Garden of Time and Space

Chapter 158 The 3th Time and Space 4

Chapter 158 The Third Time and Space 4
Xie Jiao: "Why besides you?"

The deskmate opposite smiled: "Because we grew up together. You treat me differently."

Oh, it turns out that this Xie Jiao has a childhood sweetheart, who is quite good-looking, and from the conversation just now, he should be very kind to Xie Jiao.

After learning about some unexpected situations, Xie Jiao remembered what she really cared about, and what she should ask immediately, "Are we liberal arts or science?"

Opposite to the same table: "Science, I originally wanted to choose liberal arts, but because of you, I also changed."

The moment she heard about science, Xie Jiao patted her chest and couldn't help laughing.

Science, fortunately, she can rest assured about science. She didn't have enough time, she didn't know anything, and she couldn't keep up with her studies.

Moreover, according to her tablemate, after Xie Jiao's parents divorced, she should have given up on herself, going to class and sleeping every day, and studying must be useless.

Just as Xie Jiao was thinking, the class bell rang. After that, the class became quiet again. This class was chemistry. Xie Jiao took out the chemistry book from the desk, didn't go to sleep, and listened to the class seriously.

After experiencing the regret of not studying well in high school, as well as all the hardships and hardships after work, Xie Jiao enjoys the feeling of attending classes now that she is back in high school. She used to think that studying was the most tiring and annoying when she was in school, but when she grew up, Only then did I realize how stupid I was.

A class of 45 minutes passed very quickly, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the teacher assigned homework and pressed the class for 2 minutes, then left the classroom with the book, the quiet classroom became noisy again.

The chemistry teacher is also a stranger, so the school must be a stranger too?So where is she now, is she still in the original city?
Xie Jiao looked out the window, but the floor of her class must be very short, and it faces the inside of the campus. Outside the window, she could only see a row of trees, and couldn't tell where it was.

So, she might as well go downstairs to the playground, Xie Jiao was a little excited, she got up and left the class and went downstairs, the school was not the one she attended in high school, and the corridor was completely different from the high school she remembered, she followed the flow of people When I reached the stairs, there was a sign 2 on it.

So, her current class is on the second floor. She went downstairs to the first floor. Through the hall, Xie Jiao came out of the gate of the teaching building. Looking around from the back of the door, outside the iron railings of the school, there is a shopping mall on Xuefu Road directly in front, a side street on the left, and L University on the right.

This is, 27th.It is not the same as her high school, but it is a key high school, so she is still in the city where she lives.Xie Jiao relaxed a little, although she was not her anymore, but at least the city was familiar, and this sense of familiarity inexplicably gave her a sense of security.

It was only 10 minutes after class ended, Xie Jiao didn't wander around anymore, fearing that she wouldn't be able to come back, she stood at the door blowing the wind for a while, looked at the students on the playground, felt that the time was almost up, and some students on the playground also entered the building one after another , Xie Jiao also turned around and went back.

This time she didn't go up the stairs that she came down just now. In order to visit this strange school that she had never been in before, she went around a long way and took the stairs on the other side of the corridor. go back.

The school has five floors in total. Xie Jiao walked up each floor. As she went up, there were fewer people, and the corridors became quieter. She was a little tired when she reached the fourth floor. She leaned on the handrail of the stairs on the fourth floor and raised her head. Looking upstairs, she decided that this is the end of the visit after class. Then, she walked into the corridor on the 4th floor, ready to take a look around and then go down the stairs on the other side.

The 4th floor is full of third-year classes. There are not many people in the corridor, and it is quiet. Xie Jiao looked in through the open doors of each class. Most of the students were sitting in their seats, hardly lying on their stomachs to catch up on sleep. Just bow your head and learn.

Xie Jiao walked through one class after another, looked at one after another, when she passed by the back door of the fourth class, she originally just glanced at it casually, but after only one glance, her footsteps stopped, and she walked back.

Because, she seems to have seen Zeng Li.

The boy sitting in the last row of the class with aloof demeanor, gleaming good looks, and playing games leisurely and recklessly with his legs up and his chair seems to be Zeng Li.

Xie Jiao thought she wanted him to come up with an obsession, so she read it wrong, but when she stood back at the door of this class, she looked at the boy again, although it was just a profile, but Xie Jiao could already confirm that this boy was Zeng Li.

She actually saw Zeng Li in this world.

Before, when she was herself, it was normal for Zeng Li to exist, but in this world, she is no longer herself, he has changed, but Zeng Li is still Zeng Li, and moreover, he has become a man who is taller than her. Seniors of the grade.

Why is that?
Seemingly noticing that someone was looking at him at the door of the class, Zeng Li turned his head to look over, but he was still indifferent, after glancing at Xie Jiao, he continued to play games with his head down.

