
Hu Jingcheng asked curiously.

Could it be that there is someone more suitable than Chen Xia and the Wolf Fang Special Forces Team?
If there really was such a person, he wouldn't mind asking him to come out.

"That person is far away in the sky, but close in front of us."

Li Weidong smiled slightly.

In comparison, he is indeed the most suitable candidate.

His skills are absolutely first-class, his perception is sharp and he can detect danger in advance.

Moreover, he is good at interrogation and can get useful information and find hiding places as quickly as possible.

Most importantly, he has a farm warehouse and can carry enough weapons.

If you can really find those things, you can put them in the farm warehouse and bring them back without anyone noticing.

Therefore, from Li Weidong's perspective, there is indeed no one more suitable than him.

Originally, Hu Jingcheng had already said that it was impossible to send him there, and his safety was undoubtedly more important.

Li Weidong is also a human being, and the other party's words still make him feel quite comfortable.

After all, no one likes to be taken seriously.

Under normal circumstances, Li Weidong is not the kind of person who gets impulsive when his head gets hot.

If Hu Jingcheng hadn't proposed Chen Xia and the Langya special operations team, Li Weidong would have more likely stayed away.

However, Chen Xia is the future captain of his designated training base.

The Wolf Fang Special Operations Team was trained by him.

If Chen Xia and the Wolf Fang Special Operations Team were all over there, he would definitely be extremely heartbroken.

What's more, the reason why the higher-ups decided to let the Wolf Fang Special Operations Team pass was because their previous performance was too good.

The sense of expectation has just been raised. If the troops are lost and the generals are lost, the image that has been built so hard will be destroyed.

Maybe there will be no future for the training base.

The so-called SWAT team will also give people the impression that it is too late to complete its task.

In this case, this group of students may become extinct.

Therefore, no matter from the perspective of personal feelings or the training base, Li Weidong could not let any accidents occur in this mission.

It can even be said that the better this mission is completed, the better the development of the training base will be.

Originally, Li Weidong might leave in a few months because he was too impulsive in his previous actions.

But if he successfully completes this mission with his special operations team, it might become a breakthrough.

The more attention the training base receives, the more unshakable his status becomes.

"No, you can't go."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Li Weidong proposed it, Hu Jingcheng objected without hesitation.

"Don't look at me like that, I won't let you go, it's not for selfishness.

I know that your ability is much stronger than Chen Xia. If you go, you will have a greater chance of completing the task than Chen Xia.

But the situation there is unclear, and we are not even 100% sure that the clues left by Lao Lin must contain those things.

Maybe, this may be a trap set by the other party, just to make our people fall into the trap.

Compared to this unknown outcome, your existence is more important and meaningful.

Especially since you are so young, you can play an even more important role in the coming decades.

Indeed, there is no distinction between high and low in our work. You can't say that Li Weidong's life is more valuable than Chen Xia's life.

But considering the interests of the country, your life, Li Weidong, is indeed more expensive.

Moreover, the meaning of your existence is not to do these things. "

Hu Jingcheng said seriously.

He spoke more and more thoroughly this time, just to wake up Li Weidong, for fear that he would ignore it if he acted impulsively.

"Uncle Hu, I don't want to show off, but now the training base cannot do without Chen Xia. He hasn't been home for two months.

It can be said that he is responsible for all current training.

Moreover, the leader gave me a lecture before, and based on what he meant, after these students graduate, I will probably have to move around, and a new team leader may be sent over.

Therefore, Chen Xia will have to rely on Chen Xia to look after the training base in the future.

If something happens to him, what will happen next?Give it up? "

Li Weidong simply made it clear.

"Are you leaving the training base?"

Hu Jingcheng was stunned, obviously he had just learned the news.

Moreover, there was even a bit of confusion on his face.

After all, it stands to reason that Li Weidong is the most suitable candidate for captain of the training base. Even if he does nothing and just puts on a name, it is enough.

