Star Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 156 Eat 1 Round of Slaughtering Light Spear to See Your Strength

Chapter 156 Eat a Round of Killing Edge Light Spear to See Your Strength

In the starry sky with a trace of purple glow in the darkness, a fierce fleet battle is erupting!

Hundreds of light spears wreaked havoc, and dense light beams covered almost every corner of the surrounding starry sky, and the strong shock wave shattered the scattered asteroids around.

One of them is thousands of black battleships with at least [-] meters in length, exuding thick purple air, and twisted and strange hulls.

Surrounded by millions of disgustingly twisted meme-tainted creatures.

The other side is the Eternal Truth Fleet headed by Eternity!
"How did you encounter the meme-distorted biome of the Chaos Fleet?" Qing Yang had a headache.

Chaos Fleet.

Either it was created by believers of Chaos, or various Chaos demons manifested projections with their own power, or simply those powerful demons temporarily pulled the "existence" of the damaged battleship from the regular space to reality for temporary combat.

The three are not very easy to deal with. The former is at least equivalent to the standard of a seventh-level civilization or even an elite warship, and the latter two have certain high-dimensional lethality.

An attack level of 20 or [-] is just the beginning, and an attack index of [-] or [-] is very common.

For example, Qingyang faced seven or eight thousand warships, and the quality of the panel data was even higher than that of the Eternal Fleet.

Controlling the fleet to switch back and forth between instant warp and instant blur, Qingyang looked at the star map, and Chang Xi was responsible for the specific bombardment and enemy tracking.

"The ancient star, with the Extraordinary troops, the individual mechanical army, two thousand blazing battleships, and one hundred star destroyers, went to the target planet first."

Qingyang ordered, looking at the continuous emergence of meme-polluted creatures and thousands of powerful chaos warships, with a dignified tone.

"We may have a little delay."


Gu Xing immediately took the order to leave, and in a moment, more than 2000 warships quickly left through the data network channel temporarily constructed by the star network.

The subspace, to be precise, is the subspace of Hope Great World.

In fact, it is a mixed area of ​​the standard sub-space and dark space of the macrocosm, but because the barrier is too weak, it is more related to the regular space of the world.

The two standard superluminal spaces that lead to Hope World are often filled with all kinds of high-dimensional energy turbulence, and even encounter the appearance of dark rules from time to time!
Even through this layer of chaotic subspace, the rule wills that are extremely difficult to interfere with reality can increase the means of interfering with reality.

And it can directly absorb the power of will from reality to support its own rule strength.

What power of will is the most extensive and easy to absorb?

No doubt, war, greed, evil, death, lust
In short, because the subspace is too close to the regular space, unless it is protected by the same level of power, even the T6 fleet will be dangerous to sail through the chaotic subspace.

Therefore, the star network did not lay various auxiliary networks here at the first time, but built a set of data network channels in Hope World as quickly as possible.

The first is to facilitate the high-speed navigation of the army, and the second is to form a barrier between the subspace and the regular space, reducing the interference and demands of the gods of the regular space on reality.

Without the constant blessing from the dark and corrupt power of countless lives, the dark rule group will naturally gradually become equal to the strength of other rule groups in the world correction.

The power of the four dark gods will be greatly weakened by then.

It is estimated that the complete completion of the data network channel will take about a year, during which those high-dimensional demons and divinities will desperately stop it.

The Eternity trembled slightly, and Qingyang came back to his senses, ignoring the surrounding memetic pollutants scurrying among the dense spears of the Eternal Fleet.

Looking straight at the iron-blooded flagship in the enemy fleet, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Except for that battleship, the other battleships are all high-dimensional manifestations, completely simulating the shields, guns, and power parameters of real battleships. In fact, the interior is just an empty shell.

Of course, in order to conform to the rules of reality, their shields and armor are no different from the template warships, and they have to be broken.

"If you can't directly interfere with reality, do you just use this method?" Qingyang was not surprised.

The four dark divinities are, to some extent, the embodiment of the will of this world, and it is too easy for illusion to become reality.

But the flagship, the ship of the Chaos Warriors.
Presumably there will be a space jump, right?Or the kind of rough straight smashing jumping?
Qingyang was a little curious, he was not worried about either.

Space jumping, the hidden function of the wall of the god star comes with powerful space suppression, unless the space technology reaches a high-dimensional level, it will not be able to enter at all.

There is no such thing as a direct smashing, data-based battleship. There is no such thing as a breach in the hull. Either all of them are destroyed, or there will be no gaps at all.

"Put into the arms of the blood god! Soul returns to the blood seat!"

"Death is salvation, alien humans, darkness and despair are the only tone of the universe!"


Why are the voices of the group of Ma De bewitching others so ugly? What are the bewitched creatures thinking about?
Qingyang frowned and turned on the sound insulation of the armor, and sneered.

"The words are so forceful, let's eat a round of Killing Edge Lance first to see the strength!"

Using the judgment method of the Astronomical Torch Empire, each shot of the Star Destroyer Light Spear that has been strengthened by multiple layers is a proper level of extinction order.

