Chapter 194 Trivial Things
"I understand that the relationship between the heart and the lungs is mutual, interdependent, and the relationship is relatively close.

Lung breathing is through gas exchange, gas can move blood, and blood needs to be pushed to various parts of the body through the heart for benefit, so the two are interdependent and interacting.

Therefore, Erwazi drowned and died without breathing or heartbeat. Susu breathed on Erwazi mouth-to-mouth to exchange gas for him. The heart did not beat. Susu pressed his chest again, which was similar to the squeeze that formed the heartbeat. Pressure, which forms a circulation of human breathing, qi and blood, can bring people back to life. After Huang Zisu explained the principle of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to everyone, Huang Yaozi combined with the artificial respiration that her family Susu said before, Huang Yaozi connected the two, and quickly understood the principle, Huang Yaozi suddenly realized.

Immediately, Huang Yaozi took a complicated look at his Susu.

Unexpectedly, her family, Susu, can use it to save people according to the distribution of the internal organs of the human body and their respective functions.

It can be seen that Susu's medical skills have reached the pinnacle, and I can't teach her anything anymore, and she has already gone ahead of me.

"Okay, I've said it, I've said it, you should be busy with whatever you are supposed to be busy with. I will personally assess you at the end of this month." Seeing that she had said all she wanted to say, Huang Zisu waved her hand to signal to the apprentices Why should we go.

As for whether they understood what she said about artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Huang Zisu didn't care.What she just said was mainly for their own family members.

As for the apprentices, all of them are young, and they are still in the initial stage of learning. I will just teach them slowly in the future, and I don't expect them to become fat.

On the contrary, after these apprentices heard that the monthly exam was presided over by the third senior sister, the apprentices began to gear up and compete secretly.

"I have to go to the village and talk to the women in the village about how Susu rescued people before.

In case the villagers don't know what's going on, and someone misrepresents something, it will tarnish our family's Susu's reputation. At that time, saving people is a good thing, and our family's Susu's reputation is really wronged. "Huang Zhang felt that something was wrong. She didn't care about teaching the apprentices how to make medicinal materials, so she untied the scarf tied around her waist and walked outside.

Seeing this, Huang Zhao went out with her mother.

"Grandpa, is the pharmacy open for medical treatment while we're away?" Huang Zisu asked her grandfather after the apprentices had left.

"No, I brought asters and red peony to people at home to see illnesses and so on, and the medicine shop in the town was closed.

As for Doctor Hu, he is busy in the county these days.

Susu, I think Ziwan and Chishao have treated many women with many illnesses in the past two months. After my guidance and Susu's advice, I feel that both Ziwan and Chishao can become masters.

In the future, if another woman comes to see you, you can let Zi Wan and the others see it first, and you can just watch from the sidelines. In this way, they can also share your burden. "Huang Yaozi shook his head and said.

"Okay, I got it. Now that we're back, the pharmacy in the town will open tomorrow and people will be able to see patients again. As for Dr. Hu, send a message to ask him to come back to our pharmacy for consultation.

Er Bo, how is the business of the noodle shop now? "After Huang Zisu arranged the pharmacy, she turned to her second uncle and asked.

"We also listened to Susu, and gradually developed the noodle restaurant into a restaurant model, and according to what you said before, Susu, we asked your second aunt to make some medicinal meals for sale, and we plan to promote medicinal meals.

After changing the business model, the business is better than selling noodles and buns before, and the business has begun to pick up. "Huang Lian talked about the business of Huang's small shop, and the others got excited.

"Business is good.

Sister, how have these apprentices been doing in the past two months? " Huang Zisu turned to her eldest sister and asked the apprentices about this aspect of learning.

"These apprentices are smart, hardworking, and help each other and compete with each other.

I will tell them five medicinal materials in the medical book "Chinese Herbs" every day. After more than two months, they have learned more than 300 medicinal materials.

In another four or five months, this group of apprentices should finish learning all the medicinal materials written in "Chinese Medicinal Materials".

But, Susu, have you finished writing and binding your next medical book?
As for the month-end assessment of these two months, the trio got first place once, third place once, Da Ya got first place once, Guo Rong got second place once, Pan Jun got third place once, and Zhao Di got third place once. , Erya won the second place once. "Zi Wan reported to her family Susu about the recent learning of the apprentices.

"These three heads look young, but they still have some talents in studying medicine. They have been in the top three in the past two months, and Wang Zhaodi is also good.

As for the second medical book I wrote is "Basic Knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine".

This medical book contains a very wide range, including the philosophical foundation of Chinese medicine: the philosophical thoughts that have a great influence on the formation of the theoretical system of Chinese medicine mainly include the monism of qi, the theory of yin and yang, and the theory of five elements.TCM theoretical knowledge about normal life phenomena: mainly includes qi, blood, body fluid, viscera, meridians, body and organs, etc.Theoretical knowledge about diseases in traditional Chinese medicine: mainly includes the etiology, pathogenesis and pathogenesis content, as well as the principles of health preservation and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine: health preservation is to maintain life, including strengthening the body, preventing disease, and prolonging life.

On top of the medical book "Basic Knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine", I also wrote a book called "Acupuncture Method" to study together with "Basic Knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine".

However, when I went to Fucheng to support, I didn’t have much time to write the medical book. I only wrote two-thirds of this medical book. The medical book "Basic Knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine" has been written. "Huang Zisu pondered for a moment, calculated the time and said.

"You write medical books slowly, anyway, it will take four to five months for Zi Wan to finish teaching her apprentices the medical book "Chinese Herbs".

There is no rush to write a medical book, and it has to be polished slowly, trying to write down what the apprentices need to learn carefully and in detail. "Huang Yaozi has also read the first medical book "Chinese Medicinal Materials" written by his family Susu, and thinks that his family Susu's writing is very easy to understand, not only rich in content, but also particularly detailed, which is very suitable for apprentices to enlighten For studying medicine.

Therefore, Huang Yaozi is also looking forward to the second medical book written by his family Susu.

(End of this chapter)

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