Entertainment since 1999

Chapter 269 The Hero Can't Save...

Chapter 269 The Hero Can't Save...
Cinema is the art of directing.

Movies are wars without gunpowder.

The director has an unshirkable responsibility for the success or failure of a film. He is like a commander-in-chief, observing every screw and tightening every spring.


The broken car in "People on the Journey" caught fire.


Run like hell.

Early next morning.

The cold wind whistled.

In September, Jianghan entered winter early.

Han Qiao was wrapped in a windbreaker and a cotton wool cap covering his ears. He hardly slept all night, but he was in good spirits.

In the first scene of "People on the Journey", Li Chenggong accompanied his mistress Li Manman to go shopping. Li Manman tested Li Chenggong, saying that he was pregnant with Li Chenggong's child, and Li Chenggong fled in fright.

You are a junior.

I'm just playing around, why are you taking it seriously?

Is there a bit of work ethic.


Han Qiao put down the script, looked at Shen Pain, and asked, "Do you know how to act?"

The fat Shen Tong faded early, and the only trace of the former "Military Art School Grass" is probably the tears on the pillow when Shen Tong dreamed back at midnight.

Sin ah.

Shen Pained and foolishly said: "Isn't it just to lie to the girl, I know this well, Brother Han, let me tell you, when I was in the military arts, I was also at the grassroots level..."


Shen Tong turned his head, several beauties were wrapped in white down jackets, Bai Baihe's pretty face was flushed with cold, his eyes glanced at Shen Tong's greasy stomach, and his eyes smiled like crescent moons.

"Sister, don't you believe me?" Shen Tong stood up and was about to take out the photo from his clothes.

"I believe it." Bai Baihe nodded with a smile, walked up to Han Qiao, and said worriedly: "Mr. Han, I heard from Mr. Zeng that I will play the role of Xiaosan. Can I really do it?"

Bai Baihe's role as the mistress was decided by Han Qiao on the spur of the moment. Originally, Gao Yuanyuan was the one, but Gao Yuanyuan was too sensitive to the "mistress", so she tossed about all night and said she was too tired to get up.

"It's okay." Han Qiao talked about the play.

Bai Baihe has a good talent, after a short period of training by Han Qiao, she exclaimed, "I know, it's about falling in love."


Li Manman is indeed a couple in love with Li Chenggong.

Bai Baihe was in a dilemma, and said coyly: "Brother Han, it's not that I'm not professional, it's just..."

"What's wrong?" Han Qiao wondered.

Bai Baihe glanced at Shen Pain, and said slowly: "A young and beautiful girl like me, would she really like a greasy middle-aged man?"

You said so.

Not only do you know how to do it, you also practiced a yang finger.

Han Qiao patted Bai Baihe and said meaningfully, "Of course I will."


"The first scene of people on Journey, the first shot."


Li Chenggong's suit and leather shoes, black-rimmed glasses, the greasy and shrewdness of a middle-aged man are reflected in his small eyes,

He runs an Internet company with hundreds of employees and has developed a search software.

Acrimonious, poisonous tongue indifference...

With both hands twisting a few paper bags full of harvest, the camera glanced over them, all of which were famous brands.

By the side.

An energetic female college student with fluttering long hair is holding Li Chenggong's arm intimately, her white snow shoes are fluffy, and Bai Lily looks a little naive, she raised her head innocently: "Don't go home this year, stay with me for the New Year's Eve .”

"You should call your wife about the divorce."

Without even thinking about it, Li Chenggong blurted out: "Hey, I only go home once a year, so you have to let me see my daughter."

"Then I'll visit you during the Chinese New Year?" the voice tentatively asked.

"Why?" Li Chenggong was startled, and gave way a little, and a rift appeared between the two of them.


Han Qiao said calmly, "Cut to the second shot, medium and long-distance close-ups."

The later generations of "People on the Journey" have a limited budget, so there are only two fixed seats. Han Qiao has a sufficient budget this time, and the seats are directly allocated to three groups.

A set of close-ups.

A set of medium and long distances.

A set of panoramas.

As the track moved for a while, the state of Li Manman and Li Chenggong was clear at a glance in the medium and long shots.


Han Qiao shook his head and shouted into the intercom: "Bai He, the state is not right. Li Manman is attached to Li Chenggong and has some admiration. He really wants to have a result with Li Chenggong. She loves him. Your expression is wrong. Adjust it."

