Garden of Time and Space

Chapter 178 The 3th Time and Space 24

Chapter 178 The Third Time and Space 24
Zeng Li: "That's right, tell me, Mom, I haven't heard of it either."

Zhang Xiao glanced up at him, then continued to eat, and after a while, she said, "It's all old stuff, there's nothing to talk about."

Xie Jiao was a little disappointed that the inquiry was unsuccessful, but it was expected, so she couldn't be too anxious.After that, she held up the juice, "Auntie doesn't want to say anything, come on, let's have a drink."

On the opposite side, Zhang Xiao calmed down his stiff face just now, smiled and raised the beer, and took a sip. After that, Xie Jiao began to toast frequently. Zeng Li understood what she meant, and kept looking for reasons for Zhang Xiao to drink.

After drinking about three cans of beer, Zhang Xiao's face turned red and he talked more than before.

Xie Jiao asked Zhang Xiao: "Auntie, you said that uncle is not good-looking, why do you and my mother like uncle?"

Zhang Xiao put down his wine glass and began to refute Xie Jiao, "You are wrong, your uncle is not good now, he is old, but you have never seen your uncle when he was young, he was handsome, tall, and special. White, and even though your uncle’s family was poor at that time, he loved cleanliness very much. He only had a white shirt, but whenever you saw him, the collar and cuffs of his white shirt were pure white. At that time when we went to The university is in one department. Although your uncle’s studies are mediocre, he is very simple and can endure hardships. After class, he goes to work. Half of the money he earns is paid for tuition, and the rest will be sent home to subsidize the family. In our era It’s not like it is now. Little girls are willing to look for good conditions. At that time, we all liked those who could work and endure hardships. At that time, there were many beautiful and outstanding girls in the department who liked your uncle, but your uncle just chose it. I."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiao seemed to be caught in the memories of those years. Zhang Xiao smiled incredulously and flattered. There was a sweet expression between the corners of his eyes and brows. I confessed my love to me downstairs in the dormitory, and I was stunned."

Zhang Xiao took another sip of beer and continued to say, "After that, I fell in love with your uncle, and then he took me to his house. That's when I really knew what poverty is, but although There is nothing in his house, but it is very clean and tidy. The curtain on the table and the sheets on the bed are so clean, just like the white shirt on your uncle. At that time, his parents were busy and had no time to take care of the house, so The house can be kept so clean, it is all your uncle who cleans up, and he has younger siblings, who are also taken care of by him very well. Your uncle can do everything, he can do housework and steam buns, even the younger siblings He can mend their clothes, and my aunt thought at the time, he is the only one. He will definitely be a good home."

Zhang Xiao smiled, "Later, I took him to meet my parents. At that time, my dad didn't agree with him the first time he saw him. He firmly disagreed. He said that Chen Ming was trying to get money from our family. If I married him, I will regret it sooner or later. I didn’t believe it at the time. Chen Ming is so good, he is such a simple person, and he treats me so well. How could he be like what my dad said? Later, when I was about to graduate from university, I stole I got the household registration book at home, and secretly registered my marriage with Chen Ming. After that, my parents knew about it, but what can I do if I know, after all, I am the only daughter in the family, so even if my father disagrees, I still give We bought a dowry, and bought a TV, refrigerator, and washing machine according to the best at that time. We also secretly gave me 1 yuan, asking me to keep it for myself and not tell Chen Ming, but not long after we got married, Chen Ming clamored that he wanted it. I started a business and said that I don’t want to treat me badly and let me live a hard life with him, but he has no capital. I saw him sad, and I was moved that he was so kind to me, so I gave him the 1 yuan behind my parents’ back After that, I accompanied him to start a business. At that time, it was really difficult and tiring. We were busy until late every day. Later, his mother fell ill and was hospitalized, and he was busy with his career. I sent Xiaoshuo to my parents’ house. Then I helped him during the day and went to the hospital to take care of his mother at night. Although my parents disagreed with my suffering, I thought that I should be with him after I married him, and I should help him share his suffering so that He is less tired, and he works so hard, our days will be better."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiao sneered, "It turned out that life is better now, but he has someone else."

After speaking, Zhang Xiao took another sip of beer, then lay down on the table, and didn't move for a long time.

Xie Jiao thought she had fallen asleep after drinking too much, she got up and approached her, and called softly, "Auntie." Zhang Xiao didn't answer, and then she saw Zhang Xiao's shoulders trembling slightly, she didn't sleep It's just that I cried sadly, crying so sad and painful.

