"I think it's time to recruit the third batch of apprentices.

The first batch of apprentices now has six students, and the six of them can take turns to take over the teaching burden of Zi Wan and Su Su.

Paeoniae Alba has almost learned it, and it can also be drawn out.

After some time, the first batch of apprentices will be able to leave one after another. At that time, there will be no shortage of people. The second batch of apprentices has also been studying medicine and medicine in our family for two years. It is time to recruit the third batch of apprentices. . "Mai Dong told his family Su Sudao what he thought.

"In this case, according to what the second brother said, the third batch of apprentices will be recruited. Second brother, you are fully responsible for recruiting apprentices.

In the future, our family can recruit a group of apprentices every other year.

You can also give priority to recruiting younger siblings who are apprentices in our family.

There are brothers and sisters in the family who come to study medicine and medicine together at home, which can also allow them to compete with each other and create a virtuous circle of competitive learning. " Huang Zisu mentioned a few words to her second brother, and then let his second brother do the job.

Previously, their family was short of people to teach apprentices. Now that the first batch of apprentices have left their teachers one after another, their family has no shortage of people to teach apprentices. Naturally, they can recruit a lot of apprentices.

As soon as the Huang family announced the recruitment of the third batch of apprentices, many people who wanted their children to go to the Huang family to study medicine and medicine were pleasantly surprised.

Because Qingyun County did not recruit the third batch of medical apprentices this year due to insufficient doctors, many families wanted their children to learn medicine but had no way out.

No, after the news of the Huang family's recruitment of the third batch of apprentices was released, one by one came to the Huang family to inquire about the news, and if they had connections, they asked someone to come and give gifts, because they wanted their children to come to the Huang family to study medicine and medicine. .

The Huang family also released a message to give priority to recruiting younger brothers and sisters who are already apprentices in the Huang family.

As soon as the news came out, those who were apprentices in the Huang family became proud when they walked, and felt that it was an honor to be an apprentice in the Huang family.

No, my younger brothers and sisters can give priority to being apprentices at the master's house by themselves, and they can learn medicine and medicine with them.

Huang Zisu didn't care about recruiting the third batch of apprentices either, she lived a leisurely life.

Either teasing the little nephew or niece, or communicating with Tang Lin Feige.

After the end of June, on this day, a carrier pigeon fell into the window of Huang Zisu.

When Huang Zisu saw that the carrier pigeon was black, her face showed a slight joy.

The black carrier pigeon is the carrier pigeon contacted by Huang Zisu and Tang Lin.

Taking out the letter from the letter tube on the carrier pigeon's feet, Huang Zisu first locked the black carrier pigeon in a small cage in the room. After reading Tang Lin's letter later, he had to let the black carrier pigeon Flying Pigeon pass the letter to Tang Lin. .

"Huh! The letter this time turned out to be a blank sheet of paper." Huang Zisu was a little surprised when she saw that the letter Tang Lin sent to Feige this time was a blank sheet of paper.

Huang Zisu didn't know what to think of, she quickly soaked the white paper in the water.

Lines of handwriting suddenly appeared on the white paper.

But the handwriting is still unclear, and nothing can be seen.

Then, Huang Zisu lit a candle, took the paper soaked in water, and baked it back and forth. After the water on the paper dried, the handwriting clearly jumped onto the paper.

When Huang Zisu and Tang Lin separated earlier, he had told him that if there was anything important to tell her, he would smear the secret potion on the paper to prevent someone from intercepting the letter and revealing the secret information.

After Tang Lin knew that the secret potion had such a great effect, he was able to hide his handwriting, and he was not afraid of important letters being cut off. He was both surprised and happy.

This time Tang Lin used this method to pass the letter to himself, so this time Tang Lin sent the message to himself, there must be something important to tell him.

Huang Zisu read the contents of the letter at a glance.

Immediately, her complexion changed slightly. It was the end of June now, which seemed to be both expected and unexpected by Huang Zisu.

The content of Tang Lin's letter this time is to tell Huang Zisu that he is about to send troops to the frontier, and the second is to tell her that he will order conscription for soldiers and doctors in the near future.

Huang Zisu's heart turned sharply, and after a little reassurance, she asked someone to go to the county to pass a message to her third brother.

Let him come back today.

"Grandma, I told Zhao Di, Guo Rong, and Da Ya before that our family will prepare a dowry for them when they get married.

You have to pay attention to this matter, and slowly prepare for them. "Huang Zisu had forgotten about this before, but now that she had remembered it, she hurriedly greeted her grandma, so as not to miss it in time.

"Okay, that's what I wrote down.

But, how about preparing those things for them? "Huang Zhang was a little uncertain.

As for preparing a dowry for several female apprentices, Mrs. Huang Zhang also felt that it was nothing.

After all, these female apprentices have already graduated from the teacher, and they are all very useful. She also likes them very much. The family has made a lot of money by going away, and Huang Zhangshi is not reluctant.

"Have some clothing, food, cloth and so on.

In addition, it is almost enough to give them some private money.

Also, Da Ya and the others said that they want to marry me on the same day, and I will take them to the capital to develop. "They also told Huang Zisu a few days ago that they wanted to go to the capital to develop, and Huang Zisu also told her grandma.

"Success! Grandma already knows." Huang Zhangshi nodded, indicating that she knew.

"Bai Zhu, why did you come back for dinner today when you have time?

Are you done with the affairs of the county yamen?Is it possible to control the entire Qingyun County? " After Huang Bai saw his daughter and his mother finished talking, he asked his son.

"I haven't finished my work yet. My son is thinking that he hasn't come back for a long time to have a meal with grandpa and parents, so he will come back soon." Bai Shu looked at his family Susu, and saw that his family Susu looked at him slightly. After shaking his head aware of it, Bai Shu knew that Susu didn't want the head of the family to know that Susu asked him to come back when he came back.

"Grandma knows that it is enough for you to be filial, and if you are too busy in the future, you don't have to squeeze time to come back and have dinner with us.

Stay in the county to eat and live, don't forget to eat, take care of yourself. "When Huang Zhang heard that her third grandson had made time to go home and have dinner with them, she smiled happily from ear to ear.

At Huang Zhang's age, he didn't think much about anything else, he just wanted to be surrounded by his children and grandchildren and enjoy the family happiness.

She is content when the whole family is neat, safe, healthy, and happy.

"I am busy with things every day, and it is also very important to go home to eat with grandpa, grandma, and parents.

The other grandchildren knew what they were doing, and they wouldn't delay anything.

Besides, now that Hui Yuan is pregnant, she has to spare time to accompany Hui Yuan. " Bai Shu smiled and held Su Huiyuan's hand.

Huang Yaozi, Huang Zhang and the others laughed when they saw their third grandson talking so sweetly.

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