Emperor Sui Yang

Chapter 129 Announcements

Chapter 129 Announcements
After counting, the total amount was [-] guan, which greatly exceeded Yang Ming's expectation.

It seems that this Wen Yi is a smart person, and Yang Ming likes to deal with smart people.

Originally, he planned to move out of Wen Yi's name to take up Tianmu, and then settle a settlement with him, but now it seems that he might as well wait until Wen Yi gets fatter, and it won't be too late to make a move.

The [-] dumped fields have also been returned, and the county government office has been handed over by someone.

As for the [-] guan that was handed over, Yang Ming pretended to let Murong Sanzang take it back to the treasury.

How could Murong Sanzang dare to take it? What's the matter with taking it back to the government treasury if he wants to get it back with his own ability?

So he hurriedly refused, claiming that the county government office did not have this account, and he had no way to return the sudden extra money.

Wen Yi's twenty-pronged account is a black account, not in the clear account. Black accounts are black money, and black money can only be black.

The money in the government treasury is equal to the money in the national treasury. Whether there is less or more, you have to explain the reason clearly, and the account details must be clear. If you don’t know it, you are guilty of negligence.

That being the case, Yang Ming didn't insist any more, but asked people to send the fraction to Murong Sanzang's mansion.

This time, Murong Sanzang did not refuse, although it was not a big money, and he was not indifferent, but he knew in his heart that the money had to be accepted.

If you don't accept it, people won't treat you as one of their own.

What's more, the yamen of the county government has already returned [-] acres of land. With these fields, the yamen's income will be increased this year, and the officials of the yamen can have a good year.

After paying the money, Yang Ming didn't make things difficult for Wen Yi anymore, and after a few reprimands, he let him go.

As soon as Wen Yi returned to the mansion, he was surrounded by other members of the Wen family, asking about the situation one after another.

What can he say?
"It's a blessing to be able to save the remnants of this accident. I advise you to prepare early."

In any case, Wen Yi has seen big winds and waves. When he followed Yang Liang to go north to conquer Goguryeo, he met a big man. Since then, his words and deeds have been imitating this big man.

Although it's a bit of a tiger to be an anti-dog, but it's certain that it has seen the world.

That big man was Gao Jiong, the Marshal of the Marching Marshal at that time.

So Wen Yi sees it more clearly than other clansmen, and knows that it is better to fight against the little county king of the general manager's mansion, and let him beat him up, than to lose his old life.

But Wen Hui doesn't think so. He thinks he still has something to rely on, and that is the Palace of the King of Han.

As long as the rescuers who can be dragged to Hanwang's mansion arrive, this matter can be resolved.

As for the others, they have the same idea as him.

The current Wen family is divided into four branches, Wen Hui counts as one, Wen Zheng counts as one, Wen Yi counts as one, and Wen Jing counts as one.

Wen Yi has escaped for the time being, seeing that he can't stop these tribesmen, he has nothing to do.

My life is my own, if you don't cherish it, I can't help it.

Wen Hui and the others made a plan to send out all the family members of the mansion to pretend to be farmers, and to prevent the wave of people from the general manager's mansion from tracking down the fields.

The warehouse of the general manager's mansion has already begun to be built.

Xu Jing originally only asked the prefect's mansion for a hundred servants, but the yamen sent 300 people.

The warehouse is in the inner garden, so there will be twenty guards in charge of guarding these laborers, so as not to disturb the female family members of the mansion.

Under Yang Ming's instruction, Xu Jing also talked with these workers to find out how many acres they had under their names.

As a result, this inquiry stunned Yang Ming.

According to the land equalization system, men are allocated 60 mu of open air and women 40 mu. That is to say, a couple can get 100 mu of open air.
If there is a boy over 15 years old in the family, add 60 mu; if there are two boys, add 120 mu.

But the actual situation is that these laborers, that is, ordinary people, have pitifully few acres of land under their names, some of which are more than a dozen acres, and some of which are as few as three or five acres.

One of them, a husband and wife plus three adult sons, has a total of 280 mu of land, which should be [-] mu according to the system.

There is also an old man who is not married, he is the only one in the family, and he has ten acres of open air under his name. The reason why he has ten acres is because the township is his cousin.

Simply appalling.

When Yang Ming was still living in the palace, he heard Yang Jian and his wife talk about this matter.

When the couple talked about the land equalization system, they looked proud, because at this time, the granaries of the Sui Dynasty were full and the treasury was getting richer, far surpassing the Northern Zhou and Northern Qi. After exploitation, at least half of them should be implemented.

Sending inspection envoys to check every year can make some improvement.

Looking at it now, it is too optimistic.

Yang Ming also thought at the beginning that if you continue to exploit, you have to leave some rations for the people below. A family with ten acres of land can't survive.

Jingzhou is mostly rice fields, with an average yield of 160 jin per mu, or 1600 jin a year if calculated on the basis of ten mu.

Ding Nan pays 3 jin of rent every year, and one shi is equal to 100 catties, which is 300 catties. If it is converted into "tune" cloth, another 200 catties will be deducted, which means that a Ding Nan has to pay 500 catties of taxes a year.

If you have two young men and one woman in your family, you will have to pay 1300 catties in taxes. This is just a family of three.
Daily necessities, or seeing a doctor, repairing houses and adding tiles
Are you still alive?

