Emperor Sui Yang

Chapter 635 Hexi Front

The Turks and the Sui Dynasty fought for more than 30 years. Although they lost more than they won, they were still very experienced.

Among the commanders of the Central Plains who they feared, Yang Shuang was first, Yang Su was second, and Shi Wansui was third. The first two were dead and the last one was old, so the Turks did not put the younger generation of generals in the Sui Dynasty. In eyes.

Although they also knew that Li Jing was Yang Su's disciple.

But this time, Li Jing taught them a lesson properly. When the Dy was sounded, Qibi Geling and Kang Sheoli retreated at the same time. The cavalry fought the infantry. If you can't break the formation, you must retreat, because you have no more. The greatest weapon of the cavalry is its impact.

They need to retreat a certain distance to provide space for the cavalry to charge.

But this time, they don't plan to rush again, and they should wait for the main force. Anyway, Li Jing is here. If he can't escape, they will be entangled tightly.

In this battle during the day, the Turks suffered heavy losses. More than 5000 cavalrymen were killed on the spot, with corpses everywhere. Li Jing did not intend to clean up the corpses, because the corpses could well block the momentum of the cavalry charge.

"Don't enter the city, continue to retreat to Yiwu County, and send an order to General Manager Fan to recruit troops to stay in Zhangye and wait for my next military order. Immediately report to the capital and ask the prince to make a decision." Li Jing sent hundreds of rangers and rushed to The counties in the rear reported the battle situation so that they could be prepared.

He planned to lengthen the front and continue to pull the Turks toward the hinterland of Hexi to prevent the opponent's main force from being too concentrated. After all, the Eastern and Western Turks totaled more than 50 people, and he could not stand up to them head-on.

While Li Jing was slowly retreating, Yang Yuanqing's cavalry rushed back and told him bad news. The main force of the East and West Turks did not come here. They were heading south, bypassing Linchuan City and heading straight for Yiwu County. direction.

"They are not going to Yiwu, but they plan to enter Guanzhong," Li Jing said solemnly: "Use the cavalry from the opposite side to hold me back, and then use the main force to drive straight in. In this way, Guanzhong will be in danger."

Xu Shiji said: "You must pass through Wuwei to enter the pass. If we can stop him at Wuwei County, the capital can give the prince time to mobilize the army."

Hou Junji also said: "The infantry cannot be driven back. Only the cavalry still has time. We are not afraid of him attacking the city, but we are afraid of him bypassing the city. Wuwei County must defend it."

Li Jing did not dare to delay, and directly ordered all the five cavalrymen except Yang Yuanqing to go towards Wuwei County. Yang Xuanting's troops retreated as quickly as possible, while he and Cui Hongsheng stayed behind to resist the pursuers.

In this way, a huge tug-of-war began in the Hexi Corridor of the Sui Dynasty.

Wang Wei, who was stationed in Yiwu County, An Xiuren in Dunhuang County, and Fan Zigai in Zhangye County, all retreated to Wuwei at the same time, hoping to gather troops in Wuwei to resist the Turkic cavalry.

At the same time, the counties in Longxi that received the news were also urgently recruiting troops.

Chen Yuan, the governor of Huhan County, Li Zhi (ai), the governor of Lintao County, Que Dushe, the governor of Huining County, Yu Qinwu, the governor of Longxi County, etc., are also urgently gathering troops.

In the capital, Yang Ming, who received the report, was not as panicked as everyone expected.

The Eastern and Western Turks have this urinary nature. Because they share the same roots and species, the Eastern and Western Turks have always fought at the suggestion of war and made peace at the suggestion of peace.

Yang Ming was not surprised by their duplicity.

In the main hall, Yang Yue said in a deep voice: "The capital's garrison must be moved this time. The Turks must not be allowed to enter the capital and wreak havoc. Shanxi Dugu Huaien, Qiao Zhongkui, Lu Zhang, Liu Bing, and Zhang Dinghe can be mobilized to support the capital." , our main force in Guanzhong went west and set up defenses in the three counties of Tianshui, Anding and Longxi."