"There is still pain, please restrain yourself, Li Chenggong is an entrepreneur, not an old pervert, his eyes can almost see it, why, Lily's perfume smells good, why don't I give you a bottle to smell it enough?"

Bai Baihe is a girl, Han Qiao said restraint.

Shen Ai this kid has a big heart, and Han Qiao's words are very poisonous.

The two adjusted a bit, and then continued to shoot.

Over time.

Han Qiao is ruthless, like an "NG" machine without emotion, clicking, clicking, and shooting a dozen scenes over and over again for a scene that was originally very simple.

Rain is coming.

The atmosphere was dull.

The NG again and again was a huge blow to people, Bai Baihe was on the verge of crying, and Shen Pain fell silent.

As the two walked out arm in arm, Han Qiao's voice was cold, his face was calm, and he said without a tone: "Ka."

"Ten minutes at halftime."


off the field.

The crew members moved lightly and did not dare to breathe.

How can there be spring breeze like water here.

What a cold-faced tyrant.

Han Qiao didn't swear at anyone, nor did he have a bad temper, but the gloomy look made people feel very scared.

Bai Baihe and Shen Pain had a revolutionary friendship, and the two rushed to Zeng Li. Bai Baihe pouted, plunged into Zeng Li's arms, sniffed and choked up, "Teacher Zeng, Director Han is so scary, Am I not good enough, I don't want to act anymore, well, so many people are looking at me, they must be laughing at me."

"What are you talking about?" Zeng Li had a good impression of Bai Baihe, and wiped Bai Baihe's tears: "Do you know how lucky you are, the first time you come out to film, you have such an important role. If you don't want to shoot so much, I call Ming added."

Talking and walking.

A small hand grabbed the corner of Zeng Li's clothes aggrievedly, and Bai Baihe said aggrievedly: "That... Teacher Zeng, I can take pictures, that is, can you ask Han..."

"Don't even think about it."

Zeng Li didn't even think about it, looked at the director's studio, and said seriously: "Han Qiao is usually very talkative, but it definitely doesn't include filming."

"If you don't want to lose this opportunity, the only thing you can do is [-] percent effort."

"Understood Teacher Zeng." Bai Baihe hummed, looking at Shen Pain, she couldn't stop sighing.

I also want to work hard.

But I can't get excited about this face.

"Hey... What kind of eyes do you have..." Shen Pain jumped, took out the photo from his arms, pointed to the handsome young man with delicate features and bright eyes in the photo, and said, "You still don't believe it, brother was handsome before OK."


Bai Baihe snatched the photo, checked it carefully, not saying it was exactly the same, but saying it was irrelevant, her eyes were full of suspicion.

When Shen Tong talked about this, she burst into bitter tears. She wiped her hands pretendingly, and complained bitterly: "This is all the fault of Brother Han..."

Don't say it yet.

Shen Pain still has a talent for comedy, which makes Bai Baihe laugh out loud.

Seeing the relationship between the two getting closer, Zeng Li checked the time, and it took five hours to shoot.


another place.

Bai Shan and Zhao Baogang looked at the crew members in low spirits.

Bai Shan couldn't help shaking his head. To be honest, he really didn't have confidence in Han Qiao's filmmaking.

The reason why he served as the assistant director of "People on the Journey" was just to collect money to do things. Seeing Han Qiao messing around, I felt quite resentful.

Oh shit.

Money is not such a waste.

Not only was the money wasted, but the movie was also wasted.

"Bai Shan, be normal."

Bai Shan came back to his senses and couldn't help but said: "Director Zhao, Han Qiao isn't completely nonsense, today is the first scene, such a high-intensity NG will deal a huge blow to the crew, how can we proceed with this? Work."

"Really?" Zhao Baogang smiled: "I have some confidence in Han Qiao's filmmaking. At least, he does have his own ideas about conquering people's hearts. In fact, not only you, everyone is interested in Han Qiao's filmmaking. No confidence, after such a commotion, no matter what, Han Qiao has confirmed his status."

"He is the director, and he is the king of the crew."

"As for appeasing the staff, that's not exactly your strong suit, Bai Shirt."

"Look, this scene is coming to an end."

