, how much he admired everything about Daniel, how proud he was of such a disciple... Now everything is gone, Daniel died, and died in humiliation.

People brought Daniel's last words before he died—justice is in my blood!
The true believers surrounded Zealand. They trembled in fear and asked him:
"Priest of Sealand, what should we do?!"

Xi Lan was stiff, and after a while, he slowly knelt down on the ground.

Tears of sorrow rolled down his eyes.

Once he thought he had everything, but the cruel reality almost shattered all his beliefs.

What should I do myself?
Xi Lan turned her head stiffly, looking at the three stone tablets standing behind the altar.


Zealand murmured.

He seemed to see the disciple full of faith again, and told himself excitedly that he was a disciple of the prophet and a person who was to be entrusted with a mission by God.

"Righteousness is in my blood..."

Zealand whispered Daniel's last words.

At this time, Casas rushed over, pushed away the crowd, grabbed his shoulder, and said in a trembling voice:

"Run away! Xi Lan, run away!
Leave here, leave the land of Ajia, only in this way will you have a way out. "

way of life...

Only in that way, there is a way out...

Xi Lan stood up blankly, he slowly pushed Casas away, and stumbled to the front of the three sacred scriptures.

Only by leaving here, there is a way out...

Casas' words bounced back and forth in Xi Lan's mind.

He knelt down in front of the altar in a daze.


I really…

Have you been given a mission by God?

If I'm truly on a mission from God...then why... am I so powerless? !
He slowly raised his head and stared at the stele for a long time, unable to say a word.

Tears flowed continuously from the priest's face, and the successive blows brought all kinds of confusion and despair...washing the elf's mind over and over again.

"Priest, what should we do?!"

The mournful voices of the true believers filled the entire New Law Garden.

Xi Lan lowered his head, he was about to be completely defeated.

In an instant, he had only the option of escaping from the land of Ajia, but the king who had committed a great crime could continue to maintain his rule by persecuting the true believers.

Xi Lan felt unwilling...

He slowly raised his head and looked desperately at the stone tablet in front of him.

There was a quiet light shining on the stone tablet.

It didn't know when it came, and it didn't know how it came. It came from the hollowed-out window, as if it had just arrived, and it seemed to have been there all along.

That light reflected every word on the stone tablet.

【"The king of Dorio made a decree, and the people will put the angel to death."】

Zealand froze.

Everything seems to reappear yesterday.

I remember that story, and I recite scriptures every day, and I will never forget it.

In that story, King Doro and his son ushered in their death.

His mind seemed to stop, and memories about Daniel hit his mind. He recalled Daniel's every prayer, recalled Daniel's every sermon, and recalled every doubtful question Daniel asked.

Finally, he recalled Daniel's last words,

"Justice is in my blood!"

Xi Lan slowly clenched her hands.

He wondered whether it was an unmistakable light or the real manifestation of a miracle.

But he knew that someone had to pay for it.

King Anukt put Daniel to death, just as King Dorre had executed Bazel.

They have committed a great sin,

"And the price of death!"


Xi Lan slowly stood up from the stone tablet.

"You don't have to persuade me, Casas."

He came out slowly, gently pushed away Kasas who advised him, and stood in front of everyone.

The terrified true believers looked up to him, begging him to find a way of salvation.

"Priest of Sealand, what should we do?!"

"Priest, where are you going now?"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die... Lord, bless us."

The true believers were in an uproar, and the wave of fear pushed them, leaving them breathless.

Xi Lan looked around at everyone present.

"We may be dying."

The calm, almost ice-cold voice fell to the ground.

The fear of the audience was pushed to a higher peak, there were wailing and wailing everywhere, people looked at each other in panic, and they couldn't find a way to be saved.

People looked up at Zealand, and saw the disciple of the prophet slowly asking:
"We... do we really want to die so simply?

Do nothing, or be arrested and die on the execution ground, or die in exile in the wilderness. "

Xi Lan's question touched every flustered heart.

People froze, and the uproar suddenly turned into silence.

They held their breath, waiting for Zealand's words.

"Turn your heads and look at the execution ground full of death."

"Where our brothers and feet were killed, our blood ran in the ground, we were burned, we were beheaded, we were hanged.

The man on the throne tramples on our faith and righteousness.

He won't remember the names of everyone killed, he only cares about his power.

In his eyes, we are dust, stones, and ants. "

Listening to Xi Lan's voice, the true believers seemed to have witnessed the executions with their own eyes, and those personal experiences and sad memories of persecution flooded into their minds bit by bit.

In front of the king, in front of the high-ranking people represented by the king, each of them is not worth mentioning.

Xi Lan looked at them, a shocking voice suddenly sounded,

"In that execution ground,

Someone cried before dying,
'Justice is in my blood! '"

Words are like thunder.

That thunder pierced through the darkness, everyone's hearts were hit, torn apart, and suddenly twisted together by a huge force!

They were persecuted, bullied... how many died.

But no one has ever shouted "justice" before dying!
People's fists clenched involuntarily.

"Tell me, why are people born?!"

Xi Lan's successive questions shocked everyone's heart.

That question echoed in the ears of true believers.

And everyone has pretty much the same answer.

People... People are not born to be full and warm.

Man is the son of God...

Human beings are not animals to be enslaved. To live in this world, human beings must be righteous.

That righteousness is higher than any palaces and temples, higher than any peace, higher than any emotion on earth, just like the sky is higher than the earth!
"The dead are gone, the living bear the burden,
We are the heirs of the Prophet,
In us, we have a mission! "

That Xilan's voice reverberated in everyone's heart.

People's souls are trembling.

that gathered faith,

After those persecutions,
How much power is contained in countless silent prayers?
"Destroy that sinner's palace!"

Finally, an angry voice sounded from the crowd.

In an instant, anger swept through everyone's hearts like a prairie fire.

"Revenge, revenge, execute Anukt!"

"The price of sin is death! The price of sin is death!"

The people shouted hoarsely, their necks were trembling, their arms were trembling, just like those rebellious stone slaves, they could no longer bear it.

They will raise an uprising like never before,
For a holy cause, for the blood of martyrs,

For Daniel, for every persecution...


Justice in blood!

(End of this chapter)

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