Emperor Sui Yang

Chapter 763 Complaint

Grain restructuring cannot be achieved overnight. The water here is deeper than the East China Sea.

The Great Sui Dynasty inherited the land equalization system of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. The system was good, but it was broken down the line.

In fact, the introduction of every system is in line with the current interests of the country and the interests of the people. However, it is not in line with the interests of local forces, so it creates a conflict of interests between the two, causing the policy to change. Son.

There is another interesting phenomenon, that is, once the New Deal is launched, there will be a new atmosphere in a short period of time, but over time, it will rot.

why?As soon as the new policies were suddenly issued, they were caught off guard. They had no time to react and could only obey the orders honestly. But as time went by, they thought of ways to deal with them and compete with the country for benefits.

This phenomenon is almost unavoidable and will continue to reincarnate.

That's why major reforms have occurred frequently in history, but they are rarely successful because reforms require a centralized emperor, and emperors who often cause problems in the country are not very good at it.

Cui Zhongfang passed away, and Cui Mintao was deprived of his love without any surprise, because the country needed him.

The powers of the Ministry of Civil Affairs are now very large, as if it is the head of the six ministries. All departments must cooperate with the Ministry of Civil Affairs to implement new policies.

In September, the fifteen inspection envoys all sent reports to Luoyang.

Among them, a major case occurred. This year's grain storage in the capital's Guangtong warehouse did not match the records prepared by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The total difference was 350 million shi, and within the past five years, the difference had been 700 million shi.

In other words, the food in Guangtongcang was stolen.

So who is the inspector of Gyeonggi Province?Dr. Taichang, Chu Liang, Yang Yong’s former bachelor of the East Palace.

"The guards of Guangtong Cang have always come from the clan," Yang Xiu said at the court meeting: "The guards steal and dig their own graves, so they should be severely punished."

The face of King Cai Yang Zhiji was as ugly as possible, because the person in charge of Guangtong warehouse was his younger brother, Yang Zhiming, the county magistrate of Kaifeng.

The largest granary in Guanzhong naturally needs reliable people. Since the founding of the country, the person in charge of this position has not had a foreign surname.

On Chu Liang's side, there was a report, but Yang Zhiming kicked him out and refused to let him continue the investigation. In other words, the greater corruption has not yet been exposed.

Yang Hao, who stayed behind in the capital, naturally did not want to touch his own people, so Chu Liang's request for help was not taken seriously.

Chu Liang had suffered losses before and did not dare to investigate further. As a result, his young and energetic son Chu Suiliang, who was 23 years old this year, filed a memorial and sued both Yang Hao and Yang Zhiming.

The matter has been put on the table today at the court meeting.

"In what year was Chu Suiliang elected as a candidate?" Yang Ming looked at Yang Gongren.

Yang Gongren said: "Back to the crown prince, it was the eighth year of the Great Emperor's reign. The Jinshi you appointed was originally serving in the Jingzhao Mansion."

"To do big things, we have to rely on young people. Novices are not afraid of tigers," Yang Ming said with a gloomy face: "Chu Liang is the inspector of Gyeonggi Province, but this memorial was delivered to the province by Chu Suiliang. What's wrong? Chu Liang is the governor of Gyeonggi Province. Are you afraid of annoying people?"

Yang Xuangan said with a smile: "The supervisory envoy is in the fifth rank, and the founding prefectures and counties are all in the first rank. It is reasonable that he does not dare to offend Yang Zhiming."

"What are these words?" Yang Zhiji suddenly frowned and said: "The fifth rank is suing the first rank. This is an offense below. What's more, the complainant is a minor official from the eighth rank. He slandered my Sui clan. According to the law, he should be demoted to a commoner. "

"Whether it's slander or not, it's not clear yet," Yang Lun knew about the important matter of food administration, and the prince especially called it true. He was worried that Yang Zhiji was stupid, so he hurriedly said: "Chu Liang is indeed suspected of dereliction of duty. This is understandable."

"Not bad!" Yang Ming said decisively: "Who recommended this person?"

Li Jiancheng was stunned for a moment, then stood up quickly and said, "The prince was recommended by me."

"Didn't you say that this person is upright and fair in his dealings?" Pei Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "I have only been in the capital for a long time, and yet I have found out such a big thing, more than 1000 million stones of grain, who can carry it on my head? This crime?"

Li Jiancheng was a popular figure among the crown princes. Although he was not a big official, he had a lot of say in the court. Moreover, his father and younger brother were both powerful.

Li Shimin immediately helped his brother to retort: ​​"It is because of his uprightness that he dared to sue the county magistrate. Chu Suiliang is the son of Chu Liang. Father and son are of the same mind. His memorial is equivalent to Chu Liang's memorial. Without real evidence, he would not have the courage to sue." Go to the province to slander? Who dares to use more than 1000 million shi of grain to slander?"

Pei Yun raised the corners of his mouth slightly and glanced at Yang Zhiji, who had an ugly face.

In today's palace, the guards around Yang Ming are the children of Hedong, not the clan's hussars. The old Pei family has known for a long time that the prince wants to touch Yang Zhiji.

What's more, Yang Xiu's coming out of the mountain has already explained the problem.

"Father, I think this matter needs to be investigated strictly. Grain administration is a major matter, and inventory of the world's inventory is the top priority. If we can't pass this hurdle, how can we implement the land system?" Yang Ruidao.

Yang Xuangan hurriedly spoke up: "Fifteen supervisory envoys have been sent to various places. Now three people have reported the problem of false accounts in local government warehouses. Guangtong warehouse was the largest warehouse in the world during the Kaihuang period. If this place cannot be found out, the New Deal will be implemented." , I fear it will become a joke.”

