Chapter 139
The next day, Yuyuantan No. [-].

Han Qiao and Ma Jia sat in front of the sofa, looking at the newspaper on the table, a little excited.

"Swordsman" was an explosion, it premiered yesterday, and its ratings were 20.00%.

In 2000, the TV drama market was unprecedentedly prosperous, and there were many good dramas, such as "Brilliant Spring Pig Bajie", "Small Bag", "Wrong Sedan Chair", "Daming Palace Ci"...

However, in November, there is only one hit drama "Foreign Daughter-in-Law and Local Lang". This drama is a Cantonese sitcom and currently has an audience rating of 11%.

"Swordsman" is a martial arts drama suitable for all ages, and it will be a matter of time before its ratings surpass "Foreign Daughter-in-law".

"Swordsman" is a big hit.

Speaking of the TV dramas aired this year are all big hits, it seems normal, but in fact, there are very few big hits.

Timing, location, people and harmony are indispensable.

A drama with high ratings can only be a small hit.

The drama celebrities are also popular, which is the big hit.

While "Swordsman" became a big hit, Linghu Chong and Lin Pingzhi who are currently on stage have also become the target of public criticism.

The Linghu Chong reformed by the bearded man was the focus of newspaper criticism, mainly because Xiangjiang Zhuyu was the first, Lu Songxian's Linghu Chong would be a classic 20 years later, so the media bad-mouthed it, thinking that the classic could not be surpassed.

Hanqiao's Lin Pingzhi also had a lot of criticisms, except for his acting skills.

Heizi has a new trick.

"Han Qiao fights your son again, is the play path so "narrow"?" "

Han Qiao put down the newspaper, which was the Yanjing City Evening News.

The newspapers said that there is a nose and an eye, and the characters played by Han Qiao in his debut are all noble sons from good backgrounds.

This news made Han Qiao feel mixed.

The advantage is that his "noble son" has been recognized by the market and has become a labeled actor.

In later generations, this label belongs to Chen Kun.

After Chen Kun finished filming "A Family of Gold Fans", there were many drama appointments, but they were all "noble sons".

Don't underestimate the label. When mentioning the emperor, the first thing we think of is Tang Guoqiang, and Lu Ziqiao is Chen He... This is the benefit of the label.

In the future, if there is a role in this drama, the industry will give priority to Han Qiao.

The disadvantages are also obvious. The roles of actors are solidified, the same play is performed too much, and the audience is tired of aesthetics.

Later generations Hu Ge suffered a lot from it, and even took a break from acting in dramas to hone his acting skills.

Han Qiao thought for a while: "Sister Ma, there are a lot of scandals in the newspapers now, and the company still needs to come forward."

Ma Jia was in a good mood, and nodded: "Don't worry, Xiaoqiao, I reported to Mr. Xia in the morning, and the company has already greeted the newspapers we have good relations with..."

Han Qiao smiled, Xia Wen is very good at dealing with these things.


After Ma Jia left, Han Qiao turned on the computer.

Log in to the "Tianya Forum".

Looked at the "Star World" post.

"Swordsman" was on the air, and the news on the forum was almost wiped out.

It's all about "Swordsman".

Han Qiao took a look and found that Lin Ya had the most posts, but almost all of them were scolding.

The scene of the bearded devil's transformation is very unpleasant, offending fans of the original book, and also offending fans of the Hong Kong version of "Swordsman".

Han Qiao looked for posts about "Lin Pingzhi".

Lin Pingzhi also posted many posts, with mixed reviews.

"Lin Pingzhi is so handsome, I feel a little dumbfounded, do you guys know who this actress is?"

"Lin Pingzhi, who likes Xiao Qiao so much, wants to give birth to him."

"Hahaha, Yue Linshan looks at Xiao Qiao with loving eyes, are they actually a couple?"

Han Qiao smiled, but she didn't expect that her female fans were all Yan fans.

Continue to browse, and after a while, a post came into Han Qiao's field of vision.

"Why Han Qiao's acting skills are so poor, it's really hard to explain..."

This post has thousands of comments.

