Chapter 281 Heartbeat!

Because I have to 'do errands' today.

So Li Weidong has been wearing police uniforms since he came out in the morning.

This can also save a lot of trouble.

Come to Dongtang, which is now Huiwo Primary School.

Li Weidong rang the doorbell, and after a while, a five or sixty-year-old old lady came out and looked at him through the door.

"The school is on holiday now, who are you looking for, and what's the matter?"

"I'm looking for Father Philip, and I need his help with something."

Li Weidong saw a cross embroidered on the other party's clothes, so his identity was self-evident.

It should be Father Philip's servants.

"Father Philip is praying now, why don't you come in and wait for a while, and I'll notify him when he's over."

Perhaps it was because Li Weidong was alone, and he didn't look like a bad guy. The key was that the policeman's clothes also played a role. The other party hesitated, but opened the door and let Li Weidong in.

"Comrade Public Security, what can you do with Father Philip?"

"I heard that Father Philip has adopted many children?"

Li Weidong asked while looking around.

The yard is very large, very flat and clean, except for a path paved with stones, the rest of the place is dirt.

If you compare it with the tall and unique building in front of you, it is obviously not worthy of it.

"What you're talking about happened two years ago, and those children were sent away later, aren't you a police officer from the nearby police station?"

The little old lady stopped and looked at Li Weidong seriously.

If the other party is really a police officer from a nearby police station, it is impossible not to know about this.

"This is my work permit. Look, I am indeed not from the nearby police station. The reason why I know Father Philip is because someone introduced him to me. I admire him for adopting children.

By the way, where are those children being sent? "

The little old lady took Li Weidong's work permit and read it carefully before letting go of her vigilance.

"The people in the street office said, how can our children be adopted by a foreigner? So they were all sent to orphanages."

Mentioning this, the other party was obviously dissatisfied.

Obviously, in order to send these children away, the trouble was not pleasant.

If this Father Philip is a good person and has no pictures, then from the fact that he chose to sell paintings to buy food for the children, it can be seen that he is very kind to those children, so he naturally has feelings for them.

"Although those children have been sent to the orphanage, Father Philip still visits them from time to time and brings them some food and clothing."

While talking, the little old lady led Li Weidong in through the small door next to him, all the way to a small living room.

"Those people use all the good rooms in the front as a school, but a good man like Father Philip can only..."

Having said this, he seemed to be aware that some words should not be said indiscriminately, and the other party hurriedly shut his mouth.

After all, today is different from the past. Although Li Weidong has a good attitude, he is a public family after all.

"I understand."

Li Weidong nodded. After all, in name, this Dongtang should belong to the other party.

"Then you sit here first, and I'll go see if Father Philip has finished praying."

The little old lady refilled a glass of water for Li Weidong and left in a hurry.

Li Weidong began to look at the somewhat narrow living room.

Various oil paintings are hung on the walls.

Basically, they are very abstract. It can be seen that this Father Philip should like to 'paint'.

However, Li Weidong really didn't study this thing, and he couldn't understand it, so he just glanced at it briefly and diverted his attention.

In addition, there are many photos on the wall, most of them are children, and in the middle is a tall foreign old man. Obviously, he is Father Philip.

Looking at the age, the other party is also 60 years old.

Unfortunately, Li Weidong did not find any clues related to that woman here.

In all the photos, there are many different characters, but there is no woman.

After waiting for about ten minutes, there were footsteps.

Li Weidong turned around, and saw an old foreign man walking in who was the same as the one in the photo, and it was Father Philip he was looking for.

"Father Philip, hello."

"Young man, hello, although I am very glad that you can come to me for help, but with all due respect, we don't seem to know each other?"

Father Fei Li looked at Li Weidong, and he spoke Chinese very well. If you put aside his appearance and just from his conversation, you can even tell that he is a very knowledgeable Chinese.

"Yes, this is the first time I see you, do you still remember Mo Yuxuan?"

Li Weidong asked directly.

"Mo Yuxuan?"

Father Philip frowned suddenly.

No matter how good his Chinese is, he is still a foreigner, and he is still old. It is normal for him to be vague about what happened a few years ago.

So Li Weidong directly took out the painting and unfolded it.

"Then do you remember this painting?"

"Ah, why is it in your hands? I remember what you said about Mo Yuxuan. That's where I sold the painting."

After Father Philip saw the painting, he finally came to a realization.

"Is this painting yours? Where did you come from?"

"It was given to me by one of my students, saying it was for me as a souvenir, but I really don't have much research on your paintings, and I don't understand them very well.

At the beginning, the church was difficult and I had no money, so I could only sell it. "

What Father Fili said was a matter of course.

Obviously, in his concept, what is given to him by others belongs to him completely.

Then, no matter how he handles it, it's his business.

I don't think there's anything wrong with that either.

After all, there are not many valuable things left in the church, and he is reluctant to part with his oil paintings if they are worthless.

In that difficult situation, it was quite normal to sell the painting.

"I don't know the name of your student, where is she now?"

