"Uncle Wang, the solution is actually right in front of you."

After thinking it through, Li Weidong said.

"Put it in front of me? I know, isn't it you? Say it quickly, don't be so annoying."

Wang Zhenyi couldn't hold it back and urged impatiently.

I hate dealing with these smart people the most. This guy had the same master at first, but as a result, this kid didn't learn from him, so he just learned this trick.

"I mean, you just do your job."

Li Weidong explained.

"Do your job well?"

Wang Zhenyi was obviously stunned.

"Yes, aren't you in charge of disciplinary supervision now? Then start doing this well. As far as I know, there are disciplinary supervision teams in the six major farms. In theory, these people are under your control.

Now, as long as you integrate the disciplinary inspection teams of the six major farms, they will become a powerful force.

I think the intelligence team has information about them. I'll have someone send you a copy later.

When the time comes, win two and win over a few. I think it’s impossible for you, Uncle Wang, not to be able to do such a simple thing, right? "

Li Weidong said his own method.

"Are you planning to make things worse for me? Discipline supervision is an offending job."

Wang Zhenyi frowned.

He used to be the captain of the third farm, where he was the undisputed leader. No matter what his personality and temper were, he definitely had the ability.

Therefore, suppressing and coordinating such things is nothing to him, and it is also not difficult to control the disciplinary inspection teams of the six major farms.

But why didn't he do this before?

Not only because this job offended people, but because he felt that Zhang Xingwu deliberately pushed him out to block the gun.

If it is done well, it is because Zhang Xingwu has good leadership.

If he doesn't do well, Zhang Xingwu will have an excuse to target him.

In addition, he was a bit suspected of trying to steal Tianming's job, so he was running around in circles.

"Uncle Wang, are you still afraid of offending others?"

Li Weidong curled his lips.

When I first arrived at the farm, I saw with my own eyes how the other party quarreled with Chang Qingbo and Xiang Tianming.

"That's nonsense. If your Uncle Wang was afraid of offending others, he would have stopped doing it a long time ago."

Wang Zhenyi's eyes widened.

"That's alright. If you do your job well in disciplinary inspection, no one can find fault with it. What's more, you didn't come to do this job yourself, but it was forced on you by the captain.

According to what you said before, what our team leader is best at is making decisions before taking action. He likes to work step by step and is used to the exchange of interests.

Although he has not really touched the six farms yet, it will happen sooner or later, but he is not ready yet.

Now, you take the initiative to be the gun and charge into the battle.

Does anyone think that you have gone to the captain's side and are preparing to take over the six major farms?
And even if you target the six major farms, the captain has just taken office and there are no people of his, so it is not him who will suffer. Do you think he will be happy to see the results?

Especially the Third Farm, which is your old position. Your words will definitely work, right?

At that time, will the first deputy captain feel that the captain is deliberately targeting him?

Even if the captain explains that it has nothing to do with him, will he believe it?

To put it bluntly, you are the catfish. You muddy the water first. At the same time, you can also sow discord between the captain and the first deputy captain, causing cracks in their cooperation.

More importantly, the first round of exchange of interests between the two has ended. No captain will like an overly strong deputy captain. The current cooperation is just a stopgap measure. Regarding this, I think the captain, too, Not only the first deputy captain, but also everyone knew it.

It's just that at present, the two of them lack an opportunity for the balance to be broken.

And this is your opportunity. "

Following Li Weidong's words, Wang Zhenyi's face showed a thoughtful look, and he looked at Li Weidong strangely.

Didn't this kid study accounting with Song Yan at the Third Farm?

Looking at it now, it seems that I learned it a bit crookedly.

Or is it that before Song Yan left, he taught him all his housekeeping skills?
"Okay, I will follow your instructions later and integrate the disciplinary inspection teams of the six major farms first, but do you want to drag that guy Xiang Tianming along?"

Wang Zhenyi thought for a while and said.

"No, just let the intelligence team provide information later. Moreover, disciplinary supervision does not start by punishing people to death. That can easily arouse public anger. You might as well start with daily disciplinary supervision, such as being late for work, leaving early, and not complying with regulations. Farm discipline these.

In particular, farm workers must be called by name every morning. Those who are late will be directly posted by name. Remember, they will be posted to the prison side and which farm they will take with them.

