Chapter 351 Choice
After sitting down in his seat, Li Weidong looked towards Wang Hongwei, who really gave him a wink and was facing Li Qingfeng.

Suddenly, Li Weidong had a guess in his mind.

If nothing else happened, then there was an accident in Li Qingfeng's job.

Reminiscent of the proposal made by the other party yesterday, the answer will be ready to come out.

It's just that Li Weidong couldn't figure it out, isn't it just supporting construction?

What can go wrong?
You can't still be cheated by someone, can you?

"Weidong, something happened on the farm, I'm afraid I need your help."

Zhao Haifeng seemed to be specially waiting for Li Weidong. He couldn't wait to 'serve tea' before his ass was warmed up.

"Captain, what happened?"

Li Weidong asked directly.

"The person Vice Captain Li hired is a liar, who stole [-] catties of grain from the farm."

Zhao Haifeng said with a gloomy face.

Good guy.

Li Weidong's eyes widened suddenly.

No wonder Zhao Haifeng had such an expression.

Fifteen hundred catties of grain is nothing, the Sixth Farm can't afford to lose.

The key is the face problem.

Originally, the sixth farm was newly built, and many people's expectations were placed on it.

As a result, if this happens, I am afraid that it will immediately become an effect in the eyes of others.

More importantly, you are the captain and vice-captain of the prison farm, and even you have been deceived, which shows how poor your ability is.

With this impression, how can Zhao Haifeng be better?
And Li Qingfeng, the main person in charge, came down to exercise again, so it would probably be even worse.

"Liar? What's going on?"

Li Weidong was full of puzzlement.

He even admired the liar a little bit, and actually tricked him into coming to the prison farm, which is really daring.

More importantly, the other party succeeded.

"That's what happened..."

Immediately, Zhao Haifeng explained, and Li Weidong was amazed.

It turned out that after Na Ding Fuhai and old man Ding loaded the food, one of them sat in the truck to guide the way, and the other accompanied the two prison guards in the back compartment.

When he came to a remote place, there were suddenly a few big stones in the middle of the road.

When the driver of the truck saw this scene, he knew that someone had robbed the road.

But he didn't take it seriously, because there were two prison guards in the back compartment, and the other had a gun in his hand.

No matter what kind of robber he is, if he dares to attack their Sixth Farm, the lightest thing is to break his leg and send him to work on the farm.

But what the driver didn't expect was that the real danger came not from the robbers, but from the old man Ding who was guiding the way.

If one didn't pay attention, he was let go.

And the two prison guards in the back compartment fell even earlier than him.

Originally, the other prison guard held a gun and was very responsible and conscientious on guard.

But take precautions, but did not take precautions against the cigarette stick that Ding Fuhai was carrying all the time. The other party lit a pot of cigarettes on the road, and he didn't know what he added. After smelling it for a while, the two prison guards became weak all over Finally just passed out.

But what the two of them can be sure of is that Ding Fuhai was also staggering at that time, and it was obvious that both sides suffered losses.

As for what happened next, they didn't know anything about it.

After waiting for an hour or two, they woke up and found themselves lying in the carriage, but the food they had been guarding had disappeared.

Even the few cents and meal tickets he had on his body were searched.

Only the gun remained the same and hadn't been stolen.

Even the truck stayed where it was, and the driver was tied up in the cab. After being untied by two prison guards, the three of them searched the vicinity for a while, except that they found traces of a row on the ground, and a pile of Donkey dung, there is no more.

At this point, they all knew that this was a well-planned deception.

The three who knew they had made a mistake hurried back to the farm and told Zhao Haifeng about it.

After Zhao Haifeng heard the news, his eyes went dark, and he almost got under the table.

He also did not expect that someone would come to the prison farm to cheat.

The key is that he also met the other party in person, and finally agreed.

The only fortunate thing is that I was cautious at the time and only gave the other party fifteen hundred catties.

Otherwise, the three thousand catties of grain that were finally squeezed out from between the teeth would all be cheated.

After Li Weidong listened, his first reaction was that these two liars were smart.

This cleverness was not only because they were able to cheat Zhao Haifeng of [-] catties of grain face to face, but also because they were not 'greedy' and knew what they could and couldn't take.

If only the food is taken away, the farm may feel embarrassed and afraid of taking responsibility, and suffer this dumb loss. In this way, the other party will have no worries.

But if they also drive the truck away and brutally kill the two prison guards and the driver, then the case will be exposed immediately, no matter how careful they are, they may still be discovered.

At that time, you will have to eat a gun.

Besides, even if someone of them can drive and steal the truck, where can they sell it?

At that time, not only will it not be sold, but it will become a burden.

As for killing and silencing, it is also useless except to vent anger. After all, Zhao Haifeng and Li Qingfeng, the two peaks, already knew what they looked like.

There is no need to do this at all.

That's why Li Weidong thinks they are smart.

"Captain, what do you want me to do? Let the interrogation intelligence team take action?"

