Chapter 516 Three Missing Women

Go to get off work together and part way through.

In fact, this information has long been grasped by the people in the security department. The people in the security department here are not fools. The family members came to say that the daughter did not come home after get off work and disappeared. How could they ignore it?

Because there are no cameras these days, the first step in the investigation is Ma Xiaoqin's relationship in the factory.

After getting this information, people from the security department also searched along the way, but they couldn't find anyone.

Although this information can be used directly, Li Weidong obviously believes in his own judgment more, so he touched the situation in the factory by the way.

In fact, most of the kidnapping cases that rob money or sex are more likely to happen at night, when there are no people on the street, and the main targets are some beautiful female workers who are working night shifts.

But Ma Xiaoqin didn't work overtime that day, and the time to get off work was seven o'clock in the afternoon.

In this season, it's just getting dark at seven o'clock.

In addition, Ma Xiaoqin walks home from get off work every day, and the time to be separated from her colleagues is no more than 07:30. Although it is already dark, this time is also the time for most workers to get off work, and there are more people on the road.

Who would kidnap at such a time?
Ma Xiaoqin would be so stupid as to leave with a stranger?

Even if someone wanted to force her, but there were so many people on the road at that time, if you shouted casually, half of the people could stand on the street.

Therefore, Li Weidong's initial judgment was more inclined to acquaintances.

Only acquaintances can let Ma Xiaoqin go with the other party unsuspectingly, whether it's going to the other party's home or to a secret place, the chances are the greatest.

This is why Li Weidong took the lead in investigating the personnel related to Ma Xiaoqin in the factory.

However, after questioning, no suspicious person was found in the factory.

Later, under the leadership of the colleague who parted ways with Ma Xiaoqin, Li Weidong and his party walked to the parting place along the road they had walked.

As for this road, Ma Zhiyuan was also aware of it, and asked more than once with the photo, but no one found it.

The remaining distance is less than two kilometers. Although it is not a street, it is not a remote alley. There are mostly residential areas on both sides, extending all the way to Ma's house.

At the same time, Ji Baojun has also contacted the people at the police station. As the captain of the Seventh Branch Bureau, he has personally come forward. Naturally, the street police station can't just send two police officers and send them away. Go out, and the street office also sent people, and began to search on a large scale in the jurisdiction.

In the era when there was no surveillance, if you want to find a missing person, you can only use this kind of crowd tactics, or have neighbors report.

Although Ma Xiaoqin is just an ordinary female worker in a factory, and even Ma Zhiyuan is just a worker, Hao Aihong is also the deputy captain of the Sixth Farm (the captain of the women's farm), and her rank is also at the sub-section level.

In this kind of street, people, big and small, count as people.

Many people may not know about Ma Zhiyuan's daughter, but when it comes to Hao Aihong's daughter, many people know it.

So after many people heard that Hao Aihong's daughter was missing, and people from the street office came forward, many people 'involuntarily' helped find her.

Especially those old women who like to visit when they have nothing to do, have become the main force of finding people this time, almost going door-to-door to ask, and these people's eyes are more poisonous than the other, and their ears are usually higher than anyone else. Who has a cat in the middle of the night? You can hear it clearly.

Therefore, when they came forward to find someone, they were more careful than the police.

But after searching around, there was no clue, Ma Xiaoqin seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Chief instructor, I couldn't find it."

Ma's house, as the temporary command center for this operation, Li Weidong listened to Ji Baojun's report.

At this time, the street office where the Ma's house is located has been searched, if not the whole thing.

Especially those single-family families are the focus of the search, but nothing is found.

"I have no clue here either."

Xiang Tianming led his men to search back and forth several times on the way Ma Xiaoqin came home, but also found no clues.

Even for Hao Aihong, this meeting is a bit ambiguous.

"Have you searched door to door?"

Because there were too many residents involved, it was impossible for Li Weidong to visit them one by one, so he could only focus on the search, but there was also no result on his side.

At this moment, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

A large living person disappeared out of thin air, and no trace could be found, which in itself revealed that it was unusual.

"I've looked for it. Most of the residents here are several families living in the same yard, which is open, and it was off-duty time. If someone really kidnapped Ma Xiaoqin, the neighbors would not be aware of it.