Li Weidong didn't expect that that woman turned out to be a student of Father Philip. What did she learn from her?
"Her name is Mei Chuqing. I don't know where she is now. After she left, she never came back. In fact, I miss her a lot."

Father Philip said.

"Gone? When did you leave?"

"Many years, when your country was at war, yes, it was 1949.

That day, she told me that she was going to a faraway place and might never come back again, so she gave me this painting. "

Father Philip said.

"Gone in 49?"

This result is reasonable and unexpected.

It's no wonder that he found a photo of Gui Shaoning and the other party, but in all the materials, there is no trace of that woman.

From the perspective of normal development, Mei Chuqing should have evacuated with the large army.

Gui Shaoning, on the other hand, concealed his identity and hid in the Bell and Drum Tower Lane.

Until it was reported and caught!

The reason why Gui Shaoning did not choose to leave with the woman he loves is probably only one possibility, and that is related to the batch of mysterious materials.

From this point of view, this batch of mysterious materials is undoubtedly very important.

Later, the opponent's people kept trying to rescue Gui Shaoning, which also showed the importance of the mysterious material.

This also made Li Weidong more curious.

What kind of mysterious material is it that deserves Gui Shaoning's willingness to remain anonymous for so many years without hesitating to part with the woman he loves?

What is the purpose?
And these years, has the other party never thought of transferring this batch of mysterious materials?

Can't, or dare not?

Or is it another reason?
"Yes, you want to find her? I'm sorry, I don't know where she went, and I'm afraid I can't help you."

"You, you have helped me."

This trip, Li Weidong basically got the information he wanted.

Next, you just need to find the batch of mysterious materials step by step.

"Really? It's good if I can help you."

Father Philip was a little surprised, but still nodded.

"By the way, Father, I really like the architectural style here, can you introduce it to me?"

"I'm very happy, please follow me."

Father Feili was not impatient when he heard Li Weidong's request, but was full of joy.

This place has long been regarded as his home by him, not to mention, in a foreign country, only this special building can fill his heart.

It is rare that people here like this kind of architecture, so he is naturally happy to share his joy.

Next, under the leadership of the other party, Li Weidong walked around the entire church, until he came outside, he inadvertently pointed to the somewhat abrupt bell tower and asked: "Is this the bell tower of the church? It looks like it was built Not many years."

"Yes, in fact, this bell tower is related to Ms. Mei Chuqing. She specially asked someone to build it in order to thank the Lord. Unfortunately, the original architect could not really understand the meaning of the church, so this bell tower is a bit different from the church. harmonious."

There was obvious regret on Father Philip's face.

"Ms. Mei Chuqing asked someone to build it? Can I visit it? Actually, I have also been to the Bell and Drum Tower, and there is also a bell tower there. I still like this kind of building."

Although Li Weidong can sneak in here quietly at night, he can't watch carefully at night like during the day.

Now that he has a fair excuse, he doesn't want to miss it.

"Of course, I have been to the bell tower you mentioned. I have to say that the buildings in your country are still very beautiful, especially the big, big clock, which I remember deeply."

Then, the two came to the bell tower.

The bell tower is square, about five meters high, and only about 30 meters high. Although the shape is closer to the style of the church, there are still many differences in the subtleties.

It's no wonder that Father Philip was a little dissatisfied.

After all, Gui Shaoning built it in a hurry, so it was definitely impossible to find an expert who was really proficient in foreign architecture. It would be great if he could follow the gourd.

For some reason, when approaching the bell tower, Li Weidong suddenly felt a sense of trepidation, especially when Father Philip opened the small door and invited him to go up, that feeling became even stronger.

It seemed that he was stepping on a volcano, and this volcano would erupt at any moment.

With Li Weidong's current keen perception, to some extent, it is already equivalent to the sixth or seventh sense.

Just like before an earthquake, many animals can sense it and become restless.

At this moment, Li Weidong feels this way.

This has never been done before.

He estimated that even if someone pointed a gun at him, he wouldn't have such a strong reaction.

Could it be that this clock tower is a shabby project, already crumbling and ready to collapse at any moment?
But no matter what, Li Weidong didn't plan to get any closer, let alone follow him up.

The gentleman does not stand under the wall.

Knowing that there may be danger, but still insisting on going forward, it is courting death.

"Father Philip, I just remembered that I have other things to do. Why don't you come here today and show me around the next time you come?"

Li Weidong stopped and said to Father Philip.

"Well, it's okay, you have something to do first."

Father Philip said reasonably, and there was no dissatisfaction on his face.

In this way, Li Weidong stayed away from the bell tower, and the feeling of being terrified also disappeared.

Although there may not be any real danger, Li Weidong will not take risks even if there is only this sign.

But this also made Li Weidong more sure that there must be some kind of danger hidden there that he didn't know about.

Is it the clock tower itself, or something hidden under the clock tower?

Saying goodbye to Father Philip, Li Weidong got on his bicycle and thought in his mind as he walked.

With limited clues, he couldn't discern a real outcome.

But there is always a feeling that tells him that the truth is close at hand.

