Chapter 349
The next day, after Baizhu finished her breakfast, she went swimming in the lake with her classmates.

Outside of Yunfu City, there is a large lake that flows towards Tongguan Gate in the frontier.

In the past, there were many literati, elegant scholars and boudoir daughters who took a boat tour of the lake.

No, after arriving in Qiuwei, scholars from various counties and towns in Yunfu City who came to Fucheng to take an exam in Qiuwei went together one by one, chartered boats to swim in the lake, drank wine and wrote poems, and made friends with scholars from all over the world.

Even, some people are well-informed, knowing that those scholars are famous and have a high chance of winning the exam, many people make friends in advance.

I am afraid that the relationship I made today will be used in the future.

On this day, Bai Shu went to visit the lake with two classmates from Qingyun County.

It is said that it was a son of Feng Zhizhou in Yunfu City. Feng Chen rented a boat and invited two classmates of Baishu to swim in the lake, and the two classmates of Baishu took him with him.

It is said that there are quite a few scholars participating in the cruise this time, and those who can come are only able to participate in this party because of their connections.

When he got to the pier, Bai Shu saw a three-story ship parked on the pier.

The big boat was painted red and lacquered in gold, and the lanterns were bright red, and the decoration was magnificent.

The three of Bai Shu handed over the post and boarded the big boat.

In the hall on the first floor of the big boat, many scholars gathered together in twos and threes, chatting in low voices.

"Zhong Zihao is walking towards us." At this time, one of Bai Shu's classmates pushed Bai Shu and said.

They also knew that Bai Shu and Zhong Zihao had always been at odds, and when they saw Zhong Zihao approaching them aggressively, they could tell at a glance that this was a bad person.

When I was in the academy, my husband also liked to compare the two of them. Most of the time, the masters of the academy also liked Bai Shu more, not only because Bai Shu was more knowledgeable than Zhong Zihao, but also because Bai Shu was humble, gentle and polite, while Zhong Zihao was arrogant and arrogant. Disrespectful, not liked by teachers and classmates.

In addition, the Zhong family's business is roughly the same as that of the Huang family's. After the Huang family seized a lot of Zhong's business, the relationship between the two of them became even more rigid.

"Hey! Isn't this the case of Qingyun County? The three of you can also get along with Mr. Feng Zhizhou and come on a cruise.

I don't know who gave you the greeting post, whether it was a post written in imitation of other people's handwriting, or it was bought with money. "Zhong Zihao's voice was not low, and immediately aroused the ideas of the scholars in the hall.

It is human nature to love to watch and watch.

No, there was excitement here, those scholars in twos and threes didn't mutter around and looked towards Bai Shu and the others one by one.

"What kind of post is written in imitation of other people's handwriting, or is it paid for? Since we are here, the post came from the right channel.

Brother Zhong is so clear about the source and channel of the invitation post, so it is possible that you got it from these two channels.

Deliberately want to curry favor with the nobleman at the banquet held by Mr. Feng? "Bai Shu saw that the faces of the other two students were a little unnatural, and he understood in an instant.

Perhaps their greeting cards were really what Zhong Zihao said, they were bought with money, not the invitations that Mr. Feng invited them.

However, Bai Shu couldn't weaken his aura, and he and Zhong Zihao were already at odds, so naturally he didn't need to persuade him with good words, and his tone became tit for tat.

On the contrary, the words insinuated that Zhong Zihao was able to attend Mr. Feng's banquet, and his invitation came from improper means.

"Bai Shu, you have a sharp mouth and sharp teeth, and your current achievements are not due to your sister, Dr. Huang.

Without Dr. Huang, you are nothing? "Zhong Zihao naturally heard Bai Shu's insinuation, and he gritted his teeth angrily.

"What's wrong with me relying on my sister, my dear sister, she is willing to rely on my brother, can you control it?
Brother Zhong can't rely on anyone if he wants to?No, he hurriedly attended the banquet hosted by Mr. Feng, and wanted to curry favor with others.

Besides, it's only natural for me to rely on my own sister, but I'm not like Brother Zhong, humble and flattering others, looking like some kind of animal, indecent. "When Bai Shu said it, he was not polite, and he didn't have to worry about Zhong Zihao's face.

When he kisses his own sister, he can rely on him as much as he wants, and no one else can control him.

After Zhong Zihao heard Bai Shu's words, his face was livid with anger, and he was about to refute.

"Are you Doctor Huang's elder brother?" At this time, a suave young man in brocade attire, with a smile on his face and holding a folding fan, walked towards Bai Shu and asked.

"I've met Mr. Feng." After Bai Shu and his two classmates saw Feng Chen, they immediately bowed their hands in salute.

Feng Chen didn't hold back his identity, and returned the gifts one by one.

"The younger sister at home is exactly Doctor Huang that Mr. Feng said, does Mr. Feng know the younger sister?" Bai Shu asked Feng Chen with a smile.

"Although I have never met Dr. Huang, she is famous. She created the medical school teaching, wrote medical books to teach, and created such a great feat. Dr. Huang is probably not known to Dr. Huang in our Tang Dynasty.

Doctor Huang treated my father when Dilong turned over in Yunfu City. She is my father's savior. Mr. Huang, let's sit down and chat slowly. "Feng Chen smiled and pulled Bai Shu to sit at the top of the hall.

He didn't even look at Zhong Zihao who was at the side.

Other scholars saw that Bai Shu was approached and befriended by Feng Zhizhou's son, and other scholars also flattered and complimented Bai Shu when they saw this.

Only Zhong Zihao looked unkind, and looked at Bai Shu's back with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Bai Shu has Feng Chen's fancy, and many scholars know that Bai Shu is Doctor Huang's brother. At this party, Feng Chen took Bai Shu to meet many officials' nephews.

I made a lot of contacts, and suddenly, the limelight was gone.

Bai Shu is gentle, gentle, and talks freely with everyone, and his bearing is not weaker than these children of aristocratic families and officials' nephews.

Bai Shu's appearance made everyone take a high look, and they chatted with Bai Shu even more enthusiastically.

This time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it was August, and it was only a few days away from Qiu Wei's first exam. Luo Ping had already prepared everything that Bai Shu Qiu Wei wanted.

During this period of time, Huang Zisu not only made the first down jacket for her, but also made a down jacket for her little uncle and third brother.

After making three down jackets in succession, Huang Zisu has become more and more familiar with the process and details of making down jackets with extreme precision.

Moreover, she also wrote down the process, details, and techniques of making down jackets one by one. In the future, her grandma can make down jackets only by referring to what she wrote.

However, the weather is still very hot, and I can't feel the power of this down jacket to keep warm.

Therefore, after Luo Ping and Bai Zhu put on this down jacket, they didn't feel anything, they just felt that wearing this down jacket only felt soft and comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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