Chapter 173
Chapter 172

The Dajin Kingdom is a country where strength is the king. Of course, all of them believe in the survival law of natural selection and the strong.

The strength of the current Dajin Kingdom has been hit hard, especially the prestige of Huang Taiji has been hit hard, the strength of the two yellow flags has also been hit hard, the two blue flags have no right to speak, and the losses of the two red flags are not light. , the loss of the two white flags is the lightest.

Back then, Nurhachi wanted to pass the throne to Dorgon, but Dorgon was too young and lacked strength. In fact, among the four Baylors who had the best chance of becoming the king of Khan, Daishan had the best chance of becoming the heir to the Khan throne. .

Dorgon's mother, Abahai, got postpartum wind after giving birth to Dorgon. Because Daishan was about the same age as Abahai, and Daishan was very kind, once a friend from the Central Plains sent donkey-hide gelatin. It is a good medicine for fetus, and it can also prevent and treat postpartum wind.Out of concern for Abahai, he sent it to her. Unexpectedly, after eating the donkey-hide gelatin, Abahai's illness was cured.They often come and go, and the two get closer.

Not long after, Daishan and Abahai had unexplained scandals, and the scandals were very outrageous, especially Abahai’s youngest son, Duoduo. Some people even said that Abahai and Daishan were born together. Under this circumstance, the position of Dabeile Daishan was abolished, otherwise, Daishan would become King Khan.

Therefore, Daishan and Yuetuo would never support Dorgon to become Khan King. Amin is Nurhachi's nephew, and there are differences in closeness, but Mangurtai is even worse.His mother offended Nurhachi because of her jealousy.Nurhachi asked, who will kill this woman for me?Mangurtai stepped out, "Me!"

So he raised his knife and fell, and finished his mother with one knife.Everyone saw that this man became a profuse khan, and he couldn't see who killed who.Because of Daishan's father and son, the two red flags supported Huang Taiji, and Huang Taiji became the new Khan King.

During the Nurhachi period, Zhenghuang Banner had 45 Niulu, led by Nurhachi himself; Xianghuang Banner, 25 Niulu, also led by Nurhachi himself; Zhenghong Banner, 26 Niulu, led by Nurhachi’s second son Daishan; Red Banner, 21 Niulu, led by Daishan’s eldest son Yuetuo; Zhenglan Banner, 33 Niulu, led by Nurhachi’s fifth son Mang Gurtai; Xianglan Banner, 25 Niulu, led by Nurhachi’s nephew, Shu Erhaqi's second son, Amin, led; Zhengbai Banner, [-] Niulu, led by Nurhachi's eighth son, Huang Taiji; Xiangbai Banner, [-] Niulu, led by Du Du, son of Nurhachi's eldest son Chu Ying.

Because Dai Shan and Yue Tuo supported Huang Taiji, they smartly owned 210 of the 76 Niu Lu of the Eight Banners, accounting for one-third, and had an absolute advantage.

But the problem is that among the current Eight Banners, the most powerful has become the two White Banners with the least losses, especially Duoduo still has [-] Nurhachi's pro-army. With the support of Zige and Duoduo, Dorgon is expected to win the Khan King.

However, Dorgon's expression was somewhat depressed, and he said in a low voice: "Also... maybe. Old Shiwu, it's not that I don't understand what you said, but I know that I have a direction to fight for in the future!"

"Although the defeat was miserable today, it also made me, let us Dajin realize that a very powerful opponent has risen, and it has formed a overwhelming pressure on Dajin."

Dorgon swept away the decadence on his body, he clenched his fists, his gaze was like a torch, and his blood was boiling: "Daijin has been in Liaodong for decades, and this is the first time that he has encountered such a tough opponent. This strong opponent makes me feel scared. It also makes me excited, - this is a qualified opponent! Such an opponent is enough to fight!"

Duoduo smiled and said, "This is the Fourteenth brother I know well!"

"Old Fifteen, you are right. Cheng Shijie won a complete victory this time... But, if a tree is so beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it. He has made all the limelight, so I am afraid that disaster will soon be upon us?"