Unknowingly, Li Weidong turned onto another road on his bicycle, until he saw the road sign, his eyes suddenly widened.

He stopped right where he was, looked back at the church where he could still see the roof, and then looked straight ahead.

Church, Chang'an Street!

The straight-line distance is only a little over one kilometer.

In my mind, that layer of window paper was pierced in an instant, and all the clues turned into—the truth!
It's just that the truth is a bit scary.

Even with Li Weidong's courage, this meeting will be a bit cold.

Mysterious stuff, mystical stuff.

He finally understood why it wasn't gold jewelry or other logistical supplies.

It's code-named mysterious material.

Because this batch of mysterious materials cannot be seen at all, let alone record their names on paper.

It's no wonder that Gui Shaoning is willing to remain anonymous. After all these years, those people still refuse to give up.

Everything was figured out by Li Weidong at this moment.

Without hesitation, he turned his head and rode his bicycle quickly towards the nearest eleventh inning.

When he got here, he went straight to Chen Xia's office.

"car key."

When Chen Xia saw Li Weidong, he wanted to say hello, but unexpectedly, the other party stretched out his hand anxiously.

Although he didn't know what happened, but seeing the expression on Li Weidong's face, he took out the car keys immediately.

"What happened?"

"It's a big deal, let's talk about it later."

After leaving this sentence, Li Weidong ran out, got into the car and turned on the ignition, then slammed on the accelerator and drove away quickly.

Although Chen Xia followed closely behind, he could only see a tail flick before disappearing without a trace.

"This guy, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Chen Xia muttered in confusion.

Li Weidong drove the jeep, and when he reached the main road, he picked up the speed and went straight to the prison.

It's significantly faster to drive than to ride a bicycle.

The cold wind from the window is pouring in.

It wasn't until he left the city that he calmed down a little.

In fact, he also knew that things were not as urgent as he thought, but ever since he discovered the truth, he couldn't help becoming anxious.

Although there are still many doubts in his heart that he has not been able to solve, but it is not important now.

At least, these questions, doubts, should be placed in the back.

When he got to the prison, Li Weidong had completely calmed down and hid all his anxiety.

Along the way, he sorted out the whole thing thoroughly, and he was fully prepared in his heart.

Putting on a joyful expression, Li Weidong went straight to the office of Captain Xu Wen.


When Xu Wen heard the voice, he looked up and saw that it was Li Weidong, so he was happy.

"Isn't this Vice Captain Li and Deputy Team Leader Li? Why come to me when you have time?"

Apparently, Xiang Tianming came to report to work alone before, but Li Weidong simply dropped the pick, which made Xu Wen a little 'dissatisfied'.

"Captain, I'm here to announce the good news to you. It's definitely good news."

Li Weidong approached with a smile.

"Oh, what good news? Let's hear it."

Xu Wen put down the pen, got up and walked out from behind the desk, just in time to move his body.

"Do you remember Gui Shaoning?"

Li Weidong said directly.

"Gui Shaoning? Remember, isn't he already dead? Why are you mentioning him?"

Xu Wen's eyelids twitched, and he looked at Li Weidong puzzled.

"Didn't Gui Shaoning hide a batch of mysterious materials back then, and never found them?"

"Could it be that you found it?" Xu Wen looked at him in surprise.

"Yes, I found it."

Li Weidong nodded affirmatively.

"Did you find it? How did you find it? Where did you find it? Besides you, who else knows about it?"

Xu Wen asked several questions in succession.

Obviously, in his heart, he was far less calm than he had shown before.

Even this meeting has become urgent.

"Captain, don't worry, the things are right there, you won't be able to escape. I'm the only one who knows about this."

Now, it was Li Weidong's turn to appease the other party's emotions.

"Are you sure you found it? You're not lying to me? I can warn you, this kind of thing can't be used as a joke."

Xu Wen calmed down a little, and then asked.

"Although I haven't seen that batch of mysterious materials yet, I think ninety-nine percent, it should be. Didn't I just find it, so I came to inform you?"

Li Weidong looked like he didn't take credit for it.

Xu Wen stared at Li Weidong seriously, and saw that he was not unusual at all, and he didn't seem to be lying. In addition, Li Weidong was always a man and capable, so he already believed it in his heart.

But he knows far more than Li Weidong, so he understands priorities better.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call first."

After Xu Wen finished speaking, he hurried to the desk, picked up the red phone and dialed it.

This also made Li Weidong more sure of his guess.

After a full hour.

In the office, all the people who should gather have arrived.

Captain Xu Wen, the (political) commissar, last time Li Weidong found the secret room Gui Shaoning left behind, and came to take Gui Shaoning away, the stern Director Zhou in a Chinese tunic suit.

As well as Wang Zhenyi, Chang Qingbo, and Xiang Tianming.

Finally, it was Li Weidong!
 Five thousand words!

  In two days, I made up [-] words, and I figured it out, it should be paid off, right?
  So tomorrow, start adding monthly tickets!
  Now 1200 monthly tickets are 1 words added!

(End of this chapter)

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