
Chapter 182

Chapter 182
The bearded driver had only now opened up. He said that before the outbreak of the civil war, he had been driving goods, commuting between France and Spain in San Sebastián, but had to return to his hometown after that.

Unfortunately, his hometown of Guadalajara has now become a battlefield.

"My wife and I don't want to leave, so where can we escape?" He smiled wryly, and then said calmly, "So I have to do something."

Although Chen Guangyun couldn't understand French, Zhou Changfeng knew it well.

He asked in a deep voice: "Are the air strikes on civilians just now very common? You don't seem surprised."

"I heard that other places have had it for a long time, but we only started half a month ago." The bearded driver said calmly: "Surprised? Angry? It won't stop until we encounter it a few more times."

It was getting late, but the urban area that was getting closer was filled with darkness, and only a few lights could be seen after getting close.

Zhou Changfeng and the two who fell asleep due to fatigue were woken up after arriving in Guadalajara.

More than a dozen soldiers, militiamen, and civilians surrounded them. They planned to unload the goods below, but they were stunned when they saw the two people above.

Apparently they didn't know about the arrival of the Daming Military Expedition Team, and Zhou Changfeng was snatched away as soon as he took out his pass.

"Chinese? Why did you come here?" A sergeant asked puzzled.

"They are military observers," the driver quickly explained, "They have a certificate from the Barcelona Defense Command."

The faint hostility dissipated, and the pass was handed back to Zhou Changfeng by the sergeant, and then he saluted.

He waved his hand, and people swarmed up and began to move the heavy boxes of tank spare parts.

At night, being on the front line of a war in a distant foreign country, surrounded by foreigners with different faces and speaking different languages, such an experience makes people subconsciously very nervous and uneasy.

According to the memo, they were supposed to report to the local Republican commander immediately upon their arrival in Guadalajara for his authorization.

"The county magistrate is not as good as the current one" is also in effect here-maybe the commander of this unit will obey the orders of the rear headquarters, but the soldiers may only recognize the orders of their commanders.

Zhou Changfeng and Chen Guangyun were quite cautious. They were unfamiliar with the place, so it would be a disaster if they strayed into some blocked area or forbidden area.

The headquarters of the Eighth Infantry Division is located in an office building in Guadalajara. It has five floors and a frame structure. Even in the night, it can be seen that there are dark explosion marks and a large bomb crater on the outer wall.

The two who were interrogated no less than five times along the way were finally allowed to enter after waiting for half an hour. Everyone here was busy with their own affairs, staff officers walking back and forth with orders, officers yelling, holding The clerical staff with a large amount of documents, everyone's face is tired.

Major General Negro has gray hair, looks like he is in his 50s, has an unshaven beard, and has not been taken care of for many days. Although he is tired, he is not haggard.

He took a puff of cigarette and said, "You are welcome, but I don't recommend you to walk around..."

Just at this time, a series of dull explosions sounded like summer thunder in the distance.

The major general with a helpless face spread his hands and said: "Did you hear that, it was the shelling of the invaders, a common occurrence."

"If we were afraid of danger, we wouldn't come here." Zhou Changfeng smiled and asked, "Your Excellency, how much restriction do you plan to impose on us? Can you provide us with transportation?"

"There are no restrictions other than the tactical plan. As for the vehicle, yes."

For these two young officers from the far east, Major General Negro has extremely complicated emotions.

When his own country was caught in the flames of war, he still had to meet foreign military observers. It was his own country's soldiers and civilians who bleed, but they could learn the experience gained in exchange for their precious lives. This made the major general very disgusted.

But at the same time, they were willing to go to the front line for inspections regardless of their safety, and the major general admired their professional ethics of being so loyal to their mission.

And just a few days ago, his division received an emergency shipment of twelve Ming-made 80mm light howitzers and a large number of shells.Originally, there were only three artillery pieces left in the two artillery companies, and these artillery pieces brought in can be said to have solved the urgent need.

After quickly familiarizing themselves with the operation, more than 2000 shells were fired at the enemy in just two days, disintegrating at least five waves of offensives. The corpses of hundreds of enemy soldiers are still scattered in the wilderness.

Therefore, the major general couldn't help feeling grateful.

Zhou Changfeng and Chen Guangyun received a very good reception - they were arranged to stay in the government staff apartment in Guadalajara, 100 meters away from the apartment building is the air-raid shelter.

In addition, an off-road vehicle was provided, and a young militiaman was also called in as their guide and interpreter.

This young man named Adala is only in his early 20s. He studied Chinese at Complutense University before the war and can speak very fluent Nanjing Mandarin.

"...there was no running water and electricity supply a month ago. I have to fetch water from the well behind the building. I can buy kerosene and candles at the store." He led the two of them around the neighborhood.

Are we living here with two officers from the Far East?

In the morning, the news spread among the residents.

After Adala, Zhou Changfeng, and Chen Guangyun walked downstairs, they immediately became the focus of this place, and the people around them looked at them very curiously.

"Gentlemen, have you decided where to go?"

"To the village of Gilmino."

"It has changed hands many times, and it was firmly occupied by us three days ago." Adala's eyes widened.

"That's why it makes more sense." Zhou Changfeng took it for granted.

Just as they were talking and walking towards the off-road vehicle, Chen Guangyun suddenly shouted: "Don't touch it!"

I saw four or five children surrounding the Porsche 62 off-road vehicle. Some were turning the steering wheel, while others were fiddling with the machine gun on the bracket in the middle of the vehicle.

Chen Guangyun yelled in Chinese, but he knew what he meant just by hearing the tone of voice.

So the children rushed away, and then hid more than ten meters away to observe their reactions. A little girl fell to the ground because she was too anxious when running back, and immediately burst into tears.

Zhou Changfeng bent down and pulled up the little girl who was only four or five years old. Because of the language barrier, he could only pat her back, touch her head, and finally took out a handful of candy to stop her crying.

The very helpless Adara shouted to the adults who rushed over: "Take care of these little guys, that thing is very dangerous!"

The adults hurriedly yelled and cursed and took the children away. The little girl's mother said something apologetic, and Adara translated: "The children are naughty, and I am sorry to cause you trouble."

Zhou Changfeng waved his hand indifferently, stepped into the car directly, looked at his watch and urged: "It's time to go, don't waste time."


(End of this chapter)

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