History of Hong Kong Island

Chapter 242 Opening the Gate of Power

Chapter 242 Opening the Gate of Power

"Been taught a lesson."

Gao Yongsheng did not dare to neglect, and bowed to show respect.

Jian Le forced a smile, flicked the cigarette ash, and winked to the side. After all the good words, the code was opened, and it was time for someone to put pressure on it.

Mai Jingtao immediately said: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether you agree or not. First of all, I will definitely choose your candidate for the next serious case team leader. Secondly, if you don't agree, I can make a big news to you." Inspector Ho."

"Do you think Inspector He knows that you killed Li Chaohua, and with his character, will he let you go?"

Mai Jingtao smiled confidently: "Sooner or later there will be a fight between you, why don't you do things for us?"

He asked He Dingxian to sell arms on the table, which does not mean that he will not engage in suppression.

In his opinion, it is the best result for He Dingxian to lose all his strength, receive a salary on a cold bench, and concentrate on selling goods for him.

Therefore, it is necessary to cut He Dingxian's wings.

Gao Yongsheng's face became very ugly, and suddenly he realized that the ghost had already dug a hole for him, so he froze immediately and stopped talking.

Jian Leqiang raised Erlang's legs, leaned on the sofa, smoked a cigar, looked at Gao Yongsheng and said, "What's the matter?"

"Is it difficult to do things for us!"

"Or is it that the conditions offered by me and Sir Mai are not favorable enough?" Jian Leqiang waved the cigar with his hand, and smiled at the corner of his mouth. Mai Jingtao's expression was suddenly displeased, and he looked at Gao Yongsheng and said, "Hurry up!"

In front of real big shots, Gao Yongsheng, as a wage earner, has no room to resist at all.

"Yes, sir!"

"Work for the police force!" Ten seconds later, he stood at attention and saluted, shouting a slogan.

Jian Leqiang smiled and waved: "Gao sir, come, sit beside me and drink tea."

Gao Yongsheng walked towards the sofa step by step.

"We work together, we can only win, we can't lose."

Gao Yongsheng took the cup of tea from Jian Leqiang, and his heart was very complicated. It is undeniable that power fascinates him, ambition makes him restless, and He sir makes him fear, but what is fear is more attractive to challenge!

There is no doubt about the strength of Jian Leqiang and Mai Jingtao, a Chinese legislator and a police commissioner.

With two people as backers, he does have the capital to try the challenge, but so far, he still doesn't know what the goal is.

"Gao sir, replace wine with tea, and I propose a toast to you." Jian Leqiang and Mai Jingtao toasted together, and Gao Yongsheng also toasted each other. As for the matter of the congressman, please."

"I hope the police force can help with something."

Although Gao Yongsheng didn't know what Jian Leqiang wanted the police force to do, he immediately realized the twists and turns: "The cause of everything is the Legislative Council seat!"

"He Dingxian and the Luo Wenjin family have a substantial marriage relationship, and will definitely support the Luo Wenjin family with all their strength. Therefore, if the Jian Leqiang family wants to compete, they can only find another way to support new representatives in the police force."

"Mai sir wanted to continue to weaken He Dingxian's strength. The two hit it off. After the transfer of benefits, they started to cooperate. I was the first chess piece they drew."

As for why Jian Leqiang cooperated with Mai Jingtao?

Chinese councilors are Chinese representatives, and it is true that they want to fight for the interests of the Chinese. It is also true that Chinese councilors are appointed by ghosts, and they want to work for ghosts.

If you want to get ahead in the colony, you are walking on stilts. Whoever cooperates with you will be on which side.

Gao Yongsheng can also see that Jian Leqiang took great pains to pull him into the game, which means that the Jian family is in a weak position in the political contest, and the strong don't need to use conspiracy!Judging from the fact that the Luo Wenjin family is as immobile as a mountain, waiting for helpers to come to the door, the Luo Wenjin family is the strongest!
Therefore, it is extremely risky to help Jian Leqiang, but they make the rules of the game. Gao Yongsheng is also a weak person, unable to join the strong side, and can only bet on the weak side.

Others have chosen him, and he has no choice.

"Mr. Jian is very polite. If you need help with anything, just let me know." Gao Yongsheng showed the attitude of a seasoned politician, calmly, and said: "I have a piece of news to tell Sir Mai."


Mai Jingtao felt very interesting, his face seemed to be listening, and the more he listened, the more serious his face became.

the next day.

The senior superintendent of the anti-corruption office, Hao Defu, reported in the conference room: "Mai sir, in view of the excellent performance of the Wanchai anti-corruption office, I would like to transfer Chief Inspector William and Senior Inspector He Tingxian to the main office in Tai Kwun."

He felt that with McIntosh's style of doing things, he would not interfere with the internal transfer of the department. However, McIntosh, who was in the main position, frowned and asked aloud: "Since you have performed well in Wanchai, why don't you stay in Wanchai?" Continue to work?"

"The anti-corruption department is a department that needs to be deeply cultivated. It is necessary to have a deep understanding of the police station where it is located. You must know that it is not easy to take root in a police station."

Hao Defu looked astonished, and replied: "Daguan needs to recruit some talents."

"I understand."

Mai Jingtao no longer refuted, but said: "The Anti-Corruption Office has just completed its staffing, and it really needs to enrich some management personnel. Transfers and promotions are very common."

