Emperor Sui Yang

Chapter 631 Be a Useful Person

Before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month arrived, bad news came from Li Jing of Yiwu County.

There was a rebellion in the Gaochang Kingdom. Qu Boya, the king of Gaochang, was expelled by the rebels. He had already fled to Zhangye County with more than [-] people, hoping to be taken over by the Sui Dynasty.

If it weren't for Li Jing being in Yiwu, Qu Boya would not have been expelled, but directly killed.

Because the rebellion started so quickly, Li Jing was completely unprepared. Before he could send troops to quell the rebellion, Qu Boya had already ran out with his family.

When Yang Ming heard the news, he was also helpless, because this incident did happen in history. After Qu Boya was expelled in history, it was not until Li Yuan Wude three years that he returned to Gaochang and boarded the mountain again. throne.

As for the cause of the domestic rebellion, it is obvious that because of lack of money, Gaochang paid tribute to the Sui Dynasty and the Western Turks at the same time. The taxes were increasingly increasing and the civilians could not bear them at all.

We can call this time a peasant uprising, although the leader was Gong Lu, the Minister of War in Gaochang.

After all, Xiang Yu's rebellion against the Qin Dynasty was also called a peasant uprising in history. Sometimes the peasants were wronged.

"Now that Li Jing wants to go to Gaochang to quell the rebellion, it is not appropriate. The East and West Turks have discovered the civil strife in Gaochang and have sent troops to garrison respectively. With the Jiaohe River as the boundary, the west is occupied by the West Turks and the east is occupied by the East Turks. The two sides have formed a confrontation. Li Jing has no choice but to continue. It's mixed up," Wei Xuan sighed.

In the East Palace, a group of big guys came over after hearing the news. It was still evening, and Yang Ming hadn't eaten dinner yet.

After Yu Wenshu sat down, he frowned and said, "This Qu Boya is too incompetent. Didn't he notice anything beforehand? The rebellion only lasted two days, and the throne was lost. What kind of fool is this?"

Yang Yue also said in a deep voice: "No matter what, Gaochang must be recovered. This place is one of the main sources of our war horses and a buffer with the Western Turks. If it is captured by the Turks, Yiwu County will lose the Western Regions sooner or later." Trade routes will have a big impact.”

"How to recover it?" Cui Hongsheng said: "Both the Eastern and Western Turks have entered Gaochang. Will there be a conflict with the two families if we send troops?"

Yang Yue said: "Gaochang belongs to the Qu family. We are going to send troops to Gaochang under the banner of helping Qu Boya restore the country. We cannot incorporate this place into our territory at the moment. We can only support the Qu family to manage it. This is a place with a good reputation and can be dispatched." The envoy negotiated with the Eastern and Western Turks and asked them to withdraw from Gaochang."

"In this way, the taxes paid by Guanzhong this year can only be used to recruit soldiers first," Cui Zhongwen sighed: "All ministries and yamen are asking for money. The allocations that were promised years ago cannot be allocated now, and I am afraid it will causing dissatisfaction on all sides.”

It costs money to maintain canals, it costs money to build city walls on the borders, it costs money to build canals in the south of the Yangtze River, and some places have disasters and need disaster relief. Hebei and Shandong are still big holes, and they still owe a lot of military pay. The total amount of money owed by the court now is as high as 7000. Many thousand strings.

In addition to the normal state expenditure, only 800-[-] million yuan in annual tax revenue can be used to repay the debt. In other words, it would take ten years to repay the debt normally.

"Cui Gong, please try to carry it out. Gaochang's affairs still need to be dealt with first," Yang Yue sighed: "If there is a problem with the Western Region trade route, the tariff will be over."

Cui Zhongfang did not answer the question and just remained silent.

Let me bear it, you said nicely, let me bear all the infamy, right?How about we switch over and you become the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs?
After a while, Cui Zhongfang said: "The area under the jurisdiction of Yangzhou General Administration has been exempted from tax for three years. His Majesty later extended it for another three years. It will expire this year. By then, the taxes from Jiangnan will become a major supplement to the national treasury. In other words, this year is the most difficult for us. After this year, everything will be fine, but the premise is that His Majesty cannot renew it."

In the fourth year of Daye, Yang Guang visited Jiangdu for the first time and gave the southerners a huge benefit. Jiangdu County was tax-free for five years and the old Yangzhou General Manager's Office was tax-free for three years.

As a result, after the expiration, they were renewed for three years each. This year is the tenth year of Daye. The six-year tax holiday of the old Yangzhou General Administration Office has expired, and the money can be paid this year.

This is a huge amount. It is no exaggeration to say that if Yangzhou pays taxes normally this year, it will account for almost one-third of the national treasury revenue.

Yang Guang is not a fool, and he is not willing to renew your contract. At that time, he was preparing to attack Goguryeo, but he was afraid that the South would cause trouble later, so he renewed it.

Now that the country is so short of money, it is absolutely impossible to renew it for you. Jiangnan has been fattened. After these years of development, the scale of trade in this place is second only to Luoyang, the eastern capital.

That's why Yang Guang stayed in Jiang and didn't leave. It was the Chinese New Year and he had no intention of leaving at all, because he was just here to collect money.

After six years of not paying taxes, some turmoil will occur if taxes are suddenly collected, and Yang Guang must sit in Jiangdu.

Regarding this matter, Yang Mingye and Ye Yang have long been angry:

"Don't worry, Mr. Cui, Yangzhou will definitely collect taxes at the end of this year. Just keep working hard this year. If you have any problems, come to me and I will definitely help you solve it."

Cui Zhongfang is in charge of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, which is in charge of the national treasury. All ministries, yamen, and local counties are asking him for money. If he can't get it, others will only scold him, not the court.

