Emperor Sui Yang

Chapter 197 Battlefield situation

Chapter 197 Battlefield situation
Pei Wen'an's army had just conquered Hedong County last night, and then attacked Pujin Pass, the soldiers were exhausted.

He had no choice but to do this. As the saying goes, soldiers are expensive and fast. From the time the army was recruited to the time when the army headed for Hedong County, Pei Wen'an was always in a hurry, because he wanted to take down the Pujin Pass before the capital reacted, so as to cross the border. Cross the Yellow River and enter Guanzhong.

But now the situation has changed, the reinforcements from the capital came so quickly, Li Jing from Hedong County was too good at procrastinating, and abruptly messed up his [-] troops into the current mess.

Now if you want to cross the river smoothly, you must wipe out all the enemy troops that come ashore.

But now it seems unlikely.

The enemy army was approaching menacingly, Long live Yang Sushi was here, and Pei Wen'an was just an unknown person. Hearing the names of these two people, he felt very nervous.

But more is the excitement, being able to fight Yang Sushi Long Live, if he wins, his name Pei Wen'an will go down in history.

A military intelligence report was sent to the big account, and the enemy's central army had already approached Pujin Pass along the official road.

Without Qiao Zhongkui's reinforcements, under the current situation, he would have to withdraw.

But the reinforcements were already on the way, and if he withdrew, Qiao Zhongkui would definitely be in chaos.

Qiao Zhongkui has [-] fresh troops. As long as he plans properly, the situation will still prevail.

"How many enemy troops are there?" Pei Wen'an asked the scout.

The scout who had just entered the big tent said: "Some wounded soldiers were caught, but their words were inconsistent. The guards on the river east said there were 20 troops, and the sergeants who crossed the river said there were 50 troops."

"Fuck the fuck! With 50 troops, do you turn beans into soldiers? How do you cross the river? Swim over? All the military palaces in Guanzhong add up to not have 20 troops,"

Pei Wen'an snorted, looked around, and said with a sneer: "The enemy's suspicious strategy shows that they are short of troops. Immediately send a letter to Qiao Zhuguo, asking him to set up camp in Yu Township, east of Hedong County."

Pei Wen'an estimated that it was impossible for the capital to recruit enough sergeants in such a short period of time, so the army crossing the river should be around [-].

When the enemy is exhausted, it is time for a decisive battle.

We can no longer waste time at Pujin Pass. The main force of the enemy has already crossed the river. If we want to take Pujin Pass, we will pay a huge price, and the gains outweigh the losses.

So he ordered the army to retreat and retreat to Hedong County for rectification.

On the battlefield, as long as the troops are withdrawn, there will inevitably be a large number of downsizing, but Pei Wen'an doesn't care, as long as the main force is retained and joined with Qiao Zhongkui, he can calmly form a battle and fight to the death with him.

Yang Ming's anti-rebellion army, all the cavalry were handed over to Changsun Sheng, because Changsun Sheng had dealt with the Turks all the year round and knew how to use the cavalry.

At noon the next day, Changsun Sheng led the cavalry to cross the river. After crossing the river, without a moment's rest, he led the army northward along the river bank, bypassing the Hedong area, and went straight to Jinzhou.

Both Yang Ming and Yang Su believed that Jinzhou was absolutely empty. Yang Su judged this result based on experience, while Yang Ming relied on historical knowledge.

After meeting Li Jing, Yang Ming learned of Xiao Mahe's movements.

Li Jing had Yang Ming's troop dispatching order in his hand, Xiao Mahe didn't dare to be disobedient, he had already led a gang of local bandits and thieves to ambush in the surrounding area of ​​Hedong County, waiting for the opportunity to move.

In ancient times, troops were withdrawn on two legs. It was only at noon that Yang Ming got the exact news that Pei Wen'an was withdrawing in a very orderly manner. He didn't notice it at first.

On his side, firstly, it was difficult to chase without cavalry, and secondly, the sergeant was very tired, so Yang Ming ordered that no pursuit be allowed.

"It seems that Pei Wen'an intends to integrate the army in one place and fight us decisively," Yang Sushi Wansui and others were present in Pujin Pass.

Although Guancheng was saved, the situation is not optimistic. Yang Su pointed to the map and said:
"Our army hastily crossed the river, and after fighting overnight, it was quite scattered. There is no place suitable for a large army to camp in the surrounding area. We can only go to Hedong County to rest and recuperate. Pei Wen'an must be waiting for us in Hedong County."

Around Pujin Pass, there is not even a village or town, and there is no place for the army to rest at all.

Shi Wansui also nodded and said: "Pei Wen'an must think that our army crossing the river overnight is just when we are tired, and wants to wait for work in Hedong County to clean us up. In my opinion, we should simply set up a suspicious formation and make Pei Wen'an think that we will rest on the spot. , In fact, our army will go straight north, don't give up Hedong County, and go straight to Jinzhou."

