I really don't want to be emperor at the end of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 333 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind

Chapter 333 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind
Chapter 332

Although Cheng Shijie led only the scouting cavalry of the Annan Army of the Ning Navy and did not carry artillery, the scouting cavalry also had heavy weapons, which were fire dragons that were more portable than rockets, that is, rocket launchers.

After development, Ning Haijun's rocket launcher is now barely a shadow of a guerrilla warfare artifact. Even the latest Huolong Chushui Type 500 has a range of only [-] meters and can carry [-] catties of nitrocellulose, which is slightly equivalent to more than [-] kilograms of TNT. Explosive power.

The Mongolian army in Mobei was still wondering why the remnants of the Ming army burst into cheers when they heard a scream in the air.

Immediately after a bang, twenty or thirty Mongolian wounded soldiers who had just retreated from the city wall were shattered into countless pieces with a loud noise, and their severed arms and legs were thrown high into the air, and then fell like raindrops.

The Mongolian army hadn't reacted yet, screams sounded one after another, and clusters of orange-red smoke and flames rose one after another in the formation of the Mongolian army in Mobei, rushing up, and the sharp shrapnel became extremely hot at the moment of explosion. The detonation speed densely shoots in all directions, and blood mist is sprayed among the Mongolian soldiers in Mobei. There are screams and curses one after another, mixed with piercing screams and rumbling explosions, which is particularly thrilling.

"Bombardment! Ming army bombardment!"

King Shuo Lei of the Chechen Khan tribe shouted loudly: "The Ming army has shelled!"

The overwhelming roar drowned out the roar of the Khan of the Chechen Khan. Outside the east city gate of Pingding Prefecture, smoke billowed from the firing positions of the Ning Navy’s rocket launchers. Dozens of hundreds of fire dragons shot up from the ground, criss-crossing in the sky. , pulled out dazzling arcs, and rolled down, the erupting flames suddenly reflected a corner of the sky red!

Where have the Mongolian soldiers in Mobei seen rocket bombardment?They stared blankly at this scene, their extreme horror made them lose their ability to think, and they forgot to dodge, just watching the shells flying towards them in a daze.

In fact, even if they wanted to hide, they couldn't hide!The rocket shells turned into rain of fire and poured down from the sky. The rumbling noise shook the sky for ten miles, and the shrapnel flying around with flames was like a festive firework. The flames in the Mongolian army were rolling, screaming and screaming It was earth-shattering, God knows how many people were blasted into the air, God knows how many people were smashed to pieces in the flash of fire!

The surviving soldiers of the Ming army on the city wall of Pingdingzhou stared dumbfounded at the flames rising high in the Mongolian army formation.Even Xie Shangkui felt a little sympathetic to those Mongolian soldiers after seeing this scene. How could such power be tolerated by flesh and blood?

However, thinking of the soldiers and civilians who died at the hands of the Mongolian army, Xie Shangkui's compassion only lingered for a moment, and he said fiercely: "You son of a bitch, I didn't expect that you also have today!"

"Launch! Launch!"

There were continuous roars from the firing position shrouded in gunpowder smoke. The reconnaissance artillery of the Annan Corps of the Ninghai Navy was attacking at the fastest speed, and another wave of rocket shells roared out, causing terrible casualties to the Mongolian army.

After such a distance, there is no need to talk about the accuracy of the head, but there is no need. There are too many Mongolian soldiers in Mobei, densely packed, and they can smash shells into the middle of the Mongolians with their eyes closed.

Three miles away, the Mongolian army did not have any counterattackers who could reach these hateful artillery, so they could only stand up and be beaten. The rocket shells falling like raindrops, the rocket shells falling from the sky like a rain of fire, caused great damage to them At the same time, it also brought them futile fear. In the smoky army formation, the soldiers of the Mobei Mongolian army cried loudly, ran wildly, trampled on each other and killed countless people. When they called, they were completely in disarray.

Cheng Shijie paid a lot of money to carry these rocket launchers. Of the more than 1 war horses seized from the banks of the Baihe River, three or four thousand of them died of exhaustion on the road alone. You must know that in Daming, war horses are silver, and hard horses worth more than silver Currency, war horses worth 70 million taels of silver, were thrown on the road along the way.

Some of these war horses have not died immediately, but these war horses have become the belly meat of the victims along the way, which is not a waste. If there are no thousands of war horses, who knows how many victims will starve to death?

Li Dingguo did not wait for the rocket attacks to stop, and before the smoke cleared, he charged the Mongolian army. More than two thousand cavalrymen fired the bullets in their guns, and then drew their sabers. Looking up, it seemed that they were not at all worried that the shells would fall among them and kill them.

When Li Dingguo and other two thousand riders rushed to less than 500 meters in front of the Mongolian army, the terrible rocket rain finally stopped. Li Dingguo raised his knife and said: "Come on!"