"We have plenty of time at the moment, so we can recruit troops urgently. There will be one person from every ten households in Jingzhao, with Yu Wenshu as the marching general manager, to resist the enemy to the west of Jingzhao, and at the same time, we must mobilize troops in Luoyang," Wei Xuan suggested.

Yu Wenshu pondered for a long time and said in confusion: "Logically speaking, they should not have the courage. Even if there are 50 cavalry, it is just a fantasy to break through the pass. What are they thinking?"

He was telling the truth. In the early Tang Dynasty, the Turks dared to be arrogant because of the chaos in the late Sui Dynasty and the vitality of the Central Plains was severely damaged. In the current Sui Dynasty, the population was in the growth stage and the world was relatively stable. The Turks were indeed rash.

"Cooperation will benefit both sides, and division will cause two harms," ​​Yang Yue said: "We are unwilling to help the Western Turks, and Pei Ju is causing trouble in the northeast. Both sides are now complaining about us. The Turks are naturally ambitious, so it is not surprising."

Cui Zhongfang said: "It is difficult to recruit soldiers. If all the money is spent here and there is no government funding to maintain normal administration in other places, I am afraid something will happen."

Yang Ming said calmly: "We must first understand one thing. Why do they dare to come? Everyone thinks they shouldn't come, but they still come. Such a large-scale use of troops must be profitable. What do they want?"

"Want to control the pricing power of the Western Region trade routes?" Yang Yue frowned.

Yu Wenshu shook his head: "Shekui may have this idea, but he may not have it in the beginning and end. The trade routes in the Western Regions have nothing to do with him. The Turks have always invaded our borders in the Sui Dynasty. They always plundered and then left. But This time they did not go around the city and only looted villages along the way to supply food and grass. Do they think they can capture the capital?"

"Perhaps, it is to block our access to the west of the Great Sui Dynasty and suppress us in Hexi? So that the Turks can completely occupy the Western Region?" Lu Chu said.

Yang Ming shook his head: "I can't understand either."

At this time, Yang Xuanting suddenly slapped his forehead: "Since we destroyed Tuyuhun and opened up the trade routes to the Western Regions, a large number of people from the Western Regions have moved to the Central Plains to settle, and most of them have the nine surnames of Zhaowu. Is Shekui worried that things will continue like this? Is there a massive population loss in the Western Region?”

The nine surnames of Zhaowu were the richest people in the Western Regions. Rich people kept migrating to the Sui Dynasty, which was a major blow to the Western Regions.

"Your idea makes sense," Yang Ming asked, "but what's the point of it at the beginning?" "He's not happy that we occupied the northeast," Yang Xuangan said, "I can only think of this."

Yu Wenshu laughed: "The more impossible it seems, the more likely it is. After all, I am still young. It is reasonable to lead troops to attack in anger."

Yang Yue didn't think so: "It's not that simple. If he was really unhappy, he could have ordered Ashina Dubi and Ashina Buli in the east of the Turks to attack the northeast without invading our Guanzhong. Which one is better?" I am afraid that the intention of beating him clearly is that I am worried that the Central Plains is strong and I will deal with him sooner or later, so the joint shooting will consume our national strength and delay the time of my Sui Dynasty to use troops against him."

"There must be this reason. How can I allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the bed? I went to Jiangdu to see His Majesty," Yang Ming said in a deep voice:

"Seeing that we destroyed Goguryeo and sent troops to the Northeast, our territory has been expanding to the outside world, and sooner or later we will expand to him, so while the main force of Shekui is also there, we simply join forces to consume a group of us. After all, he may not be able to do this by himself. courage."

Yang Yue nodded and said: "In that case, it will be easier to handle. Send an envoy to contact Shekui and inform him that I, Sui Dynasty, are willing to join forces with him to start and finish the attack together."

"It doesn't make sense," Cui Zhongfang said: "The two sides came together. They know very well what will happen if they are alienated. Even if they are arrogant and submissive, they will continue to maintain the alliance. Furthermore, I am the superior country and cannot Show weakness, otherwise both sides will only become more arrogant in the future."

