(Today there is only this chapter. Forgive me, brothers. I want to play football. I will not participate in this year's futsal game. A generation of sharp strikers are on the verge of retirement.)
In the study room, there is Shen Wuhua, who also loves Wang Xizhi's copybooks very much.

Moreover, people have seen the "Lanting Collection Preface" with their own eyes. The Lanting Collection Preface was dedicated to Emperor Chen Xuan, who is Chen Shubao's father, by Wang Xizhi's seventh monk Sun Zhiyong, whose real name is Wang Faji. Therefore, the Lanting Collection Preface has always been collected in the old Chen Palace.

There is a saying in history that after Yang Guang exterminated Chen, he got the Preface to the Lanting Collection, but he didn't like it, so he gave it to Monk Biancai, a disciple of Monk Zhiyong, from whom Li Shimin got the Preface to the Collection of Lanting.

No matter what the history says, Yang Guang in this life will never let go of Lanting Jixu. After he broke through the old Chen Palace, he scraped the ground three feet away, but he couldn't find it. As for the whereabouts, he didn't find out.

In fact, it was taken away by the monk Biancai, right under He Ruobi's nose. He Ruobi really didn't know what to do.

The Great Sui Dynasty respected Buddhism, and was very courteous to the eminent monks. The debater monk was good at both piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. He was a good friend of Chen Shubao. Before the old Chen imperial palace was breached, he ran out with a pile of Buddhist scriptures and Lanting collections.

He Ruobi caught him, and after questioning, he found out that the other party was an eminent monk from Yongxin Temple, holding several volumes of Buddhist scriptures in his arms, so He Ruobi ordered his generals to check and let him go.

This is the eyes long on the ass.

But right now, only Yang Ming knows where to start, but he won't tell Yang Guang, why?Worried that after Yang Guang died, he would be buried with him.

Even if Yang Ming got it in the future, he would not be a funerary object. He would be patronized by Lieutenant Mojin easily.

Ning Changzhen was also summoned, he didn't have much interest in Wang Xizhi, he was only interested in Shen Wuhua.

The two had met several times before this, and the time was very short, mainly because Yang Guang was also present, so it was inconvenient for the two of them to catch up on the past.

"Sit down, sit down," Yang Guang raised his hand, signaling Ning Changzhen to sit down, and then said while practicing calligraphy:
"Lingnan has reversed, do you know?"

Ning Changzhen was taken aback, frowned and said, "Feng An turned against you?"

Yu Shinan on the side smiled and said: "That's not true, there is a traitor from Yulin County, it seems to be the chieftain of some tribe, his name is Cen Mingxiu, does Lord Qin Jiang know him?"

Of course I do, Ning Changzhen nodded: "The Cen family has been the leader of the Western Guangxi tribe for generations. The name Cen Mingxiu is a bit familiar. I should be able to match the number when I meet a real person. I can't remember right now."

Many tribes in Guangxi originally had names but no surnames. Later, the most powerful tribe, surnamed Huang, was best at raising cattle. His surname was Mo. Those who were good at hunting birds were surnamed Lu. Those who were good at raising dogs were surnamed Ma. Cen.

As for Ning Changzhen's family, they belonged to outsiders, and their ancestors came from Shandong. He is actually a Han Chinese, but after so many years of marriage with the local tribe, his blood has long been impure.

The Han people have many minds, and the Liyue people can't deal with it, so the most powerful people in Lingnan at the moment are the two Han immigrants, Ning and Feng.

This time, the Cen family was instigated by the Ning family to rebel.

Yu Shinan smiled and said: "Among the princes in the court, someone suggested that Duke Qin Jiang return to Gui to quell the rebellion. Is Duke Qin Jiang willing to go?"

Ning Changzhen squinted his eyes and realized that Shen Wuhua was winking at him, so he hurriedly said:
"I went back, but it's useless. His Majesty has his own arrangements."

If he dared to say that he wanted to go back, Yang Guang wouldn't let him live till tomorrow, what will you do when you go back, do you think I can't guess?
Yang Guang put down his pen and said with a smile: "It's just a group of clowns making trouble. Once the army arrives, it's like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. It's not worth mentioning. Lingnan will have to pay taxes according to the imperial government's policy next year. Those who don't obey will be wiped out by their own army."

Ning Changzhen's mouth twitched, are you threatening me?I'm not too scared,
"What your majesty said is that the Cen family is a bunch of clowns who can't control themselves. I don't know when your majesty will send troops to suppress the rebellion?"

"Don't worry," Yang Guang picked up the copybook with a smile, dried the ink on it, and said with a smile:

"The chaos is too small. I will suppress it when they make a big fuss. I won't kill them all and bleed them into rivers. Some people don't have long memories."

Ning Chang is really dumbfounded, he is a ruthless person, how many do you want to kill in Yulin County?

"I think it's better to put down the rebellion as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

"Long nights and dreams?" Yang Guang couldn't help sneering: "A corner of the Lingnan is worth my nights and dreams. Don't you see a million troops conquering Liaodong?"