Dorgon looked at the dark night sky behind him: "I hope you don't die early at the hands of your own people, I hope... I hope we have a chance to meet again on the battlefield! If there is such a chance, I must be upright I will defeat you, and use your blood to wash away today's shame!"

"Brother Fourteen, we will rely on you from now on!"

Dorgon could hear the meaning of Duo Duo's words clearly.

This King Khan originally belonged to him, but because Nurhachi was still young when he died, and among the four Baylors who were most qualified to inherit the throne of Khan, Daishan could not end because of Abahai. Shi Shan and Yue Tuo's father and son are the strongest, a quarter of the Eight Banners.

It was because of Abahai that Daishan angered him.

Because of this big defeat, the two blue flags were greatly weakened, and the two red flags were severely damaged. The strength of the two white flags is now equal to that of the two yellow flags. What's more, this big defeat is extremely powerful for Huang Taiji big weakening.

Dorgon's chance came.


Huang Taiji didn't know what Dorgon was thinking, he just figured out one reason, that is, Cheng Shijie could rely on the barbed wire to consume them until he couldn't hold on and retreated voluntarily.

In this way, Cheng Shijie could win the war with the least cost.However, now that he figured it out, Cheng Shijie was pulling his salary from the bottom of the pot.

Everything in Dajin Kingdom is based on force, and force is the foundation of Dajin. When the Ming army used [-] to [-] corpses to prove that Dajin's force was not as strong as they imagined, this foundation was also shaken up.

"Cheng Shijie, you are so poisonous!"

Although Huang Taiji figured it out, he was still helpless.This was a dead end at all. In fact, more than [-] Ming troops were wiped out on the banks of the Daling River with Zhang Chun's command, and Dajin also suffered nearly [-] casualties. Huang Taiji's prestige began to waver.

This disastrous defeat in Haizhou shattered the myth of Dajin's invincibility, and the separation of allies became inevitable. He could see through the pros and cons, but he was powerless to resolve this crisis, unless Dajin could use a bigger victory to prove that Haizhou The state's fiasco was just an accident, they are still strong!
But the question is, can the big gold army who lost too much blood still have the ability to prove this?

Before he knew it, Huang Taiji fell asleep, snoring lightly...

Hearing the snoring sound coming from the tent, Hauge, Yue Tuo, and Dai Shan all heaved a sigh of relief.

But then, he became worried.

Daishan asked, "Where is Azig?"

Yue Tuo said: "He is in the back!"

"Dorgon is also behind?"

Hauge nodded and said, "It's the Queen of the Two White Flags now, how about I go and bring back the Fourteenth Uncle?"

"no need!"

Yue Tuo hurriedly said: "I'll go and have a look!"

He was really afraid that once Hauge left, he might not be able to come back.

It is not that there were no contradictions in the originally peaceful situation of Dajin Kingdom, but these contradictions were suppressed with Dajin's successive victories.

There are actually many problems in Ming Dynasty, but if the Ming army maintains absolute military superiority, like the Wanli Korean War, easily crushing Jiannu, the internal problems of Ming Dynasty will be much smaller.

The defeat this time, first of all, is the confusion of the people.

Especially Shuo Tuo, he was happier than eating honey.

Others are frowning, worrying about the future.Only Shuotuo was sitting in his small tent, where a small pot was burning. In the pot, a large piece of mutton was boiling with gravy, and the broth with chili oil was overflowing with aroma.

Even if you don't need to eat it, just smelling the fragrance will make the surrounding Jiannu salivate.

Yue Tuo was about to lead the remnants of Xianghong Banner to meet Dorgon, but suddenly smelled the fragrance from Shuo Tuo's tent, and Yue Tuo went directly to the small tent.

Shuo Tuo turned his back to Shuo Tuo, his shoulders were shaking, Yue Tuo thought Shuo Tuo was worried, but when he looked carefully, Shuo Tuo was actually drinking, drunk and humming.