Yang Ming stood up and came to the map in the center of the hall and asked, "Where are Li Jing and the others now?"

Mingya, the Minister of War, explained: "General Manager Fan of Wuwei County failed to stop the Turkic army and has been defeated. Li Jing is retreating to the direction of Wuwei. After joining forces with Fan Zigai, he will go straight to Longxi. Behind him are the Eastern and Western Turks." Yang Xuanting has set up defenses in Jincheng County between the two armies, but he has not been able to stop them. There is no military intelligence report yet. If he cannot be stopped, he will move closer to Guanzhong."

Yang Ming nodded: "Li Jing is creating an opportunity for encirclement. If we can deploy defenses outside Jingzhao in time, we can form a joint attack with Li Jing and defeat the main force that penetrates into Guanzhong. However, there is not enough time. Counting the time, in Tianshui County, There must be someone who can block the main Turkic force and provide time for Jingzhao to recruit troops. Which of you is willing to go?"

It is obvious that whoever goes will be cannon fodder and will escape death.

In the main hall, no one said a word.

Su Lie stood up and said, "I will go there eventually."

Yang Ming narrowed his eyes: "I will give you [-] fine cavalry. You must drag them with me in Tianshui County for at least seven days. A small group of enemy troops can be let in, but the main force must be stopped by me."

"I will fight to the death to stop him," Su Lie knelt down on one knee.

When Pei Renji saw this, his heart beat faster. You are my son-in-law. If you die, my daughter will be a widow.

Next, Yang Ming continued to order:
"Every military government has accelerated the recruitment of troops. Wei Yunqi is responsible for recruiting civilians, one person from every ten households. The weapons are prepared by Weiwei Temple. Yu Wenshu is the marching marshal. Fufeng and Anping must be deployed within 20 days. Government agencies at all levels will fully cooperate. .”

"Yes!" All the ministers stood up one after another.

At this time, there is no need for the tiger talisman. The prince's order can be used to recruit a large army at the critical moment, because the prince has the responsibility to defend the land, and the Turks are approaching Guanzhong. This is a battle to defend the country. The tiger talisman is still in Jiangdu, so there is no time to send it.

Su Lie set out overnight with [-] fine cavalry and rushed to Tianshui. This was the only place to pass into Guanzhong. The road was the best. The main force of the Turks would definitely go here.

Because the place is small, no matter how large the army is, you can't deploy it. Therefore, Su Lie's 1 people can block it. It's just a matter of how long.

In fact, on the entire Hexi line, the consumption of the Eastern and Western Turks by various troops and horses is very huge. My infantry cannot outrun you, but your battle line is too long, and the hundreds of miles are filled with cavalry.

I can't reach your front, and I can't reach your back.

Yang Xuanting was also a ruthless man. He directly led his troops to block the 7 Turkic rear troops. However, what he did disrupted Li Jing's plan.

As a result, Li Jing and Yang Xuanting had 7 people trapped between them, and behind them were Qibi Geleng and Kang Sheoli. Li Jing's original intention was that after Cui Hongsheng came to the rear, he, Yang Xuanting's troops, and the main force of the capital would trap all the enemy troops deep in Guanzhong. live.

Now it's good. There is a roadblock ahead, so we have to fight if we don't want to fight. After all, the speed of military information transmission between Li Jing and Yang Xuanting at that time was not as fast as the Turks' eastward advance, resulting in misplaced information.

The battlefield is inherently ever-changing, and it relies on adaptability.

But Su Lie received the order to die.

The [-] elite troops in Tianshui County were all wiped out, and Su Lie was nowhere to be found.

The Turkic army was shaken, because despite their absolute superiority, more than 1 people were killed by Su Lie. The corpses of war horses and sergeants could be seen everywhere in Tianshui County.

Yu Wenshu had already led an army of 6 men and was stationed in Fufeng County. Troops were also gathering in the direction of Anding County, with Wei Xuan as the chief general.

The two collaborated again after the Battle of Goguryeo.

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