Chapter 569 I told him: Get out!

Li Weidong waited in Secretary Zhuang's office for half an hour before arriving at the leader's office.

At this moment, the leader was sitting on a chair, holding his eyebrows with his hands, looking tired.

Seeing Li Weidong come in, the leader motioned for him to sit down first. After a few minutes, the leader put down his hand and looked at him.

"You want to conduct a practical exercise?"

When Secretary Zhuang came in just now, he had already brought in the plan in advance, including the personnel recruitment plan for the training base. Although Secretary Zhuang was completely able to make the decision, he still needed the signature of the leader.

But the leader obviously didn't care about this, and asked about another plan.

The plan is now in front of the leader, and he has even heard Secretary Zhuang's brief report.

"Yes, it has not been long since this batch of students graduated. I plan to treat this actual combat exercise as their graduation exam to let them understand the difference between actual combat and training, so that they will not lose everything in vain due to negligence when they actually perform tasks in the future. life."

Li Weidong said seriously.

"Well, Xiaozhuang just told me that in principle, I agree. I will say hello to you when you come back from the prison. You can just discuss it with Zhang Xingwu about the actual combat exercises later. If I have time, I will go there too. Take a look.

I can also promise you the casualty indicator. Since it is an actual combat exercise, you have to go all out, just like on the battlefield. How can there be no casualties?

But compared to this matter, I want to ask you what your plans are? "

The leader said slowly.

In a few words, the actual combat exercise plan was approved.

The leader's last question also stunned Li Weidong for a moment.

"My plan?"

"Yes, after the training of this first batch of SWAT teams, they have to go back to each branch. After a period of time, and look at the results, we can decide whether to expand it nationwide. There are many things to consider during this period, and it cannot be decided in three or two days. of.

Therefore, after these students graduate, the task of the training base is to sum up experience, always pay attention to the situation of the SWAT teams, and check for deficiencies.

It would be a waste to put you there again. This is what I told you last time. I plan to find a captain to take charge of the work, and you will be removed from there and put in a more important position. .

What are your opinions on this arrangement? "

The leader explained.

"I obey the leader. I will go wherever you ask me to go, even if you ask me to come here to look at the gate."

On this issue, Li Weidong made his attitude unambiguous.

Of course, he also knew that the leader would not let him see the gate.

But you have to show your attitude.

"I can't afford you to watch the gate here."

The leader shook his head and continued: "Actually, Xu Wen, the captain of your team when you were in prison, asked me for you. His place was also newly built and needed help, but I refused. Do you want to know the reason?"

"miss you!"

Li Weidong nodded honestly.

Since Xu Wen left, he has never seen the other party again, and the other party has not taken the initiative to find him in private.

Li Weidong had some vague guesses about the department the other party went to.

Even according to Xu Wen's original plan, he was to expand the interrogation intelligence team at the prison, and then follow Xu Wen there after two years.

But plans are not changing fast.

Li Weidong didn't know if he played the role of flapping the wings of a butterfly inside, but there was no doubt that for Xu Wen, the sudden transfer also disrupted his plans.

Therefore, it is understandable that Xu Wen asked the leader to ask him to come over.

After all, he is now the deputy captain of the training base and the person appointed by the leader.

Going to Xuwen's place is different from working part-time in the Investigation Bureau.

"Xu Wen is mainly responsible for intelligence collection and other tasks, and will also carry out some secret tasks. With your ability, you will definitely be like a duck in water there. Xu Wen will take you seriously. I believe it will be good for your development.

But in my opinion, you are still overqualified for going there. Your abilities should not be limited to intelligence work, just like the SWAT team you proposed and led the training of the first batch of SWAT teams. These are all It is the seed that will sprout everywhere in the future.

In addition, you are also as talented as Di Renjie in solving crimes. So far, all the cases assigned to you, no matter how difficult they are, have been solved by you in the end. This skill is not unique to the entire police force, but You are definitely the best.

The key is that you are still young and your future achievements will be greater.