If a worker makes a mistake, he should be taken directly to the prison and let the farm captain pick him up. "

Li Weidong became more and more energetic as he spoke.

And Wang Zhenyi's expression became even weirder.

When it comes to being late and leaving early, he feels that Li Weidong is the one who should be criticized the most.

So this guy is using his own behavior as a template?

What is this called?

Doing to others what you don’t want others to do to you?
However, as Wang Zhenyi was the captain of the third farm before, he also knew that most of the time, the workers' discipline was a bit lax, and it often happened that they arrived late and left early.

Especially in prisons, in some back-office offices and departments that are not busy, it is common for people to work knitting sweaters and doing their own things.

Normally everyone is used to it and it doesn't matter, but if you really want to be serious, it would definitely be against discipline.

Li Weidong asked him to start with these small things. Although it was not painful, the effect was greater.

Not to mention the anger and resentment caused by this, but the complaints are definitely inevitable.

No doubt also suitable for muddying the water.

Moreover, these are all his own jobs. Even if someone is dissatisfied, he has legitimate reasons. Even the captain cannot find fault with him.

Could it be that he made a mistake in observing discipline?

So what's the point of him taking charge of this area?
Just disband the disciplinary inspection.

"After the water has been muddied and your prestige has been initially established, you can push a few more people from the first deputy captain and ask the interrogation intelligence team to come forward to further expand the conflicting plan. You need to catch one person and beat him, and don't expand it. scale.

At the same time, you may wish to have more contact with another deputy captain.

This is called hitting a batch and pulling a batch. "

Li Weidong added.

"In this case, the prison will be a bit messy."

Wang Zhenyi can imagine that once Li Weidong's method is implemented, many people will not be able to sleep.

"It's okay to be a little messy, but the ultimate goal is not to fight for power, but to clear away the evil. At the same time, the interrogation intelligence team will have enough reasons to move. When the time comes, you can add Xiang Tianming and recruit another one to form an offensive and defensive alliance. Even if the captain wants to If you want to do something, you have to think about it carefully, lest prison really become his hall of fame in the future."

Only then did Li Weidong reveal his ultimate goal.

The fundamental reason is that he cannot trust Zhang Xingwu.The other party is fundamentally different from Xu Wen.

Once the prison becomes the other party's talking point, it will be difficult to do anything after a few years.

So Li Weidong can also be considered prepared for a rainy day.

However, he doesn't intend to end the show himself. He just wants to be a spectator and give some suggestions occasionally.

Although Zhang Xingwu was deliberately neglecting the interrogation intelligence team and wanted to marginalize Xiang Tianming, he even guessed that the other party must have the idea of ​​dismantling the interrogation intelligence team.

Not moving right now is not because I don’t want to, but because I can’t do it.

In Xu Wen's time, the interrogation intelligence team was the only one with a strong deterrent power.

In addition, it was expanded a lot later, and it was a bit too big to lose.

There are not enough excuses and reasons, and Xu Wen's residual power is still there. Even Zhang Xingwu can't do anything but wait for the opportunity.

As the saying goes, the more the enemy wants to do something, the less likely they are to be able to achieve it.

So Li Weidong's idea for Wang Zhenyi was to cause chaos first, and then interrogate the intelligence team with legitimate reasons and excuses. Then Wang Zhenyi and another deputy captain would support him.

At that time, there had long been a rift between the captain and the first deputy captain, and it was difficult to reunite.

This is the interrogation intelligence team's opportunity to break the situation.

Li Weidong estimated that Captain Xu Wen did not take Xiang Tianming away before leaving, but left it to him.

It just depends on whether he can use it or not.

And now is the right opportunity.

If Li Weidong colludes with Xiang Tianming and Wang Zhenyi to engage in non-cooperation and confrontation as soon as Zhang Xingwu arrives, that would be called not seeing the overall situation, bullying the new captain, and not being united.

But now, Wang Zhenyi is suppressed and Xiang Tianming is marginalized. These are clearly the actions of the other party.

At this time, Wang Zhenyi and Xiang Tianming joined forces and only fulfilled their duties. Even if the prison was a bit chaotic, their responsibility did not lie with them.

Because all this was caused by Zhang Xingwu.

The result was also because he was unable to control the situation.

Even if there is a real blow, Zhang Xingwu will be hit first.