The grain stored in Guangtong Warehouse mainly comes from Luoyang and is only supplied to Guanzhong. Because there is a continuous supply of new grain, the problem of falsified accounts has never been revealed.

This time, Yang Ming became ruthless and sent fifteen inspectors. The first task was to take stock of the inventory. This time, the problem of Guangtong Warehouse was discovered.

The supervisor has the power to enforce the law. At first, Yang Zhiming hoped to bribe Chu Liang to settle the matter, but Chu Liang knew in his heart that he had a huge responsibility on his shoulders. If he ignored the court, the court would definitely kill him.

So this time I led more than 300 people to check the accounts in Guangtong Warehouse. After half a month of checking, so many problems were found.

Yang Zhiming was so frightened that he didn't dare to let him check again, because Chu Liang only checked within five years, and he had worked in Guangtong Warehouse for 11 years.

Yang Ming looked around at the ministers with a sinister expression and said:
"Pei Xingyan." "I'm here!" Pei Xingyan stood up and said.

Yang Ming said: "If you are asked to assist in the investigation, but they don't let you enter the warehouse, what will you do?"

"I will first ask for instructions from His Highness Prince Liang," Pei Xingyan said.

Yang Ming said: "Why won't King Liang let you go?"

"You Xiaowei's camp is in Feng Yi County. If the prince asks me to assist in the investigation, I will go to You Xiaowei to mobilize troops," Pei Xingyan said.

He was now promoted to General You Xiaowei based on his meritorious service, and the general was his brother-in-law Su Lie. In name, Pei Xingyan could only mobilize 5000 troops, but if Yang Ming asked him to go, he would not have the tiger talisman to mobilize [-] troops.

The garrison in Guangtongcang is 3000 people.

Yang Ming nodded: "Then you go and help Chu Suiliang find out everything, and clear the name of Kaifeng County."

His words were strange and obviously sarcastic.

Pei Xingyan was stunned: "Why Chu Suiliang?"

Yang Ming said: "Chu Liang was responsible for the important responsibilities of the imperial court, but he did not dare to take responsibility and failed to take responsibility. He was removed from the post of supervisor and was replaced by his son Chu Suiliang."

"Isn't he a little too young?" Yu Zhongwen asked in surprise.

Lai Hu'er smiled and said: "A hero comes from a young age, and the time to use force is right."

"Rong Gong is right," Yang Ming said: "Inspection envoys patrol on behalf of the king, regardless of origin or age, whoever is qualified will do it."

In this way, Chu Liang became the first inspector to be dismissed. He was fired after only four months in office, and in turn had to take action against his son.

That night, Su Lie came to his father-in-law's house and met Pei Renji and Pei Xingyan, who was about to leave.

"The prince came to see me today," Su Lie said. "Brother went to the capital. He must find out the problem of Guangtongcang, but don't involve Prince Liang."

Pei Xingyan was stunned and looked at his father.

Pei Renji nodded: "The King of Liang loves money and is a very greedy person. I'm afraid he is also involved in the Guangtongcang matter. The prince still values ​​him and will definitely not touch it. If the accounts involve King Liang, deal with them." "

Pei Xingyan suddenly said: "I understand, Yang Zhiji doesn't look good today. If I deal with Yang Zhiming, this old boy will probably target me."

"We just want to get rid of him," Su Lie said: "In the implementation of the New Deal, we must move forward without hesitation. Any resistance from the prince will be pushed away to show the determination of the court. Yang Zhiming hit the wind this time. With more than 1000 million shi of grain, the county The man’s head cannot withstand this crime.”

More than 1000 million was enough for Yang Guang to conduct another expedition to the north.

"The amount is too big, and a lot of people are bound to be involved. Yang Zhiming can't swallow so much by himself," Pei Renji said, "I'm afraid it's for King Cai. I'm afraid there's going to be a turmoil in the clan."

He actually understood it in his heart, but he didn't say it to Su Lie.

Pei Ju had long told him that Pei Qantong and Wei Kuangbo were already taking advantage of Teng Wang Yang Lun and slowly taking control of Youbeishen Mansion, which showed that the prince was not satisfied with the older generation of the clan.

Although he was a son-in-law, there were some important things that he couldn't talk nonsense about. If Pei Ju hadn't told him to prepare early, he would have been confused.

However, he still hinted at Su Lie, that is: There is probably a turmoil in the clan.

Pei Xingyan glanced at Su Lie and said, "Have you heard about the recent rumors?"

"I don't know," Su Lie shook his head.

Pei Xingyan was about to explain in detail when he was stopped by Pei Renji:

"Dingfang knows, but he doesn't want to mention it, so stop talking about it."

Pei Xingyan nodded: "My mother is pregnant. You came just in time. Come with me to visit her."

Su Lie was stunned. How old are you?Pregnant again?He didn't know about it, which shows that his wife Pei Shu didn't know either.

As a son-in-law, he naturally wants to visit his mother-in-law:

"Should I inform Shu'er?"

"I've already sent someone to call her," Pei Renji said, "Then you just wait a little longer, and the couple can go together later."

Su Lie nodded quickly.

Pei Renji's wife, born in the Guo family of Taiyuan, is 48 years old and is now pregnant with her third child.

The eldest son Pei Xingyan, the eldest daughter Pei Shu, and the third one, not surprisingly, should be Pei Xingjian, the great master of the martial arts temple who Su Lie said in history, "I have no one to teach me when it comes to military use, but this son is also virtuous." (End of chapter)

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