"That's right! It is to use the formula to formulate and grind it into medicinal materials. At that time, it will not only emit a strange fragrance, but also have the functions of preventing, curing diseases, and repelling insects.

For example, anti-mosquito bite sachets: this type of sachet is mainly composed of atractylodes atractylodes, Angelica dahurica, Chuanxiong, notopterygium, lovage, lavender, camphor, etc. The smell is pungent and strong, and the fragrance lasts for a long time, but it is not unpleasant.

This kind of sachet can not only be placed on the bedside to repel insects, but also can be worn on the body to repel insects. If you go to the wild for mountain climbing, bonfires, or camping in the wild, it is a must-have choice to travel with this sachet.

Anti-venomous snake sachet: this kind of sachet is mainly composed of realgar, orpiment, musk, borneol, herb, clove, chuanxiong, etc. This kind of sachet has a long fragrance and strong penetrating power, which can be smelled from a long distance, and snakes can smell it This kind of aroma will stay away later.

If you are going out for an outing, picnic or long-distance travel in summer, it is best to use a sachet to prevent poisonous snakes, so you don't have to worry about encountering or encountering poisonous snakes.

Prevention and control of epidemic poison: this kind of sachet is made of atractylodes atractylodes, Huoxiang, mugwort leaf, evodia, realgar, borneol, camphor, etc. The smell of this kind of sachet is warm and fragrant, deep and long-lasting, and has the effect of avoiding its poisonous gas .

This kind of sachet can be used to prevent various epidemic diseases, enhance the body's resistance to various viruses, rejuvenate the mind, remove dampness and wake up the spleen, eliminate filth and delight the mind, enhance the body's immunity, inhale aromatic air, and have the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, eliminating The role of exorcising evil.

Also, avoid pollution and turn turbidity: this kind of sachet is mainly composed of Huoxiang, Peilan, Angelica, Amomum, Shichangpu, Atractylodes, Artemisia argyi, etc. This kind of sachet smells fragrant, fragrant but not dry, and lasts for a short time. Generally, it needs to be replaced every week to ten days.

Lung-strengthening and spleen-strengthening sachet: unblocks the nose, resuscitates and eliminates phlegm, aromatizes dampness, refreshes the spleen and appetizers, and is used for children's daily preventive health care.

Soothe the nerves and help sleep sachet: clear the heart and relieve troubles, soothe the nerves and help sleep, relieve anxiety, used for symptoms such as insomnia, dreaminess, upset and irritability, restless night sleep, etc., help to improve sleep quality.

Heart-protecting and calming sachet: clearing the mind and refreshing the mind, expelling wind and cold, regulating qi and relieving pain, nourishing the heart and calming the nerves, and has a good effect on heart diseases such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and bradycardia.

Nasal congestion, runny nose anti-allergic sachet: aroma resuscitates, invigorates the spleen and moistens the lungs, and clears the nasal openings. It is used as an adjuvant treatment for allergic rhinitis, and effectively relieves nasal discomfort caused by deficiency of lung, spleen and kidney, and lack of righteousness.

The granddaughter has used the habits and functions of medicinal materials to treat and develop seven or eight formulas for making sachets.

Moreover, these formulas have various effects, not only for women, but also for men, children, the elderly and the whole family.

Small sachet, reliable function, can be worn personally or as a gift to relatives and friends, you can choose any according to your needs.

I think, once this sachet is launched, it will be more popular than Rouge.

After all, rouge is only suitable for women, while sachets are universal for men, women and children. " Huang Zisu said confidently to her grandma.

She was afraid that her grandma would not know the effects and effects of the various sachets she had developed, and she also told her grandma a lot about the formulas and efficacy.

After hearing this, Huang Zhangshi on the side showed a thoughtful look on his face, and nodded repeatedly, thinking that it was feasible.

"If the medicinal materials are ground into ingredients, the sachets made are really popular, and the medicinal materials will be used in batches. Can our medicinal materials withstand such manufacturing." Huang Zhang asked worriedly.

"The sachets made of medicinal materials are some of the more common medicinal materials, I don't worry about this, I just want to pick more this year.

Instead, I worry that the speed of sewing sachets cannot keep up with the speed of selling.

In addition, the cloth that also sews the sachet should be selected. "Huang Zisu worried.

"Actually, we can buy sachets from cloth shops in town or in the county.

There are also sachets sold in the cloth shop, so let’s order a batch of sachets directly with the cloth shop.

Susu, you just need to tell the cloth shop your request for sewing sachets, and when the time comes, you will pay for the goods. "Huang Zhang directly gave Huang Zisu a good idea.

When Huang Zisu heard this, her eyes lit up, and she immediately felt that this matter was feasible, so she nodded repeatedly.

Immediately, she went back to her room to design the size of the sachet, the color of the cloth, the kind of cloth, and the appearance, and just embroidered a yellow word on it.

In addition, Huang Zisu also wrote down all kinds of prescriptions for making sachets, and asked her grandma and the others to grab the medicinal materials and dry them to make them.

After dinner at night, Huang Zisu talked to her two aunts about cooperating with the cloth shop and letting the cloth shop make sachets.

I roughly talked to them about the grinding of medicinal materials into sachets.

Both aunts think that this is a trick and can make money.

Especially Huang Jing, the family negotiated a business of more than 1 taels today, and the whole person was extremely excited today.

Today, her family Susu not only researched a new product, but also put it into production. Soon after her family's women's health care center sold sachets, Huang Jing's blood boiled all over her body, and she wanted to do a big job.

"Auntie, tomorrow you go to the town to discuss with the cloth shop about custom-made sachets, and then you go to the dental shop to buy some fast-working women. First, you can bring babies to the four sister-in-laws, and second, you can bring them to our family. Do some cleaning and cooking, and thirdly do some grinding, concocting medicinal materials and so on.

In addition, you can also see if there are any honest men who can be bought together. It would be even better if they were a family.

As for quantity?No limit, as long as you see that there is a suitable person, you can buy it back. " Huang Zisu thought of this, and she told her aunt to speak.

Nowadays, as long as the men in their village are unemployed at home, they are basically recruited to work, and the women and children in the village basically raise silkworms for their families. Even if they recruit people to work, they cannot be recruited how much.

That being the case, Huang Zisu decided to simply buy some people and come back. Anyway, their family is short of people to work.

Now Huang Zisu waits for the first batch of apprentices to succeed in their studies and graduates, so she doesn't worry about no one working.

"This, good!" Huang Qi didn't realize it for a while, in her thinking and impression, their family is not a rich family, nor is it a wealthy businessman, and they don't need to buy people to come back to work.

Not only did Huang Qi not change her thoughts and ideas, but so did the rest of the Huang family.

I feel that they are self-sufficient, can work on their own, and don't need servants to wait on them.

"It is true that there is a shortage of people everywhere in the family.

The great-grandchildren also need someone to take care of them. At that time, Jiang Rou and Yunling's two granddaughters-in-law can be freed up to do other things.

Some things, no one else can replace us, only we do it ourselves.

Trivial work that requires effort is simply handed over to the villagers and the servants who will be bought by our family in the future.

Fourth child, my mother will give you more money later, as long as you look good, you can buy them back one by one. "Huang Zhang also agreed with her family to buy a group of servants to come back to work.

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