Yue Tuo frowned slightly. He pulled out the meat-eating knife on his body, fished out a large piece of mutton from the pot, and ate it.

"This is my meat!"

"Second, what's wrong with eating some meat from you?"

Yue Tuo said while eating: "Can I still not eat?"

However, Yue Tuo's face instantly turned red when the mutton was eaten: "Are you poisoning the meat?"

Yue Tuo was wrong when he thought about it, this meat was eaten by Shuo Tuo himself, how could it be poisoned.

Seeing Yue Tuo breaking out in a cold sweat from the hot pepper, Shuo Tuo was very happy: "Isn't this delicious?"


Yue Tuo didn't even bother to say anything, he ate the spicy mutton with big mouthfuls.

After a while, Yue Tuo said, "It's really spicy and refreshing. Where did you get this spice?"

Shuotuo laughed and said, "I bought it in Liaonan!"

Yue Tuo's face turned cold: "Be careful in the future, Da Khan is very upset this time, you are a taboo!"

Shuotuo said disapprovingly, "Do you think he still has a chance?"

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Shuo Tuo's bad tone, Yue Tuo's expression darkened immediately: "Even if our Daikin suffers a heavy loss this time, and our morale is hit hard, the foundation is still there after all. As long as we can hide in Shenyang City to take a breath, After a period of rest, we are fully capable of fighting the Ming army again, and we still have to fight this battle!"

"With what?"

Shuotuo pointed to the mutton in the pot and said, "Do you know whose sheep it is?"

"It's not yours?"

"Of course not mine!"

Shuotuo laughed and said, "Wu Keshan's!"

"How dare you steal his sheep?"

Wu Keshan is Bumbutai, the elder brother of Dayuer and Hai Lanzhu, and the eldest uncle of Huang Taiji. Although he is not a Jurchen, he has a detached status in the Kingdom of Jin.

"I picked it up!"

"how is this possible?"

"I really don't lie to you!"

Shuotuo said: "Wu Keshan ran away, taking his 2000 men and horses with him. He ran so fast that he didn't even take the sheep with him. It's a disadvantage to me!"

"These Mongolian bastards are ashamed to call themselves the pride of the grasslands, and they don't even have the courage to fight the Ming army! When we return to Shenyang!"

Yue Tuo said angrily: "I will definitely go to the King Khan and ask him to send troops to kill all the defecting tribes!"

Shuotuo smiled bitterly: "If we really do this, I'm afraid we will never find allies again..."

"never mind!"

Yue Tuo didn't say anything more to Shuo Tuo, he needed to get down to business.


In the final analysis, war is about economy and strength.While Jiannu was still asleep, the infantrymen of the Ming army had already started to wake up, and they braved the cold wind to start rebuilding the carts.

Ning Navy soldiers first removed the wheels, and at the same time removed the seat board on the carriage, turned the seat board over and put it on the frame to form a sled.

As the four-wheeled carriages turned into sleighs, the cooking soldiers also prepared breakfast, which was a very ordinary breakfast, mainly buns and milk tea.This kind of milk tea is to boil milk bricks and tea leaves in a pot. After boiling, filter the tea leaves through a filter.

Because it was in wartime, each soldier’s kettle was filled with a kettle of milk tea, that is, two liters, and each soldier was divided into five or six hot cannons, got on the sled, and started to set off.

Many Ning navy soldiers thought that Jiannu had been running for half a day and one night, and they would not be able to catch up so slowly. Many soldiers were willing to chase after them on horses.

Cheng Shijie refused without hesitation. Is it easy for me to get these horses?You all exhausted your war horses, isn't it a big loss for me?

As the saying goes, when he was in a hurry and met a slow doctor, Ning Haijun was so anxious that he jumped!
At first, on the first day, there were indeed no results. On the third day, they encountered a large number of dead horses along the way, and the soldiers suddenly realized.

When Jiannu collapsed, he fled desperately. He didn't spare his horsepower at all. He was very worried that the Ming army would catch up, so they rushed to the horse. Under normal circumstances, it would not be a big problem to do so.