Yang Su nodded in agreement, and looked at Yang Ming to see what he meant.

In the beginning, everyone's plan in the Ministry of War was to fight directly with Pei Wen'an's main force and defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.

But considering the situation right now, Yang Ming guessed that Yang and Shi didn't want to spend too much time with Pei Wen'an here, otherwise they might not have enough troops to attack Jinyang.

After pondering for a while, Yang Ming said, "Everyone, what do you think?"

He pointed to the map and said, "We will do it the other way around. Guo Yan will lead 1 people and head north directly, but we must create momentum so that Pei Wen'an thinks that if we don't want Hedong, the army will go directly to Jinzhou. If Pei Wen'an is fooled, If we return to the north to intercept, then we will chase after them, and double-team the north and the south. If Pei Wen'an is not fooled, we will stick to Pujin Pass. As long as Chang Sun Sheng and Guo Yan take down the counties of Jinzhou one after another, Pei Wen'an will not be able to sit still gone."

"This plan is feasible," Yang Su nodded and said:

"Our soldiers are exhausted, and so is Pei Wen'an. Perhaps he is counting on Qiao Zhongkui's reinforcements. In the surrounding area, only Yu Township is open and suitable for large armies to fight. It is very likely that Qiao Zhongkui's army will be stationed here. Shi Wansui can lead a group of troops in time." Let’s go to Yu Township to arrest Qiao Zhongkui, we will concentrate our forces to deal with Pei Wen’an first, and then turn around and deal with Qiao.”

Yang Ming added: "Time is running out, General (Guo Yan) will arrange to go now, I will give you two hours to rest, then go north immediately, if you find pursuers on the way, if you confirm that they are from Pei Wen'an's department, turn around and charge. "

Guo Yan did not expect that Yang Ming, who was on the battlefield for the first time, would plan so meticulously. Although there was an element of luck in this move, it was still an excellent plan. Yang, will be a smooth road.

"Your servant takes orders!" Guo Yan had quite approved of Yang Ming at the moment.

Yang Ming said with a smile: "Remember to bring the banners of Lord Yue, Lord Taiping, and this king, so that you can easily deceive Pei Wen'an away."

Guo Yan was taken aback, laughed and left.

Yang Su and Shi Wansui looked at each other, and both of them believed that Yang Ming was the commander of this expedition, and His Majesty really chose the right person.

He is the marshal of the army and the prince. When he ordered Guo Yan, he ranked the two of them ahead of him. It was obvious that he was lowering his figure and praising the two of them.

Knowing that Yang Ming was hiding a hint of caution, the two of them still enjoyed it quite a bit.

Changsun Sheng took away 1 cavalry, Guo Yan took away 4000 horses, and after the integration of the remaining army with Li Jing's troops, there were about [-] left, of which [-] wounded soldiers had already been arranged to return to the other side. That's about [-] people.

Among the [-] wounded, most of them were unable to fight because they could not see the road clearly at night, sprained their ankles, or broke arms and legs.

Li Jing was really miserable. Apart from the 5000 people that Xiao Mahe took away, the [-] soldiers under his command were less than [-].

These deserters will all be liquidated in the future, because they are all recruited by the local military government in Hedong, and they have household registrations to check.

But this time, Li Jing made a great contribution. Without him defending Hedong County and Pujin Pass to hold back [-] rebels with [-] troops, Yang Ming's army would not have crossed the river so smoothly.

Once crossing the river is blocked, it will cause a huge problem.

In addition, he is Yang Ming's confidant, and with Yang Ming's support to push him up, he will not be small when discussing merit in the future.

Now Yang Ming really wanted to give Li Jing a chance to exercise, and it would be best if he could lead the army alone, but Li Jing couldn't replace those above for the time being.

Pujin Pass is a small place, and there is no room for these 4000 people. Except for the 2 people in Guancheng, the rest need to find a suitable place to rest in the surrounding area.

These people are really suffering.

The ordnance and supplies have not been transported yet, and the night is cold, and the tents that were hastily built with local materials are also leaking everywhere, so they can only find more withered grass to cover their bodies, so as to survive the wind and cold at night in the east of the river.

But staying like this is not a long-term solution. It is late autumn now, and the soldiers don't have winter clothes. They can survive for a day or two, but they can't survive for three or four days. Otherwise, they will be useless without Pei Wen'an calling.

Pei Wen'an expected this to be the case, so he returned to Hedong County with peace of mind and waited quietly for Yang Ming to attack.

The contact battle last night was fought at night, and there were not many people who actually died at the hands of the enemy.

It was more because of the darkness, unable to see clearly what was going on under the feet, and some deserted soldiers.

Deserters are not stupid, in fact, deserters are little clever ghosts.

When they were really charging, they realized that the situation was unfavorable and ran away, leading to a larger-scale rout. When they were resting, they saw the arrival of reinforcements and tried to find a way to get back.
Yang Su's army was extremely strict, and he had ordered all ministries to count the number of manpower. Those who were not present at that time were all counted as dead.