During the Great Sui Dynasty, Ding Nan was between 20 and 60 years old and served 20 days of corvée every year. According to the laborers in the General Manager’s Mansion, they worked as corvée for two months a year. During the rest of the time, they had to find ways to work to make a living.

Among them, many people have never had enough food in their life, so these days the general manager's mansion has enough food and food, and their stomachs are round after eating, and several of them can only leave the general manager's mansion crying because they are too full to digest. .

so sad.
If the common people in the Jingzhou area were like this, Yang Ming had to take care of some of them.

I dare not say that they can be allocated the whole field according to the system, at least half of it should be there.

So where have all the fields gone?Who was exploited layer by layer?

Yang Ming sent someone to Yuan Wendu to ask the other party about the progress of the investigation of the Wen family's acres.

Although less than half of them have been investigated so far, the clues that Yuan Wendu has roughly estimated that the four branches of the Wen family have at least 40 acres of land, which is [-] mu.

This is just a small family, a small family that doesn't appear on the stage.

How many families are there in Gangneung County?How many people in the government are exploiting the people's fields?
But Yang Ming knew in his heart that even though he was the king of the county, it would not be easy to liquidate the clan in the Jiangling area.

Unlike inspectors, who come to check and pat their ass and leave.

If he really pushes these aristocratic families into a hurry, maybe there will be big troubles.

So this kind of thing can only be done slowly, one by one.

It is not an easy task to check the farmland. The Wen family's farmland is distributed in ten counties around Jiangling, of which Songzi County, his hometown, has the most.

It took a lot of effort for the group of people sent by Yuan Wendu to travel back and forth in ten counties.

After another ten days, the new treasury was completed, and after the laborers kowtowed in the direction of Yang Ming's bedroom to thank them, they received some extra rewards and left reluctantly.

With their departure, the news of Yang Ming's generous treatment of the laborers was spread.

It was May, and Jiangling County was extremely hot, and the weather was muggy, with no rain for many days.

Yang Ming was enjoying the shade under a willow tree in the back garden, and Yang Yinjiang was by his side.

At this time, Yuanwen came,
"He Chou and the others have already gone to Zhijiang County, but things are not going well. Some local farmers are obstructing the investigation, and there have been several conflicts with He Chou's people."

Yang Ming lay on the rocking chair, frowned and said, "Farmer?"

Yuan Wendu said: "It should not be a real farmer. My subordinates guess that most of the people sent by the Wen family pretend to be farmers and obstruct the investigation."

Yang Ming asked again: "Are there any casualties?"

"Not yet, but if this continues, casualties are inevitable," Yuan Wendu said.

Ordinary farmers would not fight against the officers and soldiers. Even if they were oppressed again, they would just endure it. Besides, it was a good thing for farmers to check their fields, and they would definitely not stop them.

At this time, Yang Yinjiang spoke:

"Inform your people, don't use force anymore. The common people don't know whether these farmers are real or fake. If they see you fighting with each other, they may be used by those who want to scare you, and the situation will inevitably expand."

This is the reason why Yang Ming likes Yang Yinjiang. This girl is not only smart, but the key is to understand the general situation.

In particular, she would always stand in Yang Ming's perspective and think for Yang Ming.

The common people are very simple and easily deceived. If the propaganda is not in place, He Chou's investigation in Zhijiang County will inevitably encounter greater resistance.

So Yang Ming said: "Send a letter to He Chou to suspend the investigation and ask them to go to the Zhijiang County Office to say hello, and the county magistrate will issue an announcement and spread it to the townships, saying that the general manager's office will check the acres of land. Hand it over to the townships to re-grant the land to the people."

Yuan Wendu was taken aback, and exclaimed, "This plan is brilliant."

In this way, anyone who obstructs the investigation will be making things difficult for the local people, and they don't need to do anything at all, and the people will drive away those troublemakers.

Yuan Wendu received the order and left cheerfully.

Yang Yinjiang walked over, looked at Yang Ming's face repeatedly, and said charmingly:

"How did you do it and think of this idea in such a short time? Your reaction is too fast."

Yang Ming pointed to his head and said with a smile, "The brain is easy to use."

"I agree," Yang Yinjiang said with a smile, "That's why I like you."

Don't confess, Yang Ming changed the subject and said, "Don't you want to go home after you've been away from the capital for so long?"

"Which family?" Yang Yinjiang asked slyly.

Yang Ming was stunned and said, "How many homes do you have?"

Yang Yinjiang smiled and took the time to say:

"A woman actually has only one family in her life, and that is her husband's family, because there are husbands and children there. As for her mother's family, it is just a temporary residence when she was young. I will not be included in the genealogy, and my name will only be with me after a hundred years. The husband's name is engraved on the inscription together."

"The one engraved on the inscription is the first wife," Yang Ming teased.

Yang Yinjiang didn't take it seriously: "The world is ever-changing, life's chances are unpredictable, how do you know that I won't be your wife in the future?"

Yang Ming smiled and said, "Your surname is Yang, and I am also surnamed Yang."

"Then I'll change my surname," Yang Yinjiang said directly without thinking.

Yang Ming was taken aback, and said, "You're ruthless!"

(End of this chapter)

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