But the problem is, now that it's snowing heavily, the war horses are sweating all over. When the cold wind blows, they can't bear it immediately. Many war horses either run to waste or are exhausted.

As more and more horses died, the Ming army finally caught up with a group of rout soldiers. These rout soldiers were small in number, only 400, including the Han army, Mongols, and Jiannu. They surrounded the campfire, but they were freezing. Trembling, seeing the Ming army coming, they hurriedly chased to the ground and surrendered.

Cheng Shijie led the main infantry unit of the Ning Navy, and accidentally picked up some war horses that hadn't frozen to death in the back, as well as Jiannu or Mongolian soldiers who were dying of cold.

In just one day, Cheng Shijie recruited more than 2000 Mongolian cavalry, and more than 1000 Han troops, and captured more than [-] prisoners alone. Rare.

However, Cheng Shijie looked at the group of Mongolian cavalrymen who watched Ning Haijun, who was guarding the surrounding area, ignore the knives and guns, and only ate hungrily. Tighten it.

Shen Mingyu smiled bitterly and said, "These people are really fucking idiots!"

Cheng Shijie said: "If you are hungry for three days, I am afraid you will be like them!"

"It is!"

Shen Mingyu smiled wryly: "The general suspects..."

"Doubt what?"

"I suspect this is Huang Taiji's poisonous plan!"

Shen Mingyu said with a serious face: "He intentionally left so many people behind, trying to eat up our food!"

"Ha ha!"

Cheng Shijie smiled faintly: "Even if one of Huang Taiji's [-] troops is not dead, I can afford to raise them. Screen the captives, collect the usable horses, and turn the discarded horses into dried meat. Let's eat horse meat." I'm tired of eating, but the people in southern Liaoning don't have any horse meat!"

Although there is no longer a shortage of food in southern Liaoning, it is still difficult to realize the freedom of eating meat for later generations. On the Internet of later generations, some people complain, saying that life is not satisfactory, and it is not as good as the 60s.

This must be bullshit, what kind of material life in the 60s?Not to mention the freedom to eat meat, obesity has become a problem that plagues health. In that era, it was difficult to eat a meal.

Fortunately, more than 3000 war horses have been collected. Although the Mongolian horses are a bit short, Cheng Shijie does not dislike them. It is better to have horses than to have no horses.

What's more, after this battle, the confidence of Ning's navy cavalry has also been demonstrated. At least they no longer have fear when facing Jiannu.

Seeing the night approaching, Cheng Shijie had no choice but to order the troops to set up camp. These prisoners were very cooperative and well-behaved. They were no longer as fierce as before, and they were even more honest than kittens.

Without the orders of Ning Haijun's soldiers, they took the initiative to come to work, helping Ning Haijun to set up camp and chop wood. Even if no one was watching and asked them to go into the woods to collect firewood, they would not run away.

Someone asked puzzledly: "I just went to the woods, why didn't you run away?"

"Why are you running?"

"Don't run away, you are going to labor camp!"

"Is the labor camp in charge of food?"

"Definitely, and full!"

"As long as you are in charge of the food and what you are called to do, you can do whatever you want!"

"Where's coal digging?"



"Do it too!"

Of course, Cheng Shijie's carriage was changed to a sled. He lit up the stove and was about to go to sleep. At this moment, Meng En came over and said, "Commander, a group of Mongolian cavalry is coming!"

"How many people are there?"

"About three or four hundred!"

"It is estimated that they are here to surrender again!"

Cheng Shijie said angrily, "Go, tell them, don't bother to come three or 400 people at a time, by the way, let them come here with a slave head, the commander pardons their crimes and exempts them from reform through labor!"

Cheng Shijie took more than 3000 captives a day, but Jiannu took more than 5000 prisoners a day. As for where the other 1000 people went, they might have lost their way, or they might have gone back to their hometown.

In short, there was no decent battle in this pursuit battle, just like an armed march, it was very easy.

