The days when I was an obstetrician and gynecologist in Chang'an

Chapter 541 Lecture 7: Postpartum Restoration, Body Beauty and Health Care

Today is a fine day, the sky is clear, the sun is not too hot, but it is also big enough to make people feel warm when it shines on people.

Jin Zhenbao carefully carried her book bag and got out of the Jin family's carriage, talked to the woman and the driver who brought her here, and then walked to the Women's Helping Association.

It was no coincidence that when she stepped onto the first step in front of the Women's Support Association, Sun Chunlan, who came from the other side in her donkey cart, just jumped out of the cart.

Because they are similar in age, they are both daughters-in-law, and they have a friendship of studying together to become a steady wife, Jin Zhenbao and Sun Chunlan get along very well.

Although the difference in family conditions between the two is not small, Sun Chunlan has a sense of self-confidence and is not timid about herself and her background.

On the contrary, Sun Chunlan also proudly said when chatting with Jin Zhenbao during the break between classes: "My Aunt is the best handlebar in Chang'an, and I am very good at handling livestock.

My family's healthy donkey is the strongest one among those that pull the carts. If other people's donkeys are sick, they will ask me, Aye, to look at them.

I relied on Ah Weng to be able to read and practice calligraphy since I was a child. "

Although Jin Zhenbao came from a wealthy family, Jin Niangzi is not that kind of snobbish villain. Jin Zhenbao has been taught that she does not have the attitude of the upper class looking down on the poor.

On the contrary, Jin Zhenbao admired Sun Chunlan very much.


Because now, Jin Zhenbao and Sun Chunlan are already in the same room with the same husband (Li Sanniang) learning how to become a new-style stable woman.

This is already on the same level.

"I don't think I am inferior to Sun Chunlan," Jin Zhenbao once said to Jin Niangzi after returning home from class, "but I still admire her."

Jin Zhenbao looked at Jin Niangzi with an admiring expression and said: "I can read and practice thanks to the conditions provided by my family. My elder brother taught me how to read and my second elder brother taught me to write. My mother prepared the books for me in the study. A lot of pen, ink and paper.

Only in this way can I become a girl who can read, write and write.

Auntie, most of Chunlan's family assets are the donkey and the cart frame, but under such circumstances, her family still gritted their teeth and saved money for her to study and learn to read.

This, in my opinion, is remarkable. "

Jin Niangzi reached out and stroked Jin Zhenbao's hair, with a gratified smile in her eyes: "My Zhenbao has a pair of eyes that are good at discovering."

Let's talk about Jin Zhenbao and Sun Chunlan who happened to meet at the gate of the Women's Helping Association.


Sun Chunlan, who heard someone calling her name, looked up and saw Jin Zhenbao standing on the steps with a bright smile, looking at her, and beckoning to herself.

Sun Chunlan turned her head and spoke to Sun Aweng, and Grandma Sun said directly, "Go on your own."

Only then did Sun Chunlan run towards Jin Zhenbao, and the joy of meeting the girl could be seen through those smiling eyes.

"How was your homework last time?"

"I wrote down what my husband said and what I wrote down."

The two walked in the door while chatting about the homework left by Li Sanniang last time.

When the time came, Li Sanniang, who was standing on the stage, saw that there were quite a few students in the audience, so she clapped her hands, saluted the people below, and said, "Long time no see, I miss you all very much."

Li Sanniang stretched out her hand and patted the pile of homework that Song Fuling had collected on the table just now, and said with a smile: "I just glanced at it casually just now, you should have written the homework very carefully last time, and the average paper used It seems that there are one or two more than usual.

I must once again praise you for being very careful and rigorous in completing the assignments I leave each time. I am very satisfied. "

Li Sanniang's eyes swept over the homework that Li Sanniang had corrected with a red pen just after Song Fuling collected the homework last time and handed it down from Li Sanniang.

"I have carefully reviewed each of your homework from head to toe, and you have to carefully check for omissions and make up for vacancies when you go back later.

If you don’t understand anything, you can refer to the books I distributed to you earlier; or you can discuss with each other among your classmates; or you can just ask me directly. "

After talking about the schoolwork, Li Sanniang reviewed and asked questions about the puerperium period after giving birth, which can also be vaguely said to be confinement.

(Chapter 530 Plot)
"Everyone has listened carefully, well, let's talk about the things that happened after the girl gave birth and passed the puerperium.

More than half of the people here have given birth, so please tell me about the physical changes that this girl may encounter after giving birth?
Come on, Wang Yulian, make a move. "

Wang Yulian, whose name was suddenly called, no longer felt astonished and puzzled when she first came to the school to listen to Li Sanniang's lecture and ask questions. The situation of the young girl told me.

"After the childbirth, except for those who died, most of the rest of the people will have urinary incontinence due to pregnancy and childbirth, such as a sneeze or a sudden jump. .

This is not bad, for those women who have given birth many times, the whole lower head can fall out (uterine prolapse).

Some people will lose their hair, their stomachs will not return, and their lower body will always feel unbearable, etc. These are all common.

I have also met women from wealthy families who asked me how to get rid of the lines on the stomach after giving birth?

For those who still need to feed the children themselves, the ones that have been fed for the first half of the year, this piece is hanging on the chest like a torn bag, which is very ugly.

There are serious ones. I have seen one who, because he did not get a better rest after giving birth, was always lingering on the sick bed, and fell ill within half a year.

Based on my experience, the symptoms of this woman after giving birth should be the same as what the husband said, and each one is different. "

Sitting under the stage, Jin Zhenbao, Sun Chunlan, Yu Xuelian, and Song Fuling, four young girls who had never been married or had given birth, listened to Wang Yulian's story and kept recording it in their hands, but in their hearts The fright I suffered was not small.

"It's surprising that you have to suffer so much because of giving birth to a baby!
A Niang never mentioned it to me! "

Jin Zhenbao was greatly shocked. She only thought that pregnancy and childbirth were not easy, but she never thought that after the child was born, the woman's body would have to suffer and bear the consequences.

"Ah! And the breast carbuncle (acute suppurative mastitis) that Mr. said!"

Jin Zhenbao suddenly thought of the disease that Li Sanniang had talked about in class, and immediately spoke out.

Li Sanniang nodded in agreement with Wang Yulian and Jin Zhenbao's statement, and asked again: "Besides what the two of them said, do you have any other opinions?"

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