Emperor Sui Yang

Chapter 127 Heroes

Chapter 127 Heroes
Eldest brother Yang Zhao said in his letter that after his father entered the East Palace, he would go to the table to say: All the officials in the East Palace are His Majesty's subjects, and the sons and ministers have no virtue and dare not presume, please allow your Majesty. Nor is he a minister.

Yang Jian approved what he played.

Yang Ming couldn't help admiring in his heart, this matter was done really beautifully.

What the old man meant was that the officials of the East Palace were also Yang Jian's subjects, so Yang Guang didn't dare to allow him to be a subject to him, and he didn't wear the prince's crown to go to court, trying to keep a low profile.

In this way, Yang Jian will feel that his son's coveting of the throne is not in a hurry and does not pose a threat to himself, so he will feel more at ease with Yang Guang.

The East Palace does not claim to be a minister to the prince, but only respects Yang Jian, with a clear distinction between superiority and inferiority. Compared with the former prince Yong, Yang Jian will naturally feel that he has not chosen the wrong person.

It seems that my worries about my father are superfluous, he is very good at dealing with things, and knows that he should be a man with his tail between his legs.

Historically, Papa was labeled as a tyrant, but no one said he was a fool. Most of his evaluations were: his steps are too big.

Zhou Zhongmou, who was originally placed in Jiujiang County, also came to see Yang Ming after he heard that Yang Ming had taken office in Jingzhou.

Jiujiang County is one of the 22 counties in Jingzhou, and it is currently Yang Ming's territory. It is far away from Jiangling County, nearly a thousand miles away.

Zhou Zhongmou sailed all the way from Jiujiang, upstream, and arrived at Jiangling after traveling for nearly a month. Now the big five-toothed ship is docked at Jingzhou Port.

Originally, Yang Ming was still worrying about how to settle the Five Fangs, but now he has figured out a way.

Of the remaining ten Wuya ships of the Sui Dynasty, three were in Badong County, two were in Xiangyang County, and five were in Jiangdu County.

And Xiangyang County is also under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Jingzhou. It is located in the north of Jiangling County, very close.

After the Sui eradicated Chen, Yang Jian was afraid of the southern separatist regime, so he divided the navy into three parts, stopping in Yizhou, Jingzhou, and Yangzhou respectively. His three sons also served as the chief of the navy and supervised the navy.

And until now, the navy has not added a new warship, and even the maintenance costs are often not allocated in place. The fear is that someone will take advantage of the warship to monopolize the waterway and cause damage to the states and counties on both sides of the strait.

The number of water bandits on the Yangtze River is staggering. If these people own warships like the Wuya Ship and the Yellow Dragon Ship, they can occupy the states and counties on both sides of the river and form a local force that is difficult to destroy.

Now that Zhou Zhongmou came with the boat, Yang Ming planned to let him continue to go north, cross the river and enter the Hanshui River, and then enter Xiangyang County to join the navy.

In this way, one's own ship can be maintained on official wages, saving a sum of money.

Jiangling County faces the Yangtze River in the south, and the Xiangyang navy is in the Hanshui River, so you must walk from Jiangxia to enter the navy station.

In the Sui Dynasty, there was no special navy government office, but was under the jurisdiction of the military government, so the Xiangyang navy was under the Xiangyang Hussar government.

Under the hussar mansion, there is a general of hussars, a general of chariots, and another general, a long history, and a soldier Cao Canjun.

And Zhou Zhongmou will take the warrant of the general manager's office and take up the post of Cao Canjun, a soldier of the Hussars in Xiangyang, which belongs to airborne.

As for the original soldier Cao Canjun, he was transferred to another military mansion to fill the vacancy.


Yuan Guangqing was placed in a secret room, crying with a beautiful woman,

"When the King of Hedong first came to Jiangling, he beat your younger brother to death, and now he is sending people around to investigate the Wen family's fields. This is obviously aimed at the county lieutenant. Daughter, you must let Wen Junwei think of a way."

Yang Yinjiang beat his own son to death, but he put it on Yang Ming's head.

He really thinks highly of himself, what makes him think that the dignified county king will target him as a common man?
The woman of the Yuan family also has long hair and short knowledge, and she heard the words: "Don't worry, my husband, the husband has sent people to Jinyang, and the Han Palace will send people to deal with it in a short time. A child from the King of Hedong, in the face of His Highness the King of Han, resolutely Will not target us again."

"However." Yuan said sadly: "The deceased has passed away, father should still mourn."

She was very clear that her younger brother was beaten to death by the people in the general manager's mansion, it was a death for nothing, just like their family usually killed ordinary people or slaves, there was no place to explain it.

Yuan Guangqing also understood this point, if he wanted to complain, he would blame his son for being domineering in Jiangling, with the backing of his brother-in-law, no one dared to take care of him.

At this time, Wei Wenhui of Jiangling County came back, and after seeing Yuan Guangqing, he was furious:
"It's all your son's good deeds. I don't know how many times I have been scolded by Mr. Murong these days. Now I don't dare to go to the county government office. As long as the county guard sees it, I will definitely be scolded. Go back, don't lie It affects my mood."

Yuan Guangqing was scolded, but he still left with a smile on his face.

Don't think he is Wenhui's father-in-law, but people never take him seriously.

After his father left, the Yuan family rushed to Wen Hui's back, rubbed his shoulders and said:
"Your husband is angry, so why bother to get angry with your own people? It's not my concubine's grandpa who went after our fields, why are you angry at him?"


