I really don't want to be emperor at the end of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 437 Sharing the world with the surname

Tuxietuwang Banner was a stronghold located along the Tula River. At that time, Tuxietuwang Banner was still mobile and its location was not fixed. However, as Huangtai Banner annexed Tuxietuhan tribe, this place became The new capital of Jiannu was named Huihan, which means fenced pasture.

In later generations, there is another name here, called Ulaanbaatar.To be fair, this should be the most prosperous grassland in Mobei. However, the problem is that the environment here is incomparable with Shenyang.

The pitch-black sky was like a giant pot upside down on the ground, and no black light could be seen. From time to time, a flash of lightning flew past, bringing instant light, and then returning to darkness.The weather is muggy and rainstorms are approaching.

Some torches were lit on the wasteland of Huihan City. The howling wind stretched the flames into long distances. The flames were dim and could be extinguished at any time, just like the fate of the bannermen.

More than [-] bannermen camped here. They built a frame with wood and covered it with animal skins to form a tent. There was no extra decoration or any extra items. It was just a tent for them to shelter from wind and rain.

The moisture on the ground soaked their clothes, mosquitoes swarmed over them and bit them all over their bodies, and the wind blew the fishy smell of herd excrement over, making them want to vomit.

The bannermen aristocrats who had enjoyed a comfortable urban life in Shenyang City couldn't stand it for even a minute. They cursed one after another. Curses could be heard in almost every tent, as well as the suppressed sobbing of women and children.It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Now the banner people are going through the process of going from luxury to frugality, and this process is very painful.

On this starless night, someone pulled the strings, and the morinouqin played a sad and desolate music, which moved people to tears. Many Manchu warriors gathered around the fire with tears streaming down their faces, and sang sadly: "Eagle of the prairie, you rise from the sun. Flying from anywhere, your wings cover the sky, your shadow covers the earth, the wolves are bowing down, and the yellow sheep are trembling. Great God of Immortality, why do you recall your proud son..."

At this moment, the sad atmosphere was simply suffocating.Some people cut their faces with daggers and used blood to commemorate the hero Huang Taiji who led them to conquer a powerful empire. They attacked every enemy and were invincible. In the end, they fell on the battlefield of Shura. Their hearts are forever filled with sweat. king.

That hero has turned into a proud star in the night sky, leaving them with a broken empire and a dark and sinister future.

The original Huihan City actually had less than 3 troops, but over the past few months, many defeated soldiers and defeated generals have begun to migrate here, resulting in more and more slaves here.

Pu Luo stood on the slope for a long time, motionless, like a stone statue.He looked south for a long time, pursed his lips and said nothing.

From time to time, dull thunder came from the sky. To him, this was the sound of the Ming army's artillery. It was extremely violent and deafening. No matter how solid the city was, no matter how powerful the army was, there would be bursts of thunderous cannons. mid-collapse.

Although they were thousands of miles apart and had no contact with each other, he knew that at this moment, his father and uncle were probably dead.Right now, this is the last bit of flesh and blood of the bannermen.

"Will someone come along the road we walked to meet us tomorrow?" A young voice came over, it was Yue Le, Pu Luo's younger brother.This guy is also a great man. At the age of 21, he conquered Sichuan with Haoge and accumulated military merits to win the title of Baylor. Later, he made great contributions in quelling the San Francisco Rebellion and was named the county king. He can be regarded as a famous general of the generation.

But Yue Le is only 14 years old now and is still very young.In the battle to the south, the elite of the Eight Banners were wiped out, and the entire clan was wiped out. Even a 14-year-old child had to wear armor and hold a knife to prepare for battle, so now Yue Le also wears a pair of leather armor and has a knife at his waist. Long Dao, if his legs weren't shaking and his face wasn't pale, it would really look like that.

Pu Luo shook his head: "I'm afraid... I'm afraid no one will follow!"

Yue Le asked: "Are the Han people still chasing us?"

The Han people call Nikan in Jurchen language, which is an insulting term. When used as a curse, it probably means something like a little devil.

But now, with the Ming Dynasty attacking Shenyang first, defeating Huang Taiji, and the 30 to [-] troops heading south, Han people have now become the most direct name for Jiannu, and it is also a transliteration.

Pu Luo looked bitter and said: "Probably, no way! It seems that the Han people have never been here!"

If the Ming army would not pursue them, why would they move all the way north?
Yue Le also knew that this question had an answer long ago, and he looked gloomy: "Is our Qing Dynasty...Is this the end?"

"Yue Le,"

Puluo put his hands on his younger brother's shoulders, and squeezed his shoulder blades with his big iron-like hands, making a crackling sound. His expression was a bit scary, and his eyes burst out with a sharp light like a blade. He stared at his young brother and said every word. : "We will return to Shenyang!"