At the beginning, letting Li Weidong preside over the work as the deputy captain already explained a lot of problems.

Why did the leader suddenly want Li Weidong to leave?
Could it be that something happened again?
Because in his opinion, this incident alone seemed to make Li Weidong a little impulsive, but it would never make him leave.

Unless there was something else, a special reason, the leader used this incident to 'punish' Li Weidong.

"Yes, the leader has already hinted to me that after these students graduate, a new captain will be assigned to the training base."

Li Weidong nodded.

Anyway, that's how he understood it.

With his perception, the possibility of misunderstanding is very small.

"Hint? Don't think about it if you have nothing to do. Since the leader didn't say it clearly, it's your own guess. You can't take it seriously."

Hu Jingcheng glared at Li Weidong angrily.

"Okay, let's talk about the clues left by Director Lin Zhenwu."

Li Weidong changed the topic.

So far, he only knew some things there from Hu Jingcheng's mouth.

"This is the information compiled over there. Take a look."

Hu Jingcheng was obviously prepared. As soon as Li Weidong finished speaking, he took out a portfolio from the drawer.

It didn't say anything like top secret, it was just an ordinary file bag with a series of numbers written on it.

Li Weidong opened it directly after taking it.

The first is that almost all of Lin Zhenwu's previous action plans, routes, and people involved were recorded.

Also included are the details of several contacts.

Three of these liaisons are circled, and they are also the most important.

The first one is Zhang Qinhua's old sweetheart. Looking at the photo now, she is a burly woman.

The second one is an expert who has come to China to aid construction, and even worked in the Submarine Research Institute.

The third one is a comrade of ours, but his true identity is Russian.

According to the description in the information, Lin Zhenwu's method of getting there was smuggling.

Then a third person was found, his name was Vladimir, 35 years old.

Judging from the photo, this is a very typical Belarusian, blond, blue-eyed, tall and burly.

The other party's identity is a university teacher.

As for why the other party became one of his own, it is not something Li Weidong can know.

Maybe it's because of ideals.

According to the plan, after Lin Zhenwu sneaked over, Vladimir secretly responded.Then contact the first person on the list in the name of Zhang Qinhua.

This time, Lin Zhenwu used certain methods to get the other party to agree to cooperate.

After all, the other party had already boarded Zhang Qinhua's pirate ship, and it was not easy to get off.

There was a reason why Zhang Qinhua hid the information in the safe as a talisman in critical moments instead of handing it over early.

After all, it was somewhat disgraceful for him to obtain this information.

Therefore, he would not hand it over unless he had to.

After Lin Zhenwu reached an agreement with the other party, he then contacted the second person on the list.

After a period of contact, the other party finally agreed to cooperate.

Similarly, the specific method of persuading the other party is not stated in the information.

But Li Weidong also felt something unusual.

There was a vague thought in my mind.

After several months of planning, Lin Zhenwu finally obtained more follow-up information on the design drawing.

Under normal circumstances, all the information on an H submarine is absolutely vast and can fill an entire room.

Even if Lin Zhenwu was extremely capable, he wouldn't be able to bring back all the information and drawings, so he could only select those important parts to take pictures.

After all, film can be countless times smaller than data and can also store more data and information.

As for the person who did this, he must be the second one on the list. Lin Zhenwu was only responsible for receiving these films.

And, simply walking away with film would undoubtedly be a smaller target.

It's a pity that Lin Zhenwu was about to succeed in his plan, but he didn't know which link went wrong and exposed himself.

For the next period of time, Lin Zhenwu stayed in hiding and tried to come back.

But in the end, he failed.

And his death was later confirmed by Vladimir.

However, Vladimir also passed back the last clue left by Lin Zhenwu.

The clue is the name of a building: St. Basil's Cathedral.

And there is a number 12 after it.

For some reason, Li Weidong even had a feeling when he saw the name of this building.