Han Qiao frowned slightly, and it looked like a black post from the navy, so he clicked on it and read: "Common friends, Han Qiao's acting skills are ridiculously poor, first of all, he played in a restaurant in a mountain village. Lin Pingzhi appeared here. To be honest, I really didn’t see Han Qiao’s performance. I think the Xiangjiang version of Lin Pingzhi is the best. It was a student from Beijing Film Academy who played this role, but it was a pity that it was snatched by Han Qiao..."

"Lord, I advise you to delete the post, Hanqiao's noble son is still doing a good job, at least I like it very much..."

"Add one upstairs, there are so many trumpets recently, the forum is full of smog, I don't object to you saying that Xiao Qiao is a resource guy, but Xiao Qiao is not suitable to play the noble son, are you kidding? The two episodes of Swordsman Jianghu are currently airing , Lin Pingzhi's performance is very good." A netizen whose ID is Xiaoqiao Jiajia spoke up.

Han Qiao breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Lin Pingzhi's reputation on the Internet is very good.

However, word-of-mouth also needs time to ferment. At present, "Swordsman" has only broadcast two episodes, and the real exciting scenes are still to come.

For the next few days, Han Qiao didn't go anywhere.

"Swordsman" is broadcast on 8 sets of CCTV, 2 episodes per night.

After a few days of fermentation, the ratings of this drama broke through 30.00%, beating "Foreign Daughter-in-law" and becoming the ratings champion in November.

The best ratings result so far is "Youth Bao Qingtian" at the beginning of the month, with an average rating of 32% and the highest rating of 38%.

Followed by "Bright Spring Pig Bajie".

"Swordsman" is expected to become the top three in the annual ratings.

At this moment, the phone buzzed.

When Han Qiao answered the phone, Qin Lan asked in a sweet voice, "Senior brother, I saw a lot of negative news about you in the there nothing wrong?"

Thinking of Qin Lan, Han Qiao felt warm in his heart: "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

The two got tired of a few words, and the old rascal Han Qiao said the same thing.

Qin Lan's voice was charming: "Brother, I'm almost finished filming in one month..."


On this day, Han Qiao came to the company.

In the next month, he turned down all the work and announcements, and the main task was "The Pretender".

Han Qiao met Xu Dajiang, the screenwriter of "The Pretender" in the company's screenwriting department.

Xu Dajiang was very enthusiastic about Han Qiao, and greeted him with a smile: "Han Qiao, welcome."

Xu Dajiang was accompanied by a handsome young man.

Han Qiao smiled: "Brother Xu, excuse me, come and take a look."

"Don't bother me. I've read your revision a few days ago. It's very good. I really didn't expect Han Qiao to act so well, and the screenwriter is so good." Xu Dajiang admired Han Qiao very much.

In the drama "The Pretender", Han Qiao has very mature suggestions in many places, such as lines, character design, and story line, Xu Dajiang sometimes even doubts whether Han Qiao has seen this drama.

Later, he went down to inquire in the industry, and found that "The Spy on the Bund" was definitely original.

I can only marvel that Han Qiao is a natural screenwriter.

"Han Qiao, let me introduce you. This is my friend's apprentice, Yu Zheng, who came here from Xiangjiang for an internship."

Han Qiao nodded: "You are better than the card."

Yu Zheng, also known as Yu's mother in later generations, was very thin at this time, with an introverted personality, and said excitedly: "Mr. Han, we met last time."

Xu Dajiang laughed happily: "Yu Yu, didn't you say that Han Qiao is your idol a few days ago, and Han Qiao is here today, why didn't you ask for an autograph?"

Yu Zheng smiled youthfully.

Han Qiao smiled and said, "I'm also a newcomer as a screenwriter, everyone learns from each other."

The two shook hands.

Han Qiao is very enthusiastic about Zheng, this person is a talent.

Han Qiao will spend the next few days perfecting the script of "The Pretender" in the editorial department.

Let the bullets fly for a while.


11 month 27 number.

"Swordsman" plays the 24th and 25th episodes.

Lin Jian and Lin Jia stood in front of the TV early in the day. The two sisters were loyal fans of Han Qiao.

