Chapter 312 312. Not Going Home

Zhong Zhouyi was fine, and was sitting by the window reading a book. He heard Shen Ruoxi's voice, looked up at her, then looked down at the book again, without speaking.

Shen Ruoxi came forward: "Let me take your pulse."

Zhong Zhouyi refused expressionlessly: "No need, you are tired after a busy day, go and rest."

Shen Ruoxi didn't say anything, turned around and left, she is not someone who likes a hot face with a cold butt, Zhong Zhouyi's attitude is so bad, I really don't want to talk to him anymore.

Zhong Zhouyi watched the door close, and angrily covered the book: "I'm getting impatient with me."

Zhong Xiang hurriedly said good things: "Young Madam is not impatient. The first thing she did when she came back was to ask if you are better. She came to see you and didn't drink a sip of water."

Zhong Zhouyi heard this impatiently: "You go out too."

Zhong Xiang pursed his lips and left the room, what's wrong with the young master, he lost his temper so much.


Shen Ruoxi returned to the room, also angry: "It's getting more and more unreasonable! Why did it suddenly become like this? What went wrong?"

Xiangfu came over to give Shen Ruoxi an idea: "Young madam, if you lose your temper with the young master, you will definitely suffer in the end, so you should lower your head."

Shen Ruoxi shook her head: "If you lower your head once, there will be a second time. You can't lower your head right."

Xiangfu: "Young madam, then you and the young master are at such a stalemate?"

Shen Ruoxi thought for a while: "Let's find out what's wrong first!"

Xiangfu nodded: "That's right, Young Madam is a doctor, she knows how to prescribe the right medicine better than us."

In the evening, Zhong Zhouyi still didn't go back to his room, and Shen Ruoxi didn't go to see him.

In the study, Zhong Zhouyi kept looking at the door, why didn't he come?Does Ruoxi really ignore him?

The door was finally opened, and it was Zhong Xiang who came in. Seeing him, Zhong Zhouyi was extremely disappointed: "Where is Ruoxi?"

Zhong Xiang felt really uncomfortable being caught in the middle: "The young lady has already fallen asleep, she asked me to take good care of the young master."

Zhong Zhouyi couldn't believe it, he was stunned, and asked, "Are you sure she's asleep?"

Zhong Xiang nodded: "There are no lights in the room anymore."

Zhong Zhouyi frowned, feeling extremely uncomfortable: "Isn't it too ruthless?"

Zhong Xiang: You didn't do it yourself, even a servant like me thinks it's too much!

"Go out, I'm going to sleep too." Zhong Zhouyi snorted, full of breath, and his illness was completely cured.

"Hey, young master who doesn't know how to be blessed when he is blessed." Zhong Xiang went out obediently.


The next day, Li Ding and Sun Xie came to find Zhong Zhouyi together. The two of them came and went to class, and the exam was approaching, which made people worry.

Zhong Zhouyi didn't want to see outsiders, he just wanted to see Shen Ruoxi, so he drove them away: "I'm fine, you guys go back and prepare for the exam."

Li Ding asked, "No, what happened to you?"

Zhong Zhouyi waved his hands and sat on the edge of the bed, feeling very unhappy: "I'm fine, I'm just lazy."

Sun Xie was surprised by Zhong Zhouyi's change of attitude: "There are still more than ten days until the exam, are you sure you want to go down like this?"

Zhong Zhouyi picked up the book and shook it: "I'm reading, I haven't fallen."

Li Ding suggested: "Since it's fine, why don't you go back to the academy with us? It's much better to review your homework in the academy."

Zhong Zhouyi thought for a while: "That's right, I have to study hard." He stood up, "Wait for me, I'll pack my things."

"Okay." The two nodded.

After the things were packed, Zhong Zhouyi left the mansion with Li Ding and Sun Xie.

Zhong Xiang watched Zhong Zhouyi: Master has changed his sex?

After thinking about it, Zhong Xiang also left the mansion, went to the medical clinic, and told Shen Ruoxi about the matter.

After hearing this, Shen Ruoxi said, "Your young master can do whatever he wants, don't tell me."

Zhong Xiang couldn't help but said: "Young Madam, this is not good, you don't talk to the young master, and the young master doesn't talk to you, you..."

"You go back first." Shen Ruoxi felt that what Zhong Xiang said made sense, and decided to go back to have a frank and honest talk with Zhong Zhouyi at night, and it couldn't be like this forever.

Zhong Xiang nodded and left in a low mood.

Ever since the Young Master and the Young Madam had conflicts, these servants feel that life is difficult. When will you reconcile?


After school, Zhong Zhouyi called to stop Li Ding: "I'll stay with you at home."

"Ah?" Li Ding was very surprised, "Aren't you going back to accompany your wife?"

"She ignored me." Zhong Zhouyi told the truth in front of his friends, "I want to see if she will come to me?"

Li Ding: "Such a good sister-in-law, why did you make her ignore you?"

"Okay, it's all my narrow-mindedness, and I will explain to you later." Zhong Zhouyi didn't want to say more, but when he mentioned this, he felt depressed and blocked.

Li Ding's evaluation of Shen Ruoxi was very high: "You, if you make my sister-in-law go away in anger, let's see where you can find such a good woman."

"I, I regret it." Zhong Zhouyi missed Shen Ruoxi so much in his heart, but he couldn't bear to look for someone.

Li Ding patted Zhong Zhouyi on the shoulder with a smile: "It's good to know that you regret it, as a man, you have to let the girl go, let alone your own wife."

Zhong Zhouyi asked stubbornly: "So, do you want me to stay at your house for one night?"

Li Ding: "Why do you still go to my house? You should go home and ask Mrs. Sister-in-law to forgive me."

Zhong Zhouyi felt that he couldn't understand Shen Ruoxi's heart, and wanted to test it out: "I want to see if Ruoxi cares about me."

Li Ding persuaded: "If you are like this, I'm afraid it will backfire."

Zhong Zhouyi: "As long as she comes to me, I will definitely let her do everything in the future and be obedient."

Li Ding didn't know what to say: "You..."



Zhong Xiang said anxiously: "Young Madam, I went to pick up the Young Master, but people said that the Young Master and Li Ding have left and are not going home."

Shen Ruoxi paused, and asked, "Why didn't you come back?"

Zhong Xiang shook his head: "I don't know, young lady, what should I do now? If the old lady knows that the young master won't come home, she will definitely be angry."

Shen Ruoxi asked, "Where does Li Ding live?"

Zhong Xiang quickly replied: "It's three streets away from Zhongfu."

"Has Zhou Yi already gone to Li Ding's house? Could it be that Li Ding invited him, because there is something at home?" If so, wouldn't it be abrupt for her to pick him up?
Zhong Xiang shook his head: "I don't know, Young Madam, why don't you go and have a look?"

Shen Ruoxi ordered: "Go and find out if there is anything wrong with Li Ding's residence, and come back later and tell me."

"Okay." Zhong Xiang hurried to inquire.

Shen Suhong came over and looked at the direction Zhong Xiang was leaving: "Ruoxi, what exactly does brother Zhouyi want to do?"

Shen Ruoxi shook her head: "I don't know either."

On the other side, Zhong Xiang went to inquire about the matter immediately after leaving the hospital, but Li Ding's family was fine, so he hurried back to report to Shen Ruoxi.

(End of this chapter)

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