Wen Hui slapped his wife's face, and said angrily, "Who gave you the guts to criticize me? If I hadn't seen you give birth to a son for me, I would have kicked you a long time ago. Get out of here!" !"

Yuanshi covered her hot cheeks, retreated to the corner of the room, covered her face and wept,

"Crying for your mother's head," Wen Hui refused to let go, and kicked his wife's lower abdomen, kicking Yuan Shi to the ground, wailing in pain.

Usually he also beats his wife, but not as hard as today.

Because he was in a fit of anger today, news came from his hometown of Songzi County that the people from the general manager's mansion had gone deep into the village to check the fields under the name of their Wen family.

And the goal is very clear, no one else will check, only check their home.

It was obvious that the new little guy was after him.

What is the reason?I gave a lot of congratulatory gifts on the day of the New Year's Eve, why did you take me for a knife?
The more he thought about it, the more upset he became, and the more confused he became, Wen Hui simply sent someone to find his cousin Wen Zheng to discuss the countermeasures.

If something happened to him, Wenzheng would not be able to escape. He has more than 1000 Qingdi under his name, and Wenzheng has [-] Qingdi in recent years.

That night, several members of the older generation of the Wen clan gathered together with Wenhui and Wenzheng brothers to discuss.

Among them, Wen Hui's elderly father, Wen Da, said:

"There is no need to be impatient. Soldiers come to cover the water and soil. There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome. It seems that although the King of Hedong is young, he has a big appetite. Let's get together with the big guys. Don't be reluctant. Let's get a big one and give it to him. Go, and get this trouble out of the way."

Wen Hui sneered when he heard the words: "Grandpa is confused, the part of our filial piety to His Royal Highness King Han every year has already accounted for half of the entire clan's revenue, where is the money to honor the new land lord, all the money is given away, Shall we all drink the northwest wind?"

"Brother's words are right. Now I really don't have much money in my treasury." Jiangling County Wei Wenzheng cried poorly and said, "The family is big and the business is big, and the annual expenses are already stretched. No."

"Me neither," Wen Hui immediately followed up.

"OK OK."

Wen Yi, who had followed Yang Liang in his northern expedition to Goguryeo, raised his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, then looked at the helpless clansmen in the room, and said with a sneer:

"First of all, we have to find a way to let the King of Hedong know our relationship with His Highness the King of Han. In this way, he will naturally weigh the pros and cons. Although King Jin has already entered the East Palace, King Hedong is only the third son. He still has to watch."

Wen Hui frowned and said, "That old Murong Sanzang, I'm afraid I've already mentioned it, I heard that the King of Hedong often calls him for inquiries."

"Impossible, if I really said it, it wouldn't be the current situation," Wen Yi said in a leisurely manner, "The King of Han is his own uncle, and if he checks our fields, he will check the King of Han. Do you think it's possible?"

Then, Wen Yi said in a more emphatic tone: "Is there any trouble with my family when I just took office? Are there such people in the world?"

How not?If you die, I will definitely eat your share, Wen Hui nodded and said:
"Uncle's words are justified. King Hedong is still a naive child, and he does not know how to do things properly. If he knows about our relationship with King Han's Mansion, he should forgive us."

Then, Wen Hui looked at his uncle Wen Yi: "My nephew is only a small county captain, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to visit others, but my uncle is an elder in our Jiangling area, and he used to work under His Highness the King of Han. If you go there , should not be rejected, you see."

"Okay, okay. I understand what you mean," Wen Yi said with a proud face: "Let the old man go to the general manager's mansion in person, and meet the King of Hedong for a while."

"Thank you uncle (brother)," everyone echoed.

The next day, Wen Yi prepared some more gifts, and then drove to the governor's mansion.

When Yang Liang became the governor of Jingzhou, he served as the head of the governor's mansion. He also went north with several brothers to conquer Goguryeo, but among the four brothers, he was the only one who came back alive.

Although he didn't die, his body was injured, and his lower body was disabled, so that the Wen family, which was supposed to be in charge of him, was now in the hands of his nephew Wen Hui.

Wen Yi is 53 years old this year, and in the Jiangling market, he is called Wen Gong.

In the Sui Dynasty, not only the Duke of the State, the Duke of the County, and the Duke of the County can be called the Duke, but there are two other types. One is a person who has made contributions to the country. , can also be called public.

In some dynasties in history, the younger generation also called the elders the public, but not in the Sui Dynasty, which was called the old man.

Wen Yi, on the other hand, is a man of high morals and respect in the Jiangling area, so he can be called a public servant. The reason why people are so respected and respected is basically because people are afraid of his power and want to flatter him.

For example, the Wen family was born as a commoner, but because of the relationship between Han Wang Yang Liang, there were seven or eight members of the family who became officials. With official positions, the number of land and slaves they owned would increase.

But the increase is not much. The real many are those who have Lords, and only Yang Jian can seal Lords.

Officials like Wen Yi, who belong to the general manager's government, are Cong Bapin, and the increased acres are not Yongye fields, but job-sharing fields, and you will be given a maximum of [-] acres.

The job-sharing field is to give you some land according to your position, and the land rent is regarded as your extra salary. When you quit, the job-sharing field will be taken back and used as the government's public land.

Relying on the King of Han's relationship, Wen Yi's tenure in Jiangling County has not yet been repaid. How dare he go to see Yang Ming?

Yang Ming is also happy, I like this kind of hero.

let him come!
(End of this chapter)

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