Unless the other party deliberately waited until midnight to go home, but I have also had people check this aspect, and no suspicious person was found.

According to my judgment, Ma Xiaoqin did not return to the street office. "

Ji Baojun spoke his own judgment.

A big living person, not a small toy, you can carry it home in your pocket.

Therefore, Li Weidong basically agreed with Xiang Tianming's judgment.

"Then, the most suspicious place where Ma Xiaoqin disappeared should be this street."

Li Weidong spread out the map in front of him, and then drew a circle, which was the location where Ma Xiaoqin and his colleagues were separated, and went to the street to do this area.

"I have checked this road. There are a total of six alleys, and there are quite a few people in these six alleys. I asked people to ask them all, and searched, but found nothing."

Xiang Tianming talked about the result on his side.

"Is there any place with few people near that street? Or a remote place where people can hide?"

Li Weidong asked.

In fact, he is not good at this large-scale way of finding people, and his ability is only to distinguish whether the other party is lying or not.

But now, he has searched all the places that need to be looked for, and even he is a little helpless, after all, he doesn't have the ability to count.

"No, the area we are looking for is a residential area."

Xiang Tianming shook his head.

"Residential area?"

Li Weidong changed his expression, then looked at the map again, and drew a circle on it. Inside this circle was Ma Xiaoqin's textile factory.

Then he followed that circle, searching the vicinity.

Because he knew the place where the two separated from Ma Xiaoqin's colleague, and Li Weidong was sure that the other party was not lying, so he instinctively felt that even if Ma Xiaoqin disappeared, it should be on the way home after parting.

However, if Ma Xiaoqin met someone she knew on this road, would she go back?

This possibility is small, but not impossible.

Otherwise, Ma Xiaoqin would not have disappeared so completely.

It's just that in this way, the scope has undoubtedly become several times larger.

Making such a big commotion in a street office has already attracted the attention of many people. If it expands further, someone will stop it.

Because of this large-scale search, it is easy to cause panic and cause great inconvenience.

Even if Li Weidong is the chief instructor of the training base, he has a close relationship with those branches and can borrow people, but such a large search movement is just to find a person, not to mention the bad influence, and some people will have opinions.

"Take this street as the center point and go to the nearby police station to check if there are any similar disappearance cases."

Li Weidong said suddenly.

"A similar disappearance case? Do you suspect that this is not the first time?"

Xiang Tianming's heart moved.

"Ma Xiaoqin disappeared too quickly, and it was too clean, so clean that no clues were left behind. It can't be a sudden kidnapping, it's more like a premeditated kidnapping."

Li Weidong tried his best to diverge his thinking, not just confine himself to acquaintances committing crimes.

Moreover, he also sorted out Ma Xiaoqin's interpersonal relationship, but even asked him personally, but found nothing.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Ji Baojun was familiar with the surrounding area, and left quickly after receiving the mission.

"Leader, please find Xiaoqin, I'm the only girl."

Ma Zhiyuan's eyes were red, and he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Although there are more children these days, he and Hao Aihong only have one daughter.

"Master Ma, don't worry, as long as I can't find Ma Xiaoqin, I will definitely not leave."

Li Weidong could understand Ma Zhiyuan's feelings, so he said it directly.

Right now, he is the only life-saving straw that the other party can grasp.

It was not until evening that Ji Baojun rushed back with news.

"You mean, Ma Xiaoqin is already the third missing?"

"Yes, I brought over the information of the two women by the way. These two were the police officers who were in charge of finding them. They were in March and December last year."

Ji Baojun said.

"Last March, December, and May this year, according to the time rule, one disappeared almost every six months? Do you have any clues for the other two?"

While looking at the information, Li Weidong asked the two police officers who followed.

"I didn't find it, I didn't see the person alive, and I couldn't find the corpse when I died."

One of the police officers said.

Ma Zhiyuan next to him swayed, and if Hao Aihong hadn't supported him, he might have fallen down.

Li Weidong's heart sank, but he didn't say anything, but continued to look at the information of the other two.

Chen Yujuan, female, 21 years old, unmarried, a salesperson in a supply and marketing agency.

Guan Yanyan, female, 20 years old, single, works as an accountant in a hardware factory.

