Xianyu asked

Chapter 118 Desert

Chapter 118 Desert
The stone was about to approach, but it didn't hide at all, it just spread out one wing and flapped it lightly.

Suddenly, a gust of evil wind blew by, and the stone was blown upside down and flew back, directly hitting the head of the fat boy named Da Zhuang.


Da Zhuang covered the big bag on his head and let out a cry of pain, then he seemed to see something terrible, dropped the slingshot in his hand in panic, turned around and fled into the woods, shouting as he fled.

"There are ghosts, there are ghosts, run away."

The other children didn't know, so when they saw Da Zhuang suddenly yelling and fleeing to a long distance, they thought there was a ghost, and they were in chaos for a while, as if they were afraid of being left behind, they scrambled and ran along with him up.

"Damn it"

"Woooooh, wait, don't leave me behind"

In the blink of an eye, these children disappeared without a trace. If it weren't for the messy footprints and a slingshot left in place, no one would believe that someone just came here.

Hu Hu Hu.

The wind whistled past, the forest returned to tranquility, and the place gradually became silent.

After half an hour.

Following a flash of blue light, a young girl in black and white hair appeared out of nowhere on the branch of the tree where the blue bird had been, and sat on the branch of the trunk.

The girl's legs were drooping, shaking slightly in the air, she turned her head to look at the forest path behind her, smiled, shook her head and said to herself:
"Hey, these children are too naughty."

This woman is Huaying.

It has been several months since I came from Huaiguo and passed through the Liuxing Mountains.

During this period, she stopped and stopped, flew more than ten thousand miles, passed through several countries including Xingguo, and was able to reach this country of autumn water.

After entering the territory of Qiushui Country, Huaying continued to fly south without stopping, and flew tens of thousands of miles again, and finally arrived at the snake desert marked on this map.

The journey was difficult, and if it wasn't for this little blue bird, she knew that it would take her several years to get here, and it would definitely not be as easy as it is now.

Thinking of this, Huaying called the little blue bird to the back of her hand, took out a handful of spirit grain from the storage bag with her other hand, and handed it in front of it.

"Thank you for your hard work along the way."

The little blue bird pecked a few mouthfuls of grains, then raised its head, fixed its eyes on Huaying's face, and blinked spiritually, as if it was saying something.

"Twitter chatter."

"Okay, okay, keep eating, there will be more after eating." Huaying smiled distressed.

Although she has recognized the master with the blood of this spirit bird, she still can't understand the meaning of its words. If this spirit bird can advance to a second-level spirit beast in the future, maybe it can be more savvy.

After a simple meal, one person and one bird sat on the branch of the tree at the same time, and continued to look at the vast desert from a distance.

The desert is yellow sand, and the evening dyes the dusk.

Seeing this endless, empty and desolate scene, Huaying panicked and couldn't look directly at it for a long time.

"The map marks this point, but it doesn't guide the way forward. Could it be that we are going to cross this desert?"

Now, Huaying only has a blueprint of animal skins bought from Dongshanfang City, depicting the borders of the southern countries.

In the drawing, in addition to the borders of the countries south of the Liuxing Mountains, the locations of many Xiuzhenfang cities in each country are also marked, including the Fangshi of this Qiushui country.

However, when she arrived at the place marked in the picture, she only saw the desolate desert, which was endless, not to mention the city, and she couldn't even see a person.


Huaying held up the sheepskin drawing and looked at it repeatedly, but still couldn't find the specific location of Qiushui Guofang City.

On the map, there is only a point marked in this desert, and there are no other notes.

"It seems that we have to go deep into it and investigate."

Not long after, Huaying sighed, put away the sheepskin drawings, and jumped off the branch.

The matter has come to this point, how can she give up halfway, and she will never be reconciled if she does not find the position of Fangshi.

Walking to the edge of the desert, looking at the raging wind and sand in the desert, Huaying took the little blue bird into the jade pendant first.

During this exploration in the desert, the little blue bird might not be able to resist the violent dust, so she had to walk by herself.

No more hesitation, go straight in alone, step on the yellow sand, and hide in the wind and smoke.

Three days later.

The yellow sand is half knee high, the smoke and dust enter the nose, the desolation is endless, and the wind and sand are endless.

Under the scorching sun, in the endless stretch of sand dunes, a girl in a black shirt and white hair drenched the fine sand like water, rushing to a distant place without a goal, step by step, step by step, and slowly move forward.

"Cough cough."

The wind blew up the sand and invaded her mouth. The white-haired girl coughed a few times and covered her mouth and nose with her sleeve more tightly.

Although she had been walking aimlessly for several days, her two black eyes were still bright, scanning the sand dunes in the distance all the time, trying to find traces of people and objects.

In the depths of this desert, except for the boundless yellow sand, there is not even a single green plant, and there is no water source. The overall look is abnormally barren and lifeless.


All the way to this point, Huaying has tried her best, but she can't find the location of Fangshi here.

Gushi was using spiritual eyes, and she didn't detect any fluctuations in spiritual power, as if this place was really just a desert without people.

Affected by the endless sand and dust, in three days, Huaying only managed to travel more than a hundred miles.

If it continues at this speed, with the vastness of the desert, it will be difficult to travel across it in decades, not to mention years.

Where is the way forward.

Huaying had deep doubts in her heart.

Could it be that he came to this Qiushui country tens of thousands of miles away, and in the end he didn't even set foot in the realm of cultivating immortals, so he was about to go back home?

Huaying is not willing to go back just like that.

She came to this country all because of the Taoism of the immortal sect, and if she failed to succeed, can she go back to her hometown?

Going forward, after turning up a high sand dune again, Huaying looked far away, but when she saw waves of endless hills and valleys in the distance, she finally Exhausted, he collapsed on the ridge.

Let the wind blow, let the sand cover, I didn't get up for a long time.

Grabbing the sand with both hands, she gnawed on the yellow sand in her mouth, and the salty taste stimulated her articulation.

Whoosh, whoosh.

Huaying crouched on the ground, gasping for breath, turned her face sideways, facing the yellow in the distant sky, squinting and staring.

Is this really the end of it?

With a sigh in her heart, a trace of loneliness could not help but appear in her eyes.


Gradually, dusk came, the sunset turned west, and the sunset dyed the sand dunes red.

At this moment, when the sky was getting dark, suddenly, from the distant hills and valleys, there was the sound of a song sung by an unknown person.

"Hey, to be a god, ride a crane to fly to the sky. Turning a stone into gold is beyond words. To be a god, ride a crane to fly to the sky. Touching a stone to turn into gold is beyond words."

In the skyline, a figure riding a green bull gradually appeared, and its resonant singing voice resounded throughout the desolate desert.

(End of this chapter)

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