Chapter 11 Chapter 11

Chen Miao guessed his identity, but fortunately, the persona just didn't speak.This has a lot of room for manipulation.

"Third Sister, Dad, come and take a look."

Chen Miao put down the work in his hands and stood up straight, like a primary school student who made a mistake.

Chen Dongsheng is used to being like a girl.Say something directly.

"You and Shen Jianfeng have been engaged for a long time, and it's time for him to come back to get married. He goes out to earn money to support his family, and you wait for him at home."

Chen Miao hummed lightly.

Chen Dongsheng turned around and went out, Chen Jiang followed behind, and the father and son worked together.

Chen Miao did not change her plan, and went up the mountain with the basket on her back.Today, we still have to cut down trees and raise seedlings. In the past, grandma raised cotton seedlings. She said that there were fewer cotton bolls that did not bloom after autumn.

Today I tried to chop down trees with an axe, but I couldn't swing it, my arm hurts too much.

It's not good to be brave. I'm working at home and I don't want to go back. I want to go up the mountain to have a look.

This time I saw the hare, but the pheasant didn't chase after it either, and I still knew myself, so don't waste a long time and get nothing.After crossing a mountain, many fungus were found on the ridges of two mountains.

The first thought in Chen Miao's mind was to be rich.I squatted down and started to pick, picked and picked, and felt that I could take the wood back, but others couldn't, so I had no problem at all.It's just right to put it at the back of the house, and you can collect fungus next year.

After putting everything away, I gained confidence.Continuing to go up the mountain, I saw that there were still pine cones on the trees on the ground, and I picked them up to see that there were still pine nuts. This time I was very energetic.This thing is oily and delicious.

Although there is no ability to squeeze it into oil, it can be fried and sold, and some people will definitely like it.

Because of the excitement, I forgot the time and my hunger.

I don't know how much I picked up, and I almost fell when I wanted to stand up, and I felt dizzy.Chen Miao simply sat down.Two pieces of chocolate appeared in his hand, and he quickly put them in his mouth.This is too low blood sugar.After eating the chocolate, I immediately drank a bottle of milk and ate bread.

Anyway, it’s all sweet. I’m not afraid of the high sugar content. I’ll continue after I’m full. It’s already three o’clock, so I hurried back.

Today is a little earlier than yesterday, mainly because there is no need to pull the tree, only the basket is full of pine cones.

She could see the enclosed courtyard wall from a distance, but she couldn't see how high it was from a distance.

Seeing her return, some people had already left, and Chen Miao thanked them one by one.

Chen Jiang and Chen Dongsheng are still there.

"Father, Chen Jiang, I'll cook right away."

Chen Dongsheng shook his head, "No need, save yourself some time, tomorrow will be enough."

"Father, my third sister wants to make some boxes."

Chen Dongsheng had already seen that tree.

"Father, I just want to grow cotton seedlings, the simplest box will do."

"There are still a lot of boards at home. I'll get you some when the yard is finished."

"Thank you dad."

I was the only one left at home. Although the courtyard wall was only half a meter high, I still felt safe.

The gate is in a good position, and you can enter the donkey cart, so that you can save a lot of effort when pulling corn back in the autumn harvest.

When I was full, I began to peel the pine nuts.With dedicated tools, the speed is of course much faster.

Forced myself to work for an hour, was too tired, sleep.

Did not go out the next day.The courtyard wall was completed today.

At about noon, the Chen family and his son came over pushing the cart, looking at the gate on the cart, Chen Miao was moved.

The father and son started to install the door frame, and the sill can be disassembled, so that it is more convenient to drive in.

Chen Miao couldn't afford food, but hot water could still be supplied. In the evening, when the courtyard wall was completed, Chen Miao gave them three yuan, and how to share it with them.

"Father, there are so many people in the family. If you give me this gate, I'm afraid that some people will be unhappy. Can I cut down some trees for you?"

Chen Dongsheng didn't refuse either. In his heart, the water poured out by his married daughter was originally two families, and those who could take care of them would definitely take care of some, and they didn't have any more.

After seeing off the father and son, Chen Miao locked the gate and stood in the yard feeling at ease.

Continue to peel the pine nuts after taking a bath, and you can go to cut the tree tomorrow without Chen Jiang following.This way you can save yourself energy.

She went up the mountain before dawn the next day, and her arm didn't hurt so much after a day of rest yesterday.

When I was looking for a tool for peeling pine nuts, I found a toolbox with a hand saw in it, which would save a lot of effort.

There was already a goal the day before yesterday, and today passed directly.

Toolbox sets are sold by supermarkets, and the quality is actually average.But that's a good thing right now.

Chen Miao doesn't know how to use it, and there is no instruction on it, but have you never eaten pork or seen a pig run?After trying it for a while, I also mastered the tricks, and there is nothing difficult.

It took two hours to bring down the first tree and an hour and a half for the second.

It was really a lot easier, and six trees had been cut down at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, and they were put away and returned.I released all the trees when I got home, and I will cut branches at home tomorrow.

Chen Miao knew that he needed locks now, but he was afraid that he didn't have enough money, so he had to wait until the pine nuts were peeled and sold in the county town before he could afford them.

The next day when the tree felling started, Chen Jiang came over.

"Third sister, how did you get it back?"

Three trees were cut down two days ago, and a few more yesterday.

"How did you get it back?"

"Pull it back."

Chen Jiang stopped asking and walked around the tree.He murmured how many planks he could produce.Taking the ax from Chen Miao's hand, he chopped off branches.

"Sister, do you have a saw in your hand?"

"The old one from Shen Jianfeng's house was lost by me, and I haven't found it after searching for a long time."

"Next time I go to the county, I can buy another one. It's quite expensive."

Chen Jiang works with an ax at home.Chen Miao was sitting on the side peeling pine nuts.I thought about going to the county seat as soon as possible, otherwise people who went up the mountain or went down the field would not be able to rest assured at home.At noon, I stayed with Chen Jiang for dinner. In the afternoon, one cut the branches and the other carried them to the woodshed. They were all neatly stacked, so there was no need to save on fire in the future.

Three trees were cleared out at night.

"Chen Jiang, return these three trees to Dad."

"Third sister, two trees are enough."

"Then you ask Dad to come over tomorrow and let him choose by himself."

The next day, father and son came over with the wooden box that Chen Miao wanted. Chen Dongsheng could make several of these things in an hour.

"Father, how many trees do you want?"

"Two will do."

It was the father and son who got it back, and it saved Chen Miao's effort.The wooden box was brought back.Chen Miao was annoyed again, mainly because he didn't know what month it was and when he would plant the fields.

After asking Chen Jiang, I realized that it was the right time to raise seedlings.

I had the cheek to go to the village head's house to ask for vegetable seeds, and they gave me a little of everything, not much.

"Fifth Aunt, I want to grow sweet potatoes but there are no seedlings, can I buy them in the village?"

(End of this chapter)

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