Especially her younger sister, Lin Jia, who is not only a fan of book friends, but also a hardcore fan.

There is an ad on TV.

The two sisters nestled on the sofa, Lin Jia looked at the laptop screen, muttered angrily, and typed frantically.

Lin Jian looked at his younger sister: "I said, little Jiazi, are you swearing on the Internet again?"

Lin Jia snorted: "These people are scolding, saying that Xiao Qiao has no acting skills every day on the Internet... just looking at it makes me angry."

Lin Jian is very rational in chasing stars, and objectively evaluates: "Han Qiao's Lin Pingzhi's performance is not bad, which makes people feel distressed, but..."

Lin Yan let out a pained ouch.

On the Internet, Lin Jia's black fans "click to come", and offline "black fans", Lin Jia strikes hard.

The two sisters were fighting on the sofa. At this time, "Swordsman" started broadcasting on TV.

After the opening song, Lin Pingzhi played by Han Qiao appeared on TV.

This scene is Lin Pingzhi's blackening.

The two sisters were addicted to the play, and soon, an episode ended.

Lin Jian and Lin Jia didn't recover for a long time. After a long time, Lin Jia cried, "Little Qiao's Lin Pingzhi is so distressing, why doesn't everyone love him..."

Thinking of Han Qiao's performance in the play, Lin Jian felt sore: "I now admit that Han Qiao has acting skills, this scene is so good,"

Lin Jia was crying, hugged the computer in her arms, and typed viciously: "I want to see, who said that Xiao Qiao has no acting skills..."


Yanjing, a residential building.

Xu Shaoyang turned off the TV.

He is a reporter for Yanjing Metropolitan Evening News. Recently, "Swordsman" has been very popular. He has concocted many negative news articles about Han Qiao, and the response has been pretty good.

A promotion and salary increase are just around the corner.

Tomorrow is the topic of the new issue, Xu Shaoyang originally wanted to follow the old plan and continue to criticize.

But after watching this scene, he had a new idea.

"Swordsman" was broadcast for [-] days, and there was a lot of controversy. All kinds of negative news filled the entertainment newspapers. actor.

Linghu Chong is not on the list, but Lin Pingzhi and Xu Shaoyang are currently the top three "black hands".

However, if you continue to spray, it will be difficult for news to break out.

Thinking of this, Xu Shaoyang turned on his laptop and logged into the "Tianya Forum".

His ID Windtalker is a well-known big character in the "Entertainment Star" section.

After a quick look, the current posts on the forum show that "Swordsman" is the mainstream negative news. So far, many people are dissatisfied with Li Yapeng's Linghu Chong.

The unrestrained rivers and lakes ranger has become a "dumb" fool.

Hanqiao's Lin Pingzhi has both good and bad reviews, many people like it, and many people don't like it.

Xu Shaoyang himself is also an audience, he has the right to speak.

In fact, Han Qiao's Lin Pingzhi's performance is not bad, and he doesn't play any plays. Lin Pingzhi in the novel is almost like this.

Even the classic Lu Songxian version of Lin Pingzhi,
Xu Shaoyang thinks it won't be better than Hanqiao's version.

The posts in the forum were refreshed very quickly, Xu Shaoyang flipped through them and cried out in surprise.

The wind direction of the forum has changed.

Posts related to "Lin Pingzhi's acting skills" have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain, appearing frequently, and even tend to be massacred.

Han Qiao has a lot of fans in the "Tianya Forum". Previously, under the restraint of fans, the fans did not speak or do anything excessive.

Now, Han Qiao's Lin Pingzhi's acting skills have exploded in this scene, and fans are elated.

Seeing that the popular posts were replaced by "Han Qiao Acting Skills" one after another, Xu Shaoyang smiled, and there was a topic for tomorrow.

Xu Shaoyang opened the file and typed on the keyboard: "The biggest tragedy of the Swordsman: Lin Pingzhi to ward off evil spirits"


the next day.

Han Qiao got up early in the morning, washed up and went for a run in Yuyuantan.

For the past few days, he has been working in the screenwriting department of Times Star. Apart from supervising the script of "The Pretender", the most important thing is to learn screenwriting.

