"Master Song, my family, Susu, told me to go in with two strong and powerful women, first to carry Mrs. Song to the bed, and to bring me the prepared soup and medicine for Mrs. Song to drink.

If you want to go in to visit Mrs. Song Shao, no more than two people can go in each time, and you can't go in and out frequently.

Even if someone wants to go in, they have to fumigate their body with the prescription prescribed by my family Susu before they can go in and visit Mrs. Song Shao. "After Huang Ziwan finished explaining, she went into the delivery room with the soup prepared by the servants of the Song family.

in the delivery room.

After the mother-in-law carried Mrs. Song Shao to the bed, Huang Zisu fed Mrs. Song Shao the traditional Chinese medicine for clearing away heat and detoxification, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory suitable for postoperative use.

Huang Zisu continued to give Mrs. Song Shao a set of lochia discharge acupuncture, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory acupuncture, and by the way, combined with the technique, massaged the acupuncture points to discharge lochia for Mrs. Song Shao and clean her body.

"Eldest sister and second sister, with the massage of these three acupoints, the lochia can be quickly eliminated from the maternal body. Do you two know why you need to expel lochia from the human body?" Huang Zisu massaged some acupuncture points of Mrs. Song, She asked the two sisters Huang Ziwan at the side.

"Lochia is blood, placenta, fetal membranes and other uterine residues. If these things remain in the maternal body, necrosis will occur in the body, causing massive bleeding or prolonged lochia, or accompanied by odor.

There is also a long-term residue, which will affect the recovery of the body, secondary lesions, and cause various gynecological diseases.

There are also many women who have not adjusted their bodies after giving birth, and have not exhausted their lochia, and their bodies become weak, which in turn will affect their skin color, vitality and blood, and make people become haggard and old. "Huang Chishao thought for a while.

"Second Sister said it was good, but there is one more thing.

The faster and cleaner the lochia discharge, the sooner the mother will resume menstruation. Once the woman resumes menstruation, she will have the opportunity to continue to have children.

If menstruation has not recovered, or women with irregular menstruation, it is more difficult to conceive than women with normal menstruation. "Huang Zisu added a few words.

"Little Doctor Huang, how is my family's He'er doing now?" After a while, Mrs. Song and Mrs. Su entered the delivery room, she kept smiling and asked Huang Zisu affectionately.

"The current state is considered stable. According to my guess, after about half an hour, the effect of Mafeisan will wear off, and Mrs. Song will wake up.

At that time, Mrs. Song will be in unbearable pain and suffering. At this time, I need the company of your family.

In my opinion, it is better for Mrs. Su and Mr. Song to stay with Mrs. Song Shao for the first two days. Encourage and support Mrs. Song Shao. This will make her feel at ease and make it easier to get through this hurdle.

Afternoon and evening are the most difficult time, the wound will be red and swollen, in addition to the unbearable pain, Mrs. Song will also have a high fever. " Huang Zisu suggested.

"We all listen to Dr. Huang, we do what Dr. Huang says.

It's just that I have troubled Dr. Huang to stay here with my He'er these few days.

When my family He'er gets through this difficult time, I will definitely thank Dr. Huang in the future. " Mrs. Su saw the method of Dr. Huang's caesarean section for her daughter before, and she was completely convinced by Dr. Huang, and she trusted Dr. Huang very much. Now she will listen to whatever Huang Zisu asks Mrs. Su to do.

"Mrs. Song Shao is my patient, so I will naturally take care of it, you can rest assured.

Eldest sister, stay with Mrs. Song during the day and rest at night.

Second sister, you have a good rest during the day, and you will replace the eldest sister at night, and then come to change shifts.

Also, every two hours, I will feed Mrs. Song Shao some soup and medicine. I will stay here today and tonight. " Huang Zisu said after arranging the work of her two sisters.

In ancient times, there was a lack of medical care and medicine, and such a big hole was made. Mrs. Song would definitely have a high fever, and she would not be able to sleep because of the pain of the wound. Not only the people who took care of Mrs. Song were very difficult, but she herself was also extremely difficult. painfully.

"Okay, I'm going to go down to rest now, and I'll come back to change the eldest sister at night." Huang Chishao nodded, followed her family Susu's arrangement, and left the delivery room, preparing to recharge her energy during the day and come to take care of Mrs. Song after she regained her energy.

An hour later, the effect of Mafeisan faded, and Mrs. Song really gradually regained consciousness.

"Oh! It hurts, it hurts, mother, what's wrong with my daughter." Mrs. Song woke up in a daze, she felt a sharp pain coming from her lower body, she didn't know what happened, she Somewhat weakly, she said to Mrs. Su who was sitting on the bedside.

"He'er, you're sick, how do you feel?" Madam Su asked her daughter's hand with joy on her face when she saw her daughter wake up.

"It hurts a lot, could it be, mother, did Doctor Xiao Huang give birth to me by caesarean section today.

What about the two children?Is it safe? Mrs. Song touched her stomach with her hand, and seeing that her stomach was deflated, she immediately thought of this, and asked with excitement on her pale face.

"You gave birth by caesarean section an hour and a half ago, He'er, you gave birth to a pair of twins, and you have also upgraded to become a mother. You also have a son and a daughter. I am happy for your mother.

Even if you have suffered such a great crime, mother loves you dearly, but you must get better soon, and the two children must be taken care of by you, the mother. " Madam Su felt sorry for her daughter and supported her to get through this difficult time.

"Great! Great." Mrs. Song heard from her mother that after Dr. Huang took out a pair of twins from her body by caesarean section, the two children were still safe, which made Mrs. Song relieved. down.

After the breath of worry about the child was relieved, the pain in her abdomen came wave after wave, her face turned pale from the pain, fine and dense sweat came out on her forehead, and she curled her toes because of the pain in her hands and feet.

"Little Doctor Huang, come and see what's wrong with my He'er. There's so much sweat coming out of his forehead." Mrs. Su, who was sitting in front of the bed, realized that something was wrong with her daughter, she hurriedly said to Huang Zisu.

"There is such a big hole in the stomach, pain is inevitable, Mrs. Song is in such pain." Huang Zisu glanced at Mrs. Song and understood her current situation.

"He'er is in such pain, Doctor Huang, don't tell me there is nothing you can do to relieve He'er's pain." Mrs. Song saw that He'er's forehead was dripping with sweat because of the pain, and she didn't say anything because of the pain. Gritting his teeth tightly, Song Shaofu knew that her family He'er had suffered a great deal when he saw this appearance, so he suppressed it all the time and kept silent.

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