My imagination has come true

Chapter 347 Progress

Xu Tao was so beautiful in his heart that his tail was going up to the sky.

"I definitely can't make our benefactor uncomfortable, no matter whether his surname is Yu or Niu, it's impossible to compete with Xiao Mu for us!"

Mr. Xiao Mu is so kind, that's a real gift of help in a timely manner. He just likes his scripts and only wants him to shoot well. Such a great investor must be cherished.

Old Du: "..."

Forget it, let him be beautiful for a while.

Although Lao Du didn't know what Mr. Mu thought, he definitely thought very differently from Xu Tao.

Mu Qingyun was a little disgusted. People like Yu Qing missed the crew she was optimistic about, and it always made people feel uncomfortable.

Of course, the more important thing is that Yu Qing is going to be unlucky soon, and if he gets involved, the crew will definitely be affected.

Wouldn't it be annoying if her favorite TV series couldn't be aired on time?

For two days in a row, Xu Tao came to report the progress to Mu Qingyun in detail - several leading actors began to enter the state.

Liu Nan no longer had the feeling of putting on airs and wearing fake leather, and seemed easy-going and at ease when blending into the crowd.

Now the false so-called second-generation people on TV are always very extreme. They are either arrogant and domineering to make people think that they are not normal people, or they are as respected as if they are on the altar, and they are very perfect in terms of personality and knowledge.

But once Liu Nan got in touch with these people and learned a little bit, he found that his natural image was different from the imagined "rich second generation" character, and seemed more ordinary.

Except for the problem of not treating money as money, everything else is the same as ordinary people, and their personalities are also diverse, with many shortcomings and advantages. Liu Nan can't help but hesitate—is he really going to act like this?

Screenwriter Xu and Director Du both agreed that his acting skills have been introduced in a serious way, at least for this role, he has a bit of a natural quality and is naturally born.

Liu Nan: "...Okay."

As for Yang Fengping, his role is actually a bit more difficult than Liu Nan's if he wants to play it thoroughly. A street prodigal who knows the world but not the world, if he doesn't play well, he has no characteristics, and if he plays a little, he will become vulgar.

However, Yang Fengping acted very well. He auditioned for the third time in the studio of Joe's Films. Mu Qingyun also went to see it. After watching it, he understood why Yang Fengping, who knew nothing about the plot, was able to join Xu Tao's. Eye.

Xu Tao himself may not be able to explain it clearly, but in Mu Qingyun's view, this young man has a rare chivalry.

In terms of temperament, he is a bit like the young knights I met in the script during the catastrophe period. He is compassionate and compassionate. As long as he sees it, he will always be remembered.

Zhang Li and Xiong Shengsheng all gathered around to watch the audition, and were amazed after watching it. Zhang Li couldn't help laughing, "No wonder I, a high-intelligence, anti-social personality, have to give in to someone like him."

In this "Urban Strange Talk", Zhang Li plays a character with a high IQ who has a long-term memory and has a slight emotional disorder. At first he was a bit of a villain, but later he was convinced by the protagonists played by Yang Fengping and Liu Nan, and he made trouble with them everywhere. , It turned into cleaning up the mess for them every two days, and then drove the ducks to the shelves and joined the team directly.

Xiong Shengsheng is the only woman among the four main characters, but unlike other dramas, more or less emotional entanglements are added, this character is a tragic character, and the whole story started on the day she was admitted to university , suddenly found that he could hear the screams of the victims and those who were about to become victims, and feel the pain of the victims.

This feeling has completely affected her study and life. She is completely unable to go to school and work as normal. When looking for a solution, she met the character played by Yang Fengping who can teleport instantly. When they arrived at Liunan, the voice of animals, the three of them started their journey to save the victims together.

Finally, I met the high-IQ and invincible character on the Internet played by Zhang Li.

The whole story is full of charm, and Mu Qingyun likes it very much.

The actors currently in the group are also good, and Mu Qingyun also likes it very much.

It's screenwriter Xu Da——

Xu Tao: "Mr. Mu, I recently discovered an actress named Xing Jingjing, and I'm currently contacting her through my relationship, and I want her to play the role of 'Qiyao' in our drama."

Mu Qingyun: "..."

"I've seen the laundry detergent ad she shot, and I think she's very suitable for the role of 'Qiyao', with a strong sense of innocence."

Qiyao is one of the most important villains in this play. From the beginning to the end, it has a heavy weight.

Mu Qingyun: "..."

She silently typed back the proposal, angrily consolidated the basics carefully, then opened the family group and silently sent out a picture of a kitten with furious hair—'I want to kill them! '

Yu Qing, Wei Shan, even Xing Jingjing, who was behind the scenes, had to be brought out to make an appearance. The delay was already very long, and Mu Qingyun felt that he would be annoyed if he let them jump around again.

All of a sudden, everyone in the group was blown out.

For a while, emojis flew around, booing and joking, it was like having a party.

Mr. Qiao frowned, and opened the phone to look at the chat records in the group during the meeting.

The person in charge of Qiao's intelligent robot team, who was reporting to work, felt his heart skip a beat when he saw Mr. Qiao's expression.

He didn't say anything bad just now.

Their research progress does not seem to be slow!

Could it be that Mr. Qiao has already got the news that other companies are making faster progress than them?Their products have fallen behind?

The person in charge suddenly became nervous.

Qiao Qing stared at the group for 3 minutes. Seeing that this group of people had already started to think about contacting XX and XX, a foreign mercenary group whose code names were kept secret, his face darkened.

"Who always posts messy things in the group, if you dare to post again, I will send you to a foreign war zone to experience what is an exciting and wonderful life."

Even if it's a joke, it's not worth advocating or encouraging.

In the Mu family's family group, except for the older bystanders like them, most of the active people are young.

Most of them are under 30 years old, and Mu Qingyun is not the youngest among them.

Young children are not mature enough to joke around in their face.

With a cold face, Qiao Qing summed up the main issues discussed at the meeting in a few words, and gave a firm solution, issued orders, and assigned tasks.

Everyone in the venue listened honestly. In the past, they might have dared to make an opinion or say a few words. Today, seeing Mr. Qiao's expression, they all shut up and bowed their heads. No one wants to be the first bird.

Mr. Qiao managed to settle the meeting within 10 minutes so unexpectedly and smoothly, and he was happy to mention the achievement of leaving get off work early.

However, in the Mu family group, despite the various speeches, everyone's brain hurts, but everyone really just talked about it.

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