Xu Dajiang is a well-known screenwriter in the industry, with solid basic skills and a lot of love for Han Qiao.

Han Qiao absorbs knowledge like a sponge.

After all, he still has many excellent scripts.

In Yuyuantan in late autumn, the reeds are blooming. Looking from a distance, the yellow and green reeds are covered with layers of white snow early.

Han Qiao has not been here for a long time, admiring the scenery of late autumn.

Han Qiao ran very comfortably on the path in the shade of the trees.

"Hello, is this Lin Pingzhi?"

Han Qiao was taken aback, he had met a fan.

"Swordsman" has been broadcast for [-] days, this is the first time Han Qiao met Lin Pingzhi's fans offline.

The fan is a beautiful little girl who is also running in the morning, her pretty face dripping with sweat.

Seeing Han Qiao, he was very excited.

Han Qiao smiled: "Hi, I'm Han Qiao."

"Han Qiao, you are so handsome. Last night's play was great, can you sign it?" the girl said happily.

In fact, Lin Pingzhi made her cry last night, and she really felt distressed.

But the girl is embarrassed to say it.

Han Qiao smiled: "Of course there is no problem, thank you for your liking."

Unfortunately, neither Han Qiao nor the girl had a pen with them.

The two agreed that tomorrow would still be at this time, and they would still be here at Yuyuantan.

Han Qiao ran with the girl, but after running a few steps, he met his fan again.

This time it was a middle-aged man who was very excited when he saw Han Qiao: "Lin Pingzhi, is the evil sword manual really that powerful?"

Han Qiao couldn't laugh or cry.

The team has grown again.

Next, Han Qiao's team grew from three people to more than 50 people.

In the end, it even caused crowds to watch, so Han Qiao had no choice but to give up and take a taxi to the company after saying goodbye to fans.

Times Star Media.

As soon as Han Qiao entered the company, the receptionist's voice was soft: "Brother Han, good morning, please sign for me."

Han Qiao went over to take a look, good guy, the little sister at the front desk has prepared more than 20 cards.

"Xiaoya, I said, why do you want so many autographs from me?"

Xiaoya smiled treacherously: "Brother Han, many of my classmates heard that I work in Times Starry Sky yesterday, and asked me to get your autograph..."

Han Qiao raised his pen: "It's okay to sign, remember to arrange lunch."

Xiaoya squinted her eyes with a smile: "No problem, Brother Han."


Han Qiao walked into the general manager's office.

Ma Jia is reporting to Xia Wen.

"Han Qiao, you're here, I just need you for something." Xia Wen was very happy.

The three of them sat down on the sofa, and Ma Jia smiled and said, "Xiaoqiao, after these few days of fermenting, you've completely exploded, look at this..."

Han Qiao took over the newspaper, Yanjing City Evening News.

Han Qiao is no stranger to this newspaper, and the main force to blackmail him.

Just as he was about to see what new tricks were available today, he was startled by the bold headline in the newspaper: "The greatest tragedy of the Swordsman: Exorcising evil Lin Pingzhi."

Han Qiao looked carefully.

The article says that Lin Pingzhi is the biggest tragedy of Swordsman, a tragic figure,

Han Qiao did not disappoint the audience. This tragic character was interpreted very well, allowing us to see Lin Pingzhi's multifaceted nature.

Han Qiao is a very talented actor of the younger generation, and his future is limitless.

Xu Shaoyang's writing style is good, and he is full of hype. He can't wait to say that Han Qiao is a young actor in "Swordsman".

As deep as the darkness is, so is the depth of love.

Han Qiao put down the newspaper and said with a smile, "Sister Ma, it's just a piece of news."

"Xiaoqiao, this is not a piece of news, but a weather vane." Ma Jia said with a smile: "Before "Swordsman" was very popular, but it was only full of scolding, now you have a positive comment, which shows that your Lin Pingzhi, Approved by the audience."

Xia Wen nodded: "Li Yapeng is the number one male, and I heard that he was almost depressed after being hacked. This is our good opportunity..."

Han Qiao thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Let the bullets fly for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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