Chapter 63 63 Solutions
Zhao's father looked at the situation, and it was his daughter's fault.

"Family, let's talk about this matter. The two children have been married for several years, two children. How can the couple not quarrel? Let the two of them talk about it in front of our elders today, and we can't do anything in the future. "

Chen Dongsheng nodded, Liang Caixia just snorted coldly, and didn't retort, this was to show her face as a man.

Zhao's mother pinched her daughter, it was really an uneasy thing, and it really embarrassed the Zhao family.

The two men called their children over.

Chen Tian now has the confidence to walk over with his neck sideways, but Zhao Erya still keeps her head down, and she also feels quite ashamed.

Both men talked about their children.The husband and wife both listened politely.

There is no time ink either.There is still so much work in the field.

"In-laws. Although she is a daughter of my Zhao family, she is still a member of your Chen family. If there is anything wrong, you can scold her. There is still a lot of work at home, so we will go back."

According to the normal situation, the in-laws should have dinner anyway, Chen Dongsheng nodded, "We are leaving after dinner."

"No, no, too much work at home."

The two men were no different, exchanging the same pleasantries as before.But the two women just ignored each other.

After sending away the Zhao family, all those who should go to work in the fields have left.Zhao Erya followed with her head down.

Chen Miao didn't know about this, even if he knew, he wouldn't go to see it.Married daughters should not get involved in their natal family's affairs, mainly because they hate them.There is a lot of work in the field, and I spend the whole day in the cotton field. If the little donkey can't get up, I can only use a big pick to hook the ridges.The wind on the mountain is even stronger, so I am afraid that the cotton stalks will fall.

When I woke up the next day, the sky was very gloomy.I don't go to the mountains in this weather, and there is a lot of work at home.

"Chen Miao, Chen Miao."

"What's the matter, Third Aunt?"

"It's okay, it's going to rain but it hasn't rained yet, I'm here to chat with you."

Even so, I still squatted down and pulled the grass in the soybean field together.

"Why do you plant so many soybeans?"

"This year, we will plant more soybeans, and next year we will plant some wheat here."

"I will exchange some soybeans with you after Qiuhou. I also make miso."

Chen Miao will not refuse, and only by coming and going can they get along for a long time.

"Chen Miao, your third sister-in-law's family came here yesterday. I heard that the Zhao family didn't take advantage of it either."

Chen Miao just listened.She's not interested in this kind of thing, so Zhao's family can still take advantage of it?The Chen family is not unpopular in the village.

"Third Aunt, I'll go in and see the child."

The two-month-old boy doesn't sleep for long now, and it won't work to let them stay in the space.

"Let me take a look too, I really miss your two boys."

When they entered the house, the two children were already awake and playing by themselves.

"It's so rare that you don't cry when you wake up. These two children really love you. Otherwise, you can't do anything."

"It can't be helped, our third mother has to live."

"Hey, I don't know when Xiaofeng will come back?"

It can be said that Chen Miao has no feelings for Shen Jianfeng.It's out of the question to resent him. In her heart, he is also her child's father and has no other identity.

If Shen Jianfeng wanted to come back, it would have to be the year after next year at the earliest. The little devil surrendered next year.

This can only be done while he is alive.If they were sacrificed, neither of the two children would have seen their father, nor would there be any photos left.

It's pretty sad to think about it.If there is a chance, I should leave a photo for Shen Jianfeng.But where can this opportunity be found?
Rural women don't pay much attention either.But Chen Miao was too embarrassed to breastfeed in front of others.

Take the child and go outside to urinate and let the two of them climb on the kang by themselves.

Liu Qingshi's family was quite puzzled as to why they didn't feed the children, and only then did they understand when they looked at Chen Miao's face.It's embarrassing.In fact, this is really nothing, they are all women.

"Chen Miao, I'm going back, call me if you need any work."

"Okay, when the time comes, I won't be able to trouble Third Aunt."

After the door was plugged in, the two of them were fed, and they were still allowed to drink their own milk.Only eat milk powder when it is not enough.

They can hold the baby bottle by themselves.She's going to cook, and now she's giving the two kids some egg custard.

Although there is a lot of milk powder, but they are not too small, they still need to add complementary food.

Children love egg custard.Chen Miao also put chopped shrimp in it.

After eating, put the two of them in the baby walker, which is also a movement.The ground is uneven, but it's okay.

She was lying on the kang, listening to the cries of her two sons, she had a smile on her face, which was much better than being alone.

They don't want to come up, and the baby walker won't fall down, so they just sleep.

It is also very hard to get up twice at night to serve the two of them, and to work during the day.

After waking up for a quarter of an hour, they peed again. The two children haven't played enough.Simply let them play below, and make cotton-padded clothes and cotton-padded shoes for them.

It's too hot, and there's no urgent work to do now.

In fact, Chen Miao was a little lazy. She didn't weed the corn field after she went to clear it. The old Zhuangzi would not let there be grass in the field.No free time, always go to work in the field.

After one o'clock, I waited for the two children to nurse and let them sleep.

At this time, Chen Jiang was undergoing surgery, and he was injured in the battle with the little devil.

Thinking about the words that Leader Li brought back to him for the third sister, he really understood now.

One can understand the importance of life only when one has experienced death.

Li Wenquan was really worried. After the doctor came out, he knew that the bullets on Chen Jiang's body had been taken out.

Only now did he breathe a sigh of relief. "If something really happened, I really don't know how to tell his family."

Going into the house to see Chen Jiang, the young man has grown a lot in the past six months and faded away.


"Makes you impulsive. Does it hurt?"


"Then just remember, it's not only the mindless rush that is heroic."

After scolding Chen Jiang, Li Wenquan went to the cooking class to see if he could get him something delicious.

Chen Jiang is very homesick now.He already knew that he was getting farther and farther away from home.I don't know when I can come back.

In September, the weather was still hot, and Chen Miao took advantage of the coolness to go up the mountain with his two children on his back.

Growing cotton is a lot of work.It is necessary to clean up and pinch the tip from time to time.

I went to the sweet potato field to check, and it has not been harmed by wild boars this year.

That's a good thing.

There are quite a lot of people in the family.Watching them fall asleep, and worrying about income, she wanted to pull out the wild vegetables emerging from the sweet potato field, and cut some sweet potato seedlings.

The bought ewes will go down first, and it is better to give them something to eat.

Afraid of the children suddenly waking up.So move very fast, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to work.These two are so annoying that they must always be in sight.

(End of this chapter)

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