After hearing this, Bai Shan looked at Han Qiao who was silently reading the script in the director's tent, and thought in his heart, could it be that Han Qiao really knows how to make movies?

10 minute later.

Han Qiao calmed down and observed the atmosphere of the crew, feeling nervous and turbulent, feeling very satisfied.

It is impossible for Zhao Baogang to guard the crew forever.

If you don't take advantage of this time to confirm the authority of your own director, when Zhao Baogang is gone, who will take him seriously.

Cinema is the art of directing.

The staff are just pawns, they don't need pawns to have their own ideas, they are obedient, follow suit, and give full play to their professional level.

That's it.


"People are on an embarrassing journey, the first scene is the first shot"

"29 times"


Following Han Qiao's order, the gears turned, and the crew performed their duties. On the monitor, Shen Tong and Bai Baihe were in much better condition. After all, their acting skills have not changed much, but their aura is much more intimate. This is not due to their acting skills. .

After Bai Baihe said that she was pregnant with a painful child, she stood on tiptoe emotionally and kissed Li Chenggong's face.

Here's a different play.

The staff thumped in their hearts and subconsciously looked towards the director's room.

Han Qiao remained silent.

Shen Pain's reaction was quick, without getting confused, he reached out and wiped his face vigorously, avoiding his eyes, and immediately looked at Li Manman seriously.

The intimate two were as cold as ice.

"It scares you." Li Manman smiled, shook Li Chenggong's arm, and said coquettishly, "Your face is pale."

"Oh, stop making trouble, I'm too late." Li Chenggong looked at his watch and dragged Li Manman away.


Han Qiao gave an order.

Shen Tong and Bai Baihe turned around and walked towards the starting position.

Han Qiao smiled: "This scene is over."

"Thanks to everyone this morning, the performance was very good and perfect."

Han Qiao was not stingy with his praise, and gave the crew the greatest affirmation.

Follow the play.

The production team immediately cheered. After being hungry for so long, they rushed to the food place, and saw that the food was marked with meat and vegetables, and there were big chicken legs, and all the grievances of the morning were swept away.

When I saw Han Qiao also carrying a lunch box, and the leading actors of the crew next to him squatting on the ground, eating and drinking in a very disfigured way, let alone resentment, I felt a sense of belonging.


Well-known actor Han Qiao is the same as us.


Han Qiao looked around and saw the staff look over from time to time, shifting their posture shamelessly so that they could see clearly.

At any rate, they got up from the tricks. What are these staff members thinking, Han Qiaomen knows.

Bite off the big chicken leg, and asked the life producer beside him: "After this day, how much is the meal and accommodation?"

The production producer is Xia Wen's confidant. Putting down his chopsticks, he said: "Brother Han, the treatment of our film crew is relatively good. Meals are about 6000 a day, and the accommodation is about 8000 a day because everyone is the same."

Han Qiao nodded.

The salary of "People on the Journey" is very low, Wang Xiaobao 1, Shen Pain 5, the rest of the actresses, Gao Yuanyuan didn't ask for money, they paid for it, Zhou Xun paid for a song, Zeng Li raised the salary, and opened 2, actually gave 5 yuan.

The rest are just tricks, just make sense.

The biggest expense was Xin Baoyuan's filming team. For this alone, they paid almost 80 yuan, and the assistant director gave 15 yuan...

500 million budget.

Han Qiao thought for a while, it is best to control it to end in 2 months, otherwise the budget will be increased.


Tear off the meat from the chicken thighs in one bite.

It's still an actor who is comfortable, acting, and getting money. How can a director be so hardworking, intrigue, and calculate.

There are no unspoken rules, boring.


in the afternoon.

Han Qiao chose simple scenes to shoot.

There are quite a lot of famous scenes when people are on Journey. For example, Wang Xiaobao at the airport sees that the milk cannot be checked in, so he hugs the bucket and blows it.

Then, the plane was bumpy, and I almost vomited, but swallowed it back alive.

Don't look disgusting.

With a lot of laughter, Han Qiao still remembers watching this, feeling that Wang Xiaobao was too exaggerated. He didn't expect to see the news later that a certain woman was stuffed with a pot of wine at the airport.


The effect here is really deep.

speak up.

People on Journey is a representative of Chinese road movies. Many people think that the success of "Journey on Journey" is just accidental, but it is not, but inevitable.