Can you still have a million troops now?Ning Changzhen lowered his head and said nothing.

He really underestimated Yang Guang. He thought that the current situation of the country was not suitable for the use of troops, but the emperor in front of him could do anything regardless of the country or the people.

With his hands behind his back, Yang Guang proudly said:

"After I ascended the throne, I personally conquered Goguryeo and conquered Goguryeo. My son destroyed Tuyuhun, and the territory expanded thousands of miles. Lingnan was originally the king's land. If you don't follow the education, I can't bear it. Go back and tell the chiefs of Guizhou. Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish."

Ning Changzhen was drenched in cold sweat instantly, and hurriedly knelt down and said: "If I don't go back, I would like to serve Your Majesty."

The corner of Yang Guang's mouth curled up, and he asked Yu Shinan, "How is the preparation at Mai Tiezhang?"

Yu Shinan replied: "The first batch of refined weapons from Luoyang has been transported to Jiangdu. They will all arrive probably in February next year. Preparations are also being made for the recruitment of troops in the old Yangzhou area. April next year will be the best opportunity to use troops. "

Yang Guang nodded with a smile, looked at Ning Changzhen and said, "A hundred thousand troops will go south to Lingnan in April next year. Disobedient children need to be taught a lesson."

Ning Chang was really dumbfounded and completely believed Yang Guang's lies. He never thought that Yang Guang was bragging.

Isn't it normal for you to dare to recruit 100 million troops to fight Goguryeo and [-] troops to fight Lingnan?

At this time, Wei Zhen, the provincial governor, came in: "The capital has a report from the crown prince."

Yu Shinan waved his hand towards Ning Changzhen: "Mr. Qinjiang, please go down."

After Ning Changzhen left tremblingly, other female relatives also avoided, and only Empress Xiao stayed behind.

Wei Zhendao: "There are big problems with the customs duties in the Western Regions. The number of smuggling has been increasing year after year. The prince's intention is to set up the Hexi Governor's Office to supervise trade, and then set up the Anxi Protectorate to control the border guards. Two people The selections are Fan Zigai and Yang Xuanting respectively, Your Majesty please take a look."

Yang Guang nodded, and after a general glance, he ordered the Minister of Internal History to summon Su Wei, Pei Ju and other bigwigs.

In fact, Yang Guang has always known about smuggling in the Western Regions, so why didn't he ask?Is it because you can't take care of it?No, it's not the time.

In recent years, it has been building canals and fighting Goguryeo. Yang Guang can't pursue the issue of smuggling at that time. Now that the prince has taken the initiative to take it out, it is necessary to beat it hard.

In the main hall, after more than 30 officials took their seats, they received the prince's report from Takano and read it one by one.

After they finished watching, Yang Guang said lightly:

"What happened to the trade in the Western Regions in the past few years? Shiji is in charge of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Please tell me."

Pei Ju nodded and said, "Sinong Temple is in charge of the official trade. Yiwu County is in charge of the tax revenue. Wang Shuo is responsible for the private trade. Now the Taifu Temple Prime Minister He Chou and Guozi Jijiu He Tuo's family are the largest. Li, Fufengdou, and Jingzhaowei come next."

Of course, the best people to do business with people from the Western Regions are Sogdians like He Chou and others, because the trade in the Western Regions is originally in the hands of the nine surnames of Zhaowu, and the He family is one of the nine surnames.

Both of their families are currently serving as officials in the Central Plains, but their customs and language are similar to those of the Sogdians in the Western Regions, so they have almost become the trade agents of the Western Regions in the Sui Dynasty. The other eight surnames can also be used, but no family is as profitable as the He family.

In Wuwei County, the An clan of the Sogdian tribe has migrated here and has become a local rich family. The magician of the Western Regions, Angata, whom Li Yuan knew, also has another identity, that is, the nine surnames of Zhaowu, a descendant of the royal family of Anguo.

The descendants of the Kang Kingdom moved to Guanzhong during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and many of them became officials.

Historically, the Kang family and the Shi family had the largest businesses during the Tang Dynasty.

In short, there are many of the nine surnames in Zhaowu, and they have moved to the Central Plains early, and the nine surnames also have representatives in history.

Kang's surname, An Lushan's original surname was Kang, and his mother remarried An Yanyan, so he took the surname An.

Surnamed An, An Tong, the founding hero of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Surnamed Cao, Cao Yuanzhong, the Jiedu Envoy of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Returning to the Yi Army.

Shi's surname, Shi Wansui, Shi Siming, yes, Shi Wansui's ancestors were Sogdians.

The surname is Mi, Mi Fu, a famous calligrapher in the Northern Song Dynasty.

The surname is He Xihu, a great businessman in Sichuan, his son is He Tuo, and he has a grandson named He Chou. These three are a family.

The surname is Shi Jingtang.

There are no celebrities with the remaining two surnames, so they probably did not move to the Central Plains.