The last clue Lin Zhenwu left was for him Li Weidong.

It was a very strong intuition, and it was hard to explain.

However, Li Weidong just felt it.

Moreover, his feeling is not mystical.

Lin Zhenwu once knew Li Weidong's detailed information, and even saw many cases that Li Weidong had handled as the other party's identity.

Including the fact that Li Weidong found some supplies hidden under the church bell tower.

This is why Li Weidong had the intuition that Lin Zhenwu specially left for him when he saw the name St. Basil's Cathedral.

If Lin Zhenwu really hid something, and it was something more important than his life, he would definitely not be too cautious.

Moreover, since he didn't give the thing to Vladimir, he obviously couldn't trust him.

However, Lin Zhenwu still had to find ways to get those things 'back home'.

This meant that he had to leave clues.

Even this clue had to be hidden from Vladimir, so that even if the other party saw this clue, he would not be able to find anything.

In this way, after the news was passed back to China, someone was bound to analyze it, but in order to keep it secret, Lin Zhenwu had to play riddles.

In comparison, he understands Li Weidong and is more aware of Li Weidong's abilities.

So leaving the address of this cathedral and the 12-digit number of my own were clearly telling Li Weidong: I believe you can definitely find what I have hidden.

Although Li Weidong didn't know much about the cathedral, someone did. In a short period of time, the basic information about the cathedral was sorted out and sent to Li Weidong.

The above also hopes that Li Weidong can find out where those things are hidden as soon as possible.

But the problem is that although Lin Zhenwu gave the place name, he even specified the cathedral.

However, according to the information presented, this cathedral occupies a relatively large area.

The construction time can be traced back to 1555, which is 400 years old.

Although this bit of history is not even a fraction of the Great Wall, you can imagine how difficult it is to find something in such a large church.

So, is the number 12 at the end the key?

Yes, because there is too little information, and Li Weidong is not a roundworm in Lin Zhenwu's belly, so it is really impossible to understand clearly for a while.

So after reading it, he was a little confused.

Unless he could go to the scene and see the cathedral with his own eyes, he might be able to discover something.

Could it be that this is what Lin Zhenwu wants?
Thinking of this, Li Weidong really didn't know what to say. This guy wouldn't live in peace even if he died.

Just now, he felt a little sad in his heart because of the news of the other party's sacrifice, but it was all gone now.

"See what's coming?"

Hu Jingcheng watched Li Weidong put down the information and asked impatiently.

"What is certain is that it was indeed the handiwork of Director Lin Zhenwu, and he may have succeeded in obtaining some of the information and uncovered the information during his escape.

But it's unclear whether Vladimir can continue to be trusted, or whether a trap has been laid.

Moreover, Director Lin Zhenwu left too little key information for this clue. At least until I went there in person, I couldn't find out where he hid his things.

I even suspected that Director Lin Zhenwu left this clue to lure me there deliberately. "

Li Weidong said it directly in one breath.

"Deliberately luring you there? Could it be that Old Lin..."

Hu Jingcheng's eyes widened, and a terrible thought came to his mind.

But soon, the rational side takes over.

"No, I know Lao Lin. Even if he dies, he will never betray us."

"Uncle Hu, I'm not saying that Director Lin betrayed us, but I think he deliberately put things into that cathedral.

Because I once searched for a batch of mysterious materials, right over the East City Cathedral.

Director Lin must be aware of this matter.

And he also knows my ability to solve crimes.

So he believes that as long as he puts something there and gives a clue that is confusing to others, it will definitely be found for me.

I think this may be Director Lin’s real purpose. "

Li Weidong sighed.

No matter what Lin Zhenwu's ultimate goal was, he was dead now.

And he sacrificed himself to complete a difficult task.

So Li Weidong didn't want to accuse him.

"Lao Lin wants you to go there and bring the things back?"

Hu Jingcheng also immediately understood the meaning.

But he just shook his head.


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to all the great men!

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