In an instant, hundreds of bright starry light spears suddenly spanned several light seconds, and charged directly at the flagship of the Chaos Fleet!

The actual lethality and attack strength of the Eternal Fleet, which has mostly passive skills, far exceeds that shown by the energy level index.

Plain battlefield.

Several gigantic mechas of several kilometers fell to the ground like a mountain range. Among the smoke and dust in front of them, more mechas with the church on top were constantly firing.

Underneath are densely packed armored soldiers and space fighters.

Fighting against the twisted enemies that keep pouring into the battlefield, there are rotten meat mountains and crazy little monsters everywhere.

The horrible war and death didn't seem to make them feel the slightest fear, and they didn't even care.

"The God-Emperor is on top." At the forefront of the battle line, a taller black-armored space warrior muttered inwardly.

The huge war blade in his hand surged with black and blue psionic arcs.

And his enemy was a green-skinned monster tens of meters high, like a mountain of meat, with a ferocious huge mouth on its stomach.

With a roar, countless flesh and blood emerged from the ground around the huge mountain of meat, turning into tentacles of hundreds of meters and rushing towards the space soldier.

Arc light flickered, blood and flesh splattered everywhere.

The terrifying spiritual energy storm rushed straight to the ten thousand meter high sky!

Among the more than a hundred huge nest cities, a large number of soldiers of the Imperial Army with rifles walked on the streets and among various alleys.

There was a look of nervousness and fear on his face.

War of demons, demon armies, demon armies and legions.

Things that are difficult for ordinary people to see in their lifetime happened under their noses, and they knew how terrifying the devil was through various news.

Even in the rear, there is a touch of fear in my heart.

This is true for the soldiers of the imperial army who have experienced many battles, not to mention the low-level civilians in the city.

It is not easy to barely maintain sanity.

In the city closest to the battlefield, dozens of soldiers walked through the middle streets of the city.

The leader looked at the majestic church at the highest point of the city, and the soldiers felt a little more at ease. As long as the church is still there, there will be no major problems!
"The Emperor's Protection!"

Suddenly, the captain's eyes narrowed.

I saw a group of blue-armored space fighters running towards an area in the distance.

It seems to be the entrance to the lower city?
No!Don't think about it!Can't be curious!
The captain immediately withdrew his gaze and continued to patrol carefully with his soldiers, feeling nervous inside.

The officer who was setting up defenses on the high wall looked helplessly at the patrol squad that appeared and disappeared in the city.

If they are defeated on the frontal battlefield, the ordinary imperial army in the hive capital will not even be able to stop it.

"The storm squads directly under each regiment have already entered the lower hive?" The officer looked at the servant flying in the air.

Because of the omnic rebellion and extreme exclusionism, the empire has since switched to biological technologies such as cloning brains to manufacture smart-like devices.

That's right, the flying data terminal in front of you actually has a human brain inside.

"Yes, pollution and invasion have gradually infiltrated the lower hive city, and the activities of the plague believers have been confirmed. The high-level has dispatched a team of space fighters to deal with it."

The servitor replied sternly.

The officer nodded, his expression was not panicked by the arrival of the devil.

Pulling out the gun, he fired again at the rotting corpse that suddenly appeared next to him.

Frowning and looking at the church at the top of the hive, what are those psykers doing?The speed of pollution is a bit unreasonable.

boom! !

A violent shock wave suddenly rises from afar.

"The Titan's shield is overloaded again."


Two huge mechas that looked like alloy mountains crashed to the ground, their thick legs were completely corroded, and strange lines and flesh and blood squirmed in the corrosion.

However, the weapon system of the huge fallen mecha was still in operation, and it fired wildly at the surrounding area where the enemy troops gathered.

Many flesh and blood monsters twisted their bodies and entered the fallen mecha through the gap.

The Titan mecha, which is comparable to a city, is itself a battlefield.

The black-armored soldier panted heavily, looking at the huge Roshan monster that fell to the ground in front of him and the scorched earth around him, he suddenly tore off his lower armor and coughed up a lot of blood.

The blood immediately coagulated and scabbed.

Under the mask was a heroic yet rough face, with determination and murderous intent in his eyes.

Three golden glitters on the forehead shine brightly.

Smashing a squawking monster with an elbow, the black-armored warrior touched the symbol on his chest and silently recited the name of the emperor again.

Pick up the huge war blade and rush to the battlefield!
In addition to hundreds of huge Titan mechas, there are also various small and medium-sized mechas on the battlefield that seem to be outdated but are actually all psychic technology, fighting with a powerful fighter.

In the fierce explosion and shock wave, it is even difficult to tell where the friendly forces are.

The orbit of the huge planet flickered past with a burst of invisible particle fluctuations.

More than 2000 huge warships appeared.

Gu Xing looked at the panel and frowned: "14 kilometers in diameter?"

According to the star structure strength of Hope Great World, a light spear with an attack index of at least 30 is needed to smash it.

Originally, I thought about saving humans and directly destroying the stars, but now it seems that I really need to land and fight.

With just one glance, Gu Xing saw an incomparably huge ground battlefield.

The smoke has spread to hundreds of millions of square kilometers!
(End of this chapter)

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