In the information, apart from the identities of the two and the specific time of their disappearance, there are also two photos attached respectively, both of which are in the upper middle class.

Especially Chen Yujuan, perhaps because she works in a supply and marketing cooperative, she dresses more fashionable and is the prettiest of the three.

Li Weidong quickly integrated the commonalities of the three, beautiful, unmarried, about half a year apart in their disappearance, and they all centered on that street.

At the same time, it also shows that Ma Xiaoqin's disappearance was not accidental, but a premeditated kidnapping.

The murderer is obviously greedy for beauty.

As for unmarried?

Could it be that the other party has some kind of special complex?

Otherwise, they would not have singled out singles.

This is enough to show that the murderer must have a certain understanding of the three, or even familiarity.

"Sort out the relationship networks of these three people separately, and then check whether these three people have common acquaintances. At the same time, sort out the information of the surrounding residents, focusing on being single."

Li Weidong said to Xiang Tianming.

Apart from a few operatives, most of the people who came to interrogate the intelligence team were from the intelligence team.


Xiang Tianming took the documents and led the two police officers away.

Time passed by every minute and every second, even at night, the search did not end.

Although it is still uncertain whether Ma Xiaoqin is alive, the sooner he finds her, the higher the chance of her being alive.

Li Weidong was also analyzing known clues.

There are a lot of people going to the supply and marketing cooperative, that is to say, Chen Yujuan knows a lot of people. As long as people who often go to the supply and marketing cooperative know Chen Yujuan, it is not surprising, but that Guan Yanyan is the accountant of the hardware factory, and Ma Xiaoqin is an ordinary worker in a textile factory.

What kind of person can know the three of them at the same time?


Thinking of this, Li Weidong looked aside: "Master Ma, has anyone introduced Ma Xiaoqin to someone in the past six months?"

"There are a few, but Xiaoqin has the right idea. After meeting the other party, she didn't agree."

Ma Zhiyuan said immediately.

Although Ma Xiaoqin is the youngest, only 19 years old, but because she is already at work, it is not a big deal to be introduced to someone so old.

In addition, the conditions of the Ma family are good, and Ma Xiaoqin is beautiful, which is a high-quality resource in the eyes of the matchmaker.

"Master Ma, do you still remember the information of those people? You can also tell the matchmakers who introduced the target, and ask them."

Li Weidong said again.

"No, I remember. There are three in total. One was introduced by Director Hu of the Sub-district Office. It was a nephew of his family who worked as a driver at the diesel engine factory. The other was introduced by sister Xu next door. The other was a doctor, and there was one. It was introduced by the elder sister of the Li family, who works at the post office."

Ma Zhiyuan said quickly.

Because Hao Aihong is busy with work, he has always been in charge of more family affairs, and he received several matchmakers who came to the door, so I remember it very clearly.

"Find those three people and bring them."

Li Weidong ordered again.

At twelve o'clock at night, three pale and shivering youths were invited to Ma's house.

Matchmakers usually look after the pot. With Ma Xiaoqin's conditions, it is impossible to introduce those crooked melons and dates, and one only needs to look at the jobs of the three of them. Drivers, doctors, and post offices are all very popular professions nowadays. .

After seeing the three of them, Li Weidong frowned again.

Although the three of them looked pale, fearful, apprehensive, and even flustered.

But the guilty conscience and panic that came to the vest were not there.

Later, Li Weidong personally interrogated the three people, and the results were not good.

Among the three people, only the young man who worked in the diesel engine factory approached Ma Xiaoqin several times later, but after being rejected by the other party, he did not go to the other party again.

Even the three of them didn't go public, and they didn't talk about Ma Xiaoqin with the people around them.

Naturally, Ma Xiaoqin's disappearance had nothing to do with these three people.

Li Weidong is far from disappointed with this result. This is how cases are handled. He constantly eliminates targets based on known clues. After all doubts are eliminated, the truth will naturally slowly surface.

Although this method is stupid, it is the only way at the moment.

After letting the three leave, Li Weidong continued to devote himself to the analysis.

In a blink of an eye, the next morning.

 In the last case, the person who was hypnotized to commit suicide three years ago was called Tan Sipei. The previous pages were written as Ji Wenze.

(End of this chapter)

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