Garden of Time and Space

Chapter 112 Why is this happening

Chapter 112 Why is this happening
But now, Xie Jiaoxi recalled the events of that era, these three songs were not popular popular songs at that time, on the contrary, they were relatively small.

And why are these three old songs kept in Wang Sinan's playlist?The other songs in the playlist are all new songs. The playlist has been changed according to the times. Why are only these three songs always there?

Zeng Li walked up to Xie Jiao, "Did you find something?"

Xie Jiao pointed to the three lines on the wall to Zeng Li, "I have seen these three songs in Wang Sinan's playlist."

Zeng Li looked at the words Xie Jiao pointed at, and frowned.

Xie Jiao turned on the phone, called up Wang Sinan's playlist, then opened the three songs, and handed an earphone to Zeng Li.

The two listened to the song again, and the lyrics were nothing special, two youthful and inspirational songs and one love song.

After listening, Xie Jiao put away the earphones, called up the camera function, and took a picture of the three lines of song titles on the wall, and then the two continued to walk forward.

Because of the accidental discovery here, the two of them went to the second floor opposite, carefully looked at the outer wall of the downstairs, and found nothing again.

The two left the tutoring class and continued walking along the empty market.

Because it was winter, the streets were deserted, and there were no old neighbors sitting outside chatting on the side of the road. After Xie Jiao and Zeng Li walked around, there was nothing else to gain.

After that, the two drove back to the hospital. During the rounds at night, Wang Siman was still the same. Although he had received psychological treatment for a few days, he still hadn't improved at all.

The book on his bedside table has not been turned over for a long time, and the phone is always charging. After the routine inspection, Xie Jiao opened the three song titles on the wall that she had taken during the day, and handed them to Wang Siman: "Do you have any impression of these three songs? I've seen them in your playlist before."

Wang Siman raised his head impatiently from the mobile game, frowning, there was a circle of black and blue under his eye circles, which no longer looked like the sunshine before, as if the whole world owed him.

He glanced at the phone screen that Xie Jiao handed over, and said impatiently, "It's dark." Then he lowered his head to play with the phone again.

Xie Jiao turned the screen to always on and handed it to Wang Siman, "Look at it again."

Wang Siman's fidgety fingers kept pressing the game on the phone screen, but he didn't look up at the phone for a long time, as if he didn't hear Xie Jiao's question, until he pressed a few more times and the game died completely, he scolded After saying this, he looked up again full of resentment, but after seeing the photo on Xie Jiao's phone screen, his entire face froze.

Seeing the change in his expression, Xie Jiao looked back at Zeng Li, and after the two looked at each other, Xie Jiao looked at Wang Siman again, "Did you think of something?"

I thought Wang Siman would say something, but he just shook his head dully, then his expression returned to the previous state, started another game, and continued.

Xie Jiao asked persistently, "Why do you have these three songs in your playlist?"

Wang Siman didn't reply anymore, but kept pressing the buttons on the screen to control the villains in the game to fight and kill.

In the end, Xie Jiao had no choice but to leave the ward with Zeng Lixian, but judging from Wang Sinan's reaction just now, there is definitely something wrong with these three songs, but what is the problem?

Now, the content of the group chat and the three old songs have become suspicious points, but these two lists are nothing special, and Wang Sinan refuses to communicate, and now he has to wait until the evening to see the girl.

Back in the office, Xie Jiao asked Zeng Li: "Did you see Wang Siman's reaction when he saw the photo I took?"

Zeng Li nodded.

Xie Jiao: "Do you think that he must remember these three songs, or that these three songs must have had some influence on him?"

Zeng Li: "His reaction was indeed very strong, but judging from his subsequent reaction, it doesn't seem like he knew it and deliberately concealed it."

Xie Jiao: "Yes, but why?"

Zeng Li: "Now we have to wait until night to see what the girl will tell us."

(End of this chapter)

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