More than 2000 horsemen let out a roar, and suddenly accelerated. Tens of thousands of horseshoes raised and fell, knocking the ground and shaking, blowing up snow, and more than [-] light cavalry swept in like a flood!

The Mongolian army was blown out of their bodies by the fierce artillery fire. Before they recovered, the Ning Navy cavalry had already rushed in front of them. They had no time to organize resistance. A desperate scream!

Cheng Shijie did not participate in the charge. If he participated in the charge, Ning Haijun would go crazy. In fact, no one was willing to let Cheng Shijie take the risk.

Cheng Shijie rode a tall horse and watched the cavalry charge through binoculars.Seeing that the cavalry rushed into the Mongolian army formation without any resistance, this was the first time that Ning Haijun cooperated with artillery and cavalry. It was so powerful that even he was frightened!
The more than 2000 Ning naval scout cavalry rushed into the middle of the Mongolian army ten times larger than them, and turned the Mongolian army formation upside down. The Mongolian army has never been able to organize effective resistance... It is estimated that even if their strength is doubled, the result will not change in the face of such a fierce assault!

Finally the Mongolian army collapsed, and the centurion and thousand commanders in the Mongolian army roared hoarsely, asking the soldiers to gather among them, regain their composure, and fight to the death with the Ming army.

It has to be said that this kind of effort is extremely pale. From the moment the Ning Navy scout cavalry rushed into the Mongolian army formation, the Mongolian army began to collapse.
However, to be in vain is better than doing nothing. With their efforts, a group of Mongolian soldiers gathered around them and began to resist in an organized way. If those big men can keep calm and make full use of what they have won Time gathers the defeated soldiers, dare not say that it turns defeat into victory, at least it will not lose too badly.

However, they were disappointed.

Compared with the depravity and decay of ordinary Mongolian soldiers, the depravity of Mongolian nobles is more thorough. In fact, as early as when the rockets began to fall, the Mongolian nobles, including Chechen Khan Shuo Lei, had already begun to retreat, which made these brave Mongolian soldiers His efforts were in vain.

More and more Mongolian nobles left their own troops and fled the battlefield in a hurry. The Mongolian army was horrified to find that the Ming army was everywhere, but their own leader ran away and couldn't even find him.In such a desperate situation, even the toughest and most tenacious people were discouraged. They threw away their weapons and dismounted, and sat down on the ground panting.

Cheng Shijie didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, after all, they only had more than 2000 horses, and they were a tired army.

When Xie Zhiliang learned that the reinforcements had arrived, he fell into a coma. He was able to survive until now because of his tenacious perseverance. The medical team of the Ning Navy Scout Cavalry treated Xie Zhiliang's wounds. He had eleven arrow wounds on his body. , seventeen stab wounds, the most serious one was the gunshot wound on the abdomen, which already showed signs of inflammation.

Cheng Shijie ordered: "Do your best to treat General Xie at all costs!"

What Cheng Shijie said at all costs means that the medicines in the red medicine box can be used. Due to the limited transportation capacity of Cheng Shijie when he travels through time, the number of anti-inflammatory medicines in later generations is limited, especially for outsiders who are not Ning navy officers and soldiers. Generally not used.

Seeing that Xie Zhiliang worked so hard, Cheng Shijie was not stingy either.

Five or six hundred wounded soldiers including Xie Shangkui were also being treated by Ning Haijun.

Xie Shangkui came to see Cheng Shijie after a simple bandage: "My subordinates greet Cheng Shuai!"

"Your name is Xie Shangkui, right?"

"You played very well, I am very satisfied. I think, with your ability, it is more than enough to be a player."

Xie Shangkui was overjoyed when he heard the words. Although he is Xie Zhiliang's son, he is now only an official in command of the soldiers, that is, the rank of Chief Qian.Cheng Shijie directly promoted him from the rank of general manager to general, which was three consecutive ranks.

Xie Shangkui knelt down on one knee, his voice was a little fluttering: "Thank you for your cultivation, Marshal, thank you for your cultivation!"

Cheng Shijie said: "You deserve it. Hurry up and organize people to clean up the battlefield and treat the wounded. Enough people have died today. Don't let more people die after the battle is over."

Xie Shangkui seemed to have thought of something, and tentatively asked: "But my father is in charge of him..."

At the beginning, Xie Zhiliang had the ambition to die, so he naturally dared to commit suicide without authorization, but the problem is that they are safe now. Ning Haijun's medical soldiers even told Xie Shangkui that Xie Zhiliang's health is good, and his life can be saved.

However, he never forgot what Xie Zhiliang caused.

Cheng Shijie naturally knew Xie Shangkui's worries, and said with a smile: "I will protect you father and son. For the soldiers who are still participating, go down and count. For the soldiers who died in this battle, I will pay the compensation together. The soldiers bleed, so naturally they can't do it again." Let the soldiers cry."

Cheng Shijie entered Pingdingzhou City under the escort of his own soldiers.

