"Xu Pai, have you checked that all the equipment for moving the knife is ready?
After the things are ready, wipe them with spirits and get the needles ready, and you will be responsible for handing me the things. "After cleaning his hands, Huang Tiandong instructed Xu Pai.

"Eldest brother, everything is ready." Xu Pai quickly checked around and found nothing missing, and then began to wipe the knife-moving utensils with spirits.

"Very good! Pan Jun, give Vice General Ye Mafeisan and Zhixuesan, so as not to wake up Vice General Ye from the pain when the knife is used later.

Also, you will perform 72 blood pricks on Vice General Ye later, and I will take out the bow and arrow from the laparotomy.

Wang Cheng, you are in charge of other acupuncture methods, checking for omissions and filling in vacancies. " Tiandong continued.

"Okay." Wang Cheng replied without hesitation.

"Okay!" Pan Jun didn't expect his elder brother to ask him to perform 72 blood pricks on Vice General Ye. After hesitating for a moment, he agreed.

"Pan Jun, perform acupuncture." After everything was ready, Tiandong shouted to Pan Jun in a low voice.

"Okay!" Pan Jun took a deep breath, took out a golden needle, and calmly began to perform 72 blood pricks on Vice General Ye.

72 The blood pricking acupuncture method, every needle goes down, there will be blood, and this acupuncture is to promote the metabolism of the human body, enhance immunity, white blood cells, red blood cells, and resist the invasion of external germs. It is treated by consuming lifespan.

It is suitable for the treatment of huge, unhealed, festering and rotten wounds. It accelerates metabolism, promotes wound healing, and people who have lost too much blood. This acupuncture will stimulate bone marrow to produce blood and avoid death caused by excessive blood loss.

Huang Tiandong saw that Pan Jun was laying down the needle like a god, after one needle went down, he pulled it up slightly, and the acupuncture point that was needled immediately bleed out traces of blood, seeing that Pan Jun didn't make any mistakes, Huang Tiandong felt slightly relieved tone.

However, Tiandong also discovered a strange thing about Pan Jun.

As long as he completely forgets himself and seems to have entered a certain state, when he gives people the needle, it is like a god's help, and he can give people the needle perfectly and quickly without making mistakes.

Sometimes in a certain situation, it is better than what he does.

Therefore, this time Huang Tiandong asked Pan Jun to perform 72 blood stabs on Vice General Ye.

Sure enough, Pan Jun did not disappoint him.

When Pan Jun performed half of the 72 blood pricks on Vice General Ye, Vice General Ye's complexion turned slightly rosy.

Huang Tiandong knew that this was the time to move the knife.

He took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and said, "Knife."

Xu Feibian immediately handed the scalpel to his elder brother.

Holding the knife in his right hand, Huang Tiandong cut a two-inch-long opening along the upper and lower places of the arrow shot by Deputy General Ye.

The cut was made, but there was no bleeding. At this time, the direction of the barbed arrow at the tooth end of Vice General Ye could be seen.

After Huang Tiandong saw the situation clearly, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The barbed arrow at the end of the tooth only pierced a section of the large intestine and small intestine, four layers inside and outside.

If the tooth-end barbed arrow pierces a few more sections of the large intestine and small intestine, it will not only increase the difficulty of removing the tooth-end barbed arrow with a knife, but it will also be difficult to cut off the barbed arrow.

The space inside the abdomen is too small and there are internal organs, so it is not possible to cut off the barbed arrow at the end of the tooth, in case the barbed arrow at the end of the tooth is pulled out to further bring out the intestines in the abdomen, causing secondary damage.

Huang Tiandong decided to expand the wounds where the barbed arrow pierced several large and small intestines, and took out the barbed arrow completely.

Immediately, he cut open the pierced intestine with a scalpel.

Only then did the knife go down, and blood began to bleed immediately.

"Wang Cheng, stop the bleeding and perform acupuncture, hurry up." Huang Tiandong ordered Wang Chengdao without raising his head.

"Okay!" Wang Cheng took a deep breath.

Needles were placed around Vice General Ye's hands, feet and thighs to stop the bleeding.

Huang Tiandong also knew that Vice General Ye couldn't procrastinate any longer, after the knife widened the wound, he quickly took out the barbed arrow at the tip of the tooth.

The wound on the intestine is then quickly closed.

The wound also gradually stopped bleeding, but now Vice General Ye's abdominal cavity is in a bad state.

Blood came out along with feces from the intestinal perforation. Cleaning these things out was even more difficult than taking out the barbed arrow at the end of the tooth and suturing.

After Huang Tiandong cleaned up the abdominal cavity, he sutured up the surgical wound on the abdomen.

At this time, Pan Jun also finished the 72 blood pricking method, Huang Tiandong did not ask Pan Jun to pull out the needle immediately, but waited for a quarter of an hour before letting Pan Jun pull out the 72 blood pricking needle Law.

"Okay?" Dr. Lu said in surprise when he saw that he had taken out the barbed arrow for Vice General Ye, stitched up the wound, and pulled out the first-aid needle.

It seems that Vice General Ye is under the treatment of Dr. Huang and the others, so simple?
There was no hemorrhage, and there was no need for Vice General Ye to do that directly during the treatment?

On the contrary, after treating Vice General Ye, Vice General Ye's complexion seemed a little bit rosier, and his breathing became a bit more stable.

Dr. Lu suddenly felt incredible.

"So far, he has been cured, but Vice General Ye had such a large mouth in his abdomen, and the intestines in his abdomen were also stitched up, and he was injured from the attack from the inside and outside.

Even with the life-saving acupuncture, it may not be able to save Vice General Ye.

In the next few days, it will depend on whether Vice General Ye can survive.

As long as he survived the previous five or seven days, then Vice General Ye would basically be able to survive. "After Huang Tiandong cleaned his hands, he said to Dr. Lu with a serious expression on his face.

"Vice General Ye is here for you to perform surgery and suture treatment, and it's the life-saving acupuncture method you performed. I'm afraid I will have to trouble you four brothers to take turns guarding Vice General Ye's place these few days." Dr. Lu felt ashamed when he heard this. Knowing where we are now is a blessing among misfortunes.

"Okay! Pan Jun, Xu Pai, you two will stay here tonight, and Wang Cheng and I will replace you tomorrow.

Let's go out and report to General Xie and the third prince. After Huang Tiandong nodded to Doctor Lu, he arranged for Pan Jun and Xu Pai to guard Vice General Ye.

"Doctor Huang, how is the situation at Vice General Ye's place?" As soon as Huang Tiandong came out of the tent, General Xie immediately came up to him and asked.

"Temporarily saved Vice General Ye's life, the next few days will depend on whether Vice General Ye can survive.

As long as he survived the previous five or seven days, then Vice General Ye would basically be able to survive.

General Xie, I will do my best to rescue Vice General Ye, we are here to guard, you and the third prince can do whatever you want.

Now is a critical moment, and the affairs in the military must be handled by you and the third prince. "Huang Tiandong cupped his hands towards General Xie and the third prince, and said solemnly.


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