Emperor Sui Yang

Chapter 310 Overbearing and Kingly Way

Chapter 310 Overbearing and Kingly Way
The change of expression on Yang Guang's face undoubtedly fell into the eyes of all the ministers, and Yu Wenshu's heart skipped a beat, secretly screaming that something was wrong.

Sure enough, after Yang Guang finished reading the letter, he said with a relieved expression:
"As Su Wei said, King Qin's favoritism did not reach Yang Yue's head. It is related to the sacrifice of the ancestral temple. He is still clear about it. At this time, the conclusion has been reached, so let's let it go."

What Yang Guang meant was that Yang Ming would not forget all the classics just because he protected Yang Yue.

After speaking, Yang Guang ordered Gao Ye to burn the letter.

Only Yang Guang knew what was written in the letter, and he didn't intend to let others read it.

Yang Xuan felt bad, he couldn't swallow this breath, so he got up and said:
"Your Majesty, Uncle Yang Yue has the great responsibility of offering sacrifices to the ancestral temple. On this important occasion, there are people in Yushitai who made rumors and slandered him. His heart can be punished."

Yang Guang frowned suddenly: "I have already said it just now, let's leave this matter here, didn't you hear?"

Yang Xuangan's cheeks twitched, he quickly said "I'm guilty", and then backed away.

Next, Yang Guang read some memorials, about local administrative reform, about the construction of palaces on both sides of the canal, and about He Ruobi's family property statistics.

Looking at the general situation and knowing the whole picture, only looking at He Ruobi's family property, Yang Guang has a rough estimate of the family property of many ministers who are still in the palace.

Among these people, there is no one who is not greedy. It is just a matter of greed and greed.

Yang Guang actually didn't care much about the minister's corruption, because it was too normal, even if someone was short of money, he would find a way to make money for the other party.

Wei, Zhou, Qi, including the Great Sui Dynasty, are actually regimes controlled by high-ranking lords, and the emperor is just the one who leads everyone to make money together.

After Yang Jian established the country, he played such a role. Only by protecting the interests of all parties can he sit firmly as the emperor.

In Yang Guang's generation, he already had the idea of ​​weakening this phenomenon. If he wanted to weaken the influence of the Guanlong Group, he had to support the Shandong Gentleman Group and the Jiangnan Gentleman Group.

He felt that he could do it in his lifetime.

This is actually a process of transforming from domineering to kingly. Normally speaking, this process will require at least several generations of emperors to work hard to achieve results. As long as there is a stupid emperor in the middle, this matter will be abandoned halfway.

The one who pretends to be benevolent with strength is the king, and the one who acts benevolent with virtue is the king.

During Yang Jian's period, due to the situation, he could only increase the strictness of the law, rule the world with hegemony, suppress the common people with power, and consolidate the country while ensuring the interests of the powerful.

However, hegemony cannot be sustained for a long time, and civil turmoil will inevitably arise for a long time. After that, there will be a long transition period. The most important point in this period is to reduce punishment and reduce laws.

Then it is imperative to amend the law.

"Gaozu banned the Internet deeply, and the punishment was severe. Now that the world is at peace, I think the law should be revised," Yang Guang looked at Niu Hong when he said this.

Niu Hong is a super scholar and has experience in this field. He opened the imperial law, which was presided over by Gao Jiong and revised by Su Wei and Niu Hong.

Niu Hong nodded and said: "Your Majesty's eyes are like a torch. There are some serious ailments in the law, which are no longer suitable for today. It is indeed necessary to revise it."

Except for Su Wei, no one else can talk about this kind of thing, they can only listen obediently.

Yang Guang nodded and said: "I will give you a general direction, except for the ten evils, for all punishments, reduce the seriousness to the lightest, and for any death penalty, you will be exempted from death."

As soon as the words came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

The most important thing is to get rid of the ten evils.

What are the ten evils?The Kaihuang Law changed the "Ten Felony Articles" of the Northern Qi Law into the "Ten Heinous Articles", which is the earliest prototype of the crime of heinous crimes.

The ten evils are treason, treason, treason, treason, immorality, disrespect, filial piety, disharmony, injustice, and civil strife.

And Yang Guang's rule of getting rid of the ten evils does not mean that there will be no such crime in the future, but that the punishment will be reduced.

For example, in the case of treason, it means that you plan to rebel but fail to do so. It means that you planned to rebel, but you were caught before you even started.

The penalty for treason is: those who conspire but fail to do so will be hanged, fathers and sons over the age of sixteen will be hanged, mothers and daughters under fifteen, wives and concubines, grandparents, brothers, sisters and trilogy, property, and land will not be officials. The sons of uncles and brothers all travel three thousand miles.

There is no precedent for the execution of the nine clans in the Sui Dynasty so far, but the first person in history to be punished by the nine clans was none other than Yang Xuangan who was sitting in the hall right now.

What's interesting is that although everyone was very confused, no one stood up to object, because they were also afraid that they would accidentally be accused of some crime in the future, and their home would be destroyed.

No one is clean, and whoever the emperor thinks is clean is clean.

Yang Guang's mitigating criminal law will benefit both the powerful and the common people, so Yu Wenshu was the first to stand up:

"Your Majesty is wise, once this law is opened, the world will be stable and the world will praise it."

Su Wei is also very surprised. He has read Confucian classics, and naturally knows that reducing the criminal law is for the safety of the people. When the projects are launched one after another and the people in the north are full of complaints, it is indeed a good prescription for the right medicine.