"Transfer William to Tai Kwun, and He Tingxian can stay in Wan Chai."

It is no longer possible for him to let any Dingxian return to Tai Kwun.

Seeing that the decision had been made, Hao Defu could not refute, so he nodded: "yes, sir."

Unexpectedly, Sir He, who was highly recommended, was not transferred to the Tai Kwun. Instead, Sir William, who was a foil, entered the Tai Kwun. Sir Mai’s attitude was very strange today. Get up, feel the atmosphere is a bit delicate, be vigilant!
Never fall into the political trap.

He intends to say no more.

Mai Jingtao looked around and said to the heads of the departments directly under him and the two deputy directors: "In order to support the Governor-General's plan of Hong Kong's people governing Hong Kong and free development, I have decided to vigorously promote the entry of Chinese police officers into major departments." department."

"Such as Intelligence Section, Safety Section, Explosion-proof Response Team, Disciplinary Section, Traffic Team, License Section, Marine Police District and Training Team, etc." internal security.

The anti-explosion response team is the strongest action force in the hands of the ghosts. It is composed of all retired British troops. It has repeatedly made outstanding achievements in the previous Chinese uprisings.

The Disciplinary Section was the predecessor of the Complaints Section, the Traffic Team, the Licensing Section and other departments are now all ghosts.

These departments are not only vacancies, but also the core of the operation of the police force. Although the number of people is small, they are important. Ghosts may not have a criminal team, a military uniform team, or a serious crime team. At worst, there will be chaos on the streets. Manpower can still be recruited again.

Because, Gui Lao controls the core structure of the operation of the police force system, that is, power, such as the military uniform team, the criminal team, and the serious crime team. Although there are many people, they are purely thugs.

Although the big hands are united, it is powerful, but without the support of other departments, the strength cannot function!

Today, Sir Mai announced that he wants Chinese to enter various departments on a large scale. Does he want to fully open the power of the police force to the Chinese?
Zhuo Weikai, the deputy director of management, felt in his heart that the chief was going crazy, but on the surface he didn't speak. He observed the situation carefully, and Jian Baoning, the deputy director of operations, retorted: "Mr. As far as the department is concerned, the Chinese police are not easy to mobilize.”

"Especially in the operation to suppress unrest, although the criminal team and the military uniform team have performed well, the collective will is still not high."

"If there is no anti-explosive team to supervise the battle, some operations will be difficult to advance. It is fine to use Chinese police officers to maintain law and order, solve crimes, even fight corruption, and intervene in administration, but the only thing is that Chinese police officers cannot fill the operation department."

In fact, the reorganization of the police force in the 70s allowed Chinese to enter all departments of the police force and handed over most of the power of the police force. This has a unique historical background.

Firstly, the ancestors needed to quell the riots of the Chinese police. Secondly, the population of Hong Kong Island had exceeded 300 million at that time, and the police force needed to continue to expand. It was difficult to recruit qualified British police officers. After the police turmoil, many British police officers applied again. Back to the ancestral home.

Simply put, there are not enough people, so we have to open up power.

We haven't reached that point yet, and the military faction will never allow Chinese police to step into the territory again, but Mai Jingtao gave everyone a reassurance: "We will not expand the recruitment of Chinese police on a large scale, only in the police force. Small-scale internal transfers are carried out, and some low-level positions are tentatively released.”

"The number of Chinese police officers on Hong Kong Island has already far exceeded that of British police officers, and it is foreseeable that the proportion will increase. Can you still go to Singapore, Malaysia, India, and Weihai to recruit police officers?" Former Hong Kong Island Police Force Police officers can be recruited in other colonies and concessions, but now they are either lost or are about to lose them. Regardless of the strong winds and waves on Hong Kong Island and the rise of the Chinese, it is relatively stable compared to other colonies.

Because Hong Kong Island has a short opening time and a small population, it is easy to rule.

"Instead of concentrating the Chinese police on Hong Kong Island in three departments, it is better to disperse the strength of the Chinese police and at the same time put some British police officers in." Mai Jingtao wants to achieve the level that you are in you and you are in me, so that He Dingxian couldn't use some tricks.

As the saying goes, blocking is worse than sparse.

I didn't know He Dingxian's political goals before, but now I know it, and I have time to make some political defenses.

Zhuo Weikai, the deputy director of management, heard the words, and he thought so deeply, saying: "I support Sir Mai's decision."


Jian Baoning no longer insisted, because the military background needs to be wise and safe, and the top three members of the police force jointly stated that they decided to wait for the official signature to be issued, which can be implemented immediately.

After the meeting, Ge Bai returned to the office, thinking about it, but immediately made a phone call: "He sir, do you have time to have a cup of coffee together?"

How could He Dingxian refuse the invitation of an old friend, and he readily accepted the appointment: "Of course, I will go to Causeway Bay in the afternoon, and there is a new coffee shop there."

"Okay." Ge Bai hung up the phone, thinking about how to tell Sir He and how to maximize the benefits
He Dingxian was thinking about how much money he should bring so that Ge Bai could spit out all the information.

Sir Ge would not ask him to have coffee with him if he was fine, but when he was in urgent need of support, he secretly felt that the two things were related.

(End of this chapter)

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