The reason is very simple.

[-]. Real and down-to-earth, the Spring Festival is the feelings of Chinese people, and the Spring Festival travel is the memory of generations. This kind of cultural button, as long as it is real, people will naturally empathize with it.

[-]. Chinese people have blind fantasies about class status, and the treacherous and poisonous gold-collar elite collides with the honest and honest peasants.As a result, the gold-collar elite suffered losses repeatedly, and those who were tortured wanted to cry without tears. This kind of strong contrast was called cool in the Internet.This rustic farmer is asking for a gold collar, so tormenting the gold collar, will he finally get the money smoothly?

It's called anticipation.

There is a sense of refreshment and anticipation.If Han Qiao doesn't believe it, he will lose to Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Yimou...

and so.

The most important thing is that the "original taste and original taste" must be shot.


Airport the next day.

After yesterday's filming, Han Qiao showed both kindness and power, and the crew felt awe of Han Qiao.

Early in the morning.

The staff arranged the set in an orderly manner.

Han Qiao took over the shooting plan from Bai Shan. Today's shooting focuses on the airport and the scene on the plane.

It can be said to be full of jokes.

The audience has seen this play, so there is not much nonsense, and the scene manager ran over to say that the preparations are over.

Han Qiao looked into the monitor, gave an order, and the filming officially started.

Wang Xiaobao is in good condition, mainly because he has been working in a milk factory for a month. He can be called a true character actor. He is disheartened, dragging his luggage, and his clothes are not aesthetic at all. They are thick enough to keep warm. To be honest, the suffering made him lose his greenness.

Shen Pain is wearing a khaki windbreaker, lined with a suit and leather shoes, and his hair is combed to look like a successful person.

It's Li Yanhong's hairstyle, let's suffer like this first, and let's talk about it after something happens.

The waiting hall was crowded with people, and there was chaos.

The bull terrier went through check-in, but a lot of things caused the stewardess a headache. She politely said, "Sir, do you need to check in your luggage?"

"I see you have a lot of luggage."


The bull terrier smiled honestly, showing eight teeth, weighed the package, and said indifferently: "It's okay, it's okay, I have strength, I can twist it."

A few laughs came from behind.

Bull Terrier didn't know that his performance made others laugh, so he held out his ticket: "Is this for Changsha?"

"This is for Changsha."

"Oh." The bull terrier snorted, and asked belatedly: "Then, am I a standing ticket or a sitting ticket?"

Li Chenggong watched, and patted the bull terrier when he heard the words: "All planes are tickets for sitting, and there are no tickets for standing."

After watching the bull terrier go.

Li Chenggong was in a very impatient mood, anxiously checking in for the plane, a terrified bull stalk rushed over, bumping into Li Chenggong staggered, and with a bluffing voice: "Where is the platform?"

Li Chenggong couldn't laugh or cry, patted the young man's shoulder, smelled a smell through his clothes, frowned and said impatiently: "Hey, young man, this is an airport, there is no platform."

"Take your boarding pass and ID card. If you see it, go through the security check first."

"Hey, boarding gate 2B, seat number 13C."

"Go, goodbye." Li Chenggong seemed to be coaxing the child, trying to wave a fly: "Go."

Saying yes, he felt relieved and looked relaxed.

Unexpectedly, the young man rushed over bluffing: "Hello, brother.

Next, looking at it carefully, he said honestly, "How do I get to 2B?"

Li Chenggong was a little annoyed by the sentence of 2B. Looking at Niu Geng's sincere eyes, he said speechlessly: "Young man, after passing the security check, go to the left, go."

Han Qiao looked at the monitor and nodded with satisfaction.

Wang Xiaobao's acting is very natural, not so much acting, it's better to say that he is like this. After yesterday's high-intensity pressure, Shen Tong's acting skills are much more natural.

Next is the main event.

Han Qiao greeted Wang Xiaobao and passed by, smiling: "Xiaobao, when we look at people, if we want to be sincere, we have to point up our eyes and show the whites of the eyes, and we have to be serious when looking at people."

"Come and try."

Wang Xiaobao raised his eyelids and looked at Han Qiao, who laughed loudly: "That's it, it's very good, by the way, when you drink milk later, you should be more ruthless, you know?"

"I know Brother Han."