Xie Jiao wanted to go in and call him, but the class preparation bell rang next to her ear.A girl in the class came out and closed the door, blocking Xie Jiao's sight.

Immediately afterwards, the class bell came. Xie Jiao glanced at the quiet corridor, and it was time for her to go back to class.

Xie Jiao went back to class along the stairs on the other side. This is an English class, and the teacher is already standing in front of the podium with a book.Xie Jiao had always been good at English in high school, so seeing that it was an English class, she felt inexplicably relaxed.

Back at the seat, the boy at the same table asked her in a low voice: "Where did you go just now and you came back so late?"

Xie Jiao also whispered back to him: "I've slept for too long and my legs are numb, so take a stroll."

Afterwards, Xie Jiao opened the book and began to listen to the class.Listening, she slipped away unconsciously, she remembered those people in KTV, now she has experienced Wu Nuan, Wang Sinan, and a couple is missing, so in this world, what she is looking for is that couple .

But the time in this world is still out of order, what stage will that couple be now?Have you met yet, or are you already married?What does she need to do?But what to do is another story, the focus now is to find the couple.

But in the vast crowd, how could she find two people whom she couldn't even remember their faces?

Xie Jiao suddenly thought of the light in the first world, and the little girl in the second world. Now she knows that the person who helped her in the first world is herself, but such a thing is too coincidental , it is difficult to happen a second time.

In the second world, it was a strange little girl who helped her, but she pinned her hopes on others, which was too passive, and you couldn't predict whether others would help you. Everything depends on one's own good, relying on one's own efforts is the only way to be reliable.

Therefore, she can't rely on others, she has to find a way by herself.

Xie Jiao held the pen in her hand and unconsciously kept lighting on the notepad, and she didn't hear her deskmate calling her.

It wasn't until her deskmate punched her with his arm, interrupting her train of thought, that she came back to her senses.

In front of her, the boy at the same table kept winking at her, she frowned, and asked him, "What's the matter?"

As soon as she finished asking, she found that there seemed to be a dark figure behind her, and the deskmate in front of her stopped talking.

Xie Jiao turned her head and saw the English teacher standing behind her, with a sinister smile, "Xie Jiao, are you going to sleep in this class?"

Xie Jiao smiled and responded to the teacher, "Ah."

English teacher: "Sneaking out without going to bed, right?" After speaking, the English teacher's expression immediately became serious, "Get up and read the passage I just said."

What did she say about what she just said?

Taking advantage of the teacher's inattention, the boy at the same table quickly turned the book to page 49 for Xie Jiao, pointed to the second paragraph, and withdrew his hand.

But the teacher still saw it, "Zhang Ziqian, you love to help others, why can't I see you when I clean the blackboard before class."

After finishing speaking, the English teacher looked at Xie Jiao again, "I have to bring a nanny to school, let's read."

Xie Jiao picked up the book, and read the second paragraph fluently in standard American style. After reading, the whole class, the English teacher, and her deskmate all looked at her in surprise, and the class became extremely quiet. .

After a pause, the English teacher said, "Well, it's not bad, sit down, and listen carefully to the class and don't slip away." After finishing speaking, he walked back to the front desk with his books and continued his lecture.

The boy at the same table gave Xie Jiao a thumbs up, "It's hidden, Xie Jiao."

Xie Jiao smiled, "Be polite, babysitter."

The deskmate had a black line on his face and stopped talking.

Xie Jiao continued to think about finding someone just now. After going through the first two tasks, Xie Jiao found that the target people seemed to have two things in common. One was that the people she was looking for were all from the same living area as her. The second is that they all had problems, and happened to have been to Xie Yuan's clinic.

If they are in the same area, they are the same school. If it is a teacher, it is easy to find, but if it is a classmate or the parent of a classmate, it will be difficult to find.

Xie Jiao looked up at the teacher, who happened to be looking in her direction too, she didn't dare to speak, she lowered her head and tore up a piece of note paper, writing, "Does our school teacher have a husband and wife?"

After writing, he handed it to his deskmate. When his deskmate saw the note, he looked at Xie Jiao in surprise, then lowered his head and wrote on the back: "When did you gossip like this?" and handed it back.

Xie Jiao read the note, stared at the deskmate speechlessly, and asked him if there was any, why are there so many nonsense, Xie Jiao looked at his deskmate, frowned, and then clicked the first question with the tip of a pen .

The deskmate took back the note and wrote: "Yes, our English teacher's husband is the information teacher in the first year of high school, and the husband of our Chinese teacher is Vice Principal Chen."

Xie Jiao, the deskmate pushed the note to Xie Jiao.

Xie Jiao saw the note, looked up at the English teacher, and ruled out the first message. Although she couldn't remember the face, she could still tell when she saw someone. The English teacher was not.

(End of this chapter)

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