Your Majesty today is farsighted.

But in fact, because of the uprisings in various places at the end of the Sui Dynasty in history, Yang Guang once again increased the criminal law, which was heavier than the Kaihuang law.

Niu Hong nodded and said: "It should be completed before the end of the year, and it should be implemented next year, which is just right."

"Since that's the case, all the ministers should go back," Yang Guang stood up, and all the ministers saw him off.

Liuzhu Hall,
This place is more famous than Jiangdu Palace in history, because Yang Guang was buried here by Empress Xiao after he was killed by Brother Yuwen.

But the current Liuzhu Hall is where Yang Guang seeks pleasure.

Wu Jiangxian, you said how beautiful she is, but it's not true, but this woman can make Yang Guang indulge in her style, so we know that she must have her specialties.

Yang Guang's harem now also has infighting. Except for Empress Xiao, everyone else is vying for favor. Wang Zhuoling, who was like a pure white lotus earlier, is not immune now.

The reason is that everyone does not have Yang Guang's heirs, and they are also dreamers in the boudoir.

Empress Xiao would not participate in this kind of intrigue. Although the family lost one of their third sons, one of the remaining two was in charge of the capital and the other was in control of Luoyang.

And Empress Xiao was too lazy to restrain them, she spent more time watching music and dancing, or reading and playing, to pass the time.

She has lived in Yangzhou with Yang Guang for 11 years, and has many old friends, so she spends most of her time outside.

Yang Guang and Wu Jiangxian met each other sincerely, and they had a great time playing in Liuzhutang. You chase me, if you catch me, I will let you hehehe
When Yang Guang was exhausted and lying on the gorgeous blanket on the ground, taking a rest, Gao Yexing hurried in from outside the door,

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, great joy, Concubine Xiao has given birth to a child."

Yang Guang was stunned for a moment, overjoyed, got up quickly, put on a piece of clothing casually, and went out:

"Is it the prince?"

Gao Ye said excitedly, "It's Long Zi."

After the two of them left, Wu Jiangxian picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on slowly one by one. She was passionate just now, but her eyes were empty right now.

It has been almost a month since she lived in Jiangdu Palace, so she has heard that His Majesty does not have children with her favorite concubine.

Concubine Xiao is different, she is the queen's dowry daughter, and only when the queen nods can she have the chance to give birth to a child for His Majesty.

So she secretly made up her mind that she must please the queen, as long as she can give birth to a son and a half for His Majesty in the future, she will be considered a firm harem.

Yang Guang finally had another son, but this is a son of a concubine, and he still cannot be compared with Yang Ming and Yang Hao.

Yang Gao means bright and bright.

It was Yang Gao's fate in history to be born in Jiangdu Palace and buried in Liuzhu Hall. He was only 12 years old when he died.

In November, Yang Ming received news in the capital that he had won one for his younger brother.

On his side, his fourth younger brother had to be included in the genealogy, like Yang Qingyang and them. It was a pity that although they were also included in the genealogy, they were still not recognized by Yang Guang.

So Yang Gao, ranked fourth.

This kid also has to call Empress Xiao mother.

Yang Yinjiang had a big belly, with an unhappy expression on her face,
"Be prepared for danger in times of peace. I didn't expect another opponent to appear in the Hengli. Fortunately, it is a concubine."

Yang Ming smiled and said, "Don't worry, what kind of threat can a baby in swaddle pose?"

"Well, I'm just a little worried. After all, the father is in his prime, and the position of the crown prince is not clear. Who knows what the future will be like?" Yang Yinjiang touched her stomach and sighed.

Yang Ming comforted: "Don't think about it, things have to be done step by step. In a few months, you will also be in labor. Don't worry about other things. Taking care of your body is the most important thing."

Giving birth in the Sui Dynasty was a very painful thing, and there was no caesarean section, and it was all up to the pregnant woman to carry it.

Some people live once, it's like going to hell, but the child's chance of survival is not high. When Pei Shuying gave birth, it was not as painful as Yang Yinjiang, each person had his own physique.

Right now, not only Yang Yinjiang is pregnant with a child, but Li Xiuning is also pregnant. The month is younger than the concubine's, but her belly is so big and chubby that Li Xiuning can't even walk.

The bigger the child, the more dangerous it is, so the imperial physicians at the Imperial Medical Office are currently trying to find ways to lose weight for the child in Li Xiuning's stomach.

Because it has been determined that it is not twins, but a single child is so big, it will be very fatal when it is born, and if it is not done well, it will kill two people.

Li Yuan's wife, Dou Shi, came every morning and left late at night. She had to supervise her daughter's diet. If the pregnant woman ate less, the child would eat less, so that the fetus could lose weight.

So right now the palace's focus is on Li Xiuning. If she can't lose weight after eight months of pregnancy, it will be difficult for the child to be born.

Chen Shuyi and Yan Xiaotang would help Li Xiuning to take a walk in the back garden of the palace every day. They walked a lot, which was convenient for correcting the fetal position, and also smooth for the birth.

Li Xiuning had been crying miserably during this time, and she was also afraid that Yang Ming would not be able to give birth to a child, so she gritted her teeth and persisted every day.

The younger brother, Shimin, has always been by his side, cheering for his sister.

The child in Li Xiuning's womb is his own nephew.

(End of this chapter)

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