Cui Zhongfang could only nod helplessly. If he was really in trouble, he wouldn't go to Yang Ming, because ministers are there to solve problems, not to find problems for the superiors.

"Since the prince has said so, the military guards on the left and right can be recruited," Yu Wenshu said with great joy: "This year, the paper making factory and the Department of Dyeing will provide additional income. It won't be too difficult to think about it."

Yang Ming nodded. Gaochang really cannot be lost, and the debt must be taken back, because this place is the key to the Hexi Corridor and one of the trade centers. Once occupied by the East and West Turks, the goods entering the Central Plains will be destroyed. People set their prices.

Prices are a key factor in national stability. Goods are priced at a certain price. It has a reasonable range. Once it is too outrageous, it will affect the entire market size.

Yang Ming knew the importance of foreign trade, so he decided:

"Cui Hongsheng was responsible for recruiting the left and right military guards, and Xuanting was the deputy general manager of the march. Li Jing was the general manager. Qu Boya was granted the title of Duke Benguo, and Zuo Guanglu was the doctor to recover Gaochang."

"I accept the order!" Cui Hongsheng stood up to receive the tiger talisman.

In this way, it is completely justified, which means that Qu Boya is not only the king of Gaochang, but also the Duke Ben of the Sui Dynasty, and we have an obligation to help him recover his country.

This Ben Kingdom is actually Goguryeo. The Duke of the Sui Dynasty has a state endowment, that is, a food town. If you are granted a title to Goguryeo, how do you get your food town?So it's just a false name.

But Dr. Zuo Guanglu was relatively senior, and he was the first in the rank of honors. There was no benefit to the rank, it was just an honorary title.

So it seems like it's been sealed, but it's equivalent to not being sealed at all, just giving it a name.

The total number of left and right military guards is 8000, plus Xuanting's Anxi Protectorate's border troops and Li Jing's 5000 troops, the total number is about [-].

This is considered a large-scale deployment of troops.

The reason why Cui Hongsheng was allowed to go was because this man was very strict in running the army. At present, the guards of the Guanzhong Military Mansion were unwilling to go out again, so he had to be a ruthless general to force the recruitment.

Mingya from the Ministry of War was responsible for logistics support. As a result, he had to ask the Ministry of Civil Affairs for money. Cui Zhongfang reluctantly allocated 300 million yuan.

This is not enough, follow-up calls have to be made.

After everyone left, Yang Ming stayed behind to have dinner and called Yang Yinjiang over.

"How many fields did you buy in Shandong?" Yang Ming asked while eating.

Yang Yinjiang was stunned for a moment, then immediately looked at her old father and gave him a look, which meant she would reply honestly.

In fact, Yang Xuangan would not hide it without her reminding him: "About 42 acres."

Yang Ming suddenly raised his head and was dumbfounded: "There are so many?"

At first, he asked the warrior Xun, who said it was only [-] acres. Yang Ming didn't take it seriously, but now it seems that he underestimated Xuangan.

"In Shandong alone, there are so many fields. If one household has one hundred acres, you have 4200 households in Shandong," Yang Ming sighed.

Yang Xuangan was stunned.

Yang Yinjiang immediately laughed and said: "Aren't you trying to scare him? How can you calculate it like this? You don't have to pay taxes on food, but you have to pay taxes on your father's fields in Shandong?"

Yang Ming chuckled: "Ask him if he has paid taxes?"

Yang Yinjiang was stunned, then frowned and looked at her own father.

Yang Xuangan chuckled: "Half of it was not paid."

Yang Yinjiang threw the dishes and chopsticks angrily and said, "Are you tired of living?"

"Have you ever talked to your biological father like this?" Yang Xuangan complained.

Yang Yinjiang was furious, her chest heaving with anger as she said, "You, you, if you do this, something will happen sooner or later."

"It's not that serious," Yang Ming raised his hand and continued eating: "I have known about this for a long time, and Yang Yue also mentioned it to me, but I didn't expect there to be so many."

After saying that, Yang Ming raised his head and looked at Xuangan: "In the sixth year of the Great Cause, six counties in Shandong rebelled and suffered heavy losses. This year, the state treasury will allocate more than 400 million yuan to Shandong. If there is no money, you can use these acres to temporarily support Bar."

Yang Xuangan nodded: "Are you leaving it to Zhang Xutuo to provide land to the victims?"

Yang Yinjiang was stunned for a moment, then felt relieved and quickly looked at her husband.

Yang Ming chewed the food, pondered for a moment, and said:

"We can't leave it to him alone. I asked Fang Xuanling to go to Shandong again. These fields must fall into the hands of the people. Don't let the landowner family get the slightest bit of contamination. Priority will be given to the people who don't have fields. You will also send you The people went over to assist Fang Xuanling in conferring fields."

Xuangan said happily: "Your Highness, don't worry, this matter will be done before sowing this year."

Yang Yinjiang looked at Xuangan up and down as if she was getting to know her biological father again. Xuangan noticed her daughter's gaze and curled her lips playfully.

Just as Yang Yue taught Xuangan, if you can satisfy the prince's needs, the prince will satisfy you. You must always be a useful person to the emperor and prince.

Yang Guang wanted to raid your home before, but now Yang Ming is just asking you to contribute a little, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't hurt your muscles or bones.

"Okay, okay, let's eat," Yang Ming smiled and looked at his wife: "Xuangan did the right thing. It is better for him to annex the land than to let others annex it. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to take it back. "

Yang Yinjiang turned from surprise to joy, relaxed, and took the initiative to pick up food for her father:
"It's yours this time."

Yang Xuangan looked proud. (End of chapter)

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