Yue Le was stunned for a moment and said loudly: "We will definitely fight back!"

When he said these words, it was probably like Yuan Hua yelling at Xia Luo, which was the most incompetent rage.

Women's screams of pain continued to be heard from the largest palace in the city. A few royal doctors and palace maids were busy coming in and out, milling around, and a similarly small number of nobles were kneeling outside the tent, looking anxious and uneasy.

The noise grew louder and louder, so much so that everyone in the city was alerted. They gathered together to wait with the nobles, and some began to pray to the Immortal Heaven.

After a long while, the first cry of the baby broke the suffocating silence, and the half-tired imperial doctor ran out, shouting: "Longevity God bless, Concubine Zhuang gave birth to the dragon, and the Qing Dynasty will have a descendant!"

The slave warriors were relieved and cheered loudly: "Long live the Qing Dynasty! Long live the Qing Dynasty!"

The sound was so loud that it shook the whole place. The babies in the palace seemed to be frightened and cried even more violently.

A bolt of lightning split the sky, raindrops as thick as chopsticks poured down, and the white rain curtain enveloped the surrounding areas with a faint whistling sound, and the sound of wind and thunder drowned everything.

On this rainy night, Huang Taiji's last bit of flesh and blood, the crystallization of his love with Dayu'er, the historical Shunzhi Emperor Aisin Gioro Fulin, came to this world prematurely due to his mother's displacement.

What awaits this baby is not the empire that has already laid the foundation, but the precarious future of the entire ethnic group, a fate like a candle in the wind.I don't know if his mother will give him the name "Fulin"?Perhaps the name "difficult to come" is more suitable for him.

In early April of the first year of Dingxin, Anbei Governor Lu Xiangsheng led four travelers, plus more than 2000 selected managers, and more than [-] caravans. A total of more than [-] people came out of the customs in a mighty manner, and the troops were divided into four groups. , Northern Expedition to establish slaves.

This was the avenging battle between Lu Xiangsheng and the Ming Dynasty, and it was also the way the Ming Dynasty established its administrative territory. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, the feudal dynasty expanded its territory and paid great attention to the management of border areas.

Located on the frontier of the "foreign" area, due to economic and cultural backwardness and underdeveloped transportation, the management methods of the Central Plains region cannot be applied across the board, and only "restriction" policies can be implemented.

The so-called "jisu" means horse collar and cow nose rope.The feudal autocratic dynasty's governance of the "foreign" land required "control" on the one hand, using military means and political pressure to control it; on the other hand, it used "绻" to comfort the land with economic and material benefits, just like riding a horse. Just like a donkey leading an ox to plow the land.

The rulers achieved "restriction" by establishing local officials and local officials. "History of the Ming Dynasty: Biographies of Chieftains" says, "The barbarians in the southwest...are entrenched for thousands of miles, and there are different types....The Qin Dynasty opened the five-foot road, set up officials, and along with the Han Dynasty, set up captains and counties, and still ordered to protect themselves. This is the beginning of the native officials and local officials." Excluding the insulting words in the history books, the policy of restraining the officials and the measures of the local officials and local officials, the actual meaning is that the feudal dynasty won over the chiefs and clan leaders and gave them titles and official positions. Regardless of their internal affairs, they are responsible for governing the local area, "holding the land for generations to come, and maintaining the people for generations to come". Economically, they can maintain the original mode of production, thereby achieving rule over ethnic minorities.

For example, the Nurgan Dusi in the Ming Dynasty has now established three provincial-level collection units: Shuangcheng Management Committee, Xing'an Management Committee, and Telin Management Committee. It has also established [-] executive committees (prefectures) and [-] There are [-] working committees (counties), but there is no chieftain system, nor is there a Jisi Prefecture.

Because Cheng Shijie felt that this system was unreliable even before he carried out the reform of his native land and returned to his hometown, because only by truly reforming his native land and returning to his hometown can these Jizhou prefectures truly return to their original aspirations.

As the Ning navy captured Shenyang, Huang Taiji led the Jiannu nobles and Jiannu to escape. For Nurgan Dusi, it was already beckoning. The most important task of Li Xiaodong, the governor of Anton, was not to fight, but to establish the three provinces of the Far East. , built inns and roads along the way, delineated the regional territory, and organized households to integrate the people.

Lu Xiangsheng's Northern Expedition this time was actually similar. After arriving at Sanshen Mountain, they really discovered that battles with more than a thousand people were extremely rare. The largest battle was against a Mongolian tribe with more than [-] people. Of course, this The battle was almost the same as when Cheng Shijie went south to the south of the Yangtze River. The army only fired a few artillery shells, and the opponent surrendered directly.