Wang Xiaobao didn't have the nerve to say that after receiving the script, he practiced with water many times in private for this scene.

Han Qiao panicked for a while, beside him, Bai Shirt and Xiao Baosteel were still watching.

Zhao Baogang pointed at Wang Xiaobao, and couldn't help laughing: "Don't tell me, Han Qiao's level of director is unknown, and this casting ability is really amazing."

"I don't know where this kid found such a living treasure."

The white shirt looked at the crowded hall, this scene is a big scene, once an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one, so he thought about it.Question: "Director Zhao, you are a senior in the industry, what do you think of Director Han's movie?"

"After all, the opponents of this movie are Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Yimou."

White shirt sighed.

"I don't know." Zhao Baogang shrugged: "Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Yimou are both film masters. I have never made a movie. Maybe people will look down on me, so I am not qualified to comment."

"But Han Qiao's movie is quite interesting to me. At least it's funny. Comedy movies, being funny is half the battle."

The two were talking.

Continue shooting.

Li Chenggong rushed to the security checkpoint, but before the person arrived, a bluffing voice came over: "This is not allowed, and that is not allowed, I have to check it in, okay, I promise you that I will check it in a while." go."

"But my bottle of milk, why..."

"Don't let me take it."

"Excuse me sir, the Civil Aviation Administration stipulates that liquids are not allowed to be carried on the plane." The stewardess maintained her smile.

"When we take the train, we are allowed to bring these, but why not when we take the plane." Bull Terrier couldn't figure it out.

The flight attendant saw that there were many people behind her, and her tone was a little impatient: "Don't dare to be embarrassed, sir, this is really not allowed to be brought on the plane..."


Han Qiao used three seats, one for Niu Geng, one for the stewardess, and one for Li Chenggong.

In monitor number one.

The bull terrier's eyes widened, a little dull, which challenged his cognition.

Over time.

The bull terrier's expression became more and more aggrieved, his eyes were looking straight up, revealing a lot of white eyes, he bit his lip, twisted up the milk bottle, and looked up at the flight attendant's shocked eyes.

Throat gurgling.

Pure white milk flowed down his mouth.

Close-up, the milk bottle gradually emptied, and with a belch, the farce ended.

Li Chenggong was puzzled, but was greatly shocked, and said with emotion: "Talent."


Han Qiao didn't expect Wang Xiaobao to pass here once.

With a "click", the scene ended, and I ordered the cameraman to take some background shots.

Walking up to Zhao Baogang, he smiled and asked, "Director Zhao, what's going on, give me some pointers."

Zhao Baogang spread his hands: "You are much better than me, I have nothing to teach you."


He smiled and asked, "This script is so interesting. How did you come up with such a brain? Not only can you write novels, but you can also write spy war dramas with such a powerful lurker. Now, you can also write comedy scripts."

"Tell me honestly, did Times Starry Sky set up a screenwriting department just for you?"

Han Qiao smiled, and threw the storyboard in his hand: "100% original."

"You are too ugly." Zhao Baogang looked at the stick figure in distaste, and threw it to Han Qiao: "After the filming of this film, find a film academy for training. Although you can make it now, you still need the system Sexually improve the aesthetics."

"Movies are no better than TV dramas. Movies are big screens. Everything is clearly presented. Aesthetics are not born in nature. If you don't watch thousands of movies and don't understand the specifications of the lens, your level will never improve."

Han Qiao put away his hippie smile and saluted seriously: "Director Zhao, thank you for your guidance."

"I can't give advice, just a few words." Zhao Baogang had really seen Han Qiao's talent this time, and patted Han Qiao on the shoulder: "What is my name, Director Zhao? I am a few years older than you, and my name is Uncle Zhao."

"How old should I be called Brother Zhao?" Han Qiao didn't do it.

"Brother Zhao is fine too." Zhao Baogang laughed loudly, and said, "It's almost time for me to go too, I can't help the crew anymore."

Han Qiao said a few polite words.

Zhao Baogang watched Han Qiao walk away, looked at Bai Shan, and smiled: "Xiaobai, Han Qiao's movie is very interesting to me. If you work hard, it may really become a miracle."

"You know, what I mean by hard work is not to do your job well, but to do your best."