After listening to Pei Ju's answer, Yang Guang looked at everyone present, frowned and said:
"I want to be as rich and honored as you are, but some riches and honors are hot to the touch."

Li Yuan hurriedly said: "Your Majesty clearly learned that my family did not participate in the trade in the Western Regions."

Pei Ju was stunned for a moment, you hit me in the face, right?I just said that there is your family, but you don't recognize it now?
Yang Guang raised his eyebrows and said, "You didn't get involved?"

"There is absolutely no one in Chen's family. I don't know if there are any in the clan," Li Yuan said.

Nima, you are picking words with me here, aren't you?You are the head of the house, don't you know?Pei Ju couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Yang Guang smiled and said: "I will not ask about the past, do you think the prince's arrangement is appropriate?"

"Appropriate!" Li Yuan hurriedly replied: "It cannot be more appropriate. In this way, smuggling can be effectively prevented and the loss of the national treasury can be reduced."

Niu Hong also nodded and said: "According to the current tariff reduction method, in a few years, I am afraid that it will be able to collect a million or so. The prince is planning for a rainy day. Both arrangements are more suitable. Xuan Ting is Yang Yue's stepson. It is appropriate for the prime minister's heir to be entrusted with a heavy responsibility, Fan Zigai's loyalty to His Majesty is obvious to all, the prince's arrangement, it can be seen that it has been carefully considered, and there is no need to change it."

Then, others followed suit.

Yang Guang nodded, looked at Yang Da and said, "According to what the prince said, if the tariffs are reduced next year, then I will settle the old and new debts together."

What he said was for everyone here. Yang Ming didn't dare to confront N, but Yang Guang did, because Yang Guang had military power in his hands.

Yang Ming oversees the government, and he oversees the general government. The military cannot be controlled. He only has the right to make suggestions. The tiger charms of the twelve guards and four mansions are all in Yang Guang's hands.

Mai Tiezhang, who was in Jiangdu, knew that he would lead the army to attack Lingnan next year, so he immediately reported to the prince that he hoped to send Su Lie to him.

Mai Tiezhang and Su Lie had a tacit understanding.

Yang Ming originally wanted to vigorously train Su Lie. After receiving the report, he called all the candidates for this year's martial arts examination.

These famous figures in history would be useless if they were not trained, so Yang Ming planned to hand them over to Su Lie and Su Lie would take them to Lingnan.

"Lingnan still cannot avoid a war after all," Yuan Wendu sighed in the Cheng'en Hall of the East Palace, "Your Majesty did not conscript troops from the north, but conscripted the Jianghuai military mansion. Instead of letting Rong Guogong command the army, he sent Mai Tie Staff, it seems inappropriate."

Fang Xuanling shook his head and said: "The rebellion is not big. Using Rong Guogong is like killing chickens with a sledgehammer. Mai Tiezhang is also a fierce general on the battlefield, and he has the advantage of refining soldiers and armor. It should go well."

"It's not that simple," Li Mi said solemnly:

"For hundreds of years, dynasties have changed, and the Lingnan area has always been restrained. Now is not the time to change the status quo of Lingnan. Just by looking at the speed of their rebellion, it can be seen that Lingnan is very opposed to the imperial policy. They have Wuling The risk is not so easy to fight."

The geographical conditions in Lingnan determine that it is not easy for them to come up with Wuling, but it is also not easy for others to come in.

So this place is doomed, it is impossible to fight for the world, but it is a unique advantage to separate one side.

Feng Deyi said: "The news we have received right now is that Yulin County has been captured by the rebels. If the rebels are backed by local forces, Shi'an County will be lost soon. There are only more than 1000 people in the military mansion there. Even if Qiu He and Pei Xuanji recruit soldiers, they will not be able to recruit many, so I think that the entire Guizhou region will be lost."

"It's very possible," Du Ruhui said:
"Your Majesty will not send troops until next year. During this period of time, the Duke of Pingcheng and his son-in-law will soon withdraw from Si'an, and the momentum of the rebel army will further expand. The speed of your troops is precious. Your Majesty's delay in suppressing the rebellion may be the result. There is another meaning."

Many of them have actually guessed it, but they dare not say it clearly, what should I say?Could it be that the emperor wanted to forfeit the military pay owed to the soldiers?

If you dare to say it, it is slandering the emperor and a crime of disobedience.

Of course, Yang Ming also guessed that so many refined weapons were transported to Lingnan, but Fan Chang's head also knew that Yang Guang planned to use the battlefield to sell goods.

And Yang Ming couldn't stop it, he couldn't reach it, he could almost guess that if he wrote a memorial to persuade his father, he would never be able to wait for a reply.

Let's fight, let's fight, things have come to this point, it depends on what changes will happen after the fight.

"Let's not talk about that, let's call Fan Zigai to Beijing," Yang Ming got up and left.

In the next few days, he was going to send off Su Lie and the others, and he was going to Jiangdu to attend the completion of his younger brother's wedding.

He is really tired from being too preoccupied and exhausted for a long time.

How to relieve fatigue?Only Gao Yue.

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