I remember that when you were in prison, you compiled a textbook on micro-expression interrogation. Although I don’t know much about this stuff, I found a few experts to read it and they all praised it.

Therefore, your abilities should not be limited, and you should not just do some tactical work. You are also suitable for the strategic direction, which can allow you to play a greater role.

This is also the main reason why I rejected Xu Wen.

But now, the training base has somewhat restricted your performance, so I want to hear what your plans are for the future. "

After the leader finished speaking, he looked at Li Weidong expectantly.

It is not easy for him to say so much in his capacity. There is also the factor that Li Weidong is too young. He talks too deeply or stops at the point. He is afraid that Li Weidong will not be able to truly understand what he means, so he simply speaks openly.

And from his words, it can be seen that he values ​​Li Weidong, or is looking forward to it.

This time, Li Weidong did not answer immediately.

Regarding future development, it is not so easy to decide.

In particular, Li Weidong knows very well what will happen in a few years. With his small body, he can more than protect himself whether he is nesting in a prison farm or a training base.

This is a matter of hierarchy.

Although larger ships can withstand greater winds and waves, they will also bear greater pressure.

Because the boat is easy to turn around, you can find a dock to hide in before the wind and waves hit, or you can dock it on the shore and tie it with a rope.

But big ships are not so easy to turn around. In many cases, they even have no choice but to move forward. No matter how big the storm is ahead, they can only keep moving forward.

To put it nicely, it’s called overcoming thorns and cutting waves.

But in the boundless sea, there is also the danger of capsizing.

Although Li Weidong has not reached this height yet, and Li Weidong is far from a big ship, he must be prepared for a rainy day.

Without long-term worries, there must be immediate worries.

However, even though Li Weidong was mentally prepared last time, he didn't know how to answer the leader's question this time.

Is it possible to tell your boss that you are worried about the future and that your small body cannot bear it, so you don’t want to shoulder a bigger burden?

When he first came in, the fatigue on the leader's face could not be hidden from him at all.

Moreover, the leader is not too old, but his temples are already gray.

Compared with the responsibilities and burdens on the other party, his thoughts and concerns are actually nothing at all.


"Leader, if I really want to talk about it, I came to the city from the countryside and have been working for less than a year. What happened in the past six months is still a bit dreamy to me. Sometimes I can't sleep at night. I feel like It's incredible. For a kid from a rural area, his biggest ideal at the beginning was to have enough to eat, to have a registered permanent residence in the city, to have a formal job, to find a wife, and to live an honest life.

Who would have thought that by some strange combination of circumstances, I would now become a deputy department-level cadre, so sometimes I feel very scared, for fear that one day I will wake up and find that it was all just a dream.

Moreover, I currently only know about things in prisons, farms, and training bases. Other than that, I am good at solving crimes. As for other things, I basically just turn a blind eye and don't understand them at all.

So I don’t know what I should do or what I can do in the future.

But as long as you ask me, I will definitely do my best to do it well. "

Li Weidong "opened up his heart" and talked about his mental journey, with a hint of confusion on his face.

It's not that he wants to pretend, but this state is actually the most suitable for his situation.

If the leader asks him about his plans for the future, and he talks about the future trend and what he wants to change without hesitation, then that would be a truly shameless statement.

Sure enough, when the leader heard his words, his face became softer.

"You are right. It is indeed a bit difficult for you to consider this issue now, but you don't have to belittle yourself. You are where you are today entirely because of your own ability, one step at a time. There is no such thing as luck. Nor is it a tower in the sky.

The few first-class merits you have achieved, or the things you have done, especially this time you decided to go north regardless of the danger and completed the mission, are enough to prove your character and trustworthy.

So, your foundation is stronger than you think.

In fact, before you came, I received a call. Someone felt that you had something to hide during your trip to the north, and that you used some bad methods during the trip. They said that you were unorganized and undisciplined. They wanted to investigate you and let you know. You elaborate on how you brought the items back.

