In a flash of time, it was the eighth day of August.

The ninth day of August is the first exam for Chunwei, but the eighth day of August needs to enter the exam room one day in advance.

Yunfu City established a tribute courtyard in the southeast of the city as an examination room for the township examination, and a large plaque with the word "Gongyuan" hung in the middle of the gate.

On the Gongyuan Square, many scholars gathered together to talk in twos and threes, all nervous, excited and looking forward to it.

"Bai Shu, I met Dr. Huang." When Bai Shu's two good friends saw him, they hurried over.

After seeing Huang Zisu at the side, the other two scholars hurriedly saluted Huang Zisu again.

Huang Zisu smiled and nodded at them in return.

These two scholars are very envious of Bai Shu's having such a powerful younger sister, and this younger sister has also been conferred an official position by the current Holy Majesty, and it is possible that they will not be able to reach the height of Bai Shu's younger sister in their entire lives.

They all envy, envy and hate Bai Zhu for having such a capable younger sister.

"Bai Shu, do you know who the chief examiner in charge of Yunfu City is this year?" one of the scholars asked Bai Shu with a gossipy face.

"Ziqing, it looks like you know who the chief examiner of Yunfu City is? Just tell us!" Bai Shu asked Ziqing with a smile.

He also knows Ziqing's temperament, if you don't follow up with his questions, he will annoy you with buzzing in the head later.

He is typically a chatterbox.

"It's the fifth grade, a full bachelor who is upright and can't tolerate sand in his eyes."

"Ziqing, how do you know that the examiner in charge of Yunfu City this time is a full bachelor?" Another scholar asked curiously.

Not only the scholar was curious, but even Bai Shu looked at Ziqing curiously.

"I've seen a portrait of the whole bachelor. I was on a street just now. I saw the whole scholar sitting in a sedan chair in the direction of the Gongyuan. I guess the whole scholar must be sent by the capital to preside over the autumn exam in Yunfu City." Which Ziqing said triumphantly after seeing two classmates looking towards him.

"So that's the case. In this way, it is nine out of ten that the whole bachelor presides over the autumn palace in Yunfu City." Bai Shu nodded and said clearly when he heard the words.

However, when Zhong Zihao, who was not far from them, heard what Bai Shu and the others said, Zhong Zihao looked at Bai Shu with a sullen expression on his face, and murmured, "God helped me."

Afterwards, Zhong Zihao patted his head.

"Everyone, the exam is about to start, and the scholars participating in Qiu Wei have to line up.

What can be brought in and what can't be brought in, I think you all know in your heart, don't bring in what you shouldn't bring in.

After the on-site inspection, it's fine to pull things out. If you find all kinds of cheat sheets and cheating after entering the examination room, you probably can't bear the consequences.

You don't want to miss your future, the auspicious time has come, and the exam is open. "At this time, an official stood in front of the gate of the Gongyuan and said loudly.

After the scholars in front of the Gongyuan gate heard this voice, these scholars immediately silenced and listened quietly to the official's words.

After hearing that the exam was open, the group of scholars immediately lined up one by one, and began to enter the exam room to be checked.

Before entering the examination room, the examiner will verify the identity of the candidates according to their personal information.

After checking your identity, you enter a small door, where people will be arranged to search you carefully, check the things you bring into the examination room, in case you bring cheat sheets and the like, and even ask you to take off your clothes. The inspection is very careful.

After checking this step, the examinee enters the test room with the certificate, takes a seat according to the number, and waits quietly for the next round of checking and checking.

Wait for all the candidates to enter the examination room.

Then, another examiner will be sent to carefully check the candidate's admission ticket and identity proof. If necessary, the examiner will ask the candidate questions for further inspection.

In order to prevent fake membership, someone took the exam instead.

This series of examinations is extremely complicated and troublesome, so this group of scholars need to enter the examination room one day in advance for the Qiu Wei examination.

The examination number of the scholar is also called the examination shed, which is one by one, which is used as the "examination room" and "dormitory" for the examinees to answer the papers, eat and stay in the Gongyuan.

The imperial examination is a single room for each candidate.The invigilation in the Tribute Court is very strict. When candidates enter the Tribute Court, they must conduct a strict body search to prevent candidates from being "entrained". At regular intervals, examiners will walk back and forth to invigilate the exam to further prevent candidates from cheating.

When candidates enter the test booth, the door must be locked, leaving only one window for ventilation.During the exam period, the candidates are "eating, drinking, and sleeping" in the "number room" and are not allowed to come out until the exam is over.

The No. [-] room is very narrow, with only two boards, upper and lower. The upper board is used as a desk for answering papers, and the lower board is used as a chair. When sleeping at night, the two boards are put together as a bed.A pot of charcoal fire and a candle were also prepared for candidates in the examination shed.

Charcoal fire can be used not only for heating, but also for cooking.Candidates are isolated from the outside world during the exam, and they have to solve the problem of eating by themselves.The invigilator only cares about cheating in the exam. As for other actions of the candidates in the number room, the invigilator will not ask at all.

Once found to be cheating, no matter what kind of cheating, the punishment is very severe, in addition to being beaten in public, tattooed on the face, sent to the army, and it's over for the rest of your life.

When Bai Shu just finished the second round of examination, when he raised his head to the window to get some air, he happened to see Zhong Zihao, who was taking the exam diagonally across from him, smiled at him inexplicably.

Bai Shu was a little confused, and didn't know what kind of disease Zhong Zihao was suffering from. He gave Zhong Zihao a blank look, and opened his mouth to silently send the word 'idiot' to Zhong Zihao.

Zhong Zihao seemed to understand Bai Shu's mouth shape, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

After checking everything, there will be no exam on the first day of entering the exam room, and now most of the scholars are resting, waiting for the exam on the second day.

After the second day, Bai Shu had just finished his dry food, and after a short while, after another round of inspections, the test questions for the first exam had already been distributed.

In the first round, try to use "The Analects of Confucius", "The Doctrine of the Mean" or "University" and "Mencius", one five-character and eight-rhyme poem, and four classics and meanings. In the first round, you must write more than 3 characters for each of the three four-book questions, and more than 200 characters for the four classics and meanings questions.

When Bai Shu saw the test questions of the first exam, he had done similar questions himself, and he composed a five-character and eight-rhyme poem. He had done similar poems before.

Therefore, in the first exam, Bai Shu wrote like a master. After spending half a day, he finished the questions of the first exam and checked that there were no mistakes.

The first game is solid.

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