Chapter 145 Interlude A Guest Returns to Bo'an
As a well-known music and tourism city, Bai'an City always has a steady stream of tourists coming here throughout the year.As the land ship port is the only transportation hub with the outside world, the flow of people is naturally indispensable.

A land-ship from Tiandu arrived at the dock 5 minutes ago, and a dense crowd poured out of the land-ship. People rushed towards the detection port, fearing that they would only be at the end of the line if they were late. .

Of course, there will also be passengers who are not so anxious, and walk slowly with the mentality that it is useless to be anxious.This is the case for a woman wearing sunglasses. She has empty hands and no luggage on her body, hanging behind the crowd and strolling calmly.

"Hey, look over there, does that girl look familiar?"

In the waiting hall, a couple who were chatting inadvertently glanced at the crowd coming out of the land ship. The woman's eyes were brighter, and she pointed to the end of the crowd and said.

"Who?" The man belatedly looked in the direction the woman said.

"That girl, the one wearing sunglasses, the tall one!"

The woman patted his hand: "I don't think she looks like that famous's the one your friend likes very much, the one from Dongying Prefecture!"

"Dongyingzhou...he likes it, but I don't like it. I don't know what you say."

"You should know if you don't like it. The big star on TV every day, I remember what it's called. It's called Ma...Mali?"

The woman said while thinking, and after a while she said urgently: "Ah, it's a corner! I can't see it!"

"I told you I don't know, and I can't see it."

The man searched the crowd for a while, but in the end he couldn't see who the woman was talking about, so he had no choice but to comfort him: "Okay, okay, if you didn't see it, you didn't see it, anyway, it won't look better than you of."

The woman who was still a little bit lost suddenly raised her spirits: "Oh, I love to hear this, can you say a few more words?"

The young couple immediately returned to the sweet atmosphere of you and me.

Episodes like this are constantly being staged in the port, and many people have also noticed this ordinary-looking woman in sunglasses, but most people can't judge the identity of the woman through the sunglasses, they just feel so A little familiar.

The woman in sunglasses walked out of the port freely, and got into a car that had been waiting outside the port.

In the end, the woman came to the old city by car, and got off the car at the entrance of an old piano shop in a hurry.She turned her head and waved lightly to the driver's seat, and strode into the piano store.

In the piano store, behind the counter, a girl with light blonde curly hair was lying on the table, sleeping soundly.

Seeing this, the woman showed a slightly doting smile, stepped forward, reached out and patted the girl's cheek lightly.

Her actions woke the girl up, and she looked at the woman sleepily.It seemed that it was because the identity of the visitor was a bit special, so she paused for a while, and after carefully identifying it for a while, she was a little puzzled and said:
"Sister Mu Tonghao? Why are you here?"

The name "Mulberry Chrysanthemum" made the smiling woman raise her brows, raised her hand, and slapped the girl on the exposed forehead: "Why do you call it human?"

"Wow!" The girl suddenly woke up after being slapped like this, "Why did you hit me!"

"I've told you many times, huh? Even if you can't properly call me 'Teacher', you should at least call me 'Margaret' or 'Sister Yuanxiang'." The woman in sunglasses said seriously.

"But isn't Margaret the chrysanthemum chrysanthemum... The code name given to you by the kingdom is chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, right?"

"It sounds too rustic. A title like 'Margaret' can show my brilliance and beauty?"

Taking off the sunglasses on her face, the woman revealed her eyes: "Come on, my dear disciple, I will give you a chance to change your address."

What is quite amazing is that the woman who was quite mature and cold when wearing sunglasses suddenly revealed a girlish and naive look: the youthful and beautiful appearance seems to be no better than the blond girl at the counter A few years older, and those red eyes are even more captivating.

"It's delicious!"

However, the girl behind the counter didn't give Margaret any face at all: "What are you doing here!"

"What am I doing back here? Isn't it because of your affairs? I heard that my hometown is about to be taken away, so I have to come back and have a look?" Margaret said with her arms around her.

"My hometown? Mu... Sister Yuanxiang, aren't you from the kingdom?" The blond girl said dryly.

"Wherever there is music is my hometown!"

It was easily exposed by the other party, but Margaret responded without embarrassment: "So why are you alone in the piano shop? Where are the lamps and the others?"

"They're out on patrol."

"Patrol, why are you here?"

"I'm in charge of guarding the house..."

The blond girl pointed her fingers and said with a guilty conscience: "Prevent problems in the old city."


"...Because I caused trouble outside and caught the wrong person when I caught the bad guy, so now I'm being grounded by Miss Dengzhan." The blond girl muttered.

"You really like to cause trouble as always." Margaret smiled with a clear face.

"Woo." The blond girl pursed her lips unwillingly.

"Forget it, only you can do it, then do you know what happened in Bo'an City before?"

"Before? Nothing happened, right?"

The blond girl thought about it and said, "Sister Dengzhan disappeared for a few days, but everyone came back in the end."

"It's not 'nothing'."

Margaret corrected: "What happened to the missing lamp? What did she do?"

"do not know."

The blond girl shook her head blankly: "She only said that she got lost in the beast's lair and was delayed for a few days. After defeating the beast, she came out."

"Nest? A chrysalis appeared on Bo'an's side?"

"Probably?" The blond girl held her chin.

"Probably?" Margaret confirmed to her.

"Probably." The blond girl nodded again.

"...Forget it, being confused and reckless is also a cute side."

Feeling helplessly silent for a while, Margaret smiled: "I'm trying to find out what's wrong with me from you, let's talk about it after the lamp comes back."

"Why do I feel that I am suddenly looked down upon?"


"It's not like I don't know everything! Isn't it just the few days when Miss Dengzhan disappeared! The country sent someone here!"

In order to prove that she is not useless, the blond girl thought hard: "What kind of position is it... inspector?"

"Inspector? Hey, big shot."

Margaret touched the ends of her hair with great interest: "It seems that what happened is quite serious. Which inspector is it?"

"Which one... seems to be called Kingfisher?"

"I've never heard of an inspector with this code name."

"That's Sister Yuanxiang, you don't know." She didn't want her answer to be denied, so the blond girl insisted: "Anyway, everyone has come to help, so it can't be a fake."

"That's why you misremembered the name, kingfisher, kingfisher, a patrol envoy with a similar name..."

Reading the code name spoken by the blond girl, Margaret's leisurely expression gradually solidified on her face. She let go of her hand on the tip of her hair, looked at the blond girl, and said slowly:

"—Ah, yes! Delphinium!"

The blond girl slapped the counter: "That's the code name! That's right!"

"Are you sure your name is Delphinium? What does it look like?"

"Just a kid shorter than me."

The blond girl said nonchalantly: "The hair and clothes are blue, and there is a big hat on her head... Huh, Sister Yuanxiang? Why are you smiling so terribly?"

Before she could finish her sentence, she saw a rarely seen bright smile on Margaret's face, and even those deep red eyes seemed to flicker with a trailing light.

"Hmph, Wood Lily." For some reason, she became in a good mood, Margaret smiled and called out the code name of the girl in front of her: "I suddenly thought of something."

"...It doesn't feel like a good thing."

"Why? It's rare that I'm in a good mood. What I want to say is, do you plan to go to other cities?"

"Where?" Mu Lily raised her interest slightly.

Then, she saw Margaret open her mouth and gently spit out a place name:
——"For example, Fangting City?"

(End of this chapter)

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