The people responsible for investigating Su Wei and Gao Jiong were actually the hardest ones, because the status of these two people was too high.

Moreover, the guard of the East Palace who passed the news to these two people has already been executed, and there is no proof of his death, so how can he find out?
It can only be a face-to-face interview.

Minister of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, Yu Wenbi, Zha Suwei, and Liang Bicha, Gao Jiong, were all students, especially Liang Pi, who always respected Gao Jiong, so he was very humble when he asked questions.

In fact, the result Yang Guang wanted was very simple, that is, did Su Wei and Gao Jiong tell other people, especially King Qi and King Qin, the news of the prince's illness.

Su Weigao, these are all old foxes, so when they answered, they naturally did not reveal anything, and there was no trace to follow.

So Yu Wenbi and Liang Bi can only deal with each other truthfully, and they can't torture Su and Gao. Besides, people like him have come here through mountains of swords and seas of fire, and torture is useless at all.

Fortunately, both of them are very clear about the real intention of the emperor, so they have found out everything about King Qin and King Qi.

Su Wei learned the news of the prince's illness in September last year. This point was obtained from the guard of the East Palace who sent the letter to Su Wei, who was tortured to extract a confession, which was completely consistent with Su Wei's answer.

At that time Qin Wang Yang Ming had already gone to Luoyang, and in Suwei's mansion, everyone's records of going out of the city were recorded for investigation, what they were doing when they went out of the city, and when they came back, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs has thoroughly checked.

As for Su Wei and King Qi, there is no connection at all, so Su Wei can basically be ruled out.

Besides Gao Jiong, after Gao Jiong was dismissed as prime minister, he was also dismissed as the Duke of Qi, so most of the servants and servants in his mansion have been dismissed, and Gao Jiong himself lived in seclusion and hardly interacted with others, and there was no doubt about it.

The biggest problem for these two people is that after they knew that the prince was ill, they didn't visit him immediately, nor did they inform the emperor.

Su Wei's answer was that diabetes is not a serious illness. Since the prince has already taken the medicine, there should be no serious problems. Moreover, the prince himself deliberately concealed it. He didn't want to cause trouble, so he remained indifferent.

Gao Jiong's answer was even more awesome. He thought the emperor knew, because he felt that he knew it. The emperor was in the palace, so how could he not know, so he thought that the emperor was suppressing this matter and didn't want outsiders to know. Know, so he simply pretended not to know.

Both answers seemed reasonable.

Then, only Li Zixiong is left.

But at this time, Wei Xuan, who was in charge of questioning Yang Yue, came back and directly brought Li Zixiong's son Li Min into the palace.

This person is a key person, Wei Xuan was afraid that he would run away, so he was immediately arrested.

He didn't dare to use torture at will, so he handed it over to the emperor for interrogation in person.

The moment Yang Guang saw Li Min, he was in a very bad mood, and directly reprimanded Wei Xuan for his bad work.

What will Li Zixiong think when you arrest someone at this time?He hasn't entered Beijing yet.

So Yang Guang didn't even ask, and let him go directly, but he asked Dali Temple to send some capable people to keep an eye on this person.

Moreover, Wei Xuan was asked to admit his mistake to Li Min, meaning that he had caught the wrong person. Fortunately, Wei Xuan didn't interrogate Li Min at the beginning, so he didn't reveal his secrets.

Li Zixiong is the governor of Youzhou, and he is also the minister of Honglu Temple. The key point is that this person belongs to Yang Guang.

Youzhou, that is, the Beijing area, has only nine counties, but there are eleven military mansions and 1 permanent troops. Because it is located in the frontier, the north is Turkic, and the northeast is Goguryeo.

If Li Zixiong knew that his son had been arrested, he would not dare to go to Beijing again. If he was allowed to return to Youzhou, something might happen.

"You are such a waste," Yang Guang pointed at Wei Xuan's nose and scolded, "Can't you wait for Li Zixiong to enter Beijing before arresting him?"

Wei Xuan lowered his head and said, "I'm stupid, I really didn't think of this at the time."

Yang Guang snorted coldly, returned to his seat and sat down, and said, "Tell me why you arrested him."

Wei Xuan hurriedly said: "There is definitely something wrong with this person, I have checked it out, Li Min and the King of Qi are good friends, and they have been to Luoyang to meet the King of Qi, after returning to the capital, they brought a generous gift to Yang Yue. Yes, and Li Min gave this gift on behalf of King Qi."

Yang Guang frowned suddenly: "King Qi pleases Yang Yue? Why? Is there anything he wants Yang Yue to do?"

"This minister doesn't know, neither does Yang Yue, he just accepted the gift, King Qi didn't ask for it," Wei Xuan replied.

Yang Guang snorted coldly: "This miser dares to take any money, and he doesn't even think about it. Will people give it to him for free?"

Regarding Yang Yue's greed for money, Yang Guang actually doesn't mind, because when he was still in Yangzhou, he sent a lot of money to Yang Yue, an old boy, with the purpose of befriending Yang Su and helping him speak more in front of the Supreme. good words.

But after he ascended the throne, Yang Yue doubled the money he received back then and spit it out.

It's not a problem to love money, and Yang Yue, after collecting money, really does things for you.

But Yang Guang's taboo is, what does the second child want Yang Yue to do?

"Go on," Yang Guang said.

Wei Xuan hurriedly said: "I checked, Li Min left Beijing last year to visit his father Li Zixiong in Youzhou, so when he appeared in Luoyang, he should have returned to Beijing from Youzhou, and he and King Qi were good friends when they were young. It makes sense to go to meet up."

Li Zixiong served under Yang Guang's tent during the battle against Chen in the Sui Dynasty. At that time, he became Yang Guang's man, and later became the governor of Jiangzhou, which is now Jiujiang County. come and go.

When Yang Guang became the emperor, he was named the governor of Youzhou, and he was in charge of the frontier.

Wei Xuan went on to say: "The person who sent the news to Li Zixiong was a general under the command of Prince Zuowei. In February last year, this person sent a close aide in his family to deliver the news to Li Zixiong, but the messenger left the capital. After that, there was no further news, and Li Min left Beijing in February, arrived in Luoyang in April, and returned to Beijing in May, the timing was exactly right, and I even suspected that Li Min knew the news earlier than Li Zixiong."

Yang Guang crossed his fingers and sat on the chair, frowning in thought.

After a while, Yang Guang nodded: "I see, you can go down."

Wei Xuan originally wanted to communicate more with the emperor, but he didn't give him the chance, so he had to leave angrily.

Of course, Yang Guang would not communicate with him. As an emperor, he is destined to have a lot of worries, and many of them cannot be shared with others, so he can only bear them alone.

He is becoming more and more worried about his second child now, but for the time being, he will not touch his second child, because he has to rely on his second child to do the canal work.

But beware, you must beware.

Didn't he ask Yang Yue?Get the fuck out of me both of you.

In the next few days of the court meeting, there is nothing else to do but dig the canal.

This time, Yang Guang was on fire because of the prince. An official in Yushitai who opposed the digging of the canal was directly on the main hall and was beaten to death by Yang Guang.

It's like killing a chicken for a monkey to see.

This time, the voices of opposition suddenly became smaller, but there were some, such as Gao Jiong.

So Gao Jiong was dismissed from office again, and he was also mauled by Yang Guang after he had been a tutor for a short time.

So far, the excavation of the canal has dropped from the initial [-]% opposition to [-]% opposition, and finally passed unanimously.

Qi Wang Yang Hao was the director of the river course, the internal historian ordered Yang Yue, Shangshu Youcheng Huangfuyi was the deputy supervisor, and the chief engineer was Yu Wenkai.

Yang Guang gave them a month to prepare, and then immediately left Beijing for Luoyang to start work.

The starting point of the canal is in Banzhu Town in Xingyang, so the Yamen of the director of the river channel of Yang Wei will also be located in Luoyang, because Luoyang has the Weishui River, and a waterway must be dug between the Weishui River and the Yellow River.

In other words, in the future, you can go directly to Jiangdu by boat from Luoyang City.

The emperor's estrangement from him was completely within Yang Yue's expectation, and even his elder brother Yang Su had guessed it a step ahead of the supervision of the river.

There is no other way, taking Qi Wang's money, it is easy to be classified as Qi Wang's party, even though Yang Yue is from the inner Qin and the outer Qi.

However, taking this opportunity to get in touch with King Qi more will help him bring down the opponent in the future.

Yang Guang didn't expect that Yang Yue was actually an Infernal Affairs.

In the nearest capital, the most angry person, Yang Guang came down, it should be Yang Hao.

Because he already knew that his own money was divided up.

"Damn it, that's my money!"

Yang Hao threw things randomly in the palace, regardless of whether they were expensive or not, as long as he saw them, he would grab them and smash them against the wall.

The big money is gone, and you still care about these little gadgets?
His confidants were all trying to persuade him, but they couldn't persuade him, because Yang Hao not only threw things, but also beat people, whoever persuaded him beat him.

This time, he was not in pain, but in heart, because he knew that the money would not come back.

"Okay, Yang Ming, you're so naughty," Yang Yan panted heavily, sat down on his butt, and finally stopped smashing things.

Because it's all over.

"Please give this king a heads up, so that I can vent my anger," Yang Hao panted while looking at the people in the hall.

Who dares to come out?No one dared to come out, because they already knew that this was the queen's will.

King Qi really offended his own mother.

After a while, no one said a word, and Yang Hao was furious:
"A bunch of waste, why is this lord so unlucky, you don't talk to a bunch of people like you, right? Well, I'll figure it out myself."

"Your Highness can't," Chang Shi Liu Jianzhi hurriedly said, "For the present plan, the first thing Your Highness needs to do is to repair the relationship with the Queen, and everything else is secondary. If we can't win back the Queen's heart, everything we do will be useless." .”

Yang Hao said: "How can I get it back? The queen mother refuses to see me now, and every time I go to Yong'an Palace, I am dismissed by those dog slaves."

"Sincerity leads to spirit," Liu Jianzhi persuaded, "The empress is kind. Your Highness will go to Yong'an Palace to kneel. If the empress does not summon you, please don't get up. As long as we meet, everything will be fine."

Yang Hao frowned and said, "Isn't this king never kneeling before? The queen mother directly ordered me to be thrown away."

"Then you should kowtow and your head will bleed," said Li Xuandao, offering wine, "In short, before leaving Beijing, Your Highness must make the Empress change her mind, otherwise, once King Qin returns, it will be very bad for His Highness."

He is better than you, Li Xuandao murmured in his heart.

Bitter tricks?Yang Hao thought for a while and said: "I can't do it myself, I can't bear the pain, how about you help me?"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

In the past, they really didn't dare, but now that the situation is unfavorable, they naturally don't care so much.

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