I didn't intend to become a fairy

Chapter 547 The Messenger's Style

Chapter 547 The Messenger's Style

Indeed, this road is often traveled by demons and ghosts. The Yang Qi has obviously weakened and been replaced by demonic Qi, ghost Qi and Yin evil Qi. Even the sunlight seems to be weaker. Suddenly, I thought I had entered a certain demon country again.

It was still daytime and the sun was shining.

If it were after dark, when the yin energy is at its strongest, I don't know how intrusive it would be to walk on this road.

If an ordinary person is deceived by demons and ghosts and enters here by mistake, things will be better during the day, but if he cannot find a place to stay at night, he will really become a piece of meat on the chopping block of demons and ghosts.

Zhang Yushi couldn't help but look at the Taoist.

However, he saw that the Taoist's expression remained calm, he was leaning on a bamboo, his steps were leisurely and non-stop, and he seemed to have no fear at all.

The face of the calico cat at his feet had been swollen into a pig's head, but it still walked on the ground with small steps. It followed closely at the Taoist's feet and tilted its head to stare at Zhang Yushi.

Zhang Yushi was also very magnanimous and moved forward with his sword in hand.

Like a scholar, but also like a warrior.

The golden rapeseed flowers were reflected red by the setting sun, and the oil-walled carriage beside them also shone with some brilliance in the setting sun.

The mountains ahead seemed very close, but they were far away when walking. This dirt road was almost straight, crossing tens of thousands of acres of rapeseed fields, and the sky became darker and darker as we walked.

By the time we reached the foot of the mountain, the sun had already set behind the mountain. Although it shone thousands of golden lights, covering half of the sky, it was just the last struggle of the day. It was already obviously chilly here.

"It's getting dark, we can't go any further." Zhang Yushi stopped, still stood with his sword in hand, looked around, very vigilant, and said with certainty, "We have arrived at the foot of this mountain, but we are at the foot of the same mountain but we are bigger than It's a lot colder there, and there will definitely be monsters visiting at night, so if you want to be safe, you have to light a bonfire."

After saying that, he ordered the two military attachés and attendants to find firewood.

There are no trees in the mountains and plains behind them, but there is a lot of vegetation on the mountains in front of them, mainly some kind of larch. Both dried pine branches and fallen pine cones are good fuel.

Zhang Yushi then explained to Song You:
"Although there are many demons and ghosts here, although they are rampant, they are mostly little demons and ghosts. Ordinary business travelers may fall into their trap if they are greedy and careless, but for those who are courageous and capable, and will not be easily deceived by them. For those who are well prepared, it is more of a disturbance than a danger. Little demons and ghosts like these would not dare to harm anyone easily during the day, and would only dare to come out at night, but as long as they light a fire next to them, Make sure it stays on all night long and has fire and energy, and then has people watch it all night long to prevent them from harassing it."

Song You smiled and nodded after hearing this, and said:
"What you practice is the Yin method."

Just this sentence made Zhang Yushi stand in awe.

Since ancient times, those who can represent the imperial court as envoys must have knowledge of astronomy and geography. They must also have a dignified appearance, elegance on the inside and magnanimity on the outside, so as not to disgrace the emperor.

Zhang Yushi had also read in an ancient book that most demons and ghosts in the world absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, which is the power of yin and yang.Most of them practice moon worship at night, so there are often folk legends about certain animals that are about to become spirits or worship the moon late at night after becoming spirits.

He was dubious at the time, but it wasn't until many years later that he was sure it was true.

It was only later that I learned that the yang energy is stronger during the day and the yin energy is stronger at night. The demons and ghosts who specialize in yin are more powerful at night and prefer the night. The opposite is true during the day, so many demons and ghosts are active at night.

But this gentleman revealed the mystery in just one sentence.

But looking at his expression, he was still calm.

At this time, the two military attache attendants had already gone into the forest to look for firewood. The young civil servant, like a servant, tied up the horse, untied the carriage horse, and cut the grass nearby while it was still dark.

It's just that the grass here is darker, and for some reason, the three horses don't like to eat it.

On the contrary, the Taoist's bay-red horse ate very well.

What’s even more interesting is that the calico cat following the Taoist had its face swollen almost like a steamed bun, and one of its paws was blistered, but it still went into the forest and came back with pine cones in its mouth.

By the time it got dark, everyone had found a leeward place to sit down, with enough firewood placed next to them to burn the whole night.

Several of the pinecones come from cats.

One of the military attache's attendants piled the firewood into a pile, stretched out his hand to touch his arms, but was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Zhang Yushi:
"The flint fell!"


Zhang Yushi's tone was quite helpless.


The Taoist smiled and didn't say anything. He just raised his bamboo stick and put it into the fire.


A bonfire suddenly lit up.

Several people sat around the campfire, each taking out food to share.

Song You brought grilled naan, Sanhua Empress brought dried loach and rat, and Zhang Yushi brought steamed cakes, which were much softer, as well as some dried meat and honey. Song You asked them for some honey. eat.

Cauliflower honey, full of cauliflower fragrance.