Do you know what my answer was? "

The leader smiled slightly when he said this.

Li Weidong's mind immediately thought of the deputy director Zhang Wei, who had been staring at him before, looking like he was not done yet.

Originally, he thought that the other party would come directly to him if anything happened, but unexpectedly he found the leader.

But this call was definitely not made by Zhang Wei, because he was not qualified yet.

It is estimated that Zhang Wei moved someone out specifically to communicate with the leader and wanted to investigate him.

After all, he belongs to the police and the leader.

The other party also had some scruples.

"I don't know, but I sit upright and am not afraid of investigations. Since they want to come, let them come."

Li Weidong said proudly.

Although he had previously requested that he make the decision entirely and not accept cross-examination, it did not mean that he could not explain.

He even had a plan in mind.

These were all prepared for Zhang Wei, who planned to dig a hole and bury him when he came to trouble him.

But unexpectedly, the other party directly tried to find a way to find the leader.

"I told him: Get out!"

The word "leader" is said in a sonorous and powerful way, full of momentum.

"You can relax. Whether it is me or the organization, we absolutely believe in you. The contributions you have made cannot be erased. Even if there are some clowns, you don't need to worry. As long as I am here, no one can I can’t move a finger of yours.”

"Thank you for your trust."

Li Weidong was really moved.

When the leader said this, he was endorsing him. If he did something wrong in the future, the leader would lose face.

This kind of trust was so heavy that it even made Li Weidong breathless.

"You deserve this. We can't let heroes bleed and shed tears. In addition, you are not only the deputy captain of the training base, but also the investigation specialist of the Investigation Bureau. When you have time, you might as well go there more often. .”

The leader added another bargaining chip for Li Weidong.

His words clearly told Li Weidong that you are strong backstage, so you don't have to worry about some clowns at all.

Those beings couldn't make any waves, so they were shot to death.

"Okay, I'll go shopping later."

Li Weidong agreed happily.

Who wouldn’t want to have one more backer?

Even if he really wanted to calculate it, Zhen Jingting had to accept several favors from him. Whether it was the shadow, Mei Chuqing behind him, or the batch of real mysterious materials dug out from under the courtyard, it was impossible to treat it as nothing happened. .

It's not like one or two first-class talents can completely get rid of him.

Otherwise, who will help in the future?

After doing this calculation, Li Weidong felt that his previous worries were a bit excessive.

Although the wind and waves on the sea will become stronger and stronger, it is neither a big ship nor a small sailboat, but a submarine hidden under the water.

If we work harder in the future, maybe the word "nuclear" will be added in front of this submarine.

"Well, as for your work arrangements, I currently have two directions. The first one is to come to my side, and you will lead a department that will be responsible for the investigation of major cases. By then, your work scope will no longer be limited to one city. Wherever there are serious cases in one place, but across the country, you will be responsible for investigating them."

The leader pondered for a moment and began to talk about his arrangements for Li Weidong.

But just the first option made Li Weidong's heart skip a beat.

Leading a department, but no matter how small the department is, it depends on where the department is.

He knew very well what the office he was in now, this shabby and simple building, represented.

Moreover, this department is responsible for major cases nationwide and has the power to supervise all serious cases.

What does this inspection mean?

It means both supervision and intervention in leading the case.

To put it bluntly, if Li Weidong feels that there is a problem with a serious case, he is even qualified to restart the investigation of the case, and the relevant local departments must coordinate and cooperate.

It is equivalent to the inspection team of Xiaobafu in the past and the supervision team in the future.

This arrangement alone shows that the leader attaches great importance to him and affirms his ability.

And these are the prestige that Li Weidong has gained through solving difficult cases one after another.

However, this leader of this department is quite prestigious, but he also has a heavy responsibility, and he has to travel all over the country.

Involuntarily, he looked at the leader, wanting to hear what the other plan was.

After all, the leader just said that he has two arrangements for him.

No doubt wanting him to choose one among them.

(End of this chapter)

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