More than [-] people fled in one day. When Huang Taiji received the news, he didn't even have the strength to get angry. It was too late to escape. Who would care about the life and death of the Mongols?
But when Huang Taiji learned that so many Mongolian cavalrymen had surrendered to Cheng Shijie, he felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet, straight to the sky, and his whole body was chilling!

Huang Taiji had expected a long time ago that this disastrous defeat would trigger a series of chain reactions. Many tribes that were originally intimidated by Dajin's force and had to take refuge in Dajin might be renounced, but he never dreamed that this chain reaction would It came so violently that 5000 people lost in just one day, which is equivalent to losing one tenth of the soldiers without fighting them. What does this mean?
This means that the hegemony that Dajin has built up with countless victories and countless massacres has been shaken, and they have lost the intangible but important "Jurchen is dissatisfied with ten thousand, and ten thousand cannot fight" that Nurhachi left for them. most precious possession.

Dajin, in Liaodong, North Korea, and Mongolia, is no longer an invincible terrorist existence, and those grasshoppers have begun to fall back to the Ming Dynasty!
"King Khan, Guangning Guard has arrived!"

Dai Shan said: "King Khan, let's go to the city first. After driving for a few days, everyone is exhausted. Go to the city to rest, have a hot meal and take a bath, which can improve morale. Find a way to deal with the Ming army that is biting behind us!"

Huang Taiji didn't object, he had experienced hundreds of battles, how can he not see that the current state of the Dajin army is very wrong?
There are more and more Mongolian cavalry fleeing, and even Sauron's dead soldiers have begun to desert. If they don't go to the city to rest, it may not be long before the [-] to [-] troops who survived the bloody battle at Baliwan It's time to run away!
Huang Taiji waved his hand and said loudly: "Go to the city, go to the city!"

The Dajin army, already exhausted physically and mentally, let out a burst of cheers and filed into the city.After driving for several days, they were almost exhausted and fell apart. It was better to go to the city to rest for a few days, even if they had no house to live in and could only sleep on the street, rather than rushing day and night like they are now.

Unfortunately, the wish is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Just when these defeated soldiers were about to enter Guangning City, the cavalry of the Ning Navy and the Guan Ning Army who had been chasing for three days also caught up.

"What should we do now?"

Zu Dabi hasn't made up his mind yet. After all, there are too many Jiannu people. They are only one-eighth of the opponent's. In addition, Guangning City still has a new army of Jiannu. If Jiannu counterattacks, I'm afraid they will suffer. .

Zhao Wencai smiled bitterly and said, "What a pity!"

"General Zhao!"

The red lady came to Zhao Wencai on a horse. Qiao Siniang, who was disguised as a man, looked back at the red lady, and her eyes fell on the red lady's Adam's apple.

Sure enough, Hong Niangzi has no Adam's apple.

Of course, Qiao Siniang found that Hong Niang, like her, disguised herself as a man, and she didn't point it out.

"whats the matter?"

"The humble officer has captured a group of artillerymen from the Han army, with two Flang machine cannons. Shall we fire a few shots at Guangning City?"

Zhao Wencai's eyes lit up: "Okay, let them fire!"

In Zhao Wencai's mind, whether he can achieve results is another matter. Anyway, the pursuit can only come to an end.

As the two Frangler cannons were pushed up, the remaining eight shells were also put up.


With the sound of two cannons, the artillerymen of the Han army who were still in shock were not able to fire the cannons, and the shells didn't know where they flew.

However, these Jiannu, who were frightened into frightened birds, immediately thought of the scene of seeing the Ming army's cannon washing the ground on the battlefield outside Baliwan City when they heard the sound of the cannon.

"Run away, the Ming army is catching up!"

It was an overwhelming response. With this howl, the city gates that were originally in good order suddenly fell into chaos. Thousands of people bombarded the battalion. People in the city ran out desperately, and people outside the city desperately Squeezing in, trampling on each other, I don't know how many people were squeezed down and trampled into a ball of meat sauce!
(End of this chapter)

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