After eating, one of the military attache's attendants went to sleep, probably preparing to take over in the middle of the night, while the other military attache's attendant was always taking care of the firewood.

The young civil servant was not idle either. Instead, he took out a book and pen from the car, looked down at the book carefully by the light of the fire, and used the pen to make two strokes on the book from time to time.Listening to his sometimes muttering, and occasionally turning sideways to whisper to Zhang Yushi for advice, this book should contain the results of their inspection of the generals stationed in the military town here.

Whether you respect the emperor;
How to communicate with local foreigners;
Is there any corruption or bribery?

It's hard for officials these days, especially low-level civil servants who lack background and have low official positions.

Zhang Yushi chatted with Song You.

During this process, the calico cat sat obediently next to the Taoist, facing the fire, raising its paws to lick it from time to time - although its face was a bit funny and swollen, and its big round eyes were also because of Her swollen face was squeezed and she involuntarily half-squinted, looking a little lazy, but looking at her expression, it was clear that she didn't feel anything about it, and she kept staring at a few people.

It was getting late at night, and it was pitch black at the foot of the mountain.

The bonfire can only illuminate a limited area. Beyond this area, the entire mountain forest is pitch black and shadowy. There are often sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling in the distance, and whispers nearby, giving people a sense of the mountain. There are many monsters and monsters hiding in the forest, all of them are spying on them and commenting on their feelings.Even the shadows cast behind the maroon horses grazing leisurely next to them seemed to hide many monsters and monsters.

The chatter in the darkness became louder and louder, and gradually became clearer, and then I realized that it was not an illusion.These demons also became bolder.

Sometimes the wind blows in the distance.

Sometimes ghosts come to untie the reins of horses.

Sometimes in the haze, a glimmer of ghost light reveals the peach blossom side.

If he were an ordinary person, he would probably be scared to death.

Zhang Yushi couldn't bear it anymore, but he was not afraid. Instead, he stood up and pulled out the sword from his waist with a clang. A flash of sword light was like autumn water under the moon, and he looked around with cold eyes:

"I am Dayan's Supervising Censor and General of the Embroidered Clothes, and so is Zhang Wangchuan. Shut up, otherwise I will kill you today with the sword, and tomorrow the army will burn the mountain!"

His voice was as deep as Mount Tai, and his energy was unparalleled.

For a moment, even the monsters in the mountains were frightened.

The surroundings were actually quite quiet.

This is the courage of Dayan's envoys and the deterrent power of the word Dayan in this land.

After a long time, there were a few more whispers, speaking in bad Dayan dialect, taunting them. If they were really so powerful, why were there still [-] corpses of soldiers frozen in the mountains?

When Zhang Yushi heard this, he was furious. He quickly picked up the bow and arrow from the military attache's side, strung the arrow, opened the bow easily, and shot in the direction of the sound.


Bai Yu instantly disappeared into the darkness.

There was only one scream and a series of running sounds, and then the mountain became completely quiet.

Song You couldn't help but praise: "The censor is so charming."

"The Western Region is already in chaos. I have been traveling in the Western Region for many years before I discovered that these little monsters and ghosts cannot be spoken to properly. Only Meteor White Feather and Sword Flower Qiulian can cure them."

Zhang Yushi sat down as he spoke.

About half an hour passed.

Suddenly the wind blew up in the mountains.

To be precise, there has always been wind in the mountains, but the wind at this time was blowing to this leeward place.


The wind made the flames unstable and sparks flew.


The military attache who was adding firewood immediately became alert and turned to look at where the gust of wind was coming from. The other sleeping military attache immediately opened his eyes without being called, stood up, and both of them touched their bows and arrows. and long swords, ready - from this alone, it can be seen that these two people must be highly skilled in martial arts and good at fighting.

No wonder he was selected to accompany the envoys outside the Great Wall.

One of the military attache's attendants picked up a wooden branch, picked out a red-burnt pine cone from the fire, flicked the wooden branch, and drew it into the darkness.


Wherever the pine cones flew, sparks flew everywhere.



The bright red pine cone fell to the ground, and the flames quickly rekindled, and it continued to roll forward, scattering sparks as it rolled, until a pair of thick calves were reflected.


One foot crushed the pine cone, sending out many sparks.

A tall figure walked into the fire.

Just looking at his appearance, he looked like an iron tower, but his face was extremely silly. With a faint smile on his face, he walked over without saying a word, stood in the flames and smiled stupidly at the group of people.


A military attache and attendant stared at him closely and slowly drew his sword.

Another military attaché was lining up his arrows and drawing his bow.

Zhang Yushi stared at the incoming man, pressed his hands on the two of them in the air, and the two men returned their swords and bows, but still stared at the incoming man.

The calico cat with a swollen face also stared at the visitor.

This was a strange man who was not afraid of the fire or the strong bows and swords of the two military attachés. He stood and laughed at a few people for a while without speaking or attacking. He just sat down on the spot, about a few meters away from the fire. Zhang Yuan looked like he was here to listen to their talk.

"What are you!"

Zhang Yushi stared at him calmly and asked.


But the man didn't answer, he still smiled stupidly, and even simply lay down on his side, facing them, pretending to be asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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