Thanks to Xie Zhiliang's tenacious perseverance, Pingdingzhou City was not burned to nothing like many towns in this catastrophe. Except for some houses that were maliciously set on fire, most of the buildings remained intact.Since the residents of the city suffered heavy casualties during this defense battle, the houses were naturally vacated, and the presence of Ning Haijun added some popularity to Pingding Prefecture.

What troubled Cheng Shijie the most was that the city wall was severely damaged by the Mongolian army. Of course, this was not a problem, and the people were organized to rush to repair it.

Li Dingguo said: "Commander, do you think the enemy will attack Pingding Prefecture with all its strength?"

Cheng Shijie said: "It will definitely. They ran for thousands of miles, did not bring much food and supplies, and did not bring heavy equipment. They had to win Pingding Prefecture to break through the nearest Taihang Mountain. Only by going to Gyeonggi can they get enough supplies and equipment. It is impossible to sustain their attack!"

Li Dingguo asked worriedly: "Then, can we keep the peace? After all, we only have more than 2000 troops in our hands, especially the rocket artillery has been exhausted, and they may not last long without artillery!"

Cheng Shijie frowned slightly and said, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"Please commander-in-chief lead the soldiers to leave this dead place, and I will keep the peace."


Cheng Shijie said seriously: "We don't have time, so hurry up and prepare for the battle!"

Just as he was talking, he could faintly hear the sound of horn horns in the distance. This meant that the Mongolian rout had gathered some strength, which meant that they would make a comeback.

Sure enough, as Cheng Shijie judged, after about an hour, thunderous hoofbeats came from behind the horizon, getting closer and closer, snow and dust rose from the ground, rolled like a wall, countless cavalrymen screamed, and rushed Come!The Mongolian army reappeared outside the city of Pingding Prefecture.

The Mongolian captives and civilian husbands who were cleaning the battlefield and collecting supplies outside the city were all agitated.It's just that Ning Haijun's rocket launcher left too many shadows on the Mongolian army.

The Mongolian army came and went, but did not attack.

Of course, this is the sign before the storm.


Sanniangzi City, the predecessor of Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia today, is a bright pearl on the prairie of Inner Mongolia.During the Longqing period of the Ming Dynasty, around 1571 A.D., Alatan Khan (Altan Khan) went to Desheng Fort in Datong and was conferred the title of King Shunyi by the Ming Dynasty.The following year, Alatan Khan built Kuku Hetun on the basis of Sanniangzi City, and the specific location is probably the current Yuquan District of Hohhot.

Soon, it became the largest city on the northern prairie. The city wall was made of blue bricks, majestic and majestic. There were eight buildings in the city and the Sanyan Glazed Gold and Silver Palace. With a large population, most of the business travelers outside the entrance would be here Gather, or trade here, or rest here, and then continue to march towards Outer Mongolia.

For those nomads who have always been wandering on the grasslands, this is an incredible miracle. The birth of this city gave them a fixed political center, instead of the capital wandering around on the grasslands with flocks of sheep like before.This place originally belonged to the control area of ​​Monan Tumed Department.

However, from the perspective of those business travelers in the past, this pearl on the prairie is actually very watery, the city walls are low and low, and the layout of the city is chaotic. Apart from the palace and the Silver Buddha Temple, there are not many decent buildings.

The most terrible thing is that in the fifth year of Chongzhen, Jiannu defeated Lin Danhan and set fire to the city after capturing Kuku and Tuncheng. Kuku and Tuncheng were all scorched, and only a few buildings such as the Silver Buddha Temple remained.

After Jiannu withdrew from Tumochuan, Tumote's troops returned to Kuku and Tuncheng, and all they got was a piece of scorched earth.Compared with the time of Altan Khan, the strength of the current Tumed Ministry is too far behind, and it is unable to rebuild Kuku and Tuncheng in a short period of time, so the Mongols living in the city have to use some houses that have not been burned out Make do with sewing, or simply pitch a tent on the scorched earth...

The Tumochuan tribe did not surrender to become slaves like other Mongolians in Monan, at least not yet. When the Mongolian army in Mobei marched southward, the Tumochuan tribe ceased to exist and became the territory of the Chechen Khan tribe.

Here are the food and grass of the Chechen Khan, as well as their old and weak women and children. This small city is full of 10,000+ people.

After the Chechen Khan occupied Taiyuan, the food seized from Taiyuan, as well as the captured Ming people were sent here, and these materials flowed in, making this city lively.

In fact, the left-behind personnel of the Chechen Khan Department did not realize the danger was coming. Huang Taiji led an army of tens of thousands of slaves who had arrived at a place less than [-] miles away from Kukuhetun.

With Ezhe as the leading party, Jiannu arrived in Kuku and went very smoothly.


Fan Wencheng said with a relaxed smile: "The slave smells the smell of meat!"

"Command the soldiers, we are going to have a big meal!"

(End of this chapter)

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