When the first ray of morning light fell from the sky, the Ming army took out the war rice that had been soaked by the rain and had no taste at all and ate it voraciously. The Ming army was seizing the time to eat, restore their strength and prepare to face an even more cruel battle. fighting.The protagonist of this battle is no longer Jiannu, but the weather in Mobei. The bad weather will not let go of the Ming army so easily.

Lu Xiangsheng inspected the temporary camp and saw rainwater flowing everywhere and accumulating nearly a foot deep. During this Northern Expedition, although the Ming army did not encounter large Qing troops and did not suffer large-scale battle casualties, But the non-combat casualties were extremely heavy.

A large number of soldiers of the Ming Army in the Northern Expedition lost their lives in this heavy rain. Who would have thought that there would be floods in the desert?When they bombed the camp, the Ming army in the Northern Expedition only chose a low-lying desert valley because it could block direct sunlight. As a result, an unexpected heavy rain overnight caused thousands of deaths and injuries to the Ming army. The bodies were collected and wrapped in raincoats. , lined up in rows, and the wounded were all over the floor. The military medical officers and female medical soldiers were so busy that their heels hit the back of their heads, and they were overwhelmed.

Many of these wounded soldiers were bitten by mosquitoes, scorpions and other insects. If not treated promptly and effectively, they would die within the next few days, and less than half of them would survive.This is nothing. According to reports from officers at all levels, many soldiers choked to death from water. This is evident from the cruel environment in Mobei.

Gao Zongsheng, commander of the third brigade and chief of staff of the Anbei Army, said with a smile on his face: "Captain Lu, we are in big trouble. Most of the food has been soaked by the rain in this heavy rain. Affected by the heavy rain, we may advance faster. No!"

"No need to go fast, just go slowly!"

Lei Shisheng said anxiously: "What if Jiannu runs away? We are less than four hundred miles away from their new capital, so why not..."

Lu Xiangsheng said: "In our Northern Expedition, fighting is the second most important thing. The most important thing is to complete the order of the regent. Do you know where this place is?"

Lei Shisheng shook his head: "I don't know!"

"I know!"

Gao Zongsheng said: "This is the vast sea, where Su Wu of the Han Dynasty shepherded sheep!"

Lei Shisheng sighed and said: "Due to the impact of the heavy rain, we have problems with our food supply. How should we solve this problem?"

"It's very simple, fight to feed war!"

Lu Xiangsheng continued: "We must win here! A more difficult journey is still ahead, so everyone should prepare!"

After Gao Zongsheng left, Lei Shi said in a sincere voice: "Master Lu, I would like to advise you to accept it as soon as possible. Now we have wiped out tens of thousands of Jiannu and Mongolians. This credit is enough for you and your descendants." For the rest of your life, being too greedy will do you no good."

"Are you overestimating your merits?"

"We have to guard against this!"

"But now...I can only say that you have underestimated the regent of the prison country!!"

"He was not an emperor before. Although he is not an emperor now, the problem is that he will become an emperor sooner or later. Emperors are almost the same!"

"The Regent of the Supervisory Country once said that there are no ministers with great achievements in this world, only incompetent kings!"

"Do you believe what he said?"

"I believe!"

Lu Xiangsheng said: "How bad can an emperor who puts the people in his heart be? The regent of the prison country is not like other emperors who only put the people in his mouth and just use it to talk about it. He is really and truly He actually puts the people first in the world. He once said that since the agreement between Song Taizu and the scholar-bureaucrats to share the world, this is the end of it!"

Lei Shisheng did not object to Cheng Shijie becoming emperor in the future, because compared to Lu Xiangsheng, Cheng Shijie was more capable. In order to feed Tianxiong's tens of thousands of troops, Lu Xiangsheng's hair turned half gray, while Cheng Shijie could feed hundreds of thousands of troops with ease. , the people under his rule are so happy.

"This world is for the people of the world, not a world for one surname and one family, nor is it a world for the scholar-bureaucrats, but a world for the common people!"

Lu Xiangsheng pointed forward and said: "Use all your energy and occupy all the good territory in the world while we are still strong!"

"Don't worry, it will definitely happen!"

When Lei Shisheng said this, he showed some confusion: "According to the prisoners, the weather here is bitter and cold, and the food is tasteless. It is a pity to abandon it!"

"Surrounding the Hanhai (Lake Baikal) is a flat and vast plain with many rivers, abundant rainfall, fertile land, and suitable for farming and grazing. It is like a paradise!"

Lu Xiangsheng said: "What's more, this is a large natural reservoir. As long as the water is diverted directly to North Zhili in the future, our North Zhili will become like South Zhili, a land of plenty. What do we look like if we turn a blind eye to such a treasure? Go and face the Han people!"

"Even if I risk my life, I will definitely capture the vast sea and defend it!" (End of Chapter)

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