Xie Jiao didn't say anything, just sat back and accompanied her quietly. After a while, she heard Zhang Xiao's voice again, "Actually, I met your mother. Once, Chen Ming accompanied her Shopping, your mother, she is so young and beautiful, I am only two years older than her, but our faces and appearances are like two generations, and we are dressed alike, she is so fashionable, like a movie star, but I Well... the moment I found out that they were together, I looked at her from a distance, and then I thought about myself, my first reaction was not to run to accuse and question them, but to want to run away and hide because of timidity and low self-esteem , I am afraid that your mother will see me, I am afraid that she will show me a contemptuous smile. That night, Chen Ming did not come back, but when I got home, I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Wrinkles, heavy nasolabial folds, dark yellow face, these years, I have been working hard to manage this family, I am not willing to buy high-end cosmetics, I am not willing to buy beautiful clothes, the days go by year after year, I always I want to be more frugal, let your uncle dress better, let the man go out decently, and save more money for Chen Shuo. He will need money to work and buy a house in the future. Looking at them well, I feel that I am everything It's worth it, but I'm wholeheartedly for Chen Ming, for this family, but he likes someone else and wants to divorce me, saying that he doesn't dislike my old age, but he still finds young and beautiful people, even Xiaoshuo, He also wants his father to attend the parent-teacher meeting."

Zhang Xiao cried a few times, and said intermittently, "I really don't want to divorce. If I get divorced, the family will be broken up, but he said I was sick, and even asked a psychiatrist to persuade me to divorce. Looking at myself now, I really hate and regret it. After all these years, why should I treat myself like this? My mother and I will take care of the children, and I will do the housework. I don’t need her for anything at home. I just want him not to work so hard, but I lost my career , Tired and old, he found someone else when he had everything, why should I do this, why should I live like this... I really want to go back to the past and start over!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiao was already sobbing.The crying was no longer tolerable, even Xie Jiao could hear her crying when she was sitting opposite.She lay there crying for quite a while, and Xie Jiao heard her voice again, "But, I can't go back, I can't, go back, it's over."

Crying and crying, Zhang Xiao seemed to be asleep.After a while, they didn't hear Zhang Xiaozai's voice until later, they heard Zhang Xiao's even breathing.

Xie Jiao and Zeng Li helped her to the bed in the bedroom. Xie Jiao helped her take off her shoes and covered her with a quilt. After that, Xie Jiao and Zeng Li went back to the restaurant to clean up the mess.

This night, Xie Jiao didn't sleep well.

At noon the next day, she didn't go back to class to study or take a nap, and she didn't take a walk on the playground. Zeng Li went to Xie Jiao's class to find her, and wanted to tell her that Chen Ming called him, saying that he came back from a business trip today, so that the two of them Go back to live tonight.

Most of the students in the class were sitting in their seats, some were studying, some were taking a nap, but Zeng Li didn't see Xie Jiao, Xie Jiao's seat was empty, only her little deskmate, sleeping Like an idiot.

After hearing what Zhang Xiao said after drinking last night, Xie Jiao's mood became very gloomy. After clearing the dining table, she went back to her room directly, and did not go to his room to do homework afterwards.

Zeng Li was a little worried, he didn't go back to class, but went to search around the campus, the library, the playground...

In the end, Zeng Li found Xie Jiao in the stadium. It was approaching the afternoon of class, and there was no one in the outdoor stadium. Today, Xie Jiao did not sit in a conspicuous place to blow the wind as usual, but sat in the back of the equipment room. Standing alone, he quietly looked at the distant sky in a daze.

Sensing someone approaching, Xie Jiao came back to her senses, and looked over with dim eyes, it was Zeng Li.

Zeng Li approached her step by step, and then sat down next to her, "What's the matter? I've been unhappy since last night."

Xie Jiao shook her head, still looking into the distance, "It's nothing, I just feel uncomfortable seeing Zhang Xiao's current state."

Zeng Li: "If you think about it carefully, this is the life status of most middle-aged women, isn't it!"

Xie Jiao was silent for a while: "Yes, but I must not live like this."

After a pause, she spoke again, "For the family wholeheartedly, save money on food and expenses, her hair is gray, her face is covered with wrinkles, her hands are also old, and she has completely turned into a middle-aged woman, but my husband not only doesn't care Lingqing also found a lover, and the lover spent the money she saved to maintain a young and beautiful appearance, just thinking about it is too scary. It's a nightmare."

Zeng Li smiled, raised his hand and patted her on the head, "Don't think so much, you won't."

After speaking, he looked at her and added firmly, "You won't become like that."

Xie Jiao looked at Zeng Li: "How do you know I can't."

After that, Zeng Li put away his smile and looked seriously into Xie Jiao's eyes, "Because I won't let you become like that."

(End of this chapter)

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