Bai Shan was really convinced by Han Qiao this time. Zhao Baogang is a long-established director, and he can call Han Qiao a brother and brother, which shows that Han Qiao does have this qualification. Otherwise, he would not have heard that he was a "little white".

"Director Zhao, don't worry." Bai Shan said seriously, "I also have a part in this film, so I will do my best."

"Young people today have a bright future." Zhao Baogang patted the shoulder of his shirt, and looked at the huge airport, where people came and went in an orderly manner, with emotion.


blink of an eye.

"People on the Journey" took more than a month to shoot.

For more than a month, Han Qiao has become more and more handy. After all, there are plug-ins. The only thing that has changed is that in addition to selling mobile phones at the train station, Han Qiao has added a scene.

It is worth mentioning that in the original version, the mobile phone seller was Li Xiaolu who was at the peak when she debuted, but this time it was replaced by Na Ying.

For this, Han Qiao paid the price of a song.

There is no way, the enemy is too strong, and you can't do it without desperately.

The added scene is also quite interesting.

Naying sells mobile phones and also sings, but Li Chenggong said very bluntly: "You sing much worse than Tian Zhen."

Na Ying quit and insisted on continuing to sing, so Li Chenggong hurried away, only to meet a man kneeling on the ground outside the train station, and went up to take a look. It turned out that he had no money to eat, and hoped that someone with good intentions would give him some money.

Li Chenggong was not fooled.

Wang Xiaobao was fooled, first he gave him the steamed buns he had brought, and after the person finished eating, he still knelt down, and Wang Xiaobao gave himself sesame seed cakes, and after the person finished eating, he continued to kneel, Wang Xiaobao saw that this was no good, so he went to the store to buy steamed buns again. noodles, but people threw them away in disgust, and said solemnly: "Huaxia people want to eat white like instant noodles."

Wang Xiaobao ran to replace it with a white statue,

The young man didn't expect there to be such a solid person, so he wrapped himself in a sackcloth and cursed, "Crazy."

Just run away.

Only then did Wang Xiaobao realize that he had been cheated.

This scene was followed by the scene at the Hankou Wharf. Wang Xiaobao said that the liar's eyes were sincere, and he could not be called a lie. Li Chenggong then exposed the matter. Wang Xiaobao was speechless after being told, but he still decided to help.

this day.

Han Qiao is filming a scene of a female liar, and this scene still requires acting skills, so Han Qiao called Zhou Xun.

The woman in the hotel was replaced by Zeng Li.

In the end, Li Chenggong's wife is of course Gao Yuanyuan.

There is nothing to say about Brother Xun's acting skills.

It was very cold in Hankou at the end of October, the Yangtze River was rolling eastward, sirens sounded in the distance, and the long ladder at the pier was crowded with people.

Li Chenggong and Niu Geng have become brothers and sisters after going through ridiculous and funny stories all the way.

Niu Geng looked at Zhou Xun who was kneeling on the ground, and gave himself all his belongings.

The shrewd and treacherous Li Chenggong got into the car alone, and the two parted ways.

With a "click."

Han Qiao was about to change the scene, when Bai Baihe ran out, out of breath, and anxiously shouted at Han Qiao, "Brother Han, hurry up and save Teacher Zeng?"

Zeng Li.

Han Qiao pulled off the windproof cloth: "What happened to her?"

"Mr. Zeng and I went shopping..."

Han Qiao was speechless for a moment. Where is Jianghan? The wharf culture is prevalent. Water transportation from south to north has been a breeding ground for gangs since ancient times. Zeng Li and Bai Baihe, two big girls, are lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Don't think the human traffickers are joking, surveillance is everywhere in later generations, and people are missing in strange ways.

Not to mention now.

I can't find it.

Complaining is useless.

Han Qiao asked Zeng Li's whereabouts calmly, and then called someone to call the police.

He yelled at the crew, and in an instant, several tall men put down their equipment and surrounded Han Qiao in a black and white manner.

Han Qiao instructed Bai Shirt a few words, and led the people straight to the place Bai Baihe said.

The place is here.

People are gone.

 This is not a joke. I was near the pier when I was young. At that time, people carried machetes every day, such as Dong Batian and Li Bancheng. However, many people who wandered would go to Hubei. Wuhan had the most places. Vegetables, meat and fish, get together in one place, anyway, if there is a disagreement, it will be chopped

(End of this chapter)

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