"Now I suddenly feel that even if I let your boy be the captain of the prison, it will be no problem."

Suddenly, Wang Zhenyi shook his head and said with emotion.

These methods are not something that ordinary people can think of.

More importantly, Li Weidong just took advantage of the situation and gave him a gentle push.

"I can't do it, and there's no point in intrigues all day long."

Li Weidong shook his head.

Originally, he felt that he was not good at maneuvering, and even now, he does not feel that he is good at it.

He was just scratching the surface and speaking from the perspective of a bystander.

Moreover, these things are not born.

Li Weidong suddenly recalled the things Song Yan left for him, especially the book of quotations that he asked him to read repeatedly, and also left a handwriting book full of his own experiences.

These are not tactics, but they make Li Weidong's thinking more open, so he can easily analyze complex problems and find solutions.

It's just that it's okay to let him come up with ideas. If he has to deal with these all day long, he will definitely not want to.

In comparison, solving crimes is obviously more interesting than these.

As for the training base, he has never done this.

As for Zhao Yongliang's small tricks, he has never paid attention to him, because he is confident that he can control the overall situation, and even if the other party has any conspiracy, he can break it with force.

Just like now, even though Zhao Yongliang is uniting with one person and listening to another, he wants to target him.

But Li Weidong had already secretly mastered the opponent's every move, and he didn't move now, but the time hadn't arrived yet.

On the contrary, Wang Zhenyi just happened by chance.

"Okay, this time Wang Shu accepts your favor and will do as you say. I want to let some people see if I, Wang Zhenyi, am a fool."

Wang Zhenyi ignored Li Weidong's words.

He used to be a fan of the authorities, but after Li Weidong sorted it out, he now gradually sees the situation clearly.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Xingwu teamed up with the first deputy captain to catch him off guard. In addition, the opponent's menacing attack made him a little confused. This was the main reason.

"Our family doesn't speak the same language. If it hadn't been for your support, I might still be at home basking in the sun now."

Li Weidong had to admit that if he had not come to the farm and had not had Wang Zhenyi to rely on, he might have embarked on a different path.

And that he was able to reach this point was beyond everyone's expectations, even himself.

"Baking in the sun? You're not afraid of getting bald anymore."

Wang Zhenyi didn't believe this at all.

He always believed that gold would shine sooner or later.

"No, when I first came to the city, my biggest dream was to be able to bask in the sun every day, plant a few acres of land, and have no worries about food and clothing."

Li Weidong said seriously.

But his seriousness made Wang Zhenyi sneer.

If there is no other way, who would like to farm every day?

If you don’t believe me, ask those people in the countryside who face the loess and turn their backs to the sky. Are they willing to farm every day?

As long as there is a choice, who doesn't want to have a better life?

Moreover, just relying on farming to have enough food and clothing is even more of a dream. Nowadays, most rural people have difficulty even filling their stomachs.

"Okay, stop being pretentious, kid. I heard that you and Xiaobai are engaged at the end of the year? Let me tell you, Xiaobai is a good girl, and you can't let her down."

Wang Zhenyi waved his hand impatiently. He was too lazy to listen to Li Weidong's dream, so he simply changed the topic.

Back then, when Zhou Xiaobai first went to the farm, he was worried that people would look down on Li Weidong, so he went out of his way to help with assists. Looking back now, it was purely because of his worries.

With this kid's calculation skills, it is estimated that even if Zhou Xiaobai is sold, the silly girl will happily help him count the money.

"Look what you said, what kind of person am I?"

Li Weidong rolled his eyes. He is still protecting Zhou Xiaobai like a jade.

Wang Zhenyi scoffed.

"That's it for today. I'm going back first. When I have time, I will take Xiaobai to my house for dinner. Your aunt has mentioned it several times and wants to meet Xiaobai."

After Wang Zhenyi finished speaking, he didn't give Li Weidong a chance to refuse. He drank all the tea in the teapot, wiped his mouth with his hand, and strode away.

Judging from the way he walks, he looks a bit like he is about to go to the battlefield, and he is very majestic and high-spirited.

The whole person's energy and spirit have also changed completely from when he came.

Not long after Wang Zhenyi left, Zhou Ji, the instructor of the Sixth Farm, came in almost immediately.

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