Chapter 323 Harmonizing the Medicines
"Master Song has a good idea of ​​this matter.

As for the second matter today, it is my private matter.

My family will focus on the development of medicinal materials in the future, hiring people to go up the mountain to collect medicinal materials, planting medicinal materials by myself, and currently planting a mountain of medicinal trees.

I found out that if you want to provide medicinal materials to the frontier, you need Master Song to write a note and report the matter first.

Can Mr. Song help me with this. " Huang Zisu asked County Magistrate Song.

"I thought it was something, it was just such a trivial matter, and it was just something I wrote casually, and it was wrapped up on me.

Moreover, what Dr. Huang said is beneficial to the country and the people. Presumably the Holy One is also pleased that Dr. Huang thinks of the people and has a benevolent heart. "Magistrate Song thought it was a private matter, but he quickly agreed to such a trivial matter.

"Thank you, Mr. Song. Can Mr. Song give me the list of medicinal materials designated by the frontier this year. My family will prepare these medicinal materials next year." Huang Zisu asked County Magistrate Song.

"Here, I will receive a list of medicinal materials designated by the frontier every June, and soldiers will come from the frontier to escort the medicinal materials to the frontier in September of the next year.

Therefore, no matter how many medicinal materials Dr. Huang and your family have collected, after the beginning of September, these medicinal materials must be properly prepared, and there should be no delay in time. "The county magistrate of Song took a small booklet and handed it to Huang Zisu, and he explained.

"Thank you, Mr. Song, for your reminder. I know about it." After Huang Zisu took the note, she bowed her hands to County Magistrate Song in thanks.

Afterwards, after Huang Zisu talked with County Magistrate Song for a while, he said goodbye and left.

On the way home, after Huang Zisu opened the booklet for the collection of medicinal materials designated by Frontier, she found that most of the medicinal materials designated by Frontier were those for bruises, trauma to stop bleeding, and medicinal materials for treating typhoid fever.

Such as: sinensis, sclerosus, notoginseng, peach kernel, safflower, chuanxiong, salvia, clematis, sumac, nuxychon, Nepeta, windproof, ephedra, mugwort leaves, turmeric, thistle, thistle, ground Elm, Sophora japonica, Arborvitae leaves, Imperata rhizome, Ramie root and other medicinal materials.

Among them, it also shows how many medicinal materials are there and how much they need.

That medicinal material is --- licorice.

Licorice: It has the effects of invigorating the spleen and replenishing qi, clearing heat and detoxifying, eliminating phlegm and relieving cough, relieving spasm and relieving pain, and harmonizing various medicines.It is often used for weakness of the spleen and stomach, fatigue, palpitation, shortness of breath, cough with excessive phlegm, abdominal distension, acute pain of extremities, carbuncle and sore to relieve drug toxicity and potency.

Licorice can not only relieve pain, but also has good pain-relieving effects when applied externally to trauma and taken internally. The most important thing is that licorice can reconcile the effects of various medicines.

Licorice reconciles various medicines, which means that adding licorice to traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions can alleviate the excessive properties of other medicines. The meaning of reconciliation is to mix them evenly and properly, so that the medicines are coordinated with each other and the prescriptions are reconciled.

Among the traditional Chinese medicinal materials, there are many drugs with strong medicinal properties and adverse reactions. In order to avoid adverse reactions, ensure the therapeutic effect of the drug itself, and neutralize the medicinal properties of cold and hot drugs, coordinate their compatibility functions to ensure the proper drug effect.

For example, aconite and dried ginger are relatively warm in nature, and direct use may cause symptoms of getting angry. After adding licorice to reconcile, the warm properties of aconite and dried ginger can be alleviated, so as to prevent the warm properties of aconite and dried ginger from affecting the body. body fluid caused a certain loss.

Another example is gypsum, anemarrhena and other medicines, which are relatively cold in nature. Cold and cool medicines can easily damage the Yang Qi in the body, thus causing patients to experience symptoms of gastrointestinal irritation such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and lack of appetite. Add licorice to reconcile, it can ease the coldness of gypsum and Anemarrhena, and prevent it from damaging the body.

There are also drugs with strong laxative effects such as rhubarb and mirabilite. If they are applied to the human body, they may have a strong diarrhea effect, which will damage the body's physique and also consume the body's righteousness. Add licorice to reconcile In the future, the purging power of rhubarb and Glauber's salt can be eased so that it can be purged, but the force should not be too strong, so as not to damage the righteousness of the human body.

In tonic medicines, such as ginseng and deer antler, which have strong tonic effects, are used together. Licorice can prevent the tonic power of ginseng and deer antler from being too violent, and there will be no excessive tonic, followed by nosebleeds or acne. It's a situation where I can't sleep at night.

In the above cases, adding licorice, the drugs have their own functions and can be used to treat different diseases, reducing the occurrence of adverse drug reactions, so that different drugs can exert their therapeutic effects while avoiding adverse reactions.

Therefore, when every doctor prescribes a prescription, he will prescribe licorice to reconcile the various medicines, so as to maximize the curative effect of the whole prescription.

Among these dozens of medicinal materials, their family has planted sumac, arborvitae leaves, peach kernels, Sophora japonica, and Danshen.

In addition, medicinal materials such as mugwort leaves, courgette roots, small thistles, large thistles, burnt elm, sclerosus, and stretching tendons are all easy to pick.

The medicinal materials on this list, except Sanqi, their family can get all these medicinal materials. As for how much they can pick and process in the coming year, it depends on the situation.

After Huang Zisu returned home, she immediately called her second brother, eldest uncle, and younger uncle to a meeting to discuss the supply of medicinal materials to the frontier next year, and to make arrangements for next year.

"Susu, you asked us to come here together. Do you have something to talk about?" Huang Maidong asked curiously when he saw that his family Susu had called him and his two uncles.

"Now I want to develop our family into the largest medicinal material merchant in the Tang Dynasty, so I went to the medicine hall to learn about the circulation and trading of their medicinal materials.

I have almost understood, so I asked you to come over to discuss it.

In addition to the prescriptions prescribed by their doctors, the pharmacy also sells a batch of medicinal materials to various pharmacies every June.

This matter is simple, you only need to release the news, and the stewards of various medicinal materials will come to ask for medicine.

At that time, we will just sell the excess quantity of our own medicinal materials to various pharmacies. As for the price, Uncle Hu Shi also gave me a price list of the medicinal materials sold in the pharmacy. Just sell it to those pharmacies at the price of selling medicinal materials in the church.

The last one, the medicine hall will supply a batch of medicinal materials to the frontier every year for soldiers to use.

The supply of medicinal materials to the frontier is not random, it is the designated supply of medicinal materials from the frontier.

Moreover, I have already obtained the list of medicinal materials. Next year our family will focus on collecting these medicinal materials. The more the better, they will be sent to the frontier in September next year. "Huang Zisu handed the list of medicinal materials designated by Borderland to her two elder brothers, which she had obtained from County Magistrate Song, and asked them to take turns to check it.

Huang Maidong and the others knew a long time ago that their family, Susu, wanted to develop into Datang's largest medicine dealer, and they were all working hard to develop in this direction, gearing up for a big fight.

(End of this chapter)

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