Appreciation is appreciation, but Li Weidong's position is impossible to let the two liars go because of appreciation.

The sixth farm loses face, and it also loses his face.

Even if the main person responsible is Li Qingfeng.

Don't forget, Zhao Haifeng could hold a special meeting before, and he agreed.

So this matter is a collective decision.

In the end, something happened, and Li Weidong couldn't run away, and it was joint and several liability.


Before Zhao Haifeng could speak, Li Qingfeng shouted out.

In his opinion, Li Weidong did it on purpose.

Let the interrogation intelligence team know, isn't it the whole prison, the captain and the others know?

The vice-captain's ass has not yet settled down, so it's hard to leave sadly.

I must have offended this guy before, so the other party took the opportunity to add insult to injury.

"Captain, I admit that the main responsibility for this matter lies with me, but if it is made public and outsiders know about it, where will the face of our Sixth Farm be? I am afraid that we will lose our share of the advanced farm units throughout this year.

No matter how much contribution we make this year, it will all be in vain, and this is just because of our kindness, resulting in the loss of [-] catties of grain?is this fair "

Li Qingfeng spoke plausibly.

After speaking to Zhao Haifeng, Li Qingfeng aimed at Li Weidong again: "Vice Captain Weidong, one person does things and one person is in charge. Since I made a mistake, I am willing to make up for it with practical actions. From now on, I will no longer If you receive a penny of wages, you will follow the price of the grain and oil store until you have paid off the [-] catties of grain."

Obviously, Li Qingfeng planned to bear the loss of the farm by himself, that is, he would rather pay for it himself than want this matter to be made public.

After all, even if he pays out of his own pocket to make up for the loss of the farm, how much is fifteen hundred catties of grain worth?

This fifteen hundred catties of grain is not flour and rice, but cornmeal.

According to the grain and oil store, the price of stick noodles is only 165 yuan for [-] catties.

Of course, this is the part that does not include food stamps.

If you buy from the black market, you have to pay at least 1.5 times without food stamps.

Therefore, Li Qingfeng was still playing tricks.

According to his 18-level salary, 87.5 yuan per month, it can be made up in just two months.

Compared with the possible punishment, or even leaving sadly, let alone two months' salary, even twenty months' salary, what is it?
Li Qingfeng clearly wanted to solve this matter at the lowest cost.

That is, press down.

It must not be passed on.

Even Li Weidong had to admit that Li Qingfeng still had some brains, but he didn't feel too cold about these words, but looked at Zhao Haifeng as if asking.

After all, the opponent is the captain of the sixth farm.

Zhao Haifeng naturally heard what Li Qingfeng said just now. There is no doubt that if Li Qingfeng's intention is really followed, the loss can be compensated and the matter can be concealed. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Even his anger dissipated a bit.

Do you want to do this?

Involuntarily, Zhao Haifeng's heart swayed.

Li Weidong didn't speak, just looked at Zhao Haifeng, waiting for his answer.

Although he could perceive the other party's emotions and analyze the other party's thoughts, Li Weidong did not do so.

Even in normal life, most of the time, he doesn't deliberately perceive other people's emotions.

Unless it is something that is deliberately aimed at him, such as hostility, even if he does not take the initiative, he can still detect it.

Next to him, Li Qingfeng also looked at Zhao Haifeng nervously.

This is his only chance to come back.

As for the trainer Zhou Ji, although he didn't say anything, he looked at Zhao Haifeng worriedly.

Wang Hongwei looked at his nose with his eyes, his heart with his nose, and his mind was absent-minded.

Clearly not intending to express an opinion.

Just a few minutes, but it gives people a long feeling of several 10 minutes.

Finally, Zhao Haifeng breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes became firm again.

"Weidong, trouble your interrogation intelligence team with this matter, make sure to catch those two crooks!"

Obviously, Zhao Haifeng did not accept Li Qingfeng's suggestion.

Even if the suggestion seems tempting.

"Okay, don't worry, even if those two liars go to the ends of the earth, I will chase them back."

Li Weidong smiled.

Although, Zhao Haifeng's choice of Li Qingfeng's proposal is understandable, after all, as long as you are human, you will have selfishness, and it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

However, in that case, Li Weidong would also be disappointed with Zhao Haifeng.

Even if the other party used Gong Jiadong to suppress him before, it was just a normal reaction of a leader who felt threatened, as long as it was within the scope of the rules, it was normal.

Li Weidong can draw back with his backhand.

It's nothing.

In addition, Zhao Haifeng is also a qualified team leader. He devoted himself to the farm and put a lot of effort into the development and construction of the sixth farm.

Li Weidong didn't want to see the other party go astray, so he left sadly.

In that case, he would have to re-adapt to the new captain, but Zhao Haifeng's presence here made him feel more at ease.

You only need to follow the steps step by step, and you will be able to continue to gain.

The trainer Zhou Ji on the side also breathed a sigh of relief.

Only Li Qingfeng could not believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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