When the deserters return, their names are already on the death list, what to do?
Yang Suling's cronies ordered all the ministries to show all the deserters to the public. This time, more than 3000 people were killed directly.

Those who retreated before the battle and delayed the military plane were all executed.

After a big battle, Yang Ming and Li Jing's troops lost a total of about [-] people, of which [-] were wounded soldiers, and the number of deaths was about [-]. Most of the casualties were on Li Jing's side.

Among the 4000 people, just crossing the river alone reduced the number of people by 4000, and deserters plus military law punished another [-] people, all of whom were killed by Yang Su.

Of course, Yang Su needed to ask Yang Ming for instructions before he dared to act.

And Yang Ming also believes that military discipline must be strict, and only by eliminating those unstable factors can the army be united.

Or Yang Su was called Yang Yan Wang in the army, too many people died in his hands, but this time, these soldiers who were executed will all be counted on Yang Ming's head.

On the battlefield, no matter what your background is, as long as you violate the military law, you will be killed. A Jing Zhaowei and a Hussar General from Hedongliu, Yang Su cut off without batting an eye.

Pei Wenan's side was even worse.

Pujinguan is a strong city, and Hedong County is also the capital of a county, so it is not easy to fight.

Li Jing roughly estimated that Pei Wen'an's attrition situation should be about 3. The attrition refers to the wounded plus the dead. Under normal circumstances, the wounded are much higher than the dead.
When Pei Wen'an withdrew, the wounded sergeants and those with bad legs and feet had already been taken as prisoners, almost 8000 people, and these prisoners were also killed by Yang Su.

In addition, the corpses thrown on the battlefield, after a brief count, were more than [-], plus the number of casualties when Pei Wen'an attacked Hedong, no matter how you calculate it, it would add up to almost [-].

Of course, Yang Su doesn't care about these things. He only cares about the situation. As long as the situation is in my hands, it doesn't matter if there are many or few generals.

This also surprised Yang Ming.

He originally thought that when the two armies fought, the one with the larger numbers would definitely have the upper hand, but Yang Su had a completely different point of view.

In Yang Su's view, the first priority on the battlefield is the situation, the second is to grasp the opportunity, and the third is not to be afraid of death.

In history, Yang Su once asked the soldiers under his command who was willing to stay behind and who was willing to fight the enemy with me before a battle, and those who stayed behind came out.

At that time, those who stood up and were willing to stay in the local area were all killed by Yang Su.
Another time, Yang Su fought a decisive battle with 5000 people in the vanguard army, and the supervising team behind him was also 5000 people. In the end, relying on the 5000 people in the vanguard army, he killed 2 enemy troops. The supervising team didn't do anything at all.

Whether Yang Su killed more enemies or killed more himself, he couldn't tell for a while, anyway, he had never lost in his life.

The troops brought by Guo Yan have already set off.

After Yang Mingde's Chinese army rested for a day, spies came to report that a large army was stationed in the direction of Yuxiang. According to the number of flags, it was estimated that there were about 5 to [-] people.

It seems that Yang Su guessed right again, this army must be Qiao Zhongkui's department.

Yang Su was very cautious every time he discussed important military affairs, and did not show the slightest contempt for Pei Wen'an and Qiao Zhongkui, although these two people were really unknown.

"As long as Changsun Sheng enters Jinzhou and messes around, Yang Liang from Jinyang's direction will probably call Pei Wen'an and Qiao Zhongkui back to rescue after he gets the news."

Yang Su sat on the side, and said slowly: "Bingzhou's soldiers can recruit up to 15 in a short period of time. Pei Wen'an and the others have already taken half of them, and the ones left in Jinyang are at most 3."

Yang Ming knew that this data was not made up. The distribution of the military government in the entire Bingzhou area and the number of soldiers are all real numbers that can be checked. Make it clear to Yang Ming.

Yang Su said again: "Yang Liang must have two plans. If he can successfully take Pujin Pass, cross the river and enter Guanzhong, it is of course the best strategy. If this way does not work, he will separate the old Qi land and form a confrontation with the imperial court. , In that case, the world will be divided again."

Shi Wansui also nodded at the side and said: "Otherwise, he would not divide his troops to attack Henan and Shandong. He had already thought about it from the beginning. He would not be able to enter Guanzhong and become emperor, but he would also proclaim himself an emperor and fight against Guanzhong."

Yang Ming said: "As long as he is reluctant to leave Jinyang, he is doomed to failure."

Yang Su nodded appreciatively when he heard this, "Duke Taiping has a good disciple."

Shi Wansui smiled and said, "Didn't Duke Yue also have a good grandson-in-law?"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

There used to be conflicts between them, but now, because of Yang Ming's relationship, the two of them now feel a little bit like heroes.

 That's all for this chapter today. I'm going to visit relatives